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1、第九组跟随“恺撒”学英文尤斯尤利乌斯恺撒(Julius Caesar前102年7月12日-前44年3月15日),或称凯撒大帝,罗 马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家。公元前60年凯撒为了获得罗马执政官的头衔,与庞培、克拉苏秘密结成前三头同盟。但与庞培相比,凯撒更好更强大.所以只用了 5天的时间,就平定了庞培部下本都王子的叛乱。 他用最简洁的拉丁文字写了捷报送回元老院:VENI, VIDI, VICII CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED“来到,见到,胜利”veni= vent = comeinvent = in(into) + vent(come) 一走进来一词义(某事物,如:电

2、灯)走进人们的生活来一 vt.发明,创造I find out what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it.(爱迪生) inventory = in(into) + vent(walk) + ory(地点)一原始词义:走入一个地点一派生词义: 词义(商品的名字)走入的一个地点一n.(商品)详细目录,存货清单 event = e(ex=out) + vent 一原始词义:走出来一派生词义:词义重要事情走出来一n.大事件小翻译:谚事后聪明不难;作事后诸葛亮容易。It is easy to be wise after the e

3、vent.prevent = pre(before提前)+ vent(come) 一原始词义:提前走一派生词义:词义提前走采取措施一 v.防止,制止=stop小翻译:布什的7000亿美元的救市计划难以阻止美国经济进入衰退。Bushs proposal of 700 -billion financial bailout will hardly prevent the US economy from going into recession.prevention = prevent + ion(名 词后缀)小翻译:正如俗语所讲“一分预防胜似十分治疗”,因此政府应该采取预防措施来防治土地的荒 漠化。

4、As a saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”,government, therefore, should adopt preventive measures against the desertification of the land.advent = ad(to) + vent(come) 一原始词义:走过来一派生词义:词义1 一个人走过来一 n.到达=arrivalWith the advent of the new CEO, the near-bankrupt company begins to

5、prosper.随著新主席的到来,接近破产的公司也开始有了起色。词义2 一种事物走过来一 n.出现=appearance小翻译:现在,随着因特网的来临和普及,它的优缺点已经成为人们讨论的热门话题.Nowadays, with the advent and popularity of the Internet, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of heated discussion.优点:很好很强大v.s.缺点:很黄很暴力so good, so powerful v.s. so porn, so violent.vent

6、ilate = vent + ilate (动词后缀)f原始词义:走来词义1让风走来fv.通风=air小翻译:许多民工还在通风不畅的血汗工厂里工作。Some migrant workers are still working in badly-ventilated sweatshops.词义2让观点走来fv.发表观点=air小翻译:互联网已经成为可以自由发表观点的全球性社区。Internet has become a global community where opinions can be freely ventilated.ventilator = ventilat +。(名词后缀:表示

7、人或物品)f原始词义:能让风走动的装置f 词义n.通风设备,送气机 ven= comevenue = ven + ue(名词后缀)f原始词义:走来f派生词义:词义走来集会的场所fn.(比赛)场所;【律】案件发生地,审判地点小翻译:国家体育场,也被称为鸟巢,它可容纳8万人,是举行开(闭)幕式、田径比赛、足球决 赛等活动和赛事的场地。The National Stadium, or Bird Nest, with a seating capacity of 80,000 people, it will be the venue for the opening and closing ceremon

8、ies, athletics and football finals.avenue = a(to) + ven(walk) + ue f原始词义:去走f 派生词义:词义1人去走的路fn.大街,林荫大道=way, street词义2走向某一目的的方法f n.途径,方法=approach, method例句略revenue = re(back) + ven(walk) + ue f 原始词义:走回来f 派生词义:词义走回到政府或公司口袋里的钱fn.公司收益,财政收入intervene = inter(between两者之间)+ vene (walk)f原始词义:走入两者之间f派生词义:词义1人或国

9、家走入两者之间fvi.干涉,介入USA oftentimes brutally intervenes in the internal affairs of other countries.美国经常粗暴的干涉别国的内政。词义2 一个件事情走入两者之间fvi.干扰,阻止Dont let such trifles intervene between us.不要让这样的小事干扰了我俩之间的感情。intervention=intervene(介入)+ tion(名词后缀)f原始词义:介入1派生词义:词义介入,干涉小翻译:在处理全球性金融性危机或全球变暖时,政府的介入至关重要。In coping with

10、 the global financial crisis or global warming ,governmental intervention is of great importance.convene = con(together) + vene(walk) f 原始词义:走到一起来f 派生词义:词义1走到一起来fvi.集会词义2让群众走到一起来开会fvt.召开会议Convene a press conference 召开媒体见面会convention=conven(集会)+ tion (名词后缀)原始词义:集会f派生词义:词义1全体集会fn.大型会议词义2开会成了人们生活中的重要fn

11、.传统,习俗词义3会议中达成7fn.正式协议=official agreement故事串记:On 4th July, 1776, governors of 13 Colonized states of North America convened atPhiladelphia. At the grand convention, known as Second Continental Congress, they reached an important convention - The Declaration of Independence. According to convention,

12、the 4th July was made later as The Independence Day of USA.辨析:adventure, ventureventure = vent(walk) + ure(名词或动词后缀)一原始词义:走一派生词义:词义1走入风险一 n.冒险的事业或行为=risky projectjoint venture合资企业VC是风险资本=venture capital,也被称为seed capital种子资本。词义2走去冒险一 v.去冒险Nothing venture, nothing capture.不入虎穴,焉得虎仔。adventure = ad +vent

13、 +成。(后缀)一原始词义:不断走一派生词义:词义n.新奇或冒险的经历It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves and in finding themselves.ven=van衍生出的词汇advance = ad(强调)+ van(ven=walk) + ce(后缀)一原始词义:不断向前走一派生词义:词义n. v.前进,提前Advance with the times.与时俱进advantage = ad(强调)+ vant(=walk) + age(名词后缀)一原始词义:不断向前走一派生词义

14、:词义走到竞争对手前面,获得了一n.优势,优点小翻译:有利必有弊。(经典写作例句)Every advantage has its disadvantages.小翻译:使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont produce any pollution.ven=vad衍生出的词汇invade = in(into) + vade(walk) 一原始词义:走进来一派生词义:词义敌人走进来了 一 vt.侵略invader = invad(=invade侵略)+ er (人)一原始词义:走进来的(敌

15、人)一vt.侵略者例句略evade = e(ex=out) + vade(walk) 一原始词义:走出来一派生词义:词义1从危险中走出来一 vt.躲避(危险)词义2从责任中走出来一vt.逃避(责任,例如税收、票等)小翻译:正如美国谚语所讲,“一生中只有两件事情无法避免一死亡和税收。”所以在美国逃税 是会受到严厉惩罚的。Just as the American saying goes, “Only two things are inevitable in life: death and tax.” Its severely punished to evade tax in USA.vad=vas

16、两者有什么区别?掌握了两者的区别,你的词汇量又要double 了。vad动词vas形容词,名词请写出:invade, evade, pervade的名词,形容词invasion, invasiveevasion, evasivepervasion, pervasive相对超纲词汇vent= vent(walk) 一原始词义:走一派生词义:词义1让液体或气体走的通道一n.通道,管道=ductThere is a small air vent in the ceiling for the moisture to get out, 在天花板上有一个小的通风管道 来排除湿气。词义2让心中的情绪走出来一

17、vt. n.发泄,释放=let outWhen I feel depressed, I often called Tracy to vent (=give vent to) my anger and frustration.当我心情郁闷时,我通常打电话给翠花来发泄我的愤怒和沮丧。circumvent= circum(=circle圆圈,循环)+ vent(walk) 一原始词义:绕圈走过去一派生词义:词义1绕行(障碍或困难)一vt,避免如果你无法直接解决困难,你也许可以聪明的回避它。If you cannot tackle the difficulty directly, you may ci

18、rcumvent it cleverly.词义2绕过税务局一vt.逃避(税收)一些大公司在国外设立办事处,以躲避我国的税法。A few big companies have opened offices abroad in order to circumvent our tax laws.contravene = contra(=against 反对)+ vene(walk) 一原始词义: 反着走一派生词义:词义vt.违反,违背To contravene a law is illegal; to contravene the Bible is sinful.parvenu = par(thro

19、ugh) + venu(walk) 一原始词义: 走过去一派生词义:词义走过贫穷进入富裕一 n.暴发户=upstartsubvention = sub(下)+vent(walk) + ion(名词)一原始词义:走下去一派生词义:词义走入到下层人民的钱一n.补助金,津贴,援助=subsidyavant-garde = a(to) + vant(=vent=walk) 原始词义:走向前一派生词义:词义走向前的艺术作品一a.前卫的;n.前卫艺术家,前卫的艺术作品一些前卫的艺术家认为裸体就是真理,就是世间最真实的美。Some avant-gardes argue that nudity is the

20、truth, the truest beauty in the world.vid=see衍生出的词汇evident = e(ex=out) + vid(see) + en(形容词后缀)一原始词义:能够看出来的一派生词义:词义1 a.明显的,显而易见的The applause made it evident the play was a hit.掌声显然表明该剧是成功的。video = vid(see) + eo(名词后缀)一原始词义:看的视频一n.电视;视频;影视象现在大学生很流行拍DV(注意不是AV哦!),这是哪两个单词的缩写呢?DV是英语Digital Video的缩写,即数码摄像机。v

21、i衍生出的词汇obvious = ob(away) + vi(see) + ous 一原始词义:看出来一派生词义:词义能看出区别来的一 a.明显的,显而易见的辨析:evident, obviousevident多用于推理及抽象的事,指“明显的”Its evident that the plan is impracticable.很明显这计划是不能实现的。obvious指“容易知道或发现,无须解释或证明的”Its obvious that a man isnt strong enough to lift an elephant.很明显,一个人是不能举起大象的。envious = en(=in)

22、+ vi(看) + ous(形容词)f原始词义:看到眼睛里f派生词义:词义眼睛里看到别人的珍奇珠宝华衣锦服,就想侵占,所以是f.嫉妒别人的短语:be envious of = envy vt.嫉妒小翻译:我们都很嫉妒杨政时尚的CUCCI服装,但后来发现是贴了 GUCCI商标的冒牌货。We are envious of Frank fashionable clothes, but later we find out they are only fake ones with GUCCI label.vis衍生出的词汇为什么vis表示看呢?从一个简单的单词我们就可以明白.visit = vis(se

23、e) + it(后缀)f原始词义:看它f派生词义:词义1看人f vt. n.拜访,咨询If you have persistent toothache, you should visit the dentist immediately.如果你牙痛持续,就应该立即看牙科医。词义2看物f vt. n.参观,浏览The Bird Nest Stadium is worth visiting, because it is the major venue of Olympic Games.鸟巢值得参观,因为它是奥林匹克运动会的主会场。visit card f拜访别人的时候需要用的卡片fn.名片=busi

24、ness cardvision = vis(see) + ion(名词后缀)f原始词义:看f派生词义:词义1用肉眼看到的fn.视力,视野,眼光小翻译:翠花眼光敏锐,总能抓住一切商机。Tracy has keen (sharp) vision and she can seize any business opportunity.词义2用心灵的眼睛看f n.想象小翻译:她总是把自己想象成富有的商人。She always has a vision of herself as a wealthy businesswoman.visual = vis(see) + ual(形容词后缀)f原始词义:用眼看

25、的fa.视觉的小翻译:陈冠希的艳照对于中学生来说是严重的视觉污染。Edisons pephotos are serious visual pollution to the students of middle school.visible = vis(see) + ible(形容词后缀)f原始词义:看的f派生词义:词义可以被看见的fa.可见的小翻译:预测未来最好的办法就是把它创造出来,让它在你眼前清晰可见。The best way to predict the future is to create it and make it visible before your eyes. invisi

26、ble = in(not) + visible(可见的)f原始词义:不可看的f派生词义:词义a.看不见的,隐形的小翻译:某些权力部门的领导可以获得大量的隐性收入。Some administrative leaders can secure substantial invisible income (off-payroll income).visibility = vis + ibil(形容词后缀)+ ity(名词后缀)f原始词义:可看f派生词义: 词义n.能见度小翻译:大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽会造成能见度降低。Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and v

27、apor can diminish visibility.supervise = super(上) + vise f原始词义:从上往下看f派生词义:词义上面看着你,目的是fvt.监督,监视supervision = supervis(=supervise 监督)+ ion(名词后缀)词义n .监督supervisor = supervis(=supervise 监督)+ or(名词后缀表示人)词义n .监督者,主管人小翻译:三聚氰胺奶粉丑闻的爆光表明了在中国牛奶行业缺乏对食品安全的监督,所以一些监 督者应该因为渎职罪而被起诉。The exposure of the Melamine Milk

28、Powder Scandal shows that strict supervision of food security is lacking in milk industry in China, and some supervisors should be charged with crime of misconduct in office.revise = re(again) + vise(see) f原始词义:一再的看f 派生词义:词义1 一再地看的文章,修改其中的错误fvt.校订,修改小翻译:这个研究生必须修改他的论文,直到导师满意为止。This postgraduate has t

29、o revise the thesis until his tutor is satisfied with it.词义2 一再地看某个数据,调查,计划等,目的是修改使之更合理或精确fvt.调整,修改 由于金融海啸的爆发,白宫不得不调低对明年经济增长的预估。Because of the outbreak financial tsunami, White House has to revise its predictions downward for next years economic growth.envisage = en(用)+ vis + age (名词或动词后缀)f原始词义:用眼睛去

30、看f派生词义:词义想象一个事物,好象能(看到)7fvt.设想,想象=envision, imagine小翻译:真正的勇者能在逆境中为自己描绘美好的蓝图。The real brave can envisage a bright blueprint for himself while in an adversity.view衍生出的词汇单词组记: review, preview, interview, overviewreview= re(again) +view(see) f原始词义:一再的看f 派生词义:词义1 一再的看一篇文章或产品,所以写了一个fvt.评论;n.评论文章翠花答应为某晚报写一

31、篇电影评论,关于是否影片中的女演员周迅应该光屁股。Tracy promised to write a review of “Painted Skin” in one of the evening papers as to whether the actressZhou Xun should be posterior-naked before the film viewers.词义2 一再的看,目的是改进或改正错误fvt. n.检查,复审所有奶源基地都要受到政府持续检查。All the milk source bases are subject to the constant review fr

32、om the government.词义3将军一再的看士兵fvt. n.检阅在2009年,中华人民共和国成立60周年之际,将举行盛大的阅兵仪式。In 2009, the 60th anniversary of PRC, a grand review and inspection of troops will be held.词义4学生一再的看书准备考试fvt.复习在期末考试前,学生们都在紧张复习备考。Before the final exam, students are busy reviewing for it.preview=pre(before) + view(see) f原始词义:提前

33、看f 派生词义:词义1在正式公布之前,提前看一个电影戏剧或书籍fvt. n.预览仅有一小部分记者和名人有特权去看赤壁的预演。Only a few journalists and celebrities have privilege to the preview of “Red Cliff”.词义2学生提前看书说讲义fvt. n.预习For better understanding what the professor will talk about in class, wed better preview the assigned textbook.为了能更好的理解教授的课堂内容,我们最好预习

34、一下指定的教材。interview=inter(between) + view(see) 一原始词义:相互之间见面一派生词义:词义1人力资源经理和求职者之间见面一n.vt,面试小翻译:面试者在面试中留下的第一印象比能力更加重要。First impression the interviewee left is prior to his personal ability in the interview.词义2新闻记者和被采访者之间见面一n.vt,采访对翠花进行了独家专访后,我终于知道了一个成功女人背后,竟然可以有一个更成功的男人。From the exclusive interview with

35、 Tracy, we finally realize there can be an even more successful man behind a successful woman.overview=over(above) + view(see) 一原始词义:从上往下看一派生词义:词义从上往下整体看一个问题一n.纵览,综述对课程简要的综述可以帮助你学好后续的课程。A brief overview of this course will prepare you for the following lessons.相对超纲词汇improvise = im (not) + pro(before

36、) + vise(see)原始词义:不能提前看一派生词义:词义在演讲中不能提前看到题目,所以只能一v,临时创作,即兴演讲=to make impromptu speechIf an actor forgets his word, he has to improvise.演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。visage = vis(see) + age(名词后缀)一原始词义:看一派生词义:词义看人的脸一 n.书面容=口 faceVista是Microsoft Windows最新的操作系统.到底是什么意思呢?vista = vis(看) + ta(名词后缀)一原始词义:看一派生词义:词义看远处的景

37、色一 n.远景,展望=view2008 Beijing Olympics opens up new vista of development for “Made-in-China.2008年奥运会为中国制造提供了新的发展前景。visa = vis(see) + a (名词后缀)一原始词义:看一派生词义:词义“看”了你的护照(passport)以后,在上面盖个戳或贴个条一 n.签证 小翻译:在签证到期后,你必须要去续签。You have to renew your visa after it expires.vis-a-vis 面对面=口 face to face小翻译:与明星面对面坐着,让粉丝们激动得窒息。Being vis-a-vis with the superstar takes the fans breath away.vict=conquer衍生出的词汇victory = vi


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