1、 新加坡留学公立中学申请书 新加坡留学公立中学申请书 Dear _, People once asked me: “Why did you choose architecture?” I couldnt give a simple answer for that. Maybe it was because I like painting and construction since childhood. I also earnestly yearn to create beautiful things on my own and architecture can satisfy my imag
2、ination in space, materials, and color. My born interest in this sector is also because of my parents, who are both structural engineer and electrical engineer, influencing me gradually and unconsciously since I was a kid and giving me perceptual knowledge in the field. After my five-year study in t
3、he Department of Architecture, and one-year work experience in architectural design, I ask myself this same question. The result is that aside from the factors mentioned above, what really makes me choose architecture is its intrinsic appeal, which is just like the maxim written inside the building
4、of the Department of Architecture: “Architecture is the combination of art and technology.” Perhaps when a person is engaged in what his keen interest blossoms, he will never feel tired, instead he would feel motivated and have an enriching experience. Five years academic study in the School of Arch
5、itecture and Arts of University of _ transformed my instinctive excitement and imagination about architecture into systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding. This transformation, first of all, lies in my skills in the fine arts. Differing from my previous mere interest in fine arts, the s
6、tudy of architecture makes me begin to ponder on how to draw using aesthetic elements from fine arts such as color, lighting and composition to apply to architecture. I was so dedicated to such brainstorming and imagination that I would always work around the clock in the studio for days on end. Sec
7、ondly, the study of basic architectural courses, such as architectural structure, mechanics and materials science, makes me realize that architecture not only gives importance on aesthetics, but also on the more essential functionality and practicality. In that process, I realized that architecture
8、is not only an art, but also more importantly a sort of technology. Five years of college study gives me a deeper comprehension of architecture, that is, architecture is also part of other cultures - it is subject to other cultures influence, and at the same time it influences other cultures. Becaus
9、e of my childhood architectural background, coupled with my lasting keen interest in architecture, I gained excellent achievements in the major courses of my college study, ranked top three in the class, and also received first prize scholarships and many other scholarships for five consecutive year
10、s. Besides, owing to my understanding of architecture, I am not satisfied with mere textbook knowledge. I believe architecture is not only a skill but also, more importantly, a combination of creativity and imagination. An excellent architecture designer needs not only solid architectural skills and
11、 knowledge, but also needs nourishment from fine arts, materials science, engineering and culture. For that purpose, I read quite extensively, understood the architectural history of different countries - especially European architectural history, learnt from works of modern and contemporary archite
12、ctural masterpieces, and gained insights on their design conceptions that are full of creativity and connotation. The knowledge I have gained from these efforts heightens my interests and my desire for creation. I had the opportunity to put to practice this desire for creation during the last stage
13、of my college study. During the second semester of my fourth year, I interned with _ for half a year where I participated in the environmental design of the _ astronomical station and the conceptual design of the Phoenix Residential Complex in _. These experiences gave me insights into the relations
14、hip between a buildings space and its functionality, as well as architectural designs feasibility, which is an important factor to consider when designing. After graduating in 2002, I worked with an excellent architectural design institute, engaging in architectural design. In the meantime, I partic
15、ipated in the conceptual design and design drafts of the janitors room, the main machine hall of _ Company Ltd. I was also responsible for the design of the drafts of the multi-purpose hall in _ , _ and the renovation design of the _ Archives of the _. Because of my prominent achievements, I was qui
16、ckly promoted as an exception from draftsmen to designer, and I later got the assistant engineer certificate in a short period of time. The design experiences from these projects made me very interested in creatively applying materials in projects. Meanwhile, I also continuously learned new ideas in
17、 architecture from different countries, and especially saw a lot of design drawings of overseas architectural masters. All these experiences have a great impact on me, sparking my intention of studying abroad to learn more in-depth contemporary international architectural conceptions. I especially a
18、spire to get to know in more detail modern western architectural history in the hopes of forming my own architectural conceptions. Besides this, another intense desire of mine is to comprehensively learn the relationship between architecture and culture, and through the study of western architecture
19、, to determine Chinas own architectural style. China once boasted of a developed ancient architecture, while its modern architecture loses the characteristics of its indigenous culture, a great deal of architecture lingers merely on the stage of rough and superficial imitation of western architectur
20、e. I hope to form a sort of architectural design conception with characteristics of Chinas traditional culture after extensively absorbing modern architectural theories and technologies. That is what I yearn to do and also what I believe I can make. Yours sincerely, 新加坡留学公立中学申请条件 1、新加坡公立中学留学条件 新加坡中学
21、申请条件,需要参加新加坡AEIS考试,凭借考试成绩即可申请进入新加坡公立中学一年级至三年级,外国学生无法申请新加坡公立中学四年级和五年级。 在新加坡,中学分为4年制与5年制。 4年制中学:分为特快和快捷班,中学4年级的时候必须参加由新加坡教育局统一举办的O水准考试(O-Level),学生的考试成绩将直接决定可以就读高中还是初级学院或理工学院。 5年制中学:和4年制中学不同,新加坡5年制中学分为学术班和艺术班。学术班的学生在中学四年级的时候需要参加剑桥N水准考试,通过考试才能升上中学5年级,以后参加剑桥O水准考试;而工艺班的学生多半在第4年参加剑桥N水准考试后直接进入工艺技术学院,不再修读第5年
22、课程。 新加坡政府中小学开放半日制课程,上午半天或是下午半天,剩下的半天是素质型的课外活动,比如设计与工艺、美术与劳作、公民及道德教育、体育与音乐等,几乎每所学校的都有几十种课外活动。 新加坡的教学,真正体现了“学生为主体”的思想,把教学方式落实在“学 而思之,思而学之”上,透过这种真正体现学生主体地位的教学,培养学生独力的学习精神。 2、新加坡中学教育体制 中学课程分为四种: 非常课程:4年制课程,学生可以修读高级母语,高级母语和英语两者之一可以为第一语文。 快捷课程:4年制课程,学生只能修读快捷母语课程,其他课程与非常课程相同,英语为第一语文。 普通学术课程:5年制课程,学生在第四年参加剑
23、桥N水准考试,通过后可以修读第五年的课程,然后与特殊快捷课程学生一起参加剑桥普通文凭考试。 普通技术课程:45年制课程,学生有2门主课,英语和数学,第四年参加剑桥N水准考试,大多数学生在N水准考试后不再修读第五年课程,而直接进入技术学院。 新加坡中小学一般采用半天制,和中国教育制度相比,课程没有那么繁忙。初级学院、大专和理工学院则沿用开放全日制。 新加坡教育制度以严格著称。新加坡的中小学至今允许校长或训导主任在家长同意的情况下使用鞭刑处罚学生,有些时候鞭刑是公开实施的,虽然很少施行,但仍对其他学生起到威慑作用。 3、新加坡热门中学 1)三育中小学 三育中小学成立于1996年,由1958年建校的
24、三育高中和基 督复临安息日会教友学校合并而成,是新加坡教育部核准的一所同时提供中学教育、小学教育和预备课程的自治学校,设小学部和中学部。所有课程是严格遵循新加坡教育部大纲,学生在小学或中学毕业以后,将参加新加坡政府的统一考试。学校课程设置是跟新加坡政府公立中小学是一致的。 2)新加坡圣法兰西斯卫理学校 创立于1960年的圣法兰西斯卫理公会教会学校(SFMS)是新加坡的顶尖私立学校之一,隶属于新加坡卫理公会教育集团 ,由新加坡卫理公会教会建立,目前在新加坡共有 16 所卫理公会学校,其中绝大多数属于政府中小学,不少是新加坡的。新加坡政府特批其拥有与新加坡政府学校并行的课程结构和学生待遇。 申请新加坡留学流程解读 1、查询学校资料:可以通过各种途径如写信或上网来查询学校的资料。 2、提出书面申请:校写信向自己选择的学校索要入学简章、入学申请表、奖学金申请表等各种入学材料。 3、填写申请表:填写前,要先仔细阅读说明,以免遗漏某些重要内容;填写申请
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