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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Jane won the first prize in the Eng

2、lish speech contest. _ big progress she has made! She used to be weak in English.AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a2、- will the TV play be broadcasted(播出)?-Perhaps its reviewed successfully.AHow long; untilBWhen; untilCHow soon; not untilDHow often; not until3、Can I use the printer at your office?Im afraid you

3、cant. The machine is dead at present.Anot workingBwrongCdestroyed4、If you always _ yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure.I agree. We should believe in ourselves.AcomplainBcompareCconnectDconsider5、- Ive no idea _ during the summer vacation. Any good advice?- Why dont you learn something

4、 you like, like piano or violin? You surely will make your vocation different.Awhat should I doBwhere should I goCwhat I should doDwhere I should go6、Tom has already the book for ten days. He must return it the library today.Aread; back to Bbought; to Cborrowed; back to Dkept; to7、Dick _ in America,

5、 but he has been _ Chinese food since he moved to China.Aused to live; used to eatingBis used to live; used to eatCis used to live; used to eatingDused to living; used to eat8、 Could you tell me _? “Rome was not built in a day.” You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.Awhat I can d

6、o to have a good memoryBhow I can do to have a good memoryCwhy I should have a good memoryDhow can I have a good memory9、Dont worry about your illness. The doctors will _ you.AtreatBdoubleCbelieveDchange10、-Dont_to strangers when you are alone at home,mother often_tomeAspeak;saysBspeaks;tellsCtalks;

7、speaksDtalk;tell. 完形填空11、完形填空Last summer holiday, some students from China spent an unforgettable holiday in different countries. Here is what they said about their 1 Liu Na, a middle school student, spent her holiday in Thailand. She worked as an elephant helper. She 2 two weeks in the Elephant Nat

8、ure Park in Chiang Mai. She said the founder(创始人)of the park had saved 28 elephants_the last ten years. The elephants are now able to live 3 in the Nature Park. Some foreign students like me come to feed them, take them for a bath in the river and play with them. With our 4 ,the elephants dont do ha

9、rd work every day. Were so proud of that.Wang Jiao, 5 college student from China, stayed in America for a year. “I taught Chinese in a Confucius Institute(孔子学院) in New York. Nowadays, people all over the world are becoming more and more_ in Chinese language and Chinese culture. So are the Americans.

10、 _a Chinese, I am happy to tell students what I know about China and Chinese culture. We made dumplings, 6 songs of Zhou Jielun and did Taiji together. That was a great experience both for me and for my 7 students.Zhang Liang, a postgraduate(研究生) studying in a famous Medical University, 8 in Africa

11、for several months. When he first got there, he was_to see many people die just because they had no money to see a doctor. Then he 9 to help them out. “When you see children with happy and healthy 10 , you will forget your problems!”If you want to have a meaningful life in other_, if you want to hel

12、p the rest of the world, why not give yourself a chance and have a try?1AprogramsBdifferencesCholidaysDdiscussions2AcostBpaidCspentDtook3AinBatConDto4AlonelyBfreelyCpolitelyDquickly5AwayBluckChelpDage6AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers7AimportantBinterestedCpopularDbeautiful8AAsBunlessCifDThough9Awrote

13、BhopedCputDsang10AChineseBJapaneseCAustralianDAmerican11AmovedBplayedCgrewDworked12AboredBsadCexcitedDangry13AaskedBdislikedChappenedDdecided14AlegsBhandsCeyesDfaces15AhousesBcountriesCroomsDcities. 语法填空12、Lets talk about Sherlock! You know who I mean, Sherlock Holmes of curse! I have very quickly l

14、earnt 1he is not just popular back in the UK, but is huge around the world. In my first lesson I asked the students2 (tell) me what they already knew about the UK.3my surprise, most classes put Sherlock Holmes first. And I even have a student4English name is Sherlock!But who is Sherlock Holmes? Sher

15、lock Holmes is a character 5(create) by British doctor and writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He first appeared in print in 1887, and 6(be) a part of popular culture for over a century. He has become 7(know) for his early use of deductive reasoning(演绎推理). In total, Holmes appears in four novels and fift

16、y-six short stories. Most of these 8(write) from the view of his friend Dr. Watson.Although at first a character in novels and short stories, Sherlock Holmes has become popular on the big and small screen. In fact, he has the honor of 9(hold) the Guinness World Record for the “Most Portrayed Movie C

17、haracter”. More than seventy 10(act) have played the role in over two hundred films!. 阅读理解A13、China has ended its one-child policy(政策) in 2015. The government announced it would now allow all couples to have two children. The one-child policy was a population control measure that was introduced in 1

18、979. Policy makers hoped to control the countrys population to avoid high rates of poverty(贫穷). The new two-child policy should give a huge economic(经济) push for China and prevent China from becoming an ageing society. Chinas labor(劳动力) force peaked at 940 million in 2012. This fell to 930 million i

19、n 2014 and is expected to fall by 29 million by 2020. Predictions are that there will be an average of 2.5 million extra newborns per year. This will provide more workers and an extra $11.8 billion in annual GDP. The new policy will affect around 100 million people.1When did the one-child policy beg

20、in in China?A1979 B2012 C2015 D20172Which of the following is NOT true about the two-child policy?AIt can increase more new babies.BIts a huge economic push in China.CIt makes China became an ageing society.DIt will affect many people.3Whats meaning of the underlined word “peaked”?A山峰 B达到顶峰 C压力增大 D化

21、解危机B14、Our new English teacher, Mr White, arrived last week. Hes American. He smiles a lot and hes friendly but he speaks very fast. Its difficult to understand his words. He also expects us to study hard, and speak English all the time in our English lessons.During the first class, Mr White introdu

22、ced himself, and showed us photos of his family. Hes got a big family, two brothers and a sister. His brothers all look like him. They are very tall, and they have dark hair, but one brother has a beard. His sister is slim, and she has fair hair. They are smiling and look friendly in all of the phot

23、os.Then he told us about America and Americans. He showed us how Americans say “Hi. How are you doing?” and shake hands when they meet people. We all practised. That was fun. And he also told us that Americans are cheerful, lively people. They smile a lot and are usually friendly because Americans t

24、hink its polite.At the end of the lesson, we all said “Goodbye”, “See you soon” to everyone. I think we are going to enjoy English lessons from now on.1Mr White, our new English teacher, comes from .AEngland BAmerica CJapan DAustralia2Mr Whites parents have children.Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive3Mr White

25、told us something about in his first English class.Ahis family BAmerica and AmericansChis family and Americans Dhis family, America and Americans4The writer thinks their English class will be .Acheerful Blively Cenjoyable DexcitingC15、 Many people travel to different places in the world by air. Usua

26、lly it takes a long time, perhaps half a day, for passengers to stay in the plane. So airlines (航空公司) offer passengers food. But it is common that they feel bad about food taste. Do you agree?To solve this problem, airlines try hard to improve their food. They would like to do so because they dont w

27、ant to lose customers.However, according to scientific research, part of the reason why plane food tastes bad is that at high altitude we can not taste things as well as we do on the ground. Also scientists have found that our noses become very dry even before a plane takes off. As the plane moves u

28、p, the change in air pressure(压力) reduces one third of the sensibility(感觉) of our taste buds(味蕾). So our taste buds become senseless. The sad fact, however, is that our noses dont know it.All of these help explain why food on the plane tastes so bad. They also help explain why airlines choose to off

29、er passengers salty and spicy (辛辣的) food. Without doing so, the food would be tasteless.Now there are many researches on this. According to one of them, some volunteers are asked to lie with their feet higher than their heads for weeks. And scientists write down their feelings about food taste.Thoug

30、h scientists try their best, it is not as easy as they thought. Because they cant deal with the special environment successfully, such as the change in air pressure, making food taste good is still hard for them.1In Paragraph 2, “this problem” means _.Apassengers stay long in the planeBfood on the p

31、lane tastes badCpassengers have no food to eatDfood on the plane is expensive2What do airlines do to solve this problem?AGet more customers.BOffer more food.CImprove their food.DReduce the ticket price.3What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “altitude” in the passage?Aabove the sea levelBabove

32、 zeroCbelow the sea levelDbelow zero4Why do scientists feel it hard to make food on the plane taste good?AThe volunteers dont know about food taste.BThe volunteers dont understand them.CThey cant find enough volunteers.DThey cant deal with the special environment successfully.5What is the best title

33、 of the passage?ATaste of Airplane FoodBAirplane TravelCScientific Research on NosesDThe Change in Air PressureD16、Karen always said that she didnt like her house at all. One day I asked why she didnt look for another house. Karen answered, “I will look for another one when I come back from vacation

34、.”Sam hated his job. However, he loved taking photos, and was taking a two-year course to make him better at it. Every day he said his work was boring. I asked him why he didnt give up his job and start a business of taking photos. His reply was, “When I finish my course, I will start a business.Har

35、ry worked for a company that allowed him to retire early, but he had to get less money after he retired. Now Harry became very weak and found it difficult to deal with his work. I was worried about his health because too much work was bad for him. Why dont you retire, Harry? Do something that you wa

36、nt to do, I said.If I were older, I would get my full pension. When the next summer comes, maybe I will, Harry replied.There is an old saying that says:If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.A year later, Karen is still living in the houses he hates. Sam is still busy with his boring job and has

37、nt finished his course. Harry is still working and his health is even worse. These people had a lot of stress in their lives and couldnt change the situations by thinking if or when.Life is too short for ifs and whens. The next time you find yourself thinking if or when, remember the saying: If and

38、When were planted, and Nothing grew.1How did Karen like her house?AShe liked it. BShe hated it. CShe valued it. DShe didnt mind it.2What course was Sam taking?ATour-guiding. BAdvice-giving. CPicture-taking. DHouse-painting.3Why didnt Harry want t retire?ABecause he was very strong and healthy.BBecau

39、se he wasnt allowed to retire early.CBecause his work was interesting and relaxing.DBecause he wanted to get full pay after retiring.4Which of the following is TRUE?ASam has finished his course. BKaren lives in a new house now.CHarry is still working in the company now. DThey didnt have any stress i

40、n their lives at all.5The underlined old saying wants to tell us .Awhen to grow plants Bto take action at onceCto stop working hard Dhow to change yourselfE17、Trip 1 The Green MountainBring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of the Green Mountain. You can also find many kinds of wi

41、ld animals living in this area.Time: May 8 May 14Tel: 64639818Adult: $110 Child: $55Trip 2 The Heaven GardenThis is a beautiful garden with different kinds of flowers. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sights here. It is also a good place for fishing.Time: May 20 May 22Tel: 63986432Adult: $50

42、 Child: $25Trip 3 The Dungog ValleyPut on your warm clothes and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.Time: May 16 May 18Tel: 63875629Adult: $30 Not for Children.Trip 4 By the seaWear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sun

43、shine all the time from morning to evening. You can also take the boat to different places for swimming.Time: May 23 May 27Tel: 67538293Adult: $80 Child: $40根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1David has no classes from May 8 to may 11. He can _.Ago hiking in the mountainBgo fishing in the gardenCwatch plants

44、at nightDgo swimming at night2Mr and Mrs Smith want to visit the Heaven Garden with their seven-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter. They need to pay _ for the trip.A$50B$100C$150D$2403Lucy is interested in the plants which can only be seen at night. Which of the following is her best choice?A

45、Trip 1.BTrip 2.CTrip 3.DTrip 4.4Youd better take _ for the sightseeing in the Heaven Garden.Aa sun hatBa cameraCwarm clothesDstrong shoes5You should call _ if you want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside.A64639818B63986432C63875629D67538293F18、For Pets Sake, Do Something! Book 1How to Communicate w

46、ith your Pets and Help Them Heal (痊愈). Learn the necessary steps to start talking with your own pet about everyday things.Practice “becoming” your pet to understand his / her physical disease.Paperback: $14.95Click here to order by CHECK!$14.95 plus $4 shipping and handlingFor Pets Sake, Do Somethin

47、g! Book 2How To Heal Your Sick, Overfed, Bored Pets with Nutrition and Exercise.Help your animals regain(恢复) their health! Learn about the value and importance of bad foods to avoid, good foods to give; (how and when to feed, and how much).Learn great recipes you can make at home.Paperback: $15.95Cl

48、ick here to order by CHECK!$15.95 plus $4 shipping and handlingPets Have Feelings, Too!Understanding Your Pets Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Needs. How do pets use the language of pictures to be able to communicate with us. Read over 60 stories of real pets and their people. Learn how many behav

49、ioral problems can be fixed when you listen to your pet. Find out what pets think about life, death and the great beyond.Paperback: $3.95Click here to order by CHECK!$3.95 plus $6 shipping and handlingWhat Animals Tell MeThrough A True Story, An Animal Communicator Reveals The Fascinating And Heart-

50、Warming Inner World Of Our PetsPaperback: $12.95Click here to order by CHECK!$12.95 plus $3 shipping and handling1In For Pets Sake, Do Something! Book 1, the author tells us _.Awhat kind of food shouldnt be given to your petBwhen is the best time to feed your petChow to prepare food for your pet at homeDhow to communicate with your pet2Unlike the other three books, Pets Have Feelings, Too _.Ais made up of many storiesBis aimed to help your pets regain their healthCis about a real person and his petsDhas a great number of picture


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