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1、Chinese Diet Culture and Translation2010.12.6第1页,共43页。Importance of Diet in Chinese culture亚当和夏娃 第2页,共43页。 美国人吃牡蛎不吃蜗牛,法国人吃蜗牛不吃蝗虫,非洲的祖鲁人吃蝗虫不吃鱼,他们都有所不吃,而中国人是全世界最大的吃家,什么都吃。 -伊安罗伯逊第3页,共43页。 人世间倘若有任何事情值得吾们的慎重将事者,那不是宗教,也不是学问,而是“吃”。吾们不得不吃凡手指所能夹持的任何东西。吃了医药和烹调上的偶然发现,吾们实在为地球上唯一无所不食的动物,只要吾们的牙齿健在,吾们将永远保持这个地位。 -

2、林语堂在吾国与吾民第4页,共43页。国以民为天,民以食为天。 -Food is the first necessity of the people.食色,性也。 - Desire for food and sex are basic human instincts. 繁体字“國”- 抄起武器“戈”以保护“口”。dragon culture第5页,共43页。 在宴会上,中国人是多么兴高采烈啊!当他吃得酒醉饭饱的时候,他会喊出人生是美妙的。这个填满了的肚子,产生着精神上的愉快。中国人是信赖本能的,当他的本能告诉他,肚子美满了,一切也就美满了。中国人有着一种比较近乎是本能的生活,同时也有一种哲学,使

3、他们公开的承认,他们的生活是近乎本能的。我曾经说过,中国人对于快乐的概念是“温暖,饱满,黑暗,甜蜜”-即指吃一顿风声的晚餐去上床睡觉的情景。 -林语堂在吾国与吾民 第6页,共43页。Diet penetrates into every corner of our life. In greeting -你吃了吗?In welcoming guests -a table of luxurious mealIn building up relationship -酒杯一端,政策放宽;筷子一提,可以可以 In mourning for the dead or sacrifice for gods 第7

4、页,共43页。Expressions related to “吃” in Chinese 吃喝玩乐,日食,月食,蚕食, 食言,吃苦,吃亏,吃香,吃透, 尝到甜头,吃闭门羹,吃耳光, 生吞活剥,对胃口、倒胃口, 废寝忘食第8页,共43页。Expressions related to “吃” in Chinese 五味杂陈,糟糠夫妻, 酒囊饭袋,吃唐僧肉,吃独食, 人生一世,吃喝二字, 嘴大吃四方,秀色可餐, 第9页,共43页。Expressions related to “吃” in Chinese 吃饱了撑的;吃不了兜着走; 革命不是请客吃饭; 有钱没钱,吃喝过年; 开了大门七件事,柴米油盐酱

5、醋茶 第10页,共43页。 Diet is valued in China and Chinese food appeals people all over the world. three luxuries in ones life: an American house a Japanese wife Chinese food第11页,共43页。2. Features of Chinese diet第12页,共43页。 2.1 Taste is the core in Chinese cuisine. three essential factors in Chinese cooking: c

6、olor aroma taste 民以食为天,食以味为先。 五味调和,味道为王 。第13页,共43页。 Five chief tastes: salty sweet sour bitter pungent心中如打翻了五味瓶( All kinds of feelings swell up.)第14页,共43页。 The aim of flavoring in Chinese cuisine is to rid any unpleasant taste and smell, to highlight the source taste, to improve and enrich its taste

7、. All these can be achieved only when you put proper amount, at proper time and with proper heat. 五味调和是中国烹饪艺术所追求的最高境界。根据伊尹(夏末商初的厨师,被誉为厨神),调和在于三样东西:水,火和味(五味)。第15页,共43页。 林语堂: 中国烹饪别于欧洲式者有两个原则。其一,吾们的东西吃它的组织机理,它所抵达于吾们牙齿上的松脆或弹性的感觉,并其味香色。组织肌理的意思,不大容易懂得,可是竹笋一物所以如此流行,即为其嫩笋所给予吾人牙齿上的精美的抵抗力。一般人之爱好竹笋可为吾人善变滋味的典型例

8、证,它既不油腻,却有一种不可言辞形容的肥美之质。不过其最重要者,为它倘与肉类共烹能增进肉类(尤其是猪肉)的滋味,而其本身又能摄取肉类的鲜味。第16页,共43页。 这第二个原则,便是滋味的调和。中国的全部烹调艺术即依仗调和的手法。虽中国人也认为有许多东西,像鱼,应在它本身的原汤里烹煮,大体上他们把各种滋味混合,远甚于西式烹调。例如白菜必须与鸡或肉类共烹才有滋味,那时鸡肉的滋味渗入白菜,白菜的滋味渗入鸡肉,从此调和原则引申,可以制造出无限的精美混合法。像芹菜,可以单独生吃,但当中国人在西餐中看见了菠萝萝卜分别烹煮都与猪肉或烧鹅放入同一盘碟而食之,未免发笑,觉得这吃法太野蛮了。第17页,共43页。2

9、.2 Frying is the main way of cooking There are over 30 techniques in Chinese cuisine, including deep-frying, quick-frying, stir-frying, roasting, braising, simmering, smoking and stewing. 第18页,共43页。 The popularity of frying may be explained by many factors: It may help to mix flavors of different ma

10、terials to improve the taste; Through the mixture, the color and aroma can be improved; It helps to maintain nutrition of dishes for its short time of cooking; It caters to the diet of Chinese: grain as the main part accompanied by vegetables, together with some meat. 第19页,共43页。 五谷为养,五果为助,五畜为益,五菜为充。

11、 Cereals supply men with necessary nutrition, fruit is a subsidiary, meat is an added benefit and vegetables are nutritional enrichment. A diversified diet helps maintain the function of the organs. -黄帝内经(the Yellow Emperors Classics of Internal Medicine) 第20页,共43页。 When frying, proper fire and seas

12、onings are two key elements for cooks to produce certain flavors.第21页,共43页。2.3. nutrition of Chinese diet 神农氏 扁鹊-安身之本,必资于食。救疾之速, 必凭于药。 Food is the essential supply for ones health while medicine serves as a rapid solution to ones sickness. 第22页,共43页。食医-food therapy Nutrition supply from food aims at

13、 achieving balance in ones body while taking medicine aims at solving problems. 四季养生 咸多伤心;苦多伤肺;辛多伤肝;酸多伤脾;甘多伤肾。 清淡 小米; 菊花; 腊八粥; 第23页,共43页。 3. Etiquette of Chinese Banquets China has long been known as the “land of ceremony and propriety”. There are certain manners that should be observed at banquets

14、or formal dinners. First, seat order Second, the order of serving dishes Third, the way dishes are set on the table chopsticks 第24页,共43页。 4. Major Styles of Chinese DietBeijing StyleShandong StyleFujian StyleJiangzhe StyleHuaiyang StyleHunan Style Sichuan StyleCantonese Style 第25页,共43页。 Beijing styl

15、e nomadic people favor for meat, especially mutton, such as roast mutton, mutton fondue, hot pot Beijing roast duck 第26页,共43页。Shandong style quick-fry(爆炒) with salty flavor by using soy sauce sea food scallion 第27页,共43页。 Fujian Style simmering is widely adopted. 佛跳墙-happiness and longevity -Buddha j

16、umping over the wall sea cucumber, dried scallop, sharks fin, ham, tendons of beef, doves eggs, chicken, duck, some bone broth, Shaoxing rice wine and spices第28页,共43页。Jiangsu and Zhejiang Style It is characterized by its mild, tender as well as sweet and sour taste. Sweet and Sour Fish Niangao 第29页,

17、共43页。 Dishes in areas along the Yantze River and the Huai River can be accounted into Huaiyang Style. Chili and smoked food are essential in Hunan Style, and Local people are proud of dishes such as Spicy and Hot Spring Chicken and Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers.第30页,共43页。 Sichuan Styl

18、e It emphasizes on the quality of cooking materials and seasonings, especially chili and pepper, and is characterized by the thick spicy taste. Kung Pao Diced Chicken Stir-Fried Tofu in Spicy Sauce 第31页,共43页。 Cantonese Style It boasts cooking anything that is alive, whether flying animals, walking a

19、nimals or swimming animals, such as snakes, cats, monkeys and mice. 第32页,共43页。 Chinese people are quite open to absorb delicacies from the world, such as corn from America,tomato from America,peanuts from Brazil,hot pepper from America,spinach from Iran, carrot from Europe, eggplant from India.第33页,

20、共43页。 5. translation of Chinese menu For menu translation, the expected communicative function among the target readers must be achieved. The target readers must know what the dish is about; if possible, to appreciate the delicate naming.第34页,共43页。 An overview of Chinese menu 1) to name based on the

21、 materials, ingredients, cooking methods, cutting methods, flavors etc; 锅巴鱿鱼 Squid with Sizzling Rice 香菇菜心 Seasonal Vegetable with Mushroom 油焖大虾 Braised Prawns 回锅肉 Twice-cooked Pork with Pepper and Chili 鱼香肉丝 Shredded Pork with Fish Flavor 糖醋里脊 Sweet and Sour Pork Filet 酸辣白菜 Fried Cabbage with Sour

22、and Spicy flavor 清蒸桂鱼 Steamed Mandarin Fish第35页,共43页。 剁椒鲢鱼头 Stewed Catfish Head with Chopped Chili 烤乳鸽 Roast Young Pigeon 荷叶粉蒸肉 Steamed Flour-coated Pork Wrapped in Lotus Leaves 蟹粉豆腐 Minced Crab Meat and Tofu 卤鸭舌头 Duck Tongue Stewed in Master Sauce This is the simplest situation for translation: tra

23、nslate literally the materials, ingredients, cooking methods, cutting methods, flavors etc;第36页,共43页。 2) to name figuratively 狮子头 Braised Meat Balls in Brown Sauce 龙虎斗 Stewed Snake and Wild Cat/Dragon Fighting against Tiger 青龙过海 Green Dragons Crossing the Sea/Vegetable Soup 翡翠羹 Vegetable Soup 鸳鸯火锅 H

24、otpot with one half Hot and another Light 芙蓉鸡片 Fried Chicken Slices with Egg-white 羊蝎子 Lamp Spine Hotpot 青龙卧雪 Cucumber with Refined Sugar第37页,共43页。 3)to name according to its cultural allusion 叫花鸡 绝代双骄 东坡肉 棒棒鸡 霸王别姬 发财羹第38页,共43页。 Translate flexibly - if allows, brief the figurative naming or cultural allusions; otherwise, introduce the materials, ingredients, cutting methods, cooking methods or flavors 第39页,共43页。 T


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