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1、专业英语教案Teaching Plan on Specialized English Course for Applied Chemistry课程类型:化学系专业选修课Lesson Type: Specialized Course for Applied Chemistry 第1页,共78页。Teaching Plan on Specialized English Course for Applied ChemistryPart 1 Physical PropertiesPart 2 Chemical EquationsPart 3 Chemical CalculationPart 4 Nom

2、enclature Of Inorganic ChemicalsPart 5 Some Basic Chemical TheoriesPart6 TranslationPart7 A brief introduction to scientific writing in English第2页,共78页。Part 1 Physical Properties物 理 性 质1)Colour 颜色 colourless red-brown violet-black purple-black pale yellow dark brown第3页,共78页。2)statesolid liquid gasga

3、seous oily crystalline uncrystallinemolten fused第4页,共78页。3)smellodourless pungent penetratingchokingoffensive sour sweetbitter第5页,共78页。4)solubilitysoluble insoluble slightly soluble very soluble第6页,共78页。5)observationsbrisk effervescence precipitate milkyaqueous solution第7页,共78页。6)densityheavy light

4、less dense denser greatly denser slightly denser about the same dense第8页,共78页。7)hardnesshard soft ductile malleable第9页,共78页。8)toxicitytoxic poisonous第10页,共78页。9)melting point boiling pointHigh low第11页,共78页。10)conductivityelectronic conductivitythermal conductivityconductorsemiconductorinsulator第12页,

5、共78页。Disproportionation(歧化反应)neutralization; hydrolysis(中和反应,水解反应)exothermic reaction(放热反应) endothermic reaction(吸热反应) reversible reaction(可逆反应) forward reaction(正向反应) reverse reaction(逆反应) spontaneous reaction(自发的反应) nonspontaneous reaction (非自发反应)1.反应名称:化 学 方 程 式Part 2 Chemical Equations第13页,共78页。

6、2、反应条件 heat ; burn ignite/ignition (点燃) electrolyze/electrolysis(电解) under/at ambient/room temperature under standard pressure with/in the prescence of catalyst 第14页,共78页。3、 读 法3.1 Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen to form ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.高温,高压第15

7、页,共78页。1 mol nitrogen reacts with 3 mol hydrogen to form 2 mol ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst. 第16页,共78页。3.2 Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.第17页,共78页。 Ammonia decomposes to nit

8、rogen and hydrogen at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.第18页,共78页。3.3 Reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst gives ammonia.第19页,共78页。At high temperature and pressure, reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen in th

9、e presence of a catalyst takes place.第20页,共78页。 Zinc treated with hydrochloric acid forms hydrogen and zinc chloride2第21页,共78页。3.4 Calcium carbonate when heated produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide Calcium carbonate is heated to yield calcium oxide and carbon dioxide Calcium carbonate decompose

10、s to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when it is heated第22页,共78页。3.1 化 学 术 语atomic mass/weight ; molecular weightamount (of substance); mole摩尔;克分子 number of moles ; molar massmolar volume ; concentrationmolarity mulriti; mulriti: excess agentlimiting agent ; reactantproduct ; yieldPart 3 Chemical Ca

11、lculation(化学计算 )第23页,共78页。3.2 数学术语: 运算名称 addition substraction mulplication division动词读法add substract(ed)from multiply(ied)by divide(d)by介词读法plus minusmains times over运算结果 sum difference product quotientkwunt 第24页,共78页。0.001 o/zero point o o one2/3 two thirds equals/is equal to is approximately equa

12、l to less than greater thanx2 x squaredx3 x cubed x-10 x to the minus tenth power100oc one hundred degrees centigrade 5% five percent (by mass, volume)() round brackets/parentheses square/angular brackets braces第25页,共78页。基 本 形 状linear pyramidal 三角锥的trigonal tetrahedral 正四面体的square spherical 球形的recta

13、ngularovalcircle planarsteroscopic第26页,共78页。无机物质的命名Part 4 Nomenclature Of Inorganic Chemicalselementcompound第27页,共78页。4.1 元素和单质的命名 “元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”,有时为了区别,在强调“单质”时可用“free element”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文名称是一样的。下面给出的既是元素的名称,同时又是单质的名称。第28页,共78页。S-block ElementIAHydrogenLithiumSodiumPotassium Rubidiu

14、mCesiumFranciumIIABerylliumMagnesiumCalciumStrontiumBariumRadium第29页,共78页。IIIAboronAluminiumGalliumIndiumThalliumIV ACarbonSiliconGermaniumTinLeadV ANitrogenPhosphorusArsenicAntimonyBismuthVIAOxygenSulfurSeleniumTelluriumPoloniumVIIAFluorineChlorineBromineIodineAstatine0HeliumNeonArgonKryptonXenonRa

15、donP-block Element第30页,共78页。Common Transition Elememt Fe : iron Mn : manganese Cu: copper Zn: zinc Hg: mercury Ag: silver Au: gold第31页,共78页。4.2化合物的命名 化合物的命名顺序都是根据化学式从左往右读,这与中文读法顺序是相反的。表示原子个数时使用前缀:mono-di-tri- tetra-penta- hexa- hepta- octa-,nona-,deca-,但是在不会引起歧义时,这些前缀都尽可能被省去。第32页,共78页。1 化合物正电荷部分的读法直

16、呼其名,即读其元素名称。 如CO: carbon monoxide Al2O3: aluminium oxide N2O4 :Dinitrogen tetroxide (tetra-,mono-后缀中的a,o在后一o之前省去) 对于有变价的金属元素,除了可用前缀来表示以外,更多采用罗马数字来表示金属的氧化态,或用后缀-ous表示低价,-ic表示高价。如 FeO: iron(II) oxide 或 ferrous oxide Fe2O3: iron (III) oxide或ferric oxide Cu2O: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxide CuO: copper(

17、II) oxide或cupric oxide 第33页,共78页。化合物负电荷部分的读法:.二元化合物. 非金属氢化物 . 无氧酸. 含氧酸与含氧酸根阴离子. 盐第34页,共78页。4.2.1二元化合物 常见的二元化合物有卤化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化物,金属氢化物等,命名时需要使用后缀-ide,如:fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, oxide,sulfide,nitride, phosphide, carbide,hydride; OH -的名称也是用后缀-ide:hydroxide, 非金属氢化物不用此后缀,而是将其看成其它二元化合物(

18、见4.),非最低价的二元化合物还要加前缀, 如O22-: peroxide O2-: superoxide举例:NaF: sodium fluorideAlCl3: aluminium chloride Mg2N3: magnesium nitride Ag2S: silver sulfide CaC2: calcium carbide Fe(OH)2:iron(II) hydroxide 有些物质常用俗称,如NO nitric oxide N2O nitrous oxide第35页,共78页。4.2 非金属氢化物 1)除了水和氨气使用俗称water,ammonia以外,其它的非金属氢化物都用

19、系统名称,命名规则根据化学式的写法不同而有所不同。对于卤族和氧族氢化物,在化学式中写在前面,因此将其看成另一元素的二元化合物。 举例: HF hydrogen fluoride HCl hydrogen chloride HBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodide H2S hydrogen sulfide H2Se hydrogen selenide H2Te hydrogen telluride 2) 对于其它族的非金属氢化物,在化学式中写在后面,可加后缀ane,氮族还可加-ine 举例: PH3: phosphine或phosphane AsH3: ar

20、sine或arsane SbH3: stibine或stibane BiH3: bismuthane CH4: methane SiH4: silane B2H6: diborane第36页,共78页。4. 无氧酸命名规则:hydro-词根-icacid 举例: HCl: hydrochloric acid H2S : hydrosufuric acidB Boron Bor- Boride Br Bromine Brom- BromideCl Chlorine Chlor- ChlorideF Fluorine Fluor- FluorideH Hydrogen Hydr- HydrideI

21、 Iodine Iod- IodideN Nitrogen Nitr- NitrideO Oxygen Ox- OxideP Phosphorus Phosph- PhosphideS Sulfur Sulf- or sulfur- SulfideSymbol Element Stem Binary name endings 第37页,共78页。4. 含氧酸与含氧酸根阴离子 化学专业英语用前后缀的不同组合显示不同价态的含氧酸和含氧酸根阴离子,价态相同的含氧酸及含氧酸根阴离子具有相同的前缀,不同的后缀。高某酸 per-ic 正酸 ic 亚酸 -ous 次酸 hypo-ous高某酸根 per-at

22、e 正酸根 ate 亚酸根 -ite 次酸根hypo-ite其它的前缀还有 ortho-正 meta- 偏 thio-硫代举例:HClO4 perchloric acid ClO4- perchlorate ion HClO3 chloric acid ClO3- chlorate ion HClO2 chlorous acid ClO2- chlorite ion HClO hypochlorous acid ClO- hypochlorite ion H2SO4 sulfuric acid H2SO3 sulfurous acid HNO3 nitric acid HNO2 nitrous

23、 acid HPO3 metaphosphoric acid S2O32- thiosulfate ion第38页,共78页。4. 盐正盐:根据化学式从左往右分别读出阳离子和阴离子的名称。 如FeSO4 iron(II) sulfate KMnO4 potassium permanganate酸式盐:同正盐的读法,酸根中的读做hydrogen,氢原子的个数用前缀表示。如NaHCO3: sodium hydrogencarbonate 或 sodium bicarbonate NaH2PO4: sodium dihydrogenphosphate第39页,共78页。复盐:同正盐的读法,并且阳离子

24、按英文名称的第一个字母顺序读。如 KNaCO3: potassuim sodium carbonateNaNH4HPO4: ammonium sodium hydrogenphosphate水合盐:结晶水读做water或hydrate如AlCl36H2O: aluminum chloride 6-water 或aluminum chloride hexahydrate AlK(SO4) 212H2O aluminium potassium sulphate 12-water 第40页,共78页。有机物质的命名烷烃的英文命名 1)烷烃(Alkanes )有机化合物的英文命名很不统一,有普通命名、

25、衍生命名、系统命名及CA系统命名等。CH4 甲烷 methaneC2H6 乙烷 ethaneC3H8 丙烷 propaneC4H10 丁烷 butaneC5H12 戊烷pentaneC6H14 己烷 hexaneC7H16 庚烷 heptaneC8H18 辛烷 octaneC9H20 壬烷 nonaneC10H22 癸烷 decaneC11H24 十一undecaneC12H26 十二烷dodecaneC18H28 十三烷tridecaneC14H30 十四烷tetradecaneC15H32 十五烷pentadecaneC16H34 十六烷hexadecan烷烃的英文名称字尾都有-ane 第

26、41页,共78页。2 不饱和烃Unsaturated HydrocarbonCH3甲 基 methyl methylCH3CH2乙 基 ethyl ethylCH3CH2CH2正丙基n-propyl propyl异丙基isopropyl (1-methyl ethyl)CH3CH2CH2CH2 正丁基n-butyl butylCH3(CH2)3CH2 正戊基n-pentyl或n-amyl pentyl异戊基isopentyl或isoamyl (3-methyl butyl)新戊基neopentyl (2,2-dimethyl propyl)烷基的名称 第42页,共78页。CH2=CH2 乙 烯

27、 ethylene ethylene,CH3CH=CH2 丙 烯 propylene propene,1丁烯1-butylene 1-butene,(CH3)2C=CH2 异丁烯isobutylene propene, 2methylCH3CH2CH2CH=CH2 1戊烯1-amylene 1-pentene,异戊二烯isoprene 1,3butadiene,2-methyl-烯基(alkenyl)是将烯的字尾-ene 改为-enyl。烯类化合物的名称第43页,共78页。烯基的名称CH2=CH 乙烯基vinyl ethenyl烯丙基allyl (2-propenyl)丙烯基propenyl

28、(1-propenyl)2-丁烯基(2-butenyl)第44页,共78页。炔类化合物的名称HCCH 乙炔 acetylene ; ethyne,CH3CCH 丙 炔 methyl acetylene ;propyne,2丁炔dimethyl acetylene;2-butyne,丙烯基乙炔propenyl acetylene;3-penten-1-yne,第45页,共78页。系统命名是以芳香环为母体,取代基根据环上的位置而定位,苯环上表示2个基团的相对位置普通命名常用邻O,对P,间m表示 芳香烃Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds苯 benzene,萘 naphtha

29、lene ,蒽 anthracene ,菲 phenanthrene ,甲苯 toluene; methyl- benzene邻二甲苯o-xylene; 1,2-dimethyl-benzene对二甲苯p-xylene; 1,4-dimethyl-benzene间二甲苯m-xylene; 1,3-dimethyl-benzene苯乙烯styrenestyrene;ethenyl-benzxene第46页,共78页。卤代烃Organic HalidesCH3Cl 氯甲烷methyl chloride; chloro-methaneCH2Cl2 二氯甲烷methylene dichloride;d

30、ichloro-methaneCHCl3三氯甲烷(氯仿) chloroform; trichloro- methaneCCl4 四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride; tetrachloro- methaneCH3CH2Br 溴乙烷ethyl bromide;brormo- ethane1,2二溴乙烷ethylene dibromide;1,2-dibromo- ethaneCH2=CHCl 氯乙烯vinyl chloride; chloro- ethyleneCH2=CH-CH2Cl 烯丙基氯allyl chloride;3-chloro-1-propene氯 苯 phenyl

31、chloride; chloro-benzene二氯苯p-phenylene dichloridebenzene, 1,4-dichlorop-dichlorobenzene第47页,共78页。5 醇、酚、醚Alcohols, Phenols and EthersCH3OH 甲醇 methyl alcohol; carbinol methanol,C2H5OH 乙醇 ethyl alcohol; carbinol ethanol,CH3CH2CH2OH 正丙醇n-propyl alcohol;ethyl carbinol 1-propanol,异丙醇isopropyl alcohol;dime

32、thyl carbinol 2-propanol,CH2(CH2)3OH 正丁醇n-butyl alcohol; propyl carbinol 1-butanol,苯甲醇(苄醇) benzyl alcohol;phenylmethanol,醇的英文名称 第48页,共78页。苯 酚 phenol, -萘酚-naphthol ;1-naphthalenol,-萘酚-naphthol ; 2-naphthalenol,对甲苯酚p-cresol phenol, 双酚A bisphenol A; 1-methylethylidene bis-phenol, 酚的英文名称第49页,共78页。CH3CH2

33、OCH2CH3 乙 醚 diethyl ether或ethyl ether, 1,1-oxybis-ethaneCH3OCH2CH2CH2CH3 甲丁醚n-butyl methyl ether, 1-methoxy-butane苯甲醚methyl phenyl ether或methoxy-anisole 醚的英文名称烷氧基的英文名称CH3O- 甲氧基methoxy C2H5O- 乙氧基ethoxyC3H7O- 丙氧基propoxy 第50页,共78页。含氮有机化合物(Nitrogenous Organic Compounds)CH3NH2 甲 胺 methyl amine;methanamin

34、e,CH3NHC2H5 甲乙胺ethyl methyl amine; N-methyl-ethanamine第51页,共78页。醛和酮Aldehydes and Ketones醛和酮Aldehydes and KetonesCH2O 甲醛 formaldehyde,CH3CHO 乙醛 acetaldehyde,CH3CH2CHO 丙醛 propionaldehyde;propanal,CH3CH2CH2CHO 正丁醛n-butyraldehyde;butanal,CH3(CH2)3CHO 正戊醛n-valeraldehyde;pentanal,-甲基丁醛-methyl butyraldehyd

35、e;2-methyl- butanalCH2=CHCHO 丙烯醛acrolein 2-propenal,丙 酮 acetone; 2-propanone,acetone2-戊酮methyl propyl ketone 2-pentanone,环己酮cyclohexanone cyclohexanone,二苯酮diphenyl ketone benzophenone methanone, diphenyl-第52页,共78页。羧酸和取代酸Carboxylic Acids and Substitute Carboxylic AcidsHCOOH 甲酸 formic acid,CH3COOH 乙酸

36、acetic acid,CH3CH2COOH 丙酸 propionic acid,CH3(CH2)2COOH 正丁酸n-butyric acid;butanoic acid,CH3(CH2)3COOH 正戊酸n-valeric acid;pentanoic acid,CH3(CH2)4COOH 正已酸n-caproic acid; hexanoic acid,乳 酸 lactic acid; 2-hydroxy-propanoic acidCH2=CHCOOH 丙烯酸acrylic acid;2-propenoic acid,草 酸 oxalic acid; ethanedioic acid,

37、丙二酸malonic acid; propandioic acid,已二酸adipic acid; hexanedioic acid,顺-丁烯二酸maleic acid; Z-2-butenedioic acid, 反-丁烯二酸fumaric acid; E-2-butenedioic acid, 苯甲酸benzoic acid; benzoic acid,第53页,共78页。Part6 Translation(English-Chinese and Chinese-English)I.Important Role of Translation Translation is a renderi

38、ng from one language into another,i.e., the faithful representation in one language of what is written orsaid in another language. As ameans of communication, translation play an important role in human civilization. In the west, literary translation can traced back to300 BC, While in china, recorde

39、d translation activities are even earlier, dating from the Zhou Dynasty(1100BC).Hower, not until recent centuries,especially by the end of the 19th century did systematic study of translation get underway. In the past decadestranslation theories and activities have developed fast at home and abord.

40、A morden society sees an extensive use of translation on various occasion. If a foreign language is generlly accepted as a tool of life, translation then obviously serves as a dynamic means of emplooying this tool. A proper and dexterous translation helps to promote mutual understanding between pepo

41、les of different cultural and social backgrounds, whereas a misunderstanding or improper rendering of words or expressions may lead to confusion.第54页,共78页。.Nature and Scope of Translation What is Translation? Some people believe it is a science, others take it as an art; and yet many consider it a c

42、raft, or rather, a skill. Of these varied opinions, which one holds true for our purpose? If it refers to a subject, namely, the study of translation theory and skills, it is no doubt a science, if it refers to some specific pieces of translation, then it is more like a n art, If it refers to a proc

43、ess, in which something is translated, then we may regard it as a craft or a skill. Translation covers a very broad range. In terms of languages ,it can be divided into two categories: from native languages into foreign languages and vice versa; in terms of the mode, it can be divided into oral inte

44、rpretation, written translation and machine translation; in terms of materials to be translated, there is translation of scientific materials, translation of literary works such as novels, poety drama, etc., translation of political essays such as treatises on social problems, reports, speeches, etc

45、., in terms of disposal, it can be either full-text translation, abridged translation or adapted translation.第55页,共78页。.Principles and Criteria of Translation The so-called principles and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the samething. The former lays emphasis on the translator;

46、 while the latter on the reader or critic. Yan Fus “three-character guide”: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.第56页,共78页。.Literal Translation and Free Translation The so-called literal translation, generally speaking, means “not to alter the original words and sentences”; strictly speaking, i

47、t strives “to keep the sentiments and style of the original”. Free translation is an alternative approach which is used mainly to convery the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech. 1. Theres no pot so ugly it cant find a lid 2. Litt

48、le fish does not eat big fish3. What the tongue says, the neck pays for4. What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster5. A gift is the key to open the door closed agaist you第57页,共78页。. Translation Techniques Generally speaking, the basic translation techniques that merit our attention and tha

49、t are to be applied in English-Chinese and Chinese-English translations include:(1)Diction(2)Amplification(3)Omission(4)Repetition(5)Conversion(6)Restructuring(7)Negation(8)Division第58页,共78页。科技英语的写作科技论文中文写作科技论文英文写作第59页,共78页。科技论文的写作明确所研究的方向设计实验着手实验撰写论文第60页,共78页。科技论文的中文写作写作步骤3结论2结果与讨论1实验部分引言作者及单位题目参考文

50、献摘要第61页,共78页。作者为几个单位的,请在右上角用上标形式标出去,姓名间空一格,作者单位标至二级单位,单位间用分号隔开; 作者及单位示例(注意项目、顺序、英文大小写、标点符号) 离体培养条件下半夏叶柄形成珠芽过程中内源激素的变化* 常 莉1) 徐有明1) 薛建平2)*(1)华中农业大学园艺林学学院,武汉 430070;2)安徽省淮北煤炭师范学院生物系,淮北 235000)第62页,共78页。首页面脚注示例(注意项目、顺序及标点符号)*国家农业成果转化基金(05EFN213400124)和淮北市重点项目(06125)资助*通讯作者. E-mail: xuejp2000常莉,女,1981年生

51、, 华中农业大学园艺林学学院硕士研究生,武汉 430070赵铭钦,男,1964年生,副教授.工作单位: 河南农业大学农学院,国家烟草栽培生理生化基地,郑州 450002. E-mail:mqzhao999第63页,共78页。 中文摘要为报道式摘要,包括简要介绍研究目的、 材料、方法和结论,结果要求详细 。摘要关键词间用分号隔开,分号后空半格。 关键词第64页,共78页。摘要示例 为研究黄花蒿生长发育过程中青蒿素含量的动态变异特性,对黄花蒿生长发育过程中青蒿素含量的变化进行了研究,实验表明:黄花蒿下部叶中青蒿素含量明显高于中、上部;黄花蒿上午采收样青蒿素含量明显高于下午;时间越长,青蒿素的含量越


53、和半紧穗型品种外,散穗型、半散穗型和半紧穗型间其它品质性状差异不显著,三者品质明显好于紧穗型品种。着粒密度与每穗成粒数、产量呈抛物线,与碱消值呈显著负相关,与谷草比呈显著正相关;产量与食味值呈显著的正相关。在籽粒灌浆结实期,半散穗型和半紧穗型品种的单叶净光合速率较高,后期生产的干物质较多,谷草比较大(明确介绍结果)。半紧穗型和半散穗型品种在产量较高,食味品质较好,选择适宜着粒密度的材料,容易育出高产优质品种(得出结论)。第66页,共78页。 包括研究的重要意义、前人研究进展、研究切入点及拟解决的关键问题。 前言前言示例:【本研究的重要意义】穗型是株型的重要组成部分,是水稻的重要形态特征之一,随

54、着水稻穗型由弯到直,穗型与稻米品质的协调关系已成为日益重要的研究内容1-3。【前人研究进展】徐正进等4按颈穗弯曲角度划分为直立、半直立和弯曲3种穗型;周开达等5按单穗重划分为重穗型、中穗型和轻穗型;Yamamoto6等按着粒密度划分为紧穗型、半紧穗型、半散穗型和散穗型。徐正进等按穗型指数2(PTI)划分为上部优势型、中部优势型和下部优势型。穗部性状与结实率7,与碾米品质8 、物质积累与分配9,籽粒灌浆特性10以及产量潜力11关系密切。【本研究切入点】近年来,随着水稻品种产量不断提高和要求品质的改善,介于紧穗型和散穗型之间的中间类型有增加的趋势。【拟解决的关键问题】本文以辽宁省近年育成的水稻品种

55、(品系)为材料,对以着粒密度为指标,对不同穗型品种的穗部性状和稻米品质进行探讨。旨在探索穗型分类与指标,为水稻产量提高和品质的改良提供理论依据。第67页,共78页。 有机磷农药作为高效杀虫剂, 对蔬菜、稻米、瓜果生长作出了巨大贡献,但是,这些农药对水体和生态环境的污染也日益严重,这些污染影响了人类的生存,它对人畜毒性较大,近年来许多食物中毒事件都是由于有机磷等农药残留所引起的,农药残留严重威胁着人类健康。目前除了推广使用低毒农药外, 研究此类农药的有效降解方法也有重要意义。近年来逐渐发展起来的光催化降解技术为这一问题的解决提供了良好的途径1-2。 二氧化钛(TiO2)光催化降解技术是近年来逐渐

56、发展起来污染治理的技术之一。TiO2在环保方面的突出优点就是活性高、稳定性好、对人体无害、过量使用也不会引发污染问题,成为最受欢迎的一种光催化剂,被称为“绿色”的污染治理技术3-4。TiO2及其改性物对农药的催化作用在国内较少报道,尤其是稀土改性的TiO2对农药降解的相关报道甚少,本文研究了铒掺杂TiO2对甲胺磷的光催化降解的影响。第68页,共78页。科技论文的英文写作写作步骤4.Conclusion3.Rusults and discussion2.Experimental section1.IntroductionAuthor and his workTitleRefferenceAbst

57、ractFigure captionsAcknowledgement Figures Tables 第69页,共78页。 Keep these in mind when you read What is the major question addressed in this paper? Is this question important and why? What are the approaches used in this paper, and whether they are adequate for the questions?What are the novel idea or

58、 using innovative approaches? What is the concept coming out of this paper? Do the results presented support this new concept?How to Read Scientific Papers?第70页,共78页。Titles Important/significant Unexpected/unusual Function Mechanisms Straight forward第71页,共78页。 Rationale “remain unknown”; “To determi

59、ne” Summary statement “Here we show” Body Dont go into details; dont use many special termsAbstract第72页,共78页。Study on Dynamic Variance Character of Arteannuin Content in Artemisia annual1)Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huaihua University, Huaihua 418008)2)The Key Laboratory of Hunan Province for the study and utilize of Ethnomedicinal


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