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1、Key to ExercisesOpener1.hepicture, a man and a woman are sitting on the couch with their eyes fixed on theirsmartphones. Instead of talking face-to-face, they are texting each other.he second picture, aman is sleng with hisnext to his bed. When the phone buzzes, he just cant helpchecking it lest he

2、should miss something exciting.2. I would go back home and fetch it, no matter the distance. Otherwise I would panic (惊慌) orfeelplete.s may have an adverse (不利的)3. No, I dont. Some information seems to indicateteffect on the brain. If my phone beeped, I probably wouldnt be able to repress (抑制) the d

3、esireto get up and check it.4. Nowadays its not considered weird (古怪的) at all to check yourwhen you arehaving a meal with friends. But I would feel awkward andfortable if anyone isngtat dinner.Reading &eractingI. Understanding the Text1. TextanizationMotivation (Why?)Paras. 1-3: Paul Millersal exper

4、iment of going offline one full year and his discoveriesprompted the author to try a digital detox himself.Paras. 5-6: As CEO of a sol media company whose life has been spent mostly onli, hewanted to step back and get some.Experience (Whappened?)Paras. 4&7: The author spent twoks in digital detox on

5、 his wer vacation to Mexico.Discoveries (Whad he learned?)Paras. 8-9: The author didnt findt technology is evil. Rather, he feltt he liked it evenmore.Paras. 10-12: He realizedt addictive bits of online content should not replace thoughtfularticles and good books and its readingt nourishes the mind.

6、2. ComprehenCheck2.1 Focusing on the main ideasInspired by Paul Millersal experiment of going one year wibsoluy noernet,wer vacation to Mexico, he didnt go online except to check his. As a result, hehe also came to thet it is the reading of thoughtful articles and good2.2 Diggingo detailwithout the

7、net he had starteding more out of touch with life.1.Miller discoveredt actually technology had very little to do with his lifes problems, andtbooks, not snacky online content,t nourishes the mind.discoveredt technology is no evil and technology is already a part of him now. Nevertheless,a decade, he

8、 wanted to see what would happen if he went offline for a while. So during histhe writer went on his own short digital detox. He did it because having been plugged in 24-7 for2.3 Understanding difficultenII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Express1.11.Betty has been on a diet for a lon

9、g time, but she looks a bit heavier, if anything. 2.Keng your laptop plugged in all the time will kill its battery faster.Talking, dancing, playing a game all of these activities allow you toeract with other people.Much to my annoyance, whenever I criticize her, she always comes up win excuse.Whiler

10、emains the most popular sol media site, its growth has gradually slowed down.Order all your cing stuff online today, everything you need to make a cing trip easier and more enjoyable!1) A2) B3) B4) A5) ABecause for the last decade, the writer has been online all day long, and he wanted to free himse

11、lf from the digital reality for a while.He ate a lot of seafood, surfed and fixed up his hut on the beach. 4.It refers to the worldt is digitally connected.5.He longed for thoughtful articles and good books, readingt nourishes his mind.1.21.31) Unlike2) unique3) made waves4) turn out5) detailingOne

12、of theflight training lessons taught to student pilots is how to perform an emergency landing in a small airplane.When you read the newspr, youre probably not reading it word-by-word, insteadyoure scanning the text.In one of myarticles published on LiI , I wrote about the importance of publi speakin

13、g to every leader.For a whilet story book wasvery popular, but it was not long before the demand declined.Movie ticket prihave reachedl-time high. No wonder some people choose instead to watovies at home.he absence of anyone to spend New Years Eve with, I went to watch a show alone and Itruly enjoye

14、d it.In a recent study, moren 20% of drivers said they cannot resist the urge to send or check messages while driving.There is no doubtt human activity has something to do with climate change, and climatewill continue to change unless we reduce our carbon emiss.2. Double Negative3. Sentence Patterns

15、Peter is Marys elder brother! No wonder he reminds me so much of her.John has quit his high-paid job.t sounds unbevable, but as it turns out, it actually is true.1.There are no uneresting things, only unerested people. 2.His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Happiness is not

16、an unrealistic goal. It is a matter of choice. You can choose to be happy.ernet is not such an unusual word as it used to be. Is changed the way we live, work and play.Beve it or not, most women do not look unattractive in businesits, although theirmovement seems a littit restricted.strictly related

17、 to their majors/erests.No matter how busy you are, you should remember to stay ouch with people/those you love and care about.Make sure you dont fallo the habit of eating unhealthy foods for breakfast; instead, start your day wisimple, balanced meal.4.I always beverd work pays off inay or another,

18、though not nesarily in money.5.Is it worth the time and money to fix up an old car? Its a question for a lot of old car ownersthese days.1.A study has foundt the vast majority of college graduates work in jobst arent4. Comprehensive PracticeReading & ComprehendingReading 1A:What is itterests you so

19、much? Youve been on the net for so long.B:Advertisements. You know, as you surf the ernet, you will at times see advertisements for productst you areerested in.A:You know what? Apple will release a new series of Harry Potter e-bookst even comes winnoions by J.K. Rowling.B:Really? Its amazing. And is

20、 already been turnedo eight thoughtful movies.A:As CEO of a sol media company, much of my life is spent online. I need to slow down and enjoy the small wonders of life.B:Absoluy. If you dont take the tince in a while smell the flowers, to nourish yourself on a mental level, you will end up burning y

21、ourself out.A:As we know, the cosmetics market in China is dominated by foreign brands. However, I heard teral manager of a French companyhe cosmetics industry say in anerviewt how to reach the Chicustomers is still a tough job.B:Yeah, I also watchedt TVerview last night. They have established an on

22、line marketingcompany in China and have built a partnership with Tmall. Teral manager saidt despite the challenges they face, the growing Chimarket still looks promising.No wonder I had the worstsible time falling asl/didnt sleep well last night I dr too much coffee during the day.You really know ho

23、w to control your budget. No wonder you have a lot of moneyhe b.The meeting is finally over. But as it turns out, we have not decided anything yet.1. ComprehenCheck for Reading 12. Translation1.不过,话又说回来,在我写下这些抱怨的话语时,我正呆在山里,坐在一张安乐椅上,看着萤火虫在眼前飞舞,狗在脚边打着呼噜。2.我不该对你大喊大叫,相反,我应该佩服你的能力:由于你能记住一切,使我不必把诸如号码和生日日期

24、等事情塞进脑子里。3.不该做的就该不做,进了家门,我就该关掉。我不能再把自我价值感系于你有多少次响起之上。4.对于我来说,我会查询、会留意、会适时而止。一天中的几个时段,我将离你而去,去呼吸、品尝、触摸、感受和生活。Reading 2ComprehenCheck for Reading 21.It is a 10-by-164-foot-long segment of pavement divided by white pamarkings on theground. One side is meant strictly forusers and the other side allows o

25、thers to walkthrough the area unencumbered by tech addicts.1) F2) F3) F4) T5) T6) T7) F8) T9) F10) Fegrated Skills PracticingI. Listeningfeelsternet addiction is the biggest threat to its teenagers.According to a report released by Chiexperts, people withernet Addiction Disorder spend more n six hou

26、rs onlineng somethingt is not related to their work or study.Boot cs have opened up in China since 2005. The cs aim to treat young addicts for their dependence on theernet andgaming.Professor Harwit of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii sayst Chiparents are worried because they take education

27、 very seriously. Some parents even drug their children to take them to the cs.Hilla Medalia, a filmmaker who has produced aary about the cs, sayst the teenagers areng something like military training at the cs, andt offils beve a sense of self-control is what patients need.Transcript:Theernet is one

28、 of the most popular forms of technology. Ban using theernet have the same effetaking a drug? The answer seems to be “Yes” ineast.China says many teenagers areernet addicts. It says they have grown dependent on the1)China has many teenagers who have grown so dependent on theernett the countryWalkhis

29、 lane at your own risk.Many pedestrians simply ignored the designations, while sok photos of the signage.Setting up spel sidewalks could be a solution in particular situations, but it could be an indulgence for mobile phone addictshe long run and could even lead to more problemshefuture.ernet. In fa

30、ct, China feelsternet addiction is the biggest threat to its teenagers. Somecritics even call theernet, electronic.In 2008, China became one of thecountries to declareernet addiction an offilmedical condition. Experts released a reportt defined the condition, or disorder. It saidpeople withernet Add

31、iction Disorder spend moren six hours onlineng something othern work or study. Based on the definition, China has over 20 millionernet addicts. Thecondition has led to the creation of over 250 cs within China. They are designed to treatyoung addicts.Theaddiction copened in 2005he capital, Beijing. The cs treat thecountrys young addicts for their dependence on theernet andgaming. Gaming appearsto be the most addictiveernet behavior.Teenagers can spend three to four months. Once there, the patients are requiredto do demanding physical exercises and take medication. Some patients reportedly are


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