1、(冀教版)四年级英语下册全册课件Lesson 2 Is this your pencil?unit 1 hello again(冀教版)四年级英语下册课件a pena rulera pencila booka backpackaan erasera pencil sharpenera pencil case a pencil a pen a book an eraser a ruler a pencil case a backpack a pencil sharpener a dictionaryIs this a pencil case? Yes, it is.Is that an eras
2、er? No, it isnt. Its a book.Is this / that a/anGuessing GameIs this / that a/anIs this / that a/anIs this / that a/anIs this / that a/an1b Listen and number the conversations.A: Is this your pencil?B: Yes, it is .Its my pencil.A: Is that your backpack?B: No, it isnt. Its his backpack.A: Is this your
3、 ruler?B: No, it isnt. Its her ruler.321Conversation 1Girl: Is this your ruler?Boy: No, it isnt. Its her ruler.练习Conversation 2Teacher: Is that your backpack?Boy: No, it isnt. Its his backpack.Conversation 3Boy: Is this your pencil?Girl: Yes, it is. Its my pencil.Pairs workA: Is this/that your -?B:
4、Yes , it is. No, it isnt. Its his/her -Exercise:1 This is my pencil.(一般疑问句)2 Is that her pen?(肯定回答)3 Is this his ruler?(否定回答)4 That is her backpack. (一般疑问句)Is this your pencil?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Is that her backpack?Thanks!(冀教版)四年级英语下册课件 unit1 lesson6lesson 6 where are they? 教学目标1复习 Where is ?句型
5、。方位词和人称、物主代词2学习重点单词 classroom, gym, library3.在具体的语境中,理解动词- ing形式的意思。blackboard classroom Where is she? SHe is in the classroom ball gym Where is danny? Do you know?he is in the gym. book library 看课文,读句子回答问题。where is jenny?What is she doing ? where is denny?What is he doing ?where is steven?What is s
6、he doing ? where is Mr. wood?What is he doing ?课外扩展Open your books. 打开你们的书。Read the new words. 读生词。Lesson 7Months of the year教学目标1学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词语:month,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December 2.学生能听懂并运用下列句子 Whats your favourite month? Whose birthday i
7、s in.? 1 Months of the yearThese are the twelve months of the year.Whats your favourite month?1.Months of the yearDecember January February十二月 一月 二月1.Months of the yearMarch April May 三月 四月 五月1.Months of the yearJune July August六月 七月 八月1.Months of the yearSeptember October November九月 十月 十一月(1)Can yo
8、u say this month in English?1.Months of the yearMarch(2)What about this month?1.Months of the yearIts September(2)What about this month?Its October.1.Months of the yearIts May.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJan.Apr.Jun.Feb.Mar.May JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAug.Sept.Oct.Jul.Dec.Nov.2
9、.Group work:Make a survey (做个调查)When is your birthday?Whose birthday is in July?My birthday is in July.My birthday is in December. Whose birthday is in_?MyHisHer_s birthday is in _.Group work: Make a surveyJan.Feb.Mar. Miss XueApr.May Jun.Jul.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.3.Lets play:按时间顺序写出下列月份September Aug
10、ust June April March February November January OctoberJuly December May1January 2 February 3March 4April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September10 October 11 November 12 DecemberHomework: Make a survey of your familys birthday.fathermothersisterbrotherLesson 8Months of the year1.Months of the yearD
11、ecember January February十二月 一月 二月March April May 三月 四月 五月June July August六月 七月 八月September October November九月 十月 十一月January 一月February 二月 March 三月April 四月 May 五月June 六月 July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December 十二月Say the monthsJanuary dnjuri February februri March m:t April eiprl M
12、ay mei June du:n 。July du:lai August :gst September septemb October ktub November nuvemb December disemb _ber_ber_ber_ber _uary_uaryA_A_Ma_Ma_Which months are they?Ju_Ju_NovemSeptemOctoDecemnelyJanFebrugustrchprily2.Group work:Make a survey (做个调查)When is your birthday?My birthday is in July.My birth
13、day is in December.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2.Group work:Make a survey (做个调查)3.Lets play:Bingo. 在九宫格里随机填写9个数字,等我读到的数字在一条线上的时候,你要说Bingo.(例子)。OneFiveEightTwoSevenSixNineThreeFour3.Lets play:Bingo.Months of the yearLesson 9 When is it?New Years Day is in .January January the firs
14、t is New Years Day Chinese New Year is in .February Spring Festival is inJanuary or February.Womens Day is in . MarchMarch the eighth is Womens DayQingming Festival is in . AprilApril the fifth is Qingming FestivalMay Day is in . May May the first is International Workers Day.Childrens Day is in .Ju
15、ne庆祝六一儿童节June the first is Childrens Day.The Birthday of CCP is in .JulyJuly the first is the Birthday of CCPArmy Day is in . AugustAugust the first is Army DayTeachers Day is in .SeptemberSeptember the tenth is Teachers Day. National Day is in .OctoberOctober the first is National Day.Thanksgiving
16、Day is in November DecemberThe Christmas is in .The Christmas is December the twenty-fifthLets play a game.January February March April June July August September November December May Jan.Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.Jul. Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. October Oct. 单项选择()1. What is the seventh month? A. June B. Ju
17、ly C. August 2. Today is March sixth. Yesterday was _. A. March seventh B. March fifth C. March fiveth ( )3. January first is _. A. Teachers Day B. New Years Day C. National Day( )4 September the tenth is. A. Teachers Day B. New Years Day C. National DayLesson 10Rain and SunWhats this ?This is the s
18、un.The sun is hot.This is a cloud and rain .The cloud is above.The rain is below.Whats this ?This is a tree.This is wind.The wind is blowing the trees leavesThis is snow .Snow is cold and white.Lets sing a songJanuary,Februry,One and two.I like to playIn the snow with you.March,April,Three and four.
19、Cloud and rain!Close the door!May,June,Five and six.Flowers bloomFor us to look.July,August,Seven and eight.Heres the beach.The sun is great! September,October,Nine and ten.Leaves and wind,School and friends.November,December,The year is done.Lets sing againFrom number oneLets draw and write.Thank y
20、ou ! Goodbye!Lesson 11Hows the weather today?Whats this? GameHow s the weather today?Its cold and snowy.snow snowyHow s the weather today ?This is a sunny day.Its warm.sunsunnyHow s the weather today ?Itscloud cloudy cloudy.Hows the weather today ?wind windyItswindy.Itscool.Hows the weather today ?I
21、s it windy ?rain rainyItsrainy.sunrainwindcloudsnowsunnyrainywindycloudysnowyhotcold热的冷的warmcool暖和的;凉的;温暖的凉爽的反义词Hows the weather today?Its sunnyIts cloudy. Its windy.Its snowy.Its rainy.Hows the weather today?What day is it, Li Ming?Its Tuesday.TuesdayApril12Hows the weather today?Its warm and windy
22、.Hows the weather in December?Its cold and snowy.Hows the weather in July?Its hot and sunny. 中央气象台播报员杨丹的播音稿件缺失了一部分内容,你能帮她补充完整吗?CityKunmingLanzhouXianChangchunBeijingWeatherHows the weather in Kunming? Its rainy.Hows the weather in Lanzhou? Its .Hows the weather in Xian ? Its .Hows the weather in Cha
23、ngchun? .Hows the weather in Beijing ? .cloudysunnyIts snowyIts cloudyDo you know these pictures?Good-bye!冀教版四年级英语下册Lesson 16 How Do You GO to School?Introduce yourself!Time to yourself:name,age,height,like to do I go to school on foot.=I walk to school.I go to the park on foot.Park=I walk to the pa
24、rk. She goes to the supermarket on foot.=She walks to the supermarket.He goes to the library on foot .=He walks to the library. byPair work :A:Hello,xx.B:Hi,xx.A:Do you walk to school?B:Yes /NoA:How do you go to school?B:Igo to school _. byby bikeShe goes to school by bike .ride ride a bike=She ride
25、s a bike to school . I go to the farm by bike.farmHow do you go there?I ride a bike to the farm.1、How does Kim go to school ? Why ?2、How does Jenny go to school ? Why ?3、How does Steven go to school ?4、Does Danny walk to school ?1.How does Kim go to school?Why?On foot.She lives near the school.2.How
26、 does Jenny go to school?Why? She Iives far from the school.By bus.3. How does Steven go to school?4.Does Danny walk to school?No,he rides his bike to school.Lets chant!How do you go to school? By bus ,by bus.How do you go to school? By bike ,by bike.How do you go to school? On foot , On foot.How do
27、 you go to school? By car , By car.trainWe go to Beijing by train .planeWe go to Guangzhou by plane .shipWe go to Qingdao by ship .Homework:1、Make a survey of your way to work2、Make a survey of your ageheightaddressway to workfathermothermeThank You! Lesson 17 What Do You Like
28、to Do? (你喜欢做什么?)computerfootballping-pongbasketballtoysplay basketballplay ping-pongfootballplay footballplay computer gamesplay with toysfly kitesHe likes to play basketball .What does she/he like to do?She likes to play ping-pong.1. What do you like to do ? I like to 2. What does he/she like to do
29、? He/She likes to Discuss in groupsListen to the tape, and answer my question. What does Danny like to do? What does Steven like to do? What does Kim like to do? What does Jenny like to do?SummaryWords : football basketball ping-pong toy fly kites computer gamesPhrase: play play with .Sentence : Wha
30、t do you like to do ? like to What does she /he like to do? likes to Erxercises填单词我能行: b_sk_tball(篮球) c_mput_r(电脑)g_mes(游戏) basketball computer games写出含有play的短语: play _ play basketball play football play pingpong play computer games play with_ play with dolls play with toys play with friends照样子,写句子:
31、 例:I like to fly kites. She likes to play basketball. I like to_. She likes to _.Thank you good byeLesson 19 My Favourite ColoursWhat colour is it?Look and say redgreenyellowbluewhiteorangebrownblackpurplepinkWhat colour is it?Its_.Lets sing a song.Red, yellow, blue and green stand up.Red, yellow, b
32、lue and green turn around.And green is my favourite.Red, yellow, blue and green sit down. redgreenyellowbluewhiteorangebrownblackpurplepinkWhats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is _.Lesson 19 My Favourite ColoursQuestionsWhats Jennys favourite colour?Who likes green?What colour is Mr. Wood
33、 s T-shirt?Her favourite colour is blue .Steven and Danny like green.His T-shirt is brown.-Whats favourite colour?- favourite colour is_.Work in pairs: 最喜爱的颜色是什么? 最喜爱的颜色是_。coloursyellow + blue = greenGuess red + yellow = orange red + blue = purple Red + Blue+ Yellow = blackGood bye!Lesson20My Favour
34、ite Clothesa blue skirtyellow skirtsblue shortsan orange capa yellow and white shirtred shirtsLook and talkWhat clothes do you like?I likeRead and answerWhat clothes does like?What clothes does like?What clothes does like?What clothes does like?She likes skirts.She likes skirts.He likes shorts.He li
35、kes shorts.I like skirts!Me. too!We like skirts. Our favourite clothes are skirts.Me, too!I like shorts!They like shorts. Their favourite clothes are shorts. 1.找朋友(将下列人称代词和相对应的物主代词连线)I can do it!I their we yourthey hershe hishe ouryou my 1. I like (I/my) green shoes.2. We like (our/us) white shirts.
36、3. They like (there/their) orange skirts.4. Our favourite clothes (is/are) shorts.myourtheirare1. likes red dress. (she ;her)2. like to eat hamburgers. Hamburgers are favourite food. (their ; they) 3. like skirt. (you; your) 4. like blue. Blue is favourite colour. (our; we) 5. like to play with toy.
37、 (my;I)SheherTheytheirYouyourWeourImyByebyeLets chantI like my green shoe.You like your white glue.We like our red shirts.They like their yellow skirts.He likes his orange hat.She likes her black cat.We, our, they, their.Read a book. Sit in a chair.I, my, you, your.One, two, three, four.He, his, she
38、, her.Birds have wings.Cats have fur.展示提升-Whats your favourite clothes?-My favourite clothes are- Her favourite clothes are-His favourite clothes are-Their favourite clothes are小记者 Show timeHomework:Ask your family members what their favourite colours are, finish the chart.family membersfavourite co
39、lourfather mother brothersisterLesson 21 My Favourite Foodmeatchickenfishdumplingsnoodlesricesoup vegetablesfruiteggmilkjuiceteawaterbreaddonutpizzahamburgerhot dogcookiestomatopotatowatermelon apple orange pear banana ice cream cande Whats your favourite food ?1Look,Danny!Its twelve oclock.Lunch ti
40、me .Whats the time?What time is it?Great ! Im hungry(饥饿的)!A:Whats the time? What time is it?B: It is twelve oclock.Pair work!小组间结对子练习对话Whats your favourite food for lunch ,Jenny ?Hamburgers are my favourite .I like hamburgers, too. dinner /super/breakfast A:Whats your favourite food for breakfast/lu
41、nch/dinner/super?B:I like milk,hamburgers,hot dogs,noodles,soup,fruit,vegetables,chicken,dumplings.Pair work!小组间结对子练习对话Hamburgers are my favourite .What time is it ?Who is hungry?Whats Jennys favourite food for lunch?Whats Dannys favourite food for lunch?What time is it ?Who is hungry?Whats Jennys f
42、avourite food for lunch?Whats Dannys favourite food for lunch?Whats your favourite food ?My favourite food is noodles . Lets do it !21. Look and say . Then write.My favourite food is milk.2. Write and draw your meals .I have_ at 7:00 in the morning .I like_ and _ .I have _ at 12:30 .I like _ and _.I
43、 have _at 6:30 in the evening .I like _ and _.breakfastmilkbreadlunchnoodles soupdinnerchickenricePractice (练习).单项选择。( )1. _ your favourite food ? I like hot dogs. A. Whats B. What C. How ( )2. Whats your favourite food _ lunch ? A. in B. for C. to ( ) 3. Im _ . I want to eat noodles. A. thirsty B.
44、tired C. hungry ( ) 4.I have lunch _ 12:30 in the afternoon. A. at B. in C. on ABCA.连词成句。 1. favourite Whats lunch your food for (?)2. are Hamburgers favourite my (.)3. rice like I chicken for and lunch (.)4. has in breakfast the She at 7:00 morning (.)Whats your favourite food for lunch?Hamburgers
45、are my favourite .I like rice and chicken for lunch .She has breakfast at 7:00 in the miorning .5. time lunch It for is (.)6. like I hamburgers too (.)7. noodles food is My favourite (.)It is time for lunch .I like hamburger ,too.My favourite food is noodles .Goodbye!Lesson 22 My Favourite Subject W
46、hat subject is it?我爱中国ChineseEnglishsciencemathPEartmusicWhats your favorite(最喜爱的 )subject?My favorite subject isWhats Kims favourite subject?Whats Dannys favourite subject?Whats Stevens favourite subject?Whats Jennys favourite subject?Her favourite subject is English.His favourite subject is scienc
47、e.His favourite subject is PE.Art is her favourite subject. Whats your favourite subject?Kim, whats your favourite subject?My favourite subject is English.Jenny:Kim:Danny, do you like math?No.Whats your favourite subject?My favourite subject is science.Kim:Danny:Kim:Danny:Steven, whats your favourite subject?My favourite subject
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