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1、Fish Market鲜鱼市场- Stephen Lai (CQE)1Fish in Daily Life (日常生活中的看到的鱼)Whats Fish (什么是鱼)鱼类是最古老的脊椎动物。它们几乎栖居于地球上所有的水生环境 从淡水的湖泊、河流到咸水的大海和大洋。(来自百度百科)A fish is any member of a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits(from Wikipedia)鱼

2、是任何一个有机体并系组的成员,是由所有有鳃、水生、有头盖的无手无脚动物有机并系群组成. (来自维基百科)2Fish Market in Daily Life (日常生活中的看到的鱼市场)3IndexFish Market Overview (鲜鱼市场概述)Fish Market Team (鲜鱼市场团队)Fish Market Works (鲜鱼市场运作)Fish Market Escalation Rules (鲜鱼市场升级规则)4Fish Market Overview 鲜鱼市场概述Whats Fish Market (什么是鲜鱼市场)Fish Market Its common area

3、 to display the defect(s) which had just occurred in the running process. 鲜鱼市场 - 用来展示在制程过程中刚刚产生的新鲜的坏品而设立的一个公共展示区域Whats the specific form of“Fish” in production line. (生产线中的“鱼”具体形态)Narrow sense: All defects detected in production. 狭义: 生产中被检测到的所有不合格品。Such as: Missing part, Extra Part, Solder Icicle, N

4、on-wetting, Wrong Part/PolarityComponent Tilt, Soldering Anomalies etc. 如: 少件,多件,锡尖,上锡不润湿,错件,极性错,元件倾斜 上锡异常等.Some kinds of Solder Anomalies (上锡不良的一些形态)5Fish Market Overview 鲜鱼市场概述Why setup a Area “Fish Market”(为什么设置这样一个区域”鲜鱼市场”)Visual Management, problems presented to eliminate the delayed response f

5、or the defect.目视化管理,问题展示出来,以消除滞后的反馈. (展示)To identify/confirm problem in a timely manner及时识别与确认问题所在. (分析)So as to dig out root cause and take corrective action fastest.以便最快找出根本原因并采取相应的改善措施. (针对根本原因采取行动)6及时呈现,及时分析, 及时改善保护产品良率, 减少资源浪费!Fish Market Team 鲜鱼市场团队组成Who responsible for Fish Market. (谁来责任鲜鱼市场)

6、No one man or one branch, but a TEAM, normally include but not be limited to(是不一个人或一个部门, 而是一个团队,通常包含但不限于)MBU Production Line (生产部)PE Process Engineering (制程工程部)EE Equipment Engineering (设备工程部)TE Test Engineering (测试工程部)QA Quality Assurance (质量保证部)7Fish Market Team Responsibility (责任分工)How to Make Fi

7、sh Market works (如何让鲜鱼市场运作起来)First, need to setup a area those “Fishes” management首先,需要建立一个区域以管理这些“鱼”Second, a clear responsibility definition is a MUST. 第二,责任分配Third, base on Fish market rules to carry out strictly.第三,按照“鲜鱼市场”规则严格执行MBU Record every defects in Fish Market Bulletin in timely manner生产

8、部:实时把所有的不良记录到鲜鱼市场公布栏PE Root cause analysis for defects, to determine responsible department.工艺工程部:分析不良的原因,确定责任部门EE Root cause analysis and take immediately action for equipment issue.设备工程部:针对设备造成的不良采取及时有效的改善措施TE Root cause analysis and take immediately action for tester/network issue.测试工程部:针对测试机台/网络

9、造成的不良采取及时有效的改善措施QA Monitor product yield, stop the Line when the yield loss/defect quantity hit Fish Market trigger limit, follow up corrective action effectiveness.品质保证部:监视产品良率,当产品不良率达到停线时及时发停线通知,跟踪改善措施的有效性8Fish Market Bulletin 鲜鱼市场公布栏9Alarm Light警报灯Time Table时间表Fish Market Works (鲜鱼市场运作)IPQC colle

10、ct top 10 Error Code/Defects of last week and tabulate and hang it in Fish Market for special tracking. Pareto (Every Monday)IPQC 收集上周前10大不良,制表并挂在鲜鱼市场以便做特别的跟踪. 柏拉图 (每周一)Hourly triggering. 小时触发制Responsible Department offer 5 why for last week before noon of Tuesday. 责任部门要提供上周前5大不良的5why电子文档.10Fish Mar

11、ket Trigger Limit Defined(鲜鱼市场触发限值设定) _ 鲜鱼市场报警/停线标准及处理流程 Fish Market Alarm/Stop-Line Management Process一、报警/停线标准 (Alarm/Stop Line Criteria)工站Station异常项目 (Anomalies)报警 Alarm停线 Stop Line5Why报告?不同缺陷板数/1小时= _ 片/块Different Defect Quantity/hour = _ pcs不同缺陷板数/1小时= _ 片/块Different Defect Quantity/hour = _ pc

12、s相同缺陷板数/1小时= _ 片/块Same Defect Quantity/hour = _ pcs相同缺陷板数/1小时= _ 片/块Same Defect Quantity/hour = _ pcs错料或零件极性反向缺陷板数=1/块Wrong Part/Wrong Polarity Defect=1pcs连续超出SPC控制界限三点SPC 3 consecutive point out of control limit备注Remarks相同缺陷: 是指在同一工位相同位置的发生相同的问题或者相同错误代码.Same Defect: meant the failure occur on same

13、location with same symptom or same Error Code at same station.11Fish Market Works Procedure (鲜鱼市场运作程序)Line leader responsible to take defect units to Fish market and record the defect symptom or E/C. when hit Fish Market Trigger Limit, turn on the alarm buzzer to gather team member for problem solvi

14、ng生产线领班负责把不良品转到到鲜鱼市场并在鲜鱼市场公布栏记录不良现象或不良代码,当不良品数达到鲜鱼市场的停线要求时及时按报警召集团队成员分析解决问题.IPQC release stop line notice if hit line stop limit, follow up corrective action effectiveness and yield tracking如果触发停线,IPQC 发停线报告,跟踪改善措施的有效,跟跟产品良品.PE do failure analysis from the POD (point of defect) to get the POO (point

15、 of origin), identify and confirm responsible department.PE根据缺陷发现点找出不良缺陷发生点,确认责任部门.The responsible department must take immediately corrective action.责任部门必须采取及时有效的改善措施PE: Process Issue 制程问题EE: Equipment Issue 设备问题TE: Tester Issue and Network 测试与网络问题MBU: Product Sorting & Quarantine 产品挑选与隔离QA: Produc

16、t on hold, Material Purge Order 产品冻结,物料清除指令12Fish Market Works (鲜鱼市场运作)When defect hit Fish Market Stop Line.当不良率或不良数达到鲜鱼市场的停线要求5.1 Responsible department need complete 5 Why for the root cause and corrective action责任部门要完成5个“为什么”填写,直至找到根本原因,采取的改善措施.5.2 QA archive the document.QA存档5个“为什么”文档.13Fish Ma

17、rket Flow14If the problem cannot be solved within 30 minutes, MUST escalate to Manager Level.如果问题不能在30分钟内解决,必须上升到经理级别No不是Yes是Yes是No不是Fish Market Escalation Rules (鲜鱼市场升级规则)Fish Market报警反馈流程图如果总监无法解决异常,相关责任任部门总监上报总经理.If Manager cannot solve the anomalies within 60 minutes, report to Director Level.部门

18、(Dept)MBUPEEETEQA姓名(Name)电话号码(Phone)如果经理_60_分钟不能解决异常,相关责任任部门经理上报责任部门总监.If Manager cannot solve the anomalies within 60 minutes, report to Director Level.部门(Dept)MBUPEEETEQA姓名(Name)电话号码(Phone)如果工程师_30_分钟不能解决异常, 相关责任工程师上报责任部门经理If Engineer cannot solve the anomalies within 30 minutes, escalate to Manager Level.部门(Dept)MBUPEEETEQA姓名(Name)电话号码(Phone)如果鲜鱼市场团队 _15_ 分钟不能解决异常, 相关责任人上报责任部门工程师If Fish Market Team cannot solve the anomalies with 15 minutes, escalate to Engineers LevelShift AShift B部门(Dept)姓名(Name)电话号码(Phone)部门(Dep


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