



1、选修七Module4导学案班级:姓名:设计人:陈巍 第1 课时 课型: Introduction and Reading 备课审核: 教研组审核: 教务处审核: 学习目标:知识目标:A:了解美国音乐的有关知识;B:学习并掌握与音乐有关的词汇和习惯表达法;能力目标:训练学生的阅读微技能(即根据文章内容做判断);情感目标:了解美国音乐,感受音乐的美。难点:语篇探究分析。课前预习案使用说明及学法指导:1.先通读教材,完成表层理解题,再勾画出文中的疑难点,了解有关嬉蹦乐的知识。2.限时30分钟完成预习案。 I.教材助读(二轮阅读)一轮阅读做题目(1) What is the difference be

2、tween a choir and a band?A _ is a large group of singers. A _ is small group of musicians. They play music and may also sing.(2) What instruments do jazz musicians play?(3) What is the difference between the soul singer and the blues singer?_ is often quieter than _, and people dont usually dance to

3、 it二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议:在文中勾画出单词短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义。1.单词1. 复杂的;高级的(adj.) _ 2 .有节奏的(adj.)_ 3.即席演奏(n.)_ 4. 话筒(n.)_ 5 .说唱乐(n.)_ 6 .运动(n.)_ 7. 技巧,手法(n.) _ 8 .嗓音的(adj.)_ 9.方法;步骤(n.)_ 10. 衰退;下降(n.)_ 11 . 出现(v.)_ 2. 重点短语1. 随着跳舞_ 2 .随身带去 _ 3.并排并肩_ 4. 用做试验_ 5 .厌烦_ 6 .在下降_ 7. 利用 _ 8 .(指消息等)传到某个地方_ II.我的疑惑 请你将预习中

4、未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,等待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。_课内探究案 一、质疑探究质疑解疑、合作探究Ask Ss to read the passage on page 43 and then fill in the table.TypePlace of originTime of originFeatureGospel musicSoul musicJazzBlues二语篇探究Read the passage quickly and sum up the main idea.Part 1: _Part 2: _ Part 3: _Part 4: _ 课后练习案单项选择1.With

5、 spring_,the weather became warmer.AApproachesBapproachingC approach Dapproached2. _ his scientific work, he has no time to care for his family affairs, which his wife always complains about.A. Devoting toB. Devoted toC. Being devoted withD. Devoted with3. Everybody present at the meeting _ the hero

6、ic deeds of the policeman, who made a moving report.A. was impressed by B.made a strong impressionC. impressed withD.produced an impression on4. How will the movie finally _? I couldnt wait to see the ending.A. come up B. come outC. be came out D. came out5. The children ran out of the house to welc

7、ome their daddy _ they saw him come back home.A. the momentB. at the moment C. for the moment D. not for a moment6. What a bad job you have done? Your boss will be _ with it.A. far from satisfyingB. far from satisfiedC. from far satisfied D. far from being satisfying7. _ the vegetables to go bad, he

8、 preferred to sell them at half price.A. Rather than allowing B. Rather than to allowC. More than allowD. Rather than allow总结反刍请对本节课的内容从课文理解和长难句分析方面进行二次领会和记忆。V. 我的收获反思静悟、体验成功 _Suggested Answers:TypePlace of originTime of originFeatureGospel musicSouthern United StatesIn the 19th centuryChurch, strong and rhythmicSoul musicSouthern United States/A mixture of blues, gospel, a little rock and rollJazzAfrican-Americans in New OrleansIn the early 20th centuryImprovisation and using un


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