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1、六级词汇( )主讲老师:关于刷题目标:无死角1、微观:单词、词组、搭配全部背熟2、中观:所有句子结构分析、流利翻译3、宏观:每一道题考点解读,不留暧昧自己算一算:13 年 12 月 16 年 12 月2015.12 - 卷 1作文:You should focus on the harm caused by misleading information online.misleading information【mis-】错误,坏mistake;misspell 拼写错误;misunderstand 误解;misrule 对施mistrust 不信任;misanthrope 愤世嫉俗者(ant

2、hropology 人类学)【mal】坏,恶;misfortune 不幸;malcontent 不满的;malnutrition 营养不良;malediction;malefaction 坏事,恶性(benign良性良好的;仁慈和蔼的 - malignMasochism)恶性的;v.污蔑); maltreat(Sadism +unfortunate【un-】(1)否定:unreaequaconditionalimited;unoffil 非的;unjust非正义的;uneducated 未受教育的;uncivilized 未开化的;undecided 未解决未确定的;unguarded 没有防

3、备的(2)打开解开:unlock 开锁;unbind 解开;unbutton 解开纽扣;uncover 揭开盖子;undress服;untomb 掘墓;unearth 从挖出;unom 吐露:长1使明白;接通;感动 = touch heartget through to sb.rap 饶舌 / country music 乡村音乐 / blues 蓝调 / folk 民谣in particular 特别;尤其partial; impartial; particle; partition; apartment; department complicated 复杂的plic, pli, ply=

4、fold ,表示“,折叠”explicate 解释,阐明;explicit 明确清楚的;implication 含蓄;言外之意;implicit 含蓄的;replicate(duplicate)wrap himself upsong writersusic 沉浸在音乐中 (= rap myself upusic)once in a while 时不时;偶尔take notice 关注;注意defect 缺点Can you perform musicts out of tune 走调 with the mood you might be in on a given night?take over

5、 接管长2a radio announcer 电台播音员(anchor)nounce,nunci= speak,表示“,说出”announce announcement n pronouncepronouncedv 宣布,通告v 发音;a 著名的,显著的n 发音pronuntionthe new subs = sub-editors 助理编辑;senior duty editor 高级责任编辑【sub-】在下面:subdue 征服;减轻;submerge 沉没,淹没;subordinate 附属的;subscribe 捐献;订购;subtitle 副标题;suboffice 分办事处;subw

6、ay 地铁接近,靠近:subcentral 接近中心的;subadult 接近成年的;subacid 略酸的polish类)veron the spoting news stories 完善未来的(refine 提炼, correct 勘误, sort out 整理分初版现场(scenic spot; spotted dog)go on the air 开始播音take a couple of 两个,几个 seconds start off 出发;开始 in a bright tonehave a quick flip through 翻阅;匆匆查看ts my little clue 线索;提

7、示serve as 充当;担任 a reminder 提醒篇章 1a wide variety of courses 广泛多样的课程They admit 招收录取 more studentsn they can handle.应付处理Everyone has a right to an education appropriate to his potential. 每个人都的教育。(proper)利适合自身潜能climb the sol ladder 攀爬社会阶梯contribute to the prosperity of a nation 有助于国家繁荣 distribute;attrib

8、ute;tribe(three beings);tribute 贡品;desperate - despair in a fair manner 以一种公平的方式elligent students 聪明的学生ellectual 智力的;elligence Quotient; ellectual Property 知识; anti-ellectualism 反智主义;Centralelligence AgencyHe tailors the teaching to students needs. 因材施教He likes students with high motivation. 他喜欢积极性高

9、的学生motion 运动;motive;motivate 推动;激励;promote 促进;promotion 促进;升级;升职;remote 遥远的;demote 使降级;commotion,;emotion 感情篇章 2. barrels of oil 桶石油bar 木条;酒吧;barren 贫瘠的;barrier;bargainhave a direct impact 影响 ona sure indicator of 的明确指标he pros of transmis在过程中sCentral Prosing Unit;data probe chiefly responsible for a

10、ir pollution 是大气污染的主要元凶eventually 最终event 事件;exit 出口 - init - initial 最初的 - initiate 启动 (launch)mass transit 公共交通(= mass transporion)operate at near capacity 接近满负荷capital 首都;资本;captain 首领;船长;c海角,岬;capable;capture 捕获;captive 俘虏be environment-friendly 环境友好的 at regular times 按时;在固定时间 view from a scient

11、ists stand poThe rest is lost or rejected,抛弃, radiated 辐射o the atmosphere 大气;气氛 from theengines, motors 汽车, boilers 锅炉 and all the other energy-consuming machinery 机器(总称).figure out 想出;解决;弄明白boost efficiency效率plish 完成 no useful workerms of 依据;就而言recording 1smelling scented candles 闻香薰蜡烛(scent 香味;fra

12、grance 芬芳;perfume 香水;香味)a mood-boosting情绪的 habithandle the overwhelming 势不可挡的;巨大的 unopened s 文档 must be pred out and filed 归档hard rules 硬性规定keynote speaker 主讲人(keynote 主旨;基调)未读邮件 and tiny tasksreceiveernational attention for her 2009 best-selling bookbefore I elaborate 详细说明, Id like to mood-boosting

13、 tips 贴士I should do without delay. So I dontbrief 向介绍基本情况 some of my most effectivetpone hanging up my coat .they just needt trigger 触发dedicate a lot of time and energy to it奉献 花listen to an upbeat 积极乐观的;愉快的 songAncient philosophers 哲学家and contemporary 当代的 scientists would agreet relationshipsare a

14、key- maybe the key 关键 - to happiness.broaden or deepen your relationshipI think hard rules can spare 使免遭 one the agony 极度痛苦 of deci-makingrecording 2It takes great pains . 需要付出巨大的努力rson can never be too rich 钱不嫌多I am working for chickenfeed. 我为鸡食而工作Small change means metal coins of not much value, l

15、ike nickels (和的)五分镍币,五分钱 which are worth five cents. (penny1 分, nickel5 分, dime10 分, quarter25 分)spyI am working for peanuts花生.者peanut agiors balcony 阳台the peanut gallery的剧场最高楼座 (gallery 画廊;走廊)recording 3The husband is the head of the household. 是家庭的当家人The wife lives within her husbandspregnant 怀孕e.

16、 量入为出Today preschool children 学龄前儿童 may go to a child care centre 日托中心 or to a baby-sitter 保姆 regularly.【pre-】前的,预先prehistory 史前;prefix 前缀;preition 前置词,介词;prepay 预付;prebuilt 预制的;precaution预防措施;precise 精确的,精细的;predestination更喜欢,命中注定;predict预报;prefer选词填空advocate 提倡;拥护;n.拥护者voc,vok=call voice,表示“叫喊,声音”

17、vocal 声音的;vocation 职业;使命(vacation 假期);vocabulary 词汇;evoke 唤醒,唤起;provoke 触怒,compact v.压紧;a.紧凑的;n.契约 compact disc;disc jockey;impact 影响 correlation 相互关系;相关facilities 设施facility 便利;便利设备 facile = easy(ease) eraction 相互作用;相互影响;互动【 er-】在之间,相互ernational;errelate 相互关联ersonal 人际的;ose 置于,介入; ervene; erchange

18、互换;【 ro-】向内,入内roduce 引入,介绍; rospect 内省,反省; rovert 内向investigatevest 马甲;invest 投资overwhelm 压倒;淹没;覆盖 使不知所措over-(1)过度,过分:overstudy 用功过度;overwork 过度劳累;overact 表演过火;overdose 药物过量;ovroduction 生产过度;overcorrect 矫枉过正的;overcrowded 挤满的(2)在之上:overlap战胜,克服;overturn particles 微粒;overbridge 天桥;overlook 俯视;疏忽;overc

19、oat 外套; overthrowepermanent的per-贯穿,自始至终:的;perennial 全年的;perfuse洒遍,横流;perspire出汗;pervade 弥漫,遍及;persist 坚持;permeate 渗透sistical 统计的se 国,州;sist 国家主义者;统计学者;sistics 统计学vulnerable 脆弱的,易受wound 伤 + ablebug sprays and cleaning fluids brain and behavioral disorder the toxic effects 毒副作用的喷雾杀虫剂和;失调液The offil pol

20、icy, however, is still evolving 进化.leoisoning 铅But the threshold for regulation is high. 但hyperactivity 多动症【hyper-】超过,太多的门槛很高hypersensitive 过敏的;hypercritical 吹毛求疵的;hyperten嗜睡;hyperbole 夸张过度紧血压;hypersomniaits tough to phem on 归咎于 exdrink tap water 自来水ure to .Passage Onedescent 血统,世系Americans of Afric

21、an descent(of Asian origin 亚裔)ascend - descend - descendant 后裔(Descendants of the Sun)it was purefully dropped to make way for(让路给) NegroNegro 来源于西班牙语和葡萄牙语,原本是黑色的意思。时也自称为 Negro。初抵后来因阶层对黑奴都恶地称之为 Negro,因此,该词引起了的,成了“黑奴”、“黑鬼”的同义词。目前,Negro 在be overtaken by black压倒;追上;取代at a press conference embrace 接受(或支

22、持)被认为含有明显的含义。bracelet 手镯 (earring; necklace; lace news; acdroplet; ballet; bullet; jacket .sory 配饰)echo 仿效 the labelsofem/en-:(1)包围,进入(2)使动 embed 安置embarrass 使尴尬enroll registerencage 关押enchain entrap 诱捕chain storeemerauthorizeembitter 使痛苦 agony 极度痛苦embody 体现embellish 美化belle / beau enact 制定,颁布enlist

23、 从军,入伍 recruit 招募beautifyenlighten 启发启示 - Enlightenmentenchant 施魔法;使迷惑 chant 歌声歌曲 - siren 警报enclose 把围起;附入pass 围绕包围encounter 遇见enlarge; ensure; endanger; employ; engine; encourage;widen; weaken; strengthen; tighten; loosen encyclopedia;endeavor;endorse;endow;endure;enforce;enhance;enslavebe freed of

24、 (被解放) widespread discrimination commit a crime; criminalfreight 使充满naming any group is a politically freighted exercise 给任何团体命运都是一项充满政治意味的运动catalogue 记载cata 向下+log 说 目录;logic;monolog;dialog;loquacious;colloquial carry connoions 涵义A recent study, conducted 实施 by ., foundt .perception 认识(perceive;rec

25、eive;conceive;deceive)be derived from 来自于 (river)socioeconomic suscompetent 有能力的 (compete - competitive - competitiveness) striking 显著的The studys most striking findings shed light on shed light on 阐明rsum (curriculum vitae)tapo recruiters biases 引起,利用ral biases 种族偏见permeate 渗透recruiter 招聘estimate 估计估

26、算(recruit - cruiser 巡洋舰;crew 全体)profesaffiliational standing 职位(affiliate 加入;附属)managerial 管理的work at a managerial level idealistic 理想主义的an ethnic group 民族advance with the timesIt meritsensive study.Passage twot-graduation lives在后面 附笔,附言;邮政:ter 招贴画release 发布twar 战后tpone 推迟(delay);tface 刊后语terior 较后的

27、tscriptterity 后代,子孙tage 邮资;toffice 邮局;tcard 明信片;tal 邮政的;tmark 邮戳;landmark 里程碑release a landmark study titled . adrift 漂泊的 (rift 裂缝;裂开)用文件(或文献)等证明ellectual 智力的enroll in 入学critical thinking,ytic reasoning and other higher-level skills survive and thrivesurvive and succeedodays knowledge-based economyi

28、n a time of complex challenges and dynamic change complexa 复杂的 n 情结t are nesary to thriveOedipus Electra 恋父 Lolita place the blame for (students lack of learning) on (a watered-down college curriculum andlowered undergraduate work standards)()be suped to be被设想为/应该是skate through their semesters witho

29、utpriority 优先考虑的事ng a significant amount of reading and writingextracurricular activities: playing sports, partying, and solizing ing 即将来临的college administrations are overly concerned with . 管理部门a host of 很多sanction 批准universities are catering to the sol and educational needs of wealthy students at

30、the expense of othersenjoy the finanl backing or sol connections 财政支持+社交资源to use their degrees as a step-stone 踏脚石/敲门砖 to middle-class mobilitythe job market isnt kind to candidates who cant demonstrate genuine competence 展现实学privileged 有的 (private;deprive;privacy;legal;legislate)a well-cultivated willingnes


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