



1、2007-2008 学年 第 1 学期2008 级计算机导论试题 A 卷时间:2008 年 12 月 28班级 学号 请将写在答题纸上,写明题号,不必抄题,字迹工整、清晰;请在答题纸和试题纸上都写上你的班级,学号和一并交上来。.Choice Questions(30 questions, 1 score for each question),交卷时请将试题纸、答题纸和草纸1. Every computer today is based on the m.D. input/outputA.elB.C. vonann2. The place where programs and data are

2、stored during prosing is .A. displayB. hard diskC. floppy diskD. memory3. A computer stores data as a pattern.A. binaryB. hexadecimalC. unaryD. numeric4. An 8-bit pattern can represent up to symbols.A. 128B. 256C. 16D. 85. A byte consists of bits.A. 2B. 4C. 8D. 16. The step by step solutiont express

3、es the logical solution to a particular problem ofcalled a(n) .erest isA. programB. answerC. algorithmD. pros7. The ASCII character set includes characters.A. 4,294967296 B. 256C. 65536D. 1278. The most common way to represent signedegers today is .A. twos complementegersB. ones complementC. sign-an

4、d magnitudeD.unsigned9.What is -31 in Exs_127 noion? A. 01100001 B. 01100000 C. 10011111 D. 1110000110.To subtract two binary numbers, take the of the second number, and then add.A. inverseB. ones complementC. twos complementD. square root11. Using the XOR (exclusive OR) operator, if moren one input

5、 is 1, the output is .A. 0B. 1C. indeterminateD. equal to the number of inputst are 112.If you make a mask of all 0s and then AND the bit pattern and the mask, you will .A. set all the bits of the patternB. unset all the bits of the patternC. randomize the bits of the patternD. complement the bits o

6、f the pattern13. The is a computer subsystemt performs operations on data.A. memoryB. I/O hardwareC. CPUD. RAM14.Memory addresses are defined using .A. signed binaryegersB. twos complement represenionC. floating ponumbers D.unsigned binaryegers15. The moves a pros from one se to another.A. controit

7、B. job schedulerC. system administrator D. pros scheduler16. If the memory address space is 32MB and the word size is 8 bits, then bits are needed tos each word.acA.25B. 16C. 8D. 3217. The three stepsorder.he running of a program on a computer are performed his specifica. fetch, execute, and decodec

8、. decode, fetch, and executeb. fetch, decode, and executed. decode, execute, and fetch18.A is a devicet can route a packet based on its network layer address.A. bridgeB. repeaterC. routerD. all of the above19. In the method to synchronize the operation of the CPU with the I/O device, the I/Odevice i

9、nforms the CPU when it is ready for daransfer.A. programmed I/OB. DMAC. isolated I/OD.errupt-driven I/O20. A(n) search is used if the list being searched is not ordered.A. heapB. binaryC. 8. selection21. Machine language is .D. sequentialA. written in LinuxB. the only language understood by a comput

10、erC. the same as assembly languageD. variant of BASIC22.Recuris a pros by whichgorithm calls .A. a sorting algorithmB. a search algorithmC. itselfD. a subalgorithm23. The transport layrotocol of TCP/IP is called .A. TCPB. UDPC. IPD. a and b24. is a programt facilies the execution of othrograms.A. An

11、 operating system B. A queueC. An application programD. Hardware25. A proshe ready se goes to the running se when .A. it finishes runningB. it enters memoryC. it gets acs to the CPUD. it requests I/O26.The idea of a sorting algorithm is to .A. determine if a particular item is present or notB. arran

12、ge data according to their valueC. compute the sum of all the items in an arrayD. output the items in an array27. A binary search starts the pros of a list.A. at the beginningB. at a random locationC.he middleD. at28. What needs to be added to the simpmore applicable to a computer?lack box mof a dat

13、a prosing device to make itA. BIOSB.er supplyC. Operating systemD. Program29. A program is comprised of a finite number of .A. instructionsB. memory cellsC. i/o deviD. hard drives30.A(n) operates ate thethree layers of the OSI m.A. hubB. repeaterC. routerD. bridge.Questions( 5 questions,4 scores for

14、 each question)Whats the function of the ALU?Name the layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite.3. What is the formal definition ofgorithm?4. What are the components of an operating system?5. What are the subsystems of the vonann computer m?.Calculation( 5 subjects, 6 scores for each subject)Change the fo

15、llowing 8-bit twos complement numbers to decimal.(1). 11111111(2).01100011(3). 10000000(4). 11001110(5).11010000(6)00010011Change the following decimal numbers to 8-bit twos complementegers.(1). 142(2). -13(3). -128(4).100(5). -56(6) -13. Using an 8-bit allocation,convert each of the following numbe

16、rs to twos complement, do theoperation, and then convert the result to decimal.(1) 18+22(2) 18-22(3) -18 +22(4) -18-22(5) 22-1 (6)-128-14. Show the result of the following operations in hexadecimal format.(1) NOTxAA(2)x AAAND x55(3)x99 OR x66(4)100AND 255(5) xFF XOR x33(6) x40 OR (x8F AND xF7)5. Cha

17、nge the -6.125 decimal numbers to binary numbers, and show in 32-bit IEEE format, then changed to hexadecimal.yzing and Design (4 subjects, 5 scores for each subject)1. An imaginary computer has eight data registers Rx(R0 to R7), 16M wordsemory, the addresscan address wordshe 16M words memory, and h

18、ave 32 different instructions (ADD, SUB, etc.). Atypical instruction of the computer uses the following format: SUB address, Rx(1) What is the minimum size of an instruction in bits?(2) If the instruction ishe minimum size and the computer uses the same size of word for data andinstructions, what is the size of the data bus?What is the size of the program counter?What is the size of the address bus?What is the minimum size of the control bus?2. Imaging alantt pumps water to a ci


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