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1、.:.;薪資行政中英文規章制度總論公司有意將其薪資水準與那些同在-個勞動市場增取人才的薪資水準較好的公司,使水準相近。為達成這項承諾,公司必須適當的執行四項主要任务:l、職位評鑑 透過一定程序來決定某一任务在公司內與其他一切任务之間的相對價值:任务的評鑑與在此職位上的人員才干背景均無關。2、任务評價 了解在勞動力市場上其他僱主所支付同類任务的薪資水準及稫利的價值。3、績效考核 考核在每一任务職位上人員的任务表現。4、薪資行政 必要的程序及指導原則用來決定每位員工由於考績、升遷或其他的調整缘由所呵斥的加薪。這是主管的責任保證每項任务都經過適當的分類,考慮在適當的時閒做薪資調整,所給予員工加薪的多



4、環境及挑戰時,所應有的問題解決才干。責任的評量是指此職位所負於可以獨立自在行使的權利,如一年可支用的預算金額有多少,此職位任务結果的管理及影響程度大小。三、薪資等級 將任务性質類似責任相近的職位歸為一等級,評鑑方式用點數高低來做歸類等級,再將此點數等級轉換成薪資等級。員工有權知道他的職位任务被評鑑為那個薪資等級。薪資等級決定一個職位任务,公司要支付多少薪水。每一薪資等級都有金額大小級距,也就是說每一薪資等級中有最低金額及最高金額規定。在薪資等級中最低到最高金額之間的錢,員工可依據任务績效表現好壞在其薪資級距中逐渐、正常的調整薪資。這項分析著重在此職位任务被公司業務需求程度與公司其他一切任务之間


6、人員如會計、工程師或資訊人員。假设現有的市場調查無法提供適當的資訊,人力資源部將直接或透過外界顧問公司做市場調查。為防止重覆作業及確保協調一致性,人力資源部統籌辦理一切對外的市場調查。五、績效考核主管人員及非主管人員分別有不同的績效考核制度設計,用來將績效成果做為決定薪資能否調整的重要參考要素。主管人員歸類為不適用於加班費規定的人員類別,非主管人員歸類為適用於加班費規定的人員類別。非主管人員的績效考核時間是在新進人員引介的檢查表中規定,試用期三個期滿的考核,接著三個月的任务才干進展的考核,以後就是下次年度調薪前的考核。主管人員的績效考核時間是在其年度調薪前的考核。程序 非主管人員的績效考核是用

7、任务內容表格及人事紀錄表格。主管人員的績效考核是用任务內容表格及主管管理考核表格。 在一切的狀況下,任务內容表格是在開始實施考核程序之前用來決定主要的任务責任是什麼。評分程序應該經過主管與部屬雙方達成共識,並赞同在那些任务責任方面加重計分。員工績效表現就以雙方共同認可的項目及要素來做評分考核的依據。雙方共同建立下次考核期間的目標,以改善任务績效及開發員工的潛力。薪資行政中主要的目標是配合績效考核制度公平公正的運用:1、溝通 績效考核制度提供一個基礎讓主管與部屬清楚藉由對任务責任及期望的績效成果的溝通達成雙方的了解。2、動機 每位主管都有責任激勵員工以提高員工的任务效率。績效考核制度提供教導員工

8、的基礎,透過教導員工個人改善績效進而改善員工個人及部門整体的業績表現。員工本人無法改善除非主管明確告訴他任务中的優缺點及努力改善方向。3、人力開發 另外一項主管的責任是協助員工的發展以便讓員工能升遷到更高階層的職缺。績效考核制度提供協助員工個人他希望提升事業成長的指導原則。績效考核制度也提供人力庫資訊以因應員工退休、員工離職及組織擴充所需求的人力規劃。另外考核資料也可利用來檢驗任用招募時的測驗題能否實用,找出真正的訓練需求,選擇參加訓練課程的人選。六、主管人員的薪資行政指導績效考核調薪主管人員包括直接向總經理呈報的一級主管,只需其目前薪在其所屬職位等級的薪資級距之中及中上等的績效攷核成績才會被




12、請長假,主管送人事記錄表格及下次考核日期,附上延後調薪建議的說明。假设延後缘由是由於任务表現不佳,一定要附上績效考核表。 當請假超過四週以上,考核曰期延後到員工回到任务崗位。調薪生效日延後到該員工結束假期的下一個月一號生效。當請假超過三個月,主管可選擇延後考核日期,延後時間與請假時間一样,為重新觀察該員工的績效表現。這種做法對於重返公司,但擔任新職的員工或請假前績效攷核紀錄不詳的員工特別有用。行政程序主管的調薪建議案應在預定調薪生效日期前四週前送人力資源部,才有足夠的時間進行核淮的程序。調薪生效日在考核日期的當月或前一個月的一日。雖然提示留意預定考核的通知大約在考核日期的前六週發出,但主管依然

13、有責任確保每位員工的薪水都在適當的時間遭到調整。員工直屬主管應事先與人力資源部諮商後,再填寫調薪建議案。為什麼需求與人力資源專員事先洽談的缘由是要維持公司內一切部門調薪政策的一致性。主管會透過調薪通知的薪資袋知道其建議的調薪核淮通知。主管應先確認調薪的金額能否正確,在實際發薪前正式通知接受調薪的員工。調整薪資 當薪資級距調高,有些員工的薪水會低於他所屬薪資等級的新薪資級距的最低金額,這些員工的薪資就應該調高。人力資源部準備這些員工的名單,將這些員工薪資調整到新薪資級距的最低金額。除非主管主動通知人力資源部某位員工任务表現太差,不給予調整外,其餘員工將如期調整。有些有經驗員工的薪水能够只比新的薪

14、資級距的最低金額高出一點點,只需在公司預算許可下,這些員工薪資也應該調整,以尊重他們的年資。很重要的是這次薪資調整不影響下次預定的薪資調整曰期。八、試用期間 員工在試用期間不得薪資調整。假设公司安排的薪資調整時間,剛好是某些員工正在試用期間,薪資調整時間自動延後。假设員工在試用期間有顯著的進步以及其他要素許可下,人力資源部可以要求該員工在試用期滿後做薪資調整。當員工在建議調薪生效曰之前安排試用期,主管應主動通知人力資源部取銷建議調薪案。在試用期間結束前,調薪生效日不會追溯執行。 SALARY ADMINISTRATIONI. GENERAL. The Company intends that

15、its rates of pay be commensurate with those of better paying companies in the markets in which it competes for people. The proper implementation of four major activities is necessary to fulfill this commitment: 1. Position evaluation.The process of determining the relative value of one job to all ot

16、hers in the Company : the job is evaluated without reference to the incumbent. 2. Job pricing.The determination of the rates of pay and the value of benefits offered by other employers in the labor market. 3. Performance appraisal The measurement of the performance of the incumbents of each job. 4.

17、Salary guidelinesThe procedures and guidelines necessary to determine the increase of each individual by reason of a merit review, promotion or other adjustment.It is the responsibility of the supervisor to assure that each job is properly classified, that salary reviews are considered at the proper

18、 time and that increases reflect individual performance. Separate booklets for employees describing the management personnel and non-management personnel salary administration programs are available from the HR Department.II. POSITION EVALUATION. Every position is evaluated and ranked based on its p

19、otential impact on the success of the Company. This process involves a careful analysis of the purpose and principal functions of each position as well as the degree of difficulty imposed by the responsibilities of that job. The analysis focuses on the demands of the position in relation to those of

20、 all other positions. The job is studied and measured - not the person in it. Positions are evaluated whenever new ones are created or when there is a significant change in the organization of a unit. In addition, all positions are reviewed every three years to identify subtle changes in job content

21、, verifying that the evaluation is current and correct. Evaluations are initiated by the department through the HR officer, then sent to I.E. Department and HR Department for final evaluation. The involvement of the HR Department helps to insure consistency in approach throughout the entire Company,

22、 that is, internal equity among all positions. 1.E. Department involves to make sure that the job change or reassignment is in line with the concept of value added to the Companys business. The Personnel Committee will approve the evaluation of the positions in accordance with the results of the fin

23、al evaluation. The major factors considered in the evaluation are know-how, problem solving and accountability. Know-how is the sum total of all knowledge and skills, however acquired, needed for satisfactory job performance. It is measured in three dimensions: technical depth, managerial breadth an

24、d human relations skills. Problem solving is the amount of original self-starting thought required by the job for analyzing, evaluating, creating. reasoning and making decisions, that is, the thinking environment and the thinking challenge applicable to that position. Accountability measures the fre

25、edom to act independently within a given position, the annual dollar amount controlled or managed and the impact of the position on end results.III. SALARY GRADES Jobs which are similar in responsibility as expressed by the point value derived from the evaluation are grouped into salary grades. Empl

26、oyees are entitled to know the grades to which their jobs are assigned. The salary grade determines how much is paid for a position. Each salary grade has a dollar range with a minimum and a maximum. The spread between the minimum and the maximum dollar amount of a grade allow a normal progression o

27、f increases in salary within a grade on the basis of job performance. Salaries seldom reach the top of the range unless length of service is predominant, for employees usually are assigned to positions with greater responsibility before that time. No increase which would bring the salary above the m

28、aximum of the ranges will be approved.IV. JOB PRICING To maintain a salary structure that properly reflects the outside labor market, considerable attention is given to external job pricing through salary surveys. The Company participates in about three and more surveys each year. Some are general a

29、nd cover a great number of jobs. Others are specific to the industries in which we compete to particular kinds of work such as accounting, engineering or data processing. When suitable data cannot be located in established survey, the HR Department conducts its own surveys either directly or through

30、 outside consulting firms. To prevent duplication and insure coordination, surveys may be initiated only by the HR Department.V. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL The separate Performance Appraisal Systems, designed for the management personnel and non-management personnel, are the means by which performance en

31、ters into the determination of salaries. The management personnel are classified as exempt employees who are not eligible for requesting overtime payment. While the non-management personnel are classified as non-exempt employees who are eligible for requesting overtime payment. The performance of no

32、n-exempt employees is reviewed after three months of employment on the orientation checklist and three months progress report and thereafter at the time of their scheduled salary increases. The performance of exempt employees is rated at the time of their scheduled salary increases.* Procedure. The

33、performance of non-exempt employees is evaluated by utilizing the Job Content Form and the Personnel Record Form . Exempt employees are rated using the job Content Form and the Management Appraisal Form. In all cases. the job Content Form is used to determine primary job responsibilities prior to th

34、e appraisal process. The rating procedure requires supervisors and subordinates to agree on and weigh specific responsibilities which comprise an employees job. An evaluation is then made of the employees performance n these factors. Goals are mutually established for the next review period to impro

35、ve performance and develop the employees potential. Significant objectives in addition to salary administration are met with the conscientious use of the Performance Appraisal System: 1. Communication. Performance appraisal provides the basis for establishing a clear understanding between the superv

36、isor and the subordinate about the responsibilities of the job as well as the expected results. 2. Motivation. Every supervisor is responsible for stimulating an increasingly effective level of performance by the employee. Appraisal procedures provide the basis for coaching which can improve individ

37、ual as well as departmental results through better individual performance. Individuals cannot improve unless they are made aware of the strong and weak points in their work efforts. 3. Manpower Development.An additional managerial responsibility is the development of employee to fill vacancies at hi

38、gher levels. Appraisals provide the guidance for individuals who want to acquire the background to promote career growth. Appraisals also contribute to an inventory of manpower which facilitates the planning required by retirements, terminations and expansion. Appraisal data is utilized in the valid

39、ation of employment tests as well as the identification of training needs and the selection of candidates for training programs.VI. SALARY GUIDELINES for EXEMPT 1. Merit Increases. For exempt employees up to the rank of direct report to General Manager, merit increases are considered at intervals de

40、termined by the position of salary within the range and level of performance. This policy provides more frequent consideration of salaries and larger increase opportunities for superior performers in the lower portions of their salary ranges. 2. Promotion Increases. These may be considered when the

41、new job is at least one grade higher than the present job, provided the current salary is within the lower two-thirds of the new range. Promotional increases are not granted when the salary falls in the upper third of the new range or by reason of a change in title without a change in grade. However

42、, a regularly scheduled review may be accelerated to coincide with a title change. 3. Review Dates. Flexibility is also afforded by provision for the acceleration or deferral of increases to take changing circumstances into account, for example, overcoming a salary problem created by the labor marke

43、t, a change in job performance as well as an inequity between individual exempt employees. The salaries of senior management personnel and higher ranking officers are reviewed on a broader scale. 4. Procedure. On approximately the fifteenth of the month. three months prior to the effective date of t

44、he exempt employees scheduled review, copies of salary review sheets are sent to HR for recommendations. These recommendations are due for approval in HR Department on the first business day of the month preceding the month in which the actions are to be effective. Merit salary increase recommendati

45、ons are processed only if accompanied by a completed performance appraisal form.VII. SALARY GUIDELINES for NON-EXEMPT 1. Merit Reviews. These are conducted at intervals determined by the position of salary within the range and level of performance. Performance appraisals must accompany salary recomm

46、endations for merit reviews, both of which are submitted on Personnel Record Form. 2. Promotion Reviews. No trial period is required in the new job nor are there length of service requirements for a promotional increase. Increases may be granted for promotions to a job at least one grade above the p

47、resent position provided the salary is within the lower two-thirds of the new range. Supervisors submit salary recommendations and reasons for promotions on Personnel Record Form for approval by the HR Department. Performance reviews are required when promotions occur in conjunction with scheduled s

48、alary reviews or when promoted employees have not been appraised in the last twelve months. However, the Job Content Form should be completed in the case of all promotions to insure that the employee knows what is expected in the new position. A change in job title should be processed whether or not

49、 a promotion is involved. 3. Accelerated Reviews. Merit increases may be accelerated when a substantial inequity exists, such as a significant salary disparity between peers when performance is equal or a skipped review. The supervisor initiates the recommendation by submitting Personnel Record Form

50、 with the reasons for the action, as well as a completed performance appraisal. 4. Deferred Reviews. When a salary increase is deferred as the result of job performance, probation or a leave of absence, the supervisor submits Personnel Record Form and the next review date as well as the reason(s) fo

51、r the deferral. A performance appraisal must accompany a deferral due to performance. When a leave of absence is longer than four weeks, the review is deferred until the employee returns. The effective date of the increase is the first day of the month following the leave. When a leave exceeds three

52、 months, a supervisor has the option to defer the review for a period up to the length of the leave in order to evaluate the employees performance. This option is especially useful when the returning employee is in a new assignment or had an uncertain record prior to the leave. 5. Procedure. Salary

53、increase recommendations of supervisors should be submitted to the HR Department at least four weeks prior to the effective date to allow sufficient time for processing and approval. The effective date of a salary increase is the first day of the month prior to or coinciding with the review date. Although reminders of scheduled reviews are issued approximately six weeks in advance of review dates, it remains the responsibility of the supervisor to insure that the salary of each employee is reviewed at the proper time. Salary review are signed by the supervisor-in-charg


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