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1、目 录 TOC o 1-2 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc266462742 1 质管理量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462742 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462743 1.1 项目经理质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462743 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462744 1.2 质量保证控制经理职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462744 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462745 1.3 施工经理质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462745 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462

2、746 1.4 设计经理质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462746 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462747 1.5 项目控制经理职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462747 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462748 1.6 材料采购经理质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462748 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462749 1.7 材料经理质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462749 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462750 1.8 机电工程师质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc26646275

3、0 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462751 1.9 施工工长的质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462751 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462752 1.10 施工班组长质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462752 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462753 1.11 专职质检员质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462753 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462754 1.12 材料采购员质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462754 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462755

4、1.13 材料保管员质量职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462755 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462756 1.14 试验员职责 PAGEREF _Toc266462756 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462757 1.15 组织机构 PAGEREF _Toc266462757 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462758 2 质量方针 PAGEREF _Toc266462758 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462759 3 质量目标 PAGEREF _Toc266462759 h 12 HYPERLINK l

5、 _Toc266462760 4 建立、健全质量保证责任制 PAGEREF _Toc266462760 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462761 4.1 施工前的技术交底制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462761 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462762 4.2 “三检”制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462762 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462763 4.3 工序交接制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462763 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462764 4.4 测量资料移交复核制度 PAGERE

6、F _Toc266462764 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462765 4.5 施工过程质量检测制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462765 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462766 4.6 原材料、成品和半成品检查验收制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462766 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462767 4.7 仪器设备的标定制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462767 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462768 4.8 施工资料管理制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462768 h 14 HYPE

7、RLINK l _Toc266462769 4.9 质量奖罚制度 PAGEREF _Toc266462769 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462770 5 实体工程质量控制程序流程图 PAGEREF _Toc266462770 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462771 6 质量保证措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462771 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462772 7 质量控制措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462772 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462773 8 质量控制程序 PAGEREF _Toc

8、266462773 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462774 8.1 同变更的控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462774 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462775 8.2 文件和资料的控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462775 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462776 8.3 采购控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462776 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462777 8.4 过程控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462777 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462778 8.5 质

9、量记录的控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462778 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462779 8.6 质量保证措施一般要求 PAGEREF _Toc266462779 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462780 9 施工现场质量保证控制措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462780 h 23 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462781 9.1 路基土石方开挖施工质量保证措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462781 h 23 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462782 9.2 土方回填质量控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462

10、782 h 23 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462783 9.3 砼工程质量控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462783 h 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462784 9.4 水泥混凝土路面平整度控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462784 h 29 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462785 9.5 砌筑工程施工质量保证 PAGEREF _Toc266462785 h 30 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462786 9.6 浆喷、喷射混凝土施工要求 PAGEREF _Toc266462786 h 32 HYPERLINK l _Toc26

11、6462787 10 材料质量保证措施控制 PAGEREF _Toc266462787 h 32 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462788 11 冬雨季施工质保质控措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462788 h 34 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462789 11.1 土石方冬雨季施工质保质控措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462789 h 34 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462790 11.2 混凝土工程雨季施工质保质控措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462790 h 36 HYPERLINK l _Toc266462791 11.3 冬季施工质

12、保质控措施 PAGEREF _Toc266462791 h 37工程质量保证体系1 质量管理职责 1.1 项目经理质量职责 1.1.1 Comprehensively organize, manage and direct the quality-concerning work of Project Management Department, establish and improve each item of quality management system in this project, and strictly fulfill the responsibilities, right

13、s and obligations in the contract signed with construction owner.组织、管理、领导项目经理部的全面质量工作,建立健全工程项目的各项质量管理制度,严格认真履行合同责任、权利和义务;1.1.2 Assume the responsibilities of project quality, progress, safety and order, coordinate the construction performances, and participate in the constitution of construction sch

14、eme and the reviews in this respect. 负责工程质量、进度、安全、文明施工及施工协调,参与施工方案的制定及评审;1.1.3 Take charge of plans, organization, management and fulfillment of goals, including project quality goal, progress goal, safe and orderly construction goal, etc. 负责项目质量目标、进度目标、安全文明施工目标等的策划、组织、管理和落实;1.1.4 Answer for the coo

15、rdination work with construction owner, design unit, on-site engineers and related governmental agencies. 负责做好与业主、设计单位、驻场工程师和相关政府部门的协调工作;1.2 质量保证控制经理职责 1.2.1 Firstly and directly accountable for project quality as project QA representative, takes on the leadership responsibility for project quality

16、management, and fully preside over the respective quality of 2 construction areas.质量保证控制经理是该项目质量第一直接责任人,是项目的质量保证代表,对项目质量管理负领导责任,分别对两个工区质量负全部责任。1.2.2 Cooperate with the project manager actively to ensure the normal working of ISO9001/2000 quality system in this project, and take charge of compilation

17、 and implementation of quality plan, transferring important technology, routine inspecting on quality and compiling project quality data, as well as joining in the delivery of finished construction.积极配合项目经理,保证ISO9001:2000 质量体系在本项目的运行;主持编制质量计划并组织实施。参与重大技术交底。主持例行的质量检查工作。主持项目质检文件的编制,参加竣工交接。1.2.3 Review

18、 the control measurement program, the construction monitoring scheme, the resulting data and other important materials, including the testing data of the main construction part and the acceptance data of item construction.审查控制测量方案,施工监测方案及其成果资料,审阅主要材料,主要工程部位的检测试验资料和分项分部工程验收资料。1.2.4 Focus on quality c

19、ontrol in phases of construction preparation, building, completion and acceptance, pay great attention to improving the procedure management and the establishment of quality inspection system, carry out QC(Quality Control) activities in public, develop the internal control standards, highlight the q

20、uality information collection and process, strengthen the connection between procedures, protect finished work carefully, and better relevant measures in this respect. Control activities shall be conducted with the main line of quality plan and the key point of procedure management, according to PDC

21、A (Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle principle, so that quality assurance system can function normally and effectively, and the construction quality will be guaranteed. 着重抓好施工准备阶段、施工过程中以及竣工验收阶段的质量控制,重点加强工序管理,建立质量检查制度,开展群众性的QC(质量管理)活动,建立内控标准,抓好相关质量信息的收集、整理,加强工序连接,做好成品保护,不断改进措施,以质量计划为主线,过程管理为重心,按照PDCA(计划实施检

22、查处理)循环原理展开控制,确保质保体系的正常运行,保证工程质量。1.3 施工经理质量职责 1.3.1 As the chief personnel in charge of project construction and commander in working front-line, construction manager bears the overall responsibility for construction quality, and must adhere to the following points: 施工经理是工地工程施工的主要负责人,生产前线的指挥员,对所承担施工的

23、工程质量全面负责,必须做到下列各点: Be familiar with drawings and minutes of drawing review before construction start, and join in preparation of construction organization design, so as to be fully aware of aspects of this project.在工程进行施工之前,必须认真熟悉图纸及图纸会审纪要,参与编制施工组织设计,切实做到心中有数。 Organize and direct const

24、ruction in strict compliance with contract terms, design drawings, construction norms, practice rules, organization design and technical assurance measures.在施工中,严格按照合同要求、设计图纸、施工规范、操作规程及施工组织设计、技术保证措施组织施工; Disclose relevant techniques to personnel concerned in writing form prior to work commenc

25、ement, conduct supervision and inspection during construction, and participate in construction assessment and acceptance procedures when project finishes. 必须做到开工前有书面技术交底,施工中有督促检查,完工后有评定验收。 Assist Engineering Manager with carrying out positioning, line plotting, determining elevation and groun

26、d leveling upon construction general layout, which is important premise for project quality assurance. 按照施工总平面图,协助工程经理对本工地各单位工程进行定位、放线、测定标高、抄平等,该工作是工程施工过程中质量得以保证的的重要条件。.2 Well and comprehensively grip the quality situation of very unit work. In addition to regular quality inspection, usual and thoro

27、ugh check shall be executed in operation site to determine if actual practices are consistent with design drawings and with relevant technical operation rules. Construction manager has right to stop employees improper practices and demand correction, as well as to cease false operation of personnel

28、who repeatedly disobey orders. 要全面掌握本工地各分部分项工程的质量状况,除参与定期质量检查外,必须经常深入现场检查各班组的实际操作是否按照图纸,是否符合施工技术操作规程要求,对违章操作的班组和个人有权制止,令其改正;对不听招呼,屡教不改者,有权令其停止操作。 Develop overall quality management in construction teams, and assist dedicated quality inspector to compile project quality files.辅导班组开展全面质量管理工作,协助

29、专职质检员建立工程质量档案。.4 Earnestly study and promote the usage of new technology, process and materials, which can effectively improve the construction quality. 认真学习和努力推广有利于提高工程质量的新技术、新工艺、新材料。.5 Appropriately coordinate the relation between construction quality and construction progress to prevent construct

30、ion teams hastening operation while ignoring the project quality. The more the time is limited, the more the quality supervisor should be supported, and the more necessary to strengthen the quality inspection and the strict enforcement of quality reward and punishment system.正确处理工程质量和施工进度关系,防止班组为抢工期

31、而忽视施工质量的不良行为,工期越紧,越要严格要求专职质监人员的工作,越要加强工程质量检查和严格执行质量奖惩制度。.6 As for item construction of poor quality, construction manager should order the duty team to reconstruct immediately, and promptly make report to superior if any quality accident happened and cannot conceal the problems.对质量低劣的分项工程,应责令班组立即返工,

32、对造成的质量事故要及时上报,不得隐瞒。1.4 设计经理质量职责 1.4.1 Engineering Manager is the primary person accountable for site measure and design. He should actively cooperate with Construction Manager and other related technical personnel for their full familiarity with drawings and clear understanding on design intent as w

33、ell as for construction design and supervision for general layout-based works of positioning, line plotting, determining elevation, ground levelling, support protection for earthwork side slope of site excavation and side slope of foundation pit, support for trench wall of foundation pit, facilities

34、 for surface drainage and underground drainage, permanent fence, temporary fence, scaffold, moulding board, etc. Construction design is an important technological work in engineering construction, and Engineering Manager should operate personally and assume the direct technical responsibility for me

35、asurement accuracy.设计经理是施工现场测量、施工设计第一负责人,积极配合施工经理等相关技术人员充分熟悉图纸,明确设计意图,按照施工总平面图,对本工地各单位工程进行定位、放线、测定标高、抄平、施工现场开挖的土石方边坡、基坑边坡支撑保护,基坑槽壁支撑,地表水排水、地下水脱水设施,围墙、临时栅栏,脚手架、模板设施等进行施工设计并监督执行。施工设计是工程施工中的重要技术工作,设计经理应亲自操作并对测量精度、设计负直接技术责任。1.4.2 Review and protect original reference point, reference line, elevation and

36、 other survey control points provided by Owner.对业主提供的原始基准点、基准线、标高等测量控制点进行复核,保护。1.5 项目控制经理职责 Project Control Manager should timely collect and collate information on project, and find the deviation between the actual construction (including quality, progress and cost) and the plan or the latest requi

37、rements, and revise it and ensure its final implementation. 及时对工程信息的收集、整理,发现施工实际(含质量、进度、成本)与计划或最新相关要求的偏差,校正,并最终得以实行。1.6 材料采购经理质量职责 Purchase Manager is the direct principal for on-site materials who should guarantee that construction materials of demanded quality can be designedly supplied in request

38、ed amount. Purchase Manager shall develop complete assessment form concerning qualified suppliers and hand in to QA/QC Manager for check. Only approved by Owners Sichuan Site Preparation And Road Construction Project Department, purchase can be conducted.All raw materials must be provided with quali

39、ty content to design requirement and meanwhile with relevant quality inspection data. The purchased raw materials should be sampled and tested. Purchase Manager shall centrally manage the supplement of materials demanded by 2 construction areas and be accountable for quality of all materials.材料采购经理是

40、现场材料的直接责任人,保证施工现场材料按质保量有计划的供给。建立健全合格供方评定表,经质量保证控制经理审核,雪佛龙公司四川省范围内项目设施的场地平整和道路施工项目部批准后才能采购。所有原材料必须要求供货方提供合格满足设计要求的材料,并提供相关质检资料,对所购原材料抽样送检负责。采购经理应就两个工区需要的共同材料采取集中供应,并就所有材料质量负责。1.7 材料经理质量职责 1. 7.1 Materials Manager is the direct principal who shoulders responsibility for quality of all on-site material

41、s, therefore he needs to strictly follow the rules of material admission system, perform stringent quality control and ensure material quality. Materials Manager shall make sure that unqualified materials (in respects of quality, specifications, geometry and relevant data) and materials without requ

42、ested certificates are rejected.材料经理是工程所有进场材料合格与否的直接责任人,因此材料经理必须对所有进场材料质量负责,严格材料进场制度,严把材料质量关,确保进场材料质量,做到不合格(质量不合、规格不合、几何尺寸不合、料单不合)材料不准进场,证书不齐不准进场;1.7.2 Materials Manager should standardize rules of materials storage in worksite and make sure that all materials are in reasonable order, with liable qu

43、ality to reserve and of complete inventory.严格现场材料存放制度,确保现场材料存放有序,合理,确保材料存放质量, 并有完整的材料库存清单。1.7.3 Besides, Materials Manager is supposed to strictly execute the distribution and using rules. All the materials must be registered before distribution.严格材料发放使用制度,所有材料发放必须造册登记。1.8 机电工程师质量职责 1.8.1 The respon

44、sibilities of Electrical & Mechanical Engineer on quality are defined as quality controlling on project equipments, construction machinery, production and living electricity, etc.机电工程师质量职责就是对工程项目设备、施工机械设备、生产生活用电等的质量控制;1.8.2 Quality control on project equipments includes check-up and acceptance, inst

45、allation quality, debugging and trial run of equipments, so as to make sure that the quality of such equipments meets standards, to guarantee the equipments installation quality, and to check the safe operation capacity of equipments through trial run, all of which can make construction demands of p

46、roject satisfied in this term. And relevant check records are required.工程项目设备质量控制主要包括设备的检查验收,设备的安装质量,设备的调试和试车运转;确保进厂设备质量符合要求,保证设备的安装质量,通过试车运转检验设备的安全运行能力,满足工程项目的生产要求,并做好相关检测记录;1.8.3 Quality control on construction machinery and equipments requires Electrical & Mechanical Engineer shall make decision

47、over types of construction machinery and equipments as well as main technical parameters on this aspect. Specific operator and using post will be fixed for each equipment to ensure its applicability, reliability and safe operation, and meanwhile keep machinery and equipments maintained in a good tec

48、hnical state for construction quality of this project. 施工机械设备的质量控制主要要求机电工程师对施工机械设备进行合理的选型,确定主要技术参数,对设备进行定机、定人、定岗位职责,保证施工机械设备适用性、可靠性、安全性;使机械保持良好的技术状态,确保工程施工生产质量。1.9 施工工长的质量职责 1.9.1 Be familiar with drawings in his field, effectively resolve the problems on technical quality in different procedures, a

49、nd take charge of technique and quality disclosure work in his field. As for quality of work in his field, he shall bear the full responsibility.必须熟悉本专业的图纸,解决好工序间出现的技术质量问题,负责本专业的技术、质量交底工作,对本专业的质量负全部责任。1.9.2 Organize construction in rigid accordance with drawings, contract, specifications, standards

50、and procedures. Any team or personnel breached this principle shall be stopped and asked for reconstruction and penalty.组织班组严格按图纸、合同文件、规范、标准、程序进行施工,对违反“五按”原则的操作班组和个人给予停工、返工罚款。1.9.3 Carry out activity of Three-Examination (Self-examination, Disclosure and handover examination, Special examination), a

51、nd organize examination, assessment and inspection on special partitioned and item projects. The quality problems must be timely dealt with. 组织开展三检(自检、交接检、专检)活动,组织本专业分项、分部工程的检查、评定和交接检工作,对操作的质量问题必须及时处理。1.9.4 Control the usage of main materials in the procedure under his charge. Materials without test

52、 report and relevant certificate cannot be used. And for people who used unqualified material and caused poor quality of project or even accident, construction foreman will be blamed. 控制本工序的主要材料使用,对无出厂证明和试验单的材料不得使用,对使用不合格材料造成的工程质量低劣和事故,应负直接责任。1.10 施工班组长质量职责 1.10.1 As the leadership for direct operat

53、ion, construction team leader is directly responsible for operation quality and bears unshirkable liability for all economic loss in this term.班组长是直接操作的领导者,对操作质量负有直接责任,对造成的经济损失负有不可推卸的责任。1.10.2 Strictly direct the construction in compliance with drawings, technical disclosure, construction criteria,

54、operation codes and technical standards. The idea of Serve For Consumer And Responsible For Consumer shall be formed and adhered to for an appropriate serving attitude. 领导本班组严格按图纸技术交底,施工规范及操作规程进行施工,严守工艺标准,树立“为用户服务,对用户负责”的思想,端正服务态度。1.10.3 Control the usage of materials and all kinds of mixture ratios

55、. He is entitled to refuse the employment of unqualified materials.把好材料使用关,各种配比关,对不合格的材料有权拒绝使用。1.10.4 Subject to commands of accountable and professional construction foremen, and conducts construction work in compliance with relevant norms and design drawings and with techniques delivered and reque

56、sted by section chiefs. Any jerry-building and violation against regulations is sternly forbidden. When a discord between actual construction condition and design drawings comes up, it should be reported to construction foreman and the construction can proceed only after his permission.施工班组长必须服从主管工长

57、及专业工长的指挥,按照施工规范、本工程设计图纸和工长的施工技术交底进行施工,不得违章操作、偷工减料,遇有施工现场情况与设计图纸矛盾时,应向工长报告,不得自作主张擅自施工。1.10.5 Clarify all the quality criteria and precautions during construction to operation personnel. While operation is underway, he should inspect work quality of personnel and correct any wrong practice timely to e

58、liminate quality accidents before they come forth.施工班组长在施工前要向班组操作人员交待必须达到的质量标准和操作中应注意的事项,在施工过程中,还要经常检查班组成员的工作质量,随时纠正不合符质量要求的操作方法,将质量事故消灭在施工过程中。1.10.6 Constantly keep a close eye on and make corrections over technical parameters of construction, such as horizontal degree, perpendicular degree, level

59、degree, elevation, axes, etc.施工班组长,对所施工工程的水平度、垂直度、平整度、标高、轴线等技术参数要经常检查校核。1.10.7 Make self-inspection and mutual inspection strictly adhering to quality standards over project quality, and meanwhile be involved in inspections from other levels and seriously resolve problems emerged to ensure the quali

60、ty of completed project.施工班组长,对所施工工程的质量,要对照质检标准认真进行班组自检、互检;也要参加各级对工程质量的检查,对各类检查中提出的问题,要进行认真整改,确保工程竣工质量。1.10.8 In case of serious quality accident, Construction team leader should order the immediate suspension of construction and report happening to construction foreman. Report is strictly required


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