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1、Writing an essay about careersProjectUnit 1My Dream JobWhat qualities do the jobs need?Questions for you:1. What are you interested in?2. What skills do you have?3. What jobs do you think would be suitable for you?A: The following is an Internet quiz. It identifies your skills and interests, and giv

2、es you a score to help you evaluate different career options. Lets do the quiz.What is your ideal job?Self-Evaluationa. Realistic (The doers)b. Investigative (The thinkers)c. Artistic (The creators)d. Social (The helpers)e. Enterprising (The leaders)f. Conventional (The organizers)Qs after the quiz1

3、. What idea did you have about your career before you did the quiz?2. What did you think about the quiz?3. How did you feel about the result you got?4. Do you think a person could be a mixture of more than one type? Why?5. What else can you do to find out the most suitable career for you?6. Do you n

4、eed advice from your teachers, parents and friends? Why or why not?7. Where can you find more information on different careers?8. How will you organize and plan the information in your essay?You are going to write an essay about My Dream Job. Answer these questions to help you write your essay.1. Wh

5、at is your dream job?2. What skills / qualities do you have / need for the job?3. How will you get prepared for your future job?4. You can use the result of the quiz for reference.Structure!Language pointsP8: simile, metaphor, figurative, idiom, euphemism, allusion, open / closed comparison, alike,

6、literal, reflect, win cases, chore P9: poem, qualification, simile, metaphor, cucumber, sly, fox, cast-iron, nerve, martial arts, weed, spear, magician P11: male, bonus, population, equally, niece / nephew, the reason that / why, sb make sth, in general, lift, object, ambulance, take a bath, change

7、ones bedding, still, bandage, cover wounds, see things from a different angle (than), approach problems, a mix of, ward, atmosphere, recover, at present, (far) too, balance, staff, request, hire, organize an open day, interested P14: be suitable for, quiz, identify, score, evaluate, option, alternat

8、ive, would rather, set up, curious about, hobby, debate with, do lab experiments, accurate, data, figure out, represent, description, correspond with, suit sb best P15: realistic, athletic, prefer to do, outdoors, butcher, greengrocer, operator, tailor, investigative, observe, analyse, evaluate, che

9、mist, dentist, artistic, regular, architect, photographer, pianist, violinist, social, inform, cure, librarian, maid, stewardess, enterprising, persuade, journalist, agent, conventional, administration, data, carry out, task, follow ones instruction, accountant, clerk, secretary, typistcorrespond wi

10、th / to 符合,一致 L28信封上的名字与里面信上的名字是否相同? Does the name on the envelope correspond with the name on the letter inside?我保证,我将言行一致。I promise my actions will correspond with my words.Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, butsometimes _ what we desire.事实上,虽然我们都有着这种强烈的欲望,但是有时候我们的行动却并不与我们想要的相符。our act

11、ions dont correspond with(常与with连用)通信to correspond with a friend和一个朋友通信Tom correspond with John regularly.汤姆和约翰定期通信。同义短语: accord with / agree with 符合,一致in correspondence with和.一致;与.有通信联系We have to be realistic about our chances of winning. 我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。realisticreal-really-reality-in realityL

12、32务实的,现实的 They will have to _.他们将必须现实地对待自己的需求。be realistic with their demandsvt. 调查,研究那位侦探被派去调查该罪行。The detective was sent to investigate the crime.vi. 调查,研究(+into)Puzzled, they went to his room to investigate.带着困惑,她们来到他的房间调查。The principal promised to investigate into that affair.校长答应去调查那件事情。investig

13、ation n. 研究;调查实施调查 conduct/carry out an investigationinvestigative adj. 研究的,调查的 investigateinvestigative_ discovered that one of the projects we funded was a boondoggle.一份调查报告显示,我们资助的一个项目纯粹是浪费钱。_, including internet experts, to find out who is behind the threats.警方派出了一个调查小组,包括互联网专家,以查明发出死亡威胁的幕后主使。An

14、 investigative reporterPolice have sent an investigative teamenterprising entpraz adj. 有事业心的;有进取心的;有魄力的;有胆量的I am confident because I know the creative and _.我有信心,因为我了解这个地区人民的创造性和进取精神。_, their time at school was when they stated making their millions.但是对一些有事业心的大学生来说,他们在大学的时候就已经是百万富翁了。enterprising spi

15、rit of this regions peopleBut for some enterprising college kidsambitious / aggressive / courageousadministrationn. 管理;行政;实施;行政机构 The teachers are responsible to the school administration.教师向学校行政负责。(对上负责)administration-administrator-administratevt. 管理;经营,实施 To administrate the work regarding going a

16、broad on business and foreign employment in the region.归口管理全区因公出国(境)和邀请外国人来我区的工作.conventional knven()n()l adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的The conventional practice flourishes in the United States.这种常规做法在美国很盛行。It is visionary in its products and marketing techniques, but conventional in its working practices a

17、nd goals.它的产品和销售技术是梦幻的,但它的工作方法和目标却是传统的。On the day of trial, after the conventional greeting, the lawyer began his statements.审判的那天,在惯例的问候后,律师开始他的陈述。B1 on P91:1. artistic2. realistic3. pianist4. violinist5. librarian6. enterprising7. typistsD1 on P93:1. athletic2. creative3. nerves4. magician5. bath6

18、. bedding7. pratical8. evaluate1. When he set up the company, he was under huge pressure to be successful.2. When we are faced with failure, one option is to stop and reflect on what we may have done wrong.3. This course is tailored for students who are interested in playing badminton.4. Whatever ha

19、ppens, try looking at the problem from a different angle.5. His speech was well suited to the situation at that time.6. Being able to travel abroad is the bonus for this job.7. Although an earthquake has just happened, people here still go about their lives as usual.8. Students who take pleasure in

20、their studies tend to learn more.D4假设你是李华,你从朋友Mike处借的一本书不慎遗失。现在,请用英文给他写道歉信,请求原谅。Structure:1. Greeting + Sorrow + Apology2. Detailed Info (Event + Efforts + Compensation)3. Interaction (Asking for Forgiveness)假设你是李华,你从朋友Mike处借的一本书不慎遗失。现在,请用英文给他写道歉信,请求原谅。Im sorry to tell you that Ive lost your book that I borrowed from you. Now Im expressing my deepest apology for my carelessness.Actually, I put the book in my schoolbag after we met at school yesterday. But to my sorrow, it was stolen on my way home. I tr


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