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1、Chapter 5-2 Material List材料r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品01Aluminum windows, including hardware铝合金窗,包括五金件Yin Yi Bai or Xinfa aluminum profile银一百或者兴发型材Workshop:生产车间:Cold bridge insulated aluminum alloy door and window, east 70 aluminum profile, opening metho

2、d subject to tender drawings,der spraying for the surface of aluminum alloy profile, double hollow Low-E glass, K2.4w/m2.k.断桥隔热铝合金窗,至少 70 系列型材,开启方式详见招标图纸,铝合金型材表面粉未喷涂,双层中空 Low-E 玻璃,K2.4w/m2.k。Other individual buildings:其它单体:-thermal insulated aluminum window, 50 type aluminum profile, der spraying on

3、 surface of aluminum profile, single glazing, suitable hardware, K value subject to national & local currently valid design codes非断桥隔热铝合金窗,50 系列铝合金型材,铝合金型材表面粉未喷涂,单层玻璃,配套的五金件,K 值根据国r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品家和地方现行的设计规范确定02Sectional door升板门Doorhan or Novo

4、ferm or Crawford or Xuanyuan或者诺沃芬或者阔福或者轩源Hot galvanized steel plate on both sides, PU foamed or rock wool insulated, steel panels 375 mm high, stucco textured outside and inside (made of hot galvanized steel), finger trap protection, 42mm thick, including ermediate seals betn the door sections. Norm

5、al track N (on request with track H, HU, V and VU), 2- sided, angled frame, closed at the sides (made of hot galvanized steel) with side seal. Door leaf polyester- primed outside and inside grey white, All other steel parts are hot galvanized. Torsprings are shotblasted and aluminum paed.双层热镀锌钢板,内衬P

6、U或岩棉保温层,钢板内、外部表面细纹设计,门板高度为375mm,厚度为42mm,门板间特有手指保护设计,并配有密封条。标准轨道N(根据尺寸及现场条件可选轨道H, HU, V和VU) ,热镀锌钢板,双侧门框,导轨侧面配有密封条。 门板内、外部均为聚酯涂装,颜色为灰白色,其它所有钢制部分采用热镀锌处理。扭簧表面经 抛丸应力处理,并涂装铝色。r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品03Normal rolling door普通卷帘门Novoferm or Flexiforce or Meiman

7、 or Xuanyuan或者荷富力或者美曼或者轩源Anti-wind com ite steel rolling door, 1.0mm hot galvanized steel plate with spray-pa ing on both sides, including door panel, box cover, rail, manual and electrical driving system, controlling box and buttons, 2- 9m/min opening/closing speed, infrared protection system抗风复合钢质

8、卷帘门,基材为1.0mm厚镀锌钢板,双面喷塑,含门体、箱罩、导轨、手电两用传动装置、控制盒和2只按钮盒,正常启闭速度为2-9m/min,含红外保护r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品04Normal steel door普通钢门Novoferm or Meiman or Xuanyuan或者美曼或者轩源fitting to brickwork, concrete, gypsum partition wall. Door leaf, 40 mm thick, 4 sides flat,

9、steel thickness 0.6 mm, infill p rb. Door frame, knockdown block frame 1.5 mm thick, 3 sides EPDM seal, 20 mm floor re s. Mortise lock with profile cylinder, standard Echo lever handle, two stainless hinges and for double- leaf door four stainless hinges in Standard; Overhead door closer is on reque

10、st.钢制平开门(单双开): 可安装在砖墙、混凝土墙和石膏板墙体上。门板40毫米厚,四边,钢板厚度0.6毫米,填充高强度蜂窝纸板且与钢板充分粘接。门框,钢板厚度1.5毫米,三侧镶嵌EPDM密封条,标准矩框带20毫米地面预埋。五金配件符合德标联动式锁体配锁芯,标准配套Echo把手,两个标准不锈钢轴承铰链,双开门配四个标准不锈钢轴承铰链,闭门器。Double glazing door lights should be installed, subject to further discus during site construction, without any change of contra

11、ct price.门上应安装有亮子,双层玻璃,具体形式将于现场施工中确定,但合同价格不再变更Threshold, standard product from the doorr, should be installed for all external steel doors, andr供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品qualified rubber sealing strip should be installed properly, to close the gap bet n

12、door panel and door frame.所有外门应安装门槛,门槛应为门供应商的标准产品并且,门扇和门框之间的应正确安装合格的橡胶密封条,以封闭门扇和门框之间的缝隙。r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品05Fire resisting steel door防火钢门Novoferm or Meiman或者美曼ernment approval has already been received after firefighting testing is made by natio

13、nal & local authorities.已和项目当地通过消测并获得Door panels: 50mm thick otal, made from 0.8mm hot galvanized steel plates, fully filled with firefighting rock wool or other firefighting materials, two safety steel plugs, three hidden firefighting expanding strip on three sides, split spring hidden plugs to be

14、installed for the fixed door panel of double door门板50mm厚,采用0.8mm 优质热镀锌钢板, 防火岩棉或其他防火材料填充,与钢板充分粘接, 2 个安销,3 面隐蔽的防火膨胀条。双开门固定扇配分体弹簧暗插销,上下分别销紧Door frame: 45 connection at left & right upper corners with inner steel plate and bolts, 20mm embedded at the bottom, made from 1.5mm thick hot galvanized steel pl

15、ates, PVC sealing strips on three sides门框左右上角为 45 连接,内置插片定位螺栓连接,底部预埋 20 mm,采用 1.5 mm 优质热镀锌钢板,三侧镶嵌 PVC 密封条r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品Both door panels and door frame should be anti-sic daed.门板和门框表面均静电粉末喷涂。06Fire resisting rolling door防火卷帘门Novoferm or Meima

16、n or Xuanyuan或者美曼或者轩源The grade of fire resisting limit is 3.0h、2.0h、1.5h. Smoke-preventing property: the smoke leakage amount of smoke-preventing roller shutter shall be not more n 0.2m3/m2min. Wind pre re resistant strength: the average wind pre re resistant strength of different type roller shutte

17、r is 80Pa/m2. The speed of open and close is 2-9m/min. er supply: three phase, 380V, 50HZ.耐火极限分级为3.0h、2.0h、1.5h。防烟性能:防烟型卷闸漏烟量不大于0.2m3/m2min。抗风压强度:各型卷闸的抗风压性能平均为80Pa/m2。启闭速度:2-9m/min。电源:三相,380V,50HZ。ernment approval has already been received after firefighting testing is made by national & local autho

18、rities.已 和项目当地通过消 测并获得r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品07PVC high speed rolling doorDoorhan or Flexforce or Xuanyuan or Meiman or Crawford多翰或者荷富力或者轩源或者美曼或者阔福Standard fitting, opening/closing speed: 0.8m/safety edge device, 1.5mm thick PVC door panel, earth ind

19、uctor on both sides, additional steel tube and steel sheet for decoration, indoor use标配,上升/下降速度 0.8m/s,底边安全保护,轨道上安装光眼安全保护,中间UPVC门板厚度为1.5mm,上下为不透明帘板, 双面地磁感应线圈,附加方管及收边装饰彩钢板,室内用门r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品08Door handles门把手Eco or FSBFSB 1076 Product or simil

20、ar Eco product FSB 1076 产品或Eco的类似产品FSB should not be replaced with Hagri.不得采用Hagri替换FSBr供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品09Door Lock锁体Dorma多玛Type is DTS771型号为 DTS771Escadoor lock should be installed on the esca doors. Details is subject to final solution during

21、 site construction, without any change of contract price.逃生门上应配置逃生锁。具体方案在现场施工时确定,但合同价格不再变更。10Door closer闭门器GEZE/GMT/GMTThe type of door closer is slide-bar, it shall have adjustment of door opening order for double leaves door. The surface of door closer shall be aluminum alloy anodization, EV1.闭门器为

22、滑杆式,对于双页门应有开门次序调节。闭门器表面为铝合金阳极氧化,EV 1。闭门器上应设置定位装置。itioning device should beegrated with door closer.No.序号Name名称r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品11Door stopper门吸FSB 3878Stainless steel/synthetic material.不锈钢或者材料In principal, door stopper should be installed for

23、all doors, but the detailed installation concept will be finally decided during construction, without adjustment of contract price.原则上每道门都应该安装门吸,但具体安装方案将在施工中确定,合同价格不再相应调整。12ernal roof steel sheet屋面内层彩钢板Bluescope material博思格板材Alternative: Baosteel material备选:宝钢板材The thickness of steel base plate isea

24、st 0.5mm, at least 100g/m2 zinc and aluminum on both sides, moren G300, PVDF coating.内板的基板至少厚0.5mm,正反两面每平米镀铝锌含量大于等于100g,强度大于G300,氟碳涂层。Type:east 900mm wide each panel,east 16mm high wave板型:每块板至少900mm宽,至少16mmernal steel cladding will be installed under roof purlin.屋面内层彩钢板将安装于屋面檩条的下方No.序号Name名称r供应商Spec

25、ification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品No leakage in 10 years; no rust in 20 years 10年内不得渗漏;20年内彩钢板不得出现锈蚀No.序号Name名称r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品13External roof steel sheet屋面外层彩钢板Bluescope material博思格板材Alternative: Baosteel materi

26、al备选:宝钢板材The thickness of plate shall be not lessn 0.6mm; the steel base plate should be at least 0.50mm thick, at least 150kg/m2 zinc and aluminum respectively on both sides, moren G300, with PVDF coating. It is request t the roof plate cant be joed, it shall consider rolling external roof plates a

27、nd purlisite, thermal insulationsystemalladoptBluescopestandard structure and material, the bolt must be high qualityheat galvanized material.板厚至少0.6mm,基板厚度至少0.50mm,正反两面每平镀铝锌含量应分别大于等于150g,强度大于G300,氟碳涂层。要求屋面板不搭接,应考虑在现场轧制外层屋面板及檩条,保温体系均采用博思格标准构造和材料,螺钉必须为高质量热镀锌材料。Type: 360 degree folded jo, glue filled

28、inside, 450- 750mm wide each panel,east 70mm high wave板型:360直立锁缝,锁缝处注胶,每块板宽度450- 750mm,至少70mmNo leakage in 10 years; no rust in 20 years 10年内不得渗漏;20年内彩钢板不得出现锈蚀14ernal wall steel claddingBluescope materialTechnical specification is exactly as same asernal roof steel claddingNo.序号Name名称r供应商Specificati

29、on, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品内层彩钢板博思格板材Alternative: Baosteel material备选:宝钢板材技术要求同屋面内层板15ernal wall steel cladding外层彩钢板Bluescope material博思格板材Alternative: Baosteel material备选:宝钢板材The thickness of plate shall be not less n 0.6mm; the steel base plate should be at least 0.5

30、0mm thick, at least 150kg/m2 zinc and aluminum respectively on both sides, more n G300, with PVDF coating板厚至少0.6mm,基板厚度至少0.50mm,钢板正反两面每平米镀铝锌含量大于等于150g,钢材为G300,涂层为氟碳YX35-125-750 type板型:YX35-125-750No leakage in 10 years; no rust in 20 years 10年内不得渗漏;20年内彩钢板不得出现锈蚀No.序号Name名称r供应商Specification, type and

31、 technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品16Insulation layer for steel cladding彩钢板保温棉Owens Corning科宁Fiber glass, aluminum film, 16kg/m3玻璃保温棉,带铝箔,容重至少16kg/m3150mm (100mm+50mm) thick material on both roof and wall in Conventional Casting Workshop (Axis AE- BC/8-14 on 2nd floor of Workshop);成型车间(生产

32、车间二层AE-BC/8-14轴)的屋面保温棉和保温棉均为150mm厚(100mm+50mm)In Wall Structure EW4, the thermal insulation material is 50mm thick构造EW4中的保温棉为50mm厚100mm (50mm+50mm) thick material on both roof and wall in other areas其 它 区 域 的屋 面 保 温 棉 为 100mm 厚(50mm+50mm)17Operable skylight on roof屋面可开启采光天窗宁波欧适节能科技或 阳光天创装饰工程有限公司或江土专

33、业防排烟高科技或 胜用于平时的自然通风和消防排烟。On the production workshop roof, daylighting skylight will be app d, for the usual natural ventilation and fire smoke.可开启窗的面积应满足自然通风机消防排烟要求,其他部分为固定窗。No.序号Name名称r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品尚建材有限公司Adexsi orguang Tianchuang or Junctu

34、reOpen area of the skylight should meet the requirements for natural ventilation and fire smoke exhausting, the rest part should be fixed windows.天窗框及支架为铝合金管型材料。天窗透光板采用透明聚碳酸脂板,以确保天窗的隔热性能。Skylight and stent are aluminum alloy tube type materials. The plate of skylight is made of transparent carbonic

35、acid plate skylight, to ensure t skylight heat insulation performance其它详细要求详见技术标准。About other detailed requirement, refer to Technical Specification.18Indoor steel flashing室内彩钢收边板Bluescope material博思格板材Alternative: Baosteel material备选:宝钢板The technical specification is as same as theernal roof & wall

36、 steel cladding技术要求同屋面和的内层彩钢板In ordert the steel flashing can be straight and flat enough, the steel flashing should be thick enough.为了保证收边板的平直度,收边板应足够厚度。No.序号Name名称r供应商Specification, type and technical parameter规格、型号及技术参数Picture of sle样品材19Outdoor steel flashing室外彩钢收边板Bluescope material博思格板材Alternative: Baosteel material备选:宝钢板材The technical specification is as same as the external roof & wall steel cladding技术要求同屋面和的外层彩钢板In ordert the steel flashing can be straight and flat enough, the steel flashing should be thick enough.为了保证收边板的平直度,收边板应足够厚度。20Vertical rainwater pipes水落管Bluescope


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