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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、- is it from our school to Wanda shopping mall?- About half an hour on foot.AHow far BHow much CHow long DHow often2、-Excuse me, co

2、uld you tell me _?-Certainly. At a quarter past two in the afternoon.Awhen will the train leave Bwhen the train would leaveCwhen the train left Dwhen the train leaves3、- Its raining outside. Wheres my umbrella? -Oh, Tom _.Atakes it away Btook it away Chas taken it away Dhas taken away it4、Its said t

3、hat of the Grade spent plenty of time on the Internet during the holidays.Atwo third; ThreeBtwo thirds; ThreeCtwo thirds; ThirdDtwo third; Third5、 Robert, Im afraid I _ finish the work today. It doesnt matter, you may finish it tomorrow.AneedntBcantCmustntDshouldnt6、Have you ever been to Disneyland?

4、No, _. I hope I can go there next year.AalwaysBsometimesCneverDoften7、This is one of the most interesting cities I have ever visited.AwhoBthatCwhichDwhere8、Knowing something well is not easy. It may take years _ you know everything of something.Asince Bafter Cbefore Duntil9、Susan her friends invitat

5、ion because of an important meeting.Atook downBput downCturned downDwrote down10、Confucius was a great thinker had many wise ideas about human nature.AwhoBwhichC/. 完形填空11、Colour is a part of life. The whole world is full of colours. Almost 1 has a colour .Some things are yellow like cheese, lemons a

6、nd bananas. 2 things are red. For example, warning signs are usually red. 3 is the colour of most spring leaves and grass. 4 is blue? Blue is the colour of 5 .We can also see the blue sky , blue eyes , blue birds and blue jeans. There are many 6 colours too, such as orange, brown, purple, white and

7、black.The world changes its colours with the 7 of the year. Spring is green. Summer is red. It turns gold in autumn and then 8 in winter. When winter is gone and spring is back, the world turns green again. .When winter is gone and spring comes back ,the world turns green again. 9 a rainstorm you ma

8、y see something that has many different colours in the sky .It is a rainbow. But 10 different colours, can you imagine what the world looks like?1Anone Bnothing Csomething Deverything2AFew BA little CLots of DLittle3AGreen BRed CYellow DBlue4AWhen BWhat CWho DWhy5Athe sun Bgrass Csea Dground6Aother

9、Banother Cextra Delse7Amonths Bseasons Cdays Dweeks8Ared Bgreen Cyellow Dwhite9AUntil BAfter CBefore DBut10Awith Bwithout Cfor Dwithin. 语法填空12、 My mother is a doctor. She is so busy 1 she isnt able to get back home on time every day. And she has to work on weekends sometimes. So its hard for 2(she)

10、to do all the chores after work. As a member of the family, I think its my duty to share some housework. Though mother always says she doesnt need any help, there are always things I can do. For example, I can help take out the rubbish and wash 3 dishes. Im sure I can do them 4(good). Whats more, Im

11、 5(try) to be independent. I wash my own clothes, tidy up my bedroom and care for my things. Im old enough to do these things. And I cant d6 on my parents forever. I think she is the 7(one) person I should thank. So show your 8(thank) to your mom for everything she 9(do). Just try your b10 to help h

12、er. I believe she will feel happy. Try it now. 阅读理解A13、Disneyland Paris? Youre not serious! said Tim.Yes,I am, said Jenny. Someone has donated money to the school for a Student of the Year Award. Tim,Jenny and William were waiting for morning assembly to start. Everyone around them was talking about

13、 the Student of the Year Award.How many people can go?I dont know, said William,shrugging his shoulders. Two maybe. Dont worry,Tim,if you win,its OK for you to take me. Not likely, said Tim.Thats enough talking, said Mrs. Barrow. Arkwright Schools new Head Teacher was standing on the stage in front

14、of them. Can I have your attention,please. she said. She was a small woman with a very powerful voice. When she spoke,the children fell silent.Im sure you have all heard about the new Arkwright School Student of the Year Award. Basically,we want you to think of an activity that will be good for both

15、 the school and the local community, said Mrs. Barrow. Whoever thinks of the best idea for a project will get our Student of the Year Trophy(奖杯)and a family ticket for four people to Disneyland Paris. Thats it, said Tim. Im going to be Student of the Year. Yes, you and two hundred others, said Willi

16、am. The children were all talking now and it was very noisy.And,I havent finished talking yet, thank you, said Mrs. Barrow. These children laughed and then they were silent again.In addition to writing the plan, you actually have to do the project. We want to see results, not just ideas. One or two

17、children started to talk again. Mrs. Barrow raised her hand.Some announcements. she said. Number One. Dont throw litter around the school and especially not in your classrooms. Some of the teachers are complaining. All of the teachers are complaining, whispered William.Sssh, said Jenny.Number Two. P

18、lease pay at the office if you are going ice skating on Saturday. Brrr. Too cold, said William.William. Shut up ! said Tim.And,Number Three,one important thing from the police. There have been reports of thefts in the Wrightham area,and one of our students has lost his phone. Possibly someone stole

19、it. So please be careful. Report any suspicious behaviour to your class teacher, to me,or to the police,and please dont try to catch the thief yourself. You behave very suspiciously, Tim, said William. I think Ill report you. Thanks, William, said Tim. Im glad Ive got a friend I can depend on! .1How

20、 many people can go to Disneyland Paris if someone wins the Student of the Year Award?A1.B2.C3.D4.2Where might the story happen?AIn the classroom.BIn the music room.CIn the school hall.DAt Disneyland.3What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?ATim is happy to have a friend like Wi

21、lliam.BWilliam is really a good friend to depend on.CIt is helpful of William to report Tim to the police.DTim doesnt really think William can lie depended on.B14、In the 1920s, the airlines were just beginning. It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was expensive and dangerous. In tho

22、se days, there were no flight attendants (服务生) to look after the passengers. Young men, or “stewards” helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers bags but they did not provide food and drinks. But then in 1930, a woman called Ellen Church invented the “stewardess”.Ellen Church

23、 was born in 1904 on a farm in Iowa. She was a different child. She didnt want to work on a farm or marry a farmer. She wanted a more adventurous (冒险的) life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at the hospital

24、 and at the same time took flying lessons and got her pilots license. Ellen was 25 years old when she first got in touch with BAT (Boeing Air Transport). She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a mans world. Though women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it was i

25、mpossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot. But she had another idea. Most people were afraid of flying because flying was still not a very safe way to travel. There were often delays (延误), many crashes and the bad weather made many passengers sick. Ellen thought nurses could take care of pas

26、sengers during flights and BAT agreed.The young woman from Iowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses.At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940 there were around 1000 of them working for differe

27、nt airlines. The early “stewardesses” had to be under twenty-five-year-old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have children. It was a hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and was paid $1 an hour. In the 1970s, stewardesses were un

28、happy in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, “stewardesses” have been called flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.1From the first paragraph, we know that _.Athe word “stewardesses” was started from Ellen ChurchBEllen Church was the

29、 first woman who flew a planeCfood and drinks were offered on the plane thenDtraveling by air was very popular because of the flight attendants2Boeing Air Transport offered Ellen the job because of _.Aher flying experience Bher university educationCher nursing experience Dher life attitudes (态度)3The

30、 passage mainly talks about _.Athe background of early flying pilotsBthe experience of flying passengersCthe history of early flight attendantsDthe development of airplanesC15、Last July, my 12-year-old car died on Californias Santa Ana Freeway. It was an hour before sunset, and I was 25 miles from h

31、ome. I couldnt reach anyone to pick me up, so I decided to take a bus. Not knowing the routes, I figured Id just head east. A bus pulled up, and I asked the driver how far she was going. “Four more lights,” she said. There was another bus I could take from there. This clearly was going to be a long

32、night. She dropped me off at the end of her route and told me which bus to look for.After waiting 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home. Then a bus pulled up. There was no lighted number above its windshield (挡风玻璃). It was out of service. But the door opened, and I was s

33、urprised to find that it was the same driver. “I just cant leave you here,” she said. “This isnt the nicest place. Ill give you a ride home.” “Youll drive me home in the bus?” I asked, perplexed (困惑). “No, Ill take you in my car,” she said. “Its a long way,” I protested. “Come on, ” she said. “I hav

34、e nothing else to do.”As we drove from the station in her car, she began telling me a story. A few days earlier, her brother had run out of gas. A good Samaritan picked him up, took him to a service station and then back to his car. “Im just passing the favor along, ” she said. When I offered her mo

35、ney as a thank-you, she wouldnt hear of it. “That wouldnt make it a favor, ” she said. “Just do something nice for somebody. Pass it along.”1Why did the writer say that he would have a long night?AHe wondered how long he had to wait for the next bus.BNo driver would give him a ride.CHe didnt know th

36、e routes.DHe perhaps would have to take a taxi.2Judging from its context, the place where the writer waited for the second bus was_.Avery quiet and peacefulBdark without street lightsCneither clean nor beautifulDa little unsafe3The bus driver drove the writer home later because _.Ashe happened to go

37、 in the same directionBshe wanted to do something good for other peopleCher brother told her to do soDshe wanted to earn more money4The bus driver hoped that the writer _.Awould do as she didBwould keep her in memoryCwould give the money to othersDwould do her a favorD16、 Some days, dont you think,

38、“Wouldnt it be nice if the laundry would just do itself?” Self-cleaning clothes may sound crazy. But Australian researchers have found a way to make something like this possible! A team at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, found a way to put special nanostructuresinto clothing, which can then

39、 clean the clothes. When sunlight hits the nanostructures, they break down the dirt and stains (污渍) that dont belong on your clothes. The nanostructures dont break down the actual clothing because cotton and the other clothing materials are too strong to be broken down. According to CNN, the researc

40、hers cover the clothing in asolutionmade of silver and copper (铜) nanostructures. All it takes is 40 minutes of sunlight and your clothes will look as good as new. So if you spill on yourself during lunch, you can step outside for a walk, and it will be clean by the time you go inside. It not only m

41、akes your life easier, but it can also be good for the environment. According to the US Department of Energy, the average load of laundry uses about 25 gallons (about 94 liters) of water. Water is a very important resource, so using less of it to wash clothes is better for the environment. But one o

42、f the scientists at RMIT University knows more needs to be done. “Theres more work to do before we can start throwing out our washing machines,” said Dr Rajesh Ramanathan, “but this is a strong foundation (基础).” So whats the next step? Ramanathan wants to either start selling the solution by itself

43、or convincing clothing makers to treat the clothing with the solution while clothes are being made.1According to the first three paragraphs, _.Athe nanostructures can break down dirt and stains on clothesBpeople can use the self-cleaning clothes on rainy daysCthe self-cleaning clothes easily wear ou

44、t2The underlined word “solution” in Paragraph 3 means “ ” in Chinese.A方案 B溶液 C水盆3Paragraphs - talk about .Awhat advantages the self-cleaning clothes haveBwhat helps the self-cleaning clothes workChow the self-cleaning clothes work4From the passage, we learn that .Aits time to throw out our washing m

45、achinesBclothing makers like the solutionCthe solution is not on sale yet5The best title of this passage is .ADifficulties in clothes cleaningBCleaning clothes gets easierCSteps to clean your clothesE17、The online review community Trip Advisor recently made a list of Americas top 10 zoos. You might

46、be surprised that some of the nations most popular zoos are located in small or mid-size cities around the country. The following are four of these top zoos.Henry Doorly Zoo in OmahaNever heard of Henry Doorly Zoo? Trip Advisor reviewers didnt just rank (将列为) it No. 1 in the country; they ranked it

47、the No. 1 zoo in the world. There are all kinds of interesting activities and programs in this zoo and its aquarium. You wont be disappointed if you visit it.San Diego Zoo in San DiegoConsidered by many people to be a special zoo, San Diego Zoo supports the concept (概念) of open-air, cageless shows t

48、hat re-create natural animal environments, with different animal species (物种) living side by side. If you want to know how animals live naturally in the wild, dont miss it.St. Louis Zoo in St. LouisIt began as a single show during the 1904 Worlds Fair (世博会). Now it has grown to be St. Louis Zoo with

49、 over 700 different animal species. If youve got little ones, dont miss this childrens zoo.Memphis Zoo in MemphisThis zoo has a history of over 100 years. It is home to more than 3,500 animals representing over 500 different species, including the giant panda. In 2008, Memphis Zoo was chosen to be t

50、he No. 1 zoo in the US on Trip Advisor.1According to the passage, we know that Henry Doorly Zoo .Ahas an aquarium in itBsits in a small cityCis the largest zoo in the worldDis always the No. 1 zoo in America2Why is San Diego Zoo considered to be special?AIt is free for the public.BAnimals are not ke

51、pt in cages there.CPeople can get close to wild animals there.DIt has the largest number of animal species.3According to the passage, which of the following about Memphis Zoo is TRUE?AIt has the longest history of the four.BThere are about 500 animals in it.CIt used to be the No. 1 zoo in the world.

52、DIt was highly praised by TripAdvisor.4The main purpose of the passage is to .Acompare the popularity of these zoosBshow the popularity of zoos in AmericaCshow the result of TripAdvisors studyDintroduce several popular zoos in AmericaF18、Mrs. Thompson had noticed that Teddy didnt play well with othe

53、r children in her class. His clothes were a mess and he needed a bath. Mrs. Thompson marked all his papers with a big red “F” at the top.At the end of the term, she had to review each childs past records. When reviewing Teddys, she was surprised. Teddys first grade teacher had written, “Teddy does h

54、is work well and has good manners. He is a joy to be around.” His second grade teacher had written, “Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled by his mothers illness.” His third grade teacher had written, “His mothers death has been hard on him.” Teddys fourth g

55、rade teacher had written, “Teddy is not good at communicating and doesnt have many friends.” Mrs. Thompson felt shame about Teddy. She felt even worse when she received Teddys Christmas present a bottle of perfume(香水). She tried some of the perfume on her neck. Teddy stayed after school that day jus

56、t long enough to say: “Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to.” She cried for at least an hour. On that day, Mrs. Thompson began to pay attention to Teddy. As she worked with Teddy, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the better he performed. By the end of

57、the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.1What made Mrs. Thompson surprised when reviewing Teddys past record?ATeddy was making progress little by little. BTeddy changed a lot from his moms death.CTeddy had no friends when he was young. DTeddy loved his mom a lot.2Why did Mrs. Thompson cry on the day she received Teddys present?AShe disliked the


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