



1、金钱能够买到幸福吗?Money really can buy happiness andrecessions can take it away金钱确实能够买到幸福,而经济衰退又会将幸福带走Polls from 145 countries show that citizensof wealthier ones are more satisfied and secure来自145个国家的民意调查显示,富裕国家的民众对生 活更满意,也更有平安感Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the mostcommon gauge of national prosperity, has

2、taken a lot of flak in recent years.Critics say that counting a country s spending on goods, services andinvestment misses the full value that citizens get from products such as Googleand Facebook. They also note that GDP ignores other aspects of developmentjncluding personal health, leisure time an

3、d happiness.国内生产总值(GDP)是衡量一个国家繁荣程度最常用的 指标,然而近年来却饱受争议。批评者认为,GDP仅仅衡量 了一个国家在商品、服务和投资中创造的价值,而完全忽略 了人们从谷歌和脸书等产品中获得的价值。此外,他们还指 出,GDP忽略了包括个人健康、闲暇时光和幸福感等在内的 衡量国家开展的其他方面指标。These criticisms probably exaggerateGDP7 sfailure to capture the wealth of nations. Gallup, a pollster, has asked peoplein 145 countries

4、about various aspects of well-being. Many of these correlatestrongly with GDP per person. To take an obvious example, nearly all residentsin the top 10% of countries by spending say they have enough money for food,compared with just two-fifths of those in the bottom 10%.这些批评声可能夸大了 GDP未能表达国家财富的问题。民意调

5、查机构盖洛普就幸福的有关方面对145个国家的民 众进行了调查。其中许多方面都与人均GDP密切相关。举 个显而易见的例子,在消费水平排名前10%的国家中,几乎 所有被调查者都表示他们有足够的钱去购买食物,而在排名 后10%的国家中,只有40%的被调查者表示有足够的钱去 购买食物。Strikingly, many non-financial indicatorsalso track GDP per person closely. Residents in the top 10% of countries scoretheir life situation as seven out of ten,

6、compared with just four for those inthe bottom 10%. They are also more likely to feel supported by their families,safe in their neighbourhoods and be trusting of their politiciansthough theycomplain nearly as much as people in poor countries do about a lack of rest andaffordable housing.更为显著的是,许多非财务

7、指标也与人均GDP密切相 关。消费水平排名前10%的国家的居民给自己生活状况的打 分为7分(总分值为10分),而排名后10%的国家的居民只打 了 4分。此外,高消费水平地区的民众也更有可能感受到家庭的温暖、社区的平安以及对政府的信任,尽管他们和贫穷 国家的人们一样,也会抱怨缺乏休息和买不起房。Scholars disagree over the extent to whichnational wealth itself causes contentment. Some countries7 citizens haveremained glum even as GDP per person ha

8、s risen, a paradox noted by RichardEasterlin; an American economist. But one way of testing if money buyshappiness is to analyse what happens when it goes away.对于国家财富本身能够带来多大程度的满足感,学者们 意见不一。美国经济学家理查德指出,尽管一些国家的人均 GDP有所上升,但民众仍然不快乐。但检验金钱是否能够买 到幸福的一种方法就是看看金钱消失后会发生什么。Studies of the previous global recess

9、ion in2009 suggest that economic hardship does indeed lead to emotional woe.Academics found dips in life satisfaction and other measures of well-being inthe United States and several European countries, though the effects weremainly limited to people who lost their jobs.一项关于2009年全球经济衰退的研究说明,经济下行 确实会

10、导致人们情绪上的悲哀。研究人员发现,在美国和欧 洲一些国家,生活满意度以及其他一些衡量幸福感的指标都 有所下降,不过这种影响主要局限于失业者。Adam Mayer of Colorado State Universityfound that among Europeans of similar wealth and education, those who hadrecently become unemployed and struggled to buy staple foods had the worstoutlook on life.科罗拉多州立大学的亚当发现,在财富水平和教育水平 相当

11、的欧洲人中,那些最近失业且无力购买主食的人对生活 前景最为悲观。Covid-19 will allow economists to probethis pattern further. The IMF s latest forecast points to a fall in global GDP,weighted by purchasing-power parity, of 4.9% this year. If past recessions areany guide, the severe shock will have long-lasting effects.新冠肺炎将促使经济学家就这

12、一模式进行深入探索。国 际货币基金组织的最新预测指出,今年全球GDP(以购买力 平价衡量)或将同比下降4.9%。如果以过去的经济衰退为鉴, 那么这次严重的冲击将会产生持久的影响。Economies will eventually grow larger thanthey were before the pandemic, but will be less rich than they would have beenotherwise. The virus s human toll is therefore vast in terms of deaths anddollars. But given the correlation between GDP per person and Gallup7 s measuresof w


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