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2、和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、I think swimming is than running.AinterestingBmore interestingCmost interestingDthe most interesting2、Will you please _ it to me on Friday? What about Saturday? My computer doesnt work well these days.Apost Bgive Cemail Dbring3、_an old teacher Mr. Wang is!AHowBWhatCWhereDWhy4、Water

3、is the cheapest drink. And its also _.Ahealthier Bhealthiest Cthe healthier Dthe healthiest5、_ exciting news! Weve never had such a long vacation before.AHowBWhat aCWhat anDWhat6、You neednt _ missing the film. To be honest, its not worth watching at all.AenjoyBregretCavoidDSuggest7、All of the studen

4、ts think the test is very easy. _ there are still some ones who cant pass it.AButBAndCSoDOr8、_ do you _ English?I like it very much.AWhat; think ofBWhat; likeCHow; like to9、There are many magazines for us to read. We can choose _ to start.AitBthatCeachDone10、 Do you like pop music? Yes, very much. B

5、ut _ my father _ my mother likes it. They both like Beijing Opera.Aboth, andBeither, orCnot only, but alsoDneither, nor. 完形填空11、Dad lost his job after arguing(争吵) with the boss, and when Christmas came that year, we had no money at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad took me out into the park. I had a blanke

6、t(毛毯) wrapped(卷绕) around me, so I offered to share 1 with Dad, but he said no thanks. We looked 2 3 at the sky. Those shining stars were one of the 4 treats for people like us who lived out in the wildness(荒凉). Rich city people, hed say, live in fantastic flats, but their air was so polluted(污染的) th

7、at they could not even see the stars.“ 5 out your favorite star.” Dad said that night. He told me I could have it for keeping. He said it was my Christmas present. “You cant give me a star,” I said, “Nobody 6 the stars.”“Right,” Dad said, “But you can suppose it is yours. And when you do that, it is

8、 yours.”I 7 my head, looked at the stars, and tried to figure out(断定) which was the best one. Then, I found one.“I 8 that one.” I said.Dad smiled. “Thats Venus(金星),” he said, “Venus was only a planet. She looked bigger and brighter because she was much 9 than the stars. Poor old Venus didnt even mak

9、e her own light. She shone only from reflected(反射) 10 ”“I like it anyway,” I said, “I had loved Venus even 11 that Christmas. You could see it in the early evening, and if you got up early, you could still see it in the morning, after all the stars had disappeared.”Dad said, “Ok, its Christmas. I 12

10、 your decision. You can have it if you want.” And he gave me Venus.We all laughed about the kids who believed in the Santa myth(圣诞传说) and got nothing for Christmas but a bunch(堆) of cheap plastic toys. “Many years later, when all the junk(废物) they got is broken and long forgotten,” Dad said, “you wi

11、ll_have your star.”1Ait Bme Cus Dhim2Aup Bfor Cout Dafter3Astrange Bspecial Cimportant Dimpossible4AGo BPut CTake DPick5Aowns Bsees Clikes Dreaches6Alowed Bput Craised Drose7Aneed Bwant Chave Dhope8Aslower Bfarther Ccloser Dhigher9Asun Bstar Cplanet Dlight10Awhen Bbefore Cafter Duntil11Adislike Bref

12、use Caccept Dconsider12Aeven Bstill Cnever Dalready. 语法填空12、 I was feeling a little sad because my mother had lost her job. One day, while I1 (walk) on the street, I heard that a beautiful piece of piano music2(play) above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly 3 (find) out where it was comin

13、g from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano. She was singing songs about love, believing yourself and keeping on4(try). The way she was singing made me 5 (relax). I stood there quietly, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be brave enough to perform

14、in front of so many people.She noticed me. I walked over and 6 (tell) her how good her music sounded. Thank you. she said. I have been going through a hard time recently, but youve made me hopeful again. I said to her.Im glad that I could help, she replied. Why are you so sad?Well, my mom 7 (lose) h

15、er job, and Im not sure what to do .Did you notice the way you were walking? Your head was down. she said. 8 (not be) upset, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should smile more . lift your head up.I looked at her, amazed at how she was en

16、couraging me. Why are you playing the piano here now? I asked her with a smile.She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer them up by playing music. I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on. 阅读理解A13、One of the pro

17、blems with passwords is that users forget them. In order to remember them, people use simple things like their dogs name, their birth date, or the name of the current month-anything that will give them a clue to remember what their password is.For the curious hacker (黑客) who has gained access to you

18、r online account, this is the same as locking your door and leaving the key under the doormat (门垫).To create a safe password that is easy to remember, follow these simple steps: You should never use personal information as part of your password. It is very easy for someone to guess things like your

19、last name, pets name, childs birth date and other similar details. There are tools available to help attackers guess your password. With todays computing power, it doesnt take long to try every word in the dictionary and find your password, so it is best if you do not use real words for your passwor

20、d. You can make a password much safer by mixing different types of characters. Use some uppercase letters (大写字母) along with lowercase letters (小写字母), numbers and even special characters such as “&” or “%”. Rather than trying to remember a password that is created using various character types and is

21、 not a word from the dictionary, you can use a “passphrase”. Think of a sentence or a line from a song or poem that you like and create a password using the first letter from each word.For example, rather than just having a password like “yr $ 1 Hes”, you could take a sentence such as “I like to rea

22、d the About. Com Internet network security website” and convert it to a password like “il2rtA! nsws” by using the number “2” for the word “to” and using an exclamation point (感叹号) in place of the “I” for “Internet”. You can use a variety of character types and create a safe password that is hard to

23、figure out, but much easier for you to remember. You should use a different username and password for each login youre trying to protect. That way, if someone figures out one of your passwords, the others are still safe. Another approach, which is less safe, but provides a fair balance between secur

24、ity and convenience, is to use one username and password for sites and applications that dont need the extra security, but use unique usernames and more safe passwords on sites that require more security, such as your banks website.1How is a password made up of ones dogs name or birthdate?AIt is saf

25、e and easy to remember.BIt can get hacked easily by attackers.CIt suits those who have a poor memory.DIt is the most commonly used type of password.2According to the article, what is a passphrase made up of?ADifferent character types.BA long dictionary word.CThe title of a song or a poem.DThe first

26、letter from each word of a sentence.3Which of these passwords might be the safest according to the article?Ajessica208.Byr $ 1 Hes.CHERO&37.Dil2rtA!nsws.4Whats the article mainly about?AHow to make your passwords safer.BHow hackers get access to computers.CHow to protect your private information onl

27、ine.DTypical problems with passwords.B14、SPRING RESTAURANTTelephone: 33145Address: East RoadOpen: Mon. to Fri.7:30 am2:30 pm and 5:00 pm9:00 pmSat. 7:30am2:00pm and 5:00 pm9:30 pmSun. 11:00 am2:00pm and 5:00 pm 9:30 pmSCIENCE MUSEUMTelephone: 3351352Address: Green RoadOpen: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 am5:00

28、pm (Tuesday free)Sat. 9:00 am6:00 pmSUNSHINE SHOPPING CENTERTelephone: 3374398Address:Peace RoadOpen:Mon. Wed. and Fri. 9:30 am5:30 pmTues. Thurs. and Sat. 9:30 am 9:00 pmHUATAI HOTELTelephone: 3368432Address: West RoadCoffee shop: Mon. to Fri. 6:00 amSat. and Sun. 7:00 amMon. to Wed. to 10:00 pmThu

29、rs. to Sat. to 11:00 pmSun. to 9:00 pm.1You do not have to pay money on Tuesday if you go to _.ASpring RestaurantBScience MuseumCSunshine Shopping CenterDHuatai Hotel2If you want to drink coffee early on weekdays, you can go to _.APeace RoadBEast RoadCWest RoadDGreen Road3You can go shopping on_AEas

30、t RoadBGreen RoadCPeace RoadDWest Road4Your parents want to have dinner on Saturday, they can call _to make an appointment.A33145B3351352C3374398D33684325The text is probably taken from_.Aa novelBa guide bookCa dictionaryDa science reportC15、Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes you

31、r steps light and makes you want to sing for no reason. Everyone wants to be happy. But sometimes, a guest comes in without invitation. Its unhappiness. Dont let it get you down. Send it away!When you are happy, the world feels like a better place. A good mood (心情) always gives you hope, which makes

32、 trouble and problems easier to handle.No matter how happy you are, its natural to feel angry, sad or upset once in a while. Life is full of ups and downs. So its good to know some of thefactorsthat influence happiness.One of the biggest factors is social relationships. Talking and sharing is a good

33、 way to relax and build confidence. Knowing someone is there for you will make you braver and more outgoing.Another factor is work or school. If you enjoy school, even if you have lots of homework or extra classes, you will still feel that your school life is meaningful and happy. But if you hate sc

34、hool, your negative attitude may cause you to feel bored and upset that you have to do so much work.A third factor is your attitude towards life. How do you feel if you fail in an exam? Maybe you think its unfair because you always study hard and should have got a good mark. You cant stop blaming (责

35、备) yourself. Or, maybe you accept it. You go through the paper carefully, find out why you made stupid mistakes, and tell yourself, “Take it easy! Ill do better next time!” Your attitude makes a big difference.Do you smile a lot or wear a long face most of the time?1From this passage, we know that _

36、.Awe go upstairs and downstairs in life.Bwe should never feel sad or angry in life.Cwe have both happy and sad momentsin life.2What does the underlined word “factors”mean in Chinese?A事实 B结果 C因素3Why is social relationship one of the biggest factors that influence happiness?ABecause we can ask our fri

37、ends to do what we want them to do.BBecause well feel braver and more outgoing if we know someone is there for us.CBecause we are always happy to help others.4Which of the following statements isTRUE according to the passage?AWe should keep blaming ourselves whenwe fail in an exam.BWe cant be happy

38、if we are busy with ourstudies.CWe should accept our failure and try to dobetter next time.5What is the main idea of the passage?AYou make your own happiness.BBeing happy is the key to a successful life.CIt is impossible for us to control ourselves.D16、Welcome to the Art Museum!Youve just stepped in

39、to one of the worlds greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from around the world. With thousands of works on Show, You may wonder how to start your visit, but we are here to help. On the back of this Visitor Guide, youll find directions to some must see works in our col

40、lectionthe “dont miss” list for the Art Museum. Its a great choice to start if you are new to the museum.The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections. But because we have several buildings, the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful. Enjoy your visit and feel free t

41、o ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.1How many parts does the overlook of the museum include?ATwo BThree. CFour. DFive2Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?AThe “Bridge” BRice Building. CThe Modern Wing. DMckinlock Court3Where can we see the special artworks?AOn all floo

42、rs of Rice Building. BOn the second floor of Rice Building.COn the first floor of Michigan Avenue Building. DOn the lower floor of Michigan Avenue Building.E17、ARE you creative, shy, outgoing? Our personalities reveal a lot about who we are. But whats surprising is that our personality can also say

43、something about our health. Thats according to researchers at Duke University, US.During an experiment on 1,000 people, scientists assessed (评定) their personalities in two ways: by asking someone they knew, such as a family member or friend; then by asking someone they had just met, such as a nurse.

44、 The study found that those who were careful at age 26 were in better health after 12 years.Being careful means that people tend to have a lot of self-control, and are less likely to smoke, the scientists said. Careful people are also more likely to have an active lifestyle and healthy diet.From tho

45、se who were least careful, 45 percent developed health problems by the age of 38. Such health issues included gum disease and high blood pressure (高血压). To compare, only 18 percent of careful people went on to develop health problems.Another positive personality was called “openness to experience”,

46、meaning curious and imaginative. People who have more of this personality have higher IQ scores. So theyd be more likely to know how to find medical help to prevent disease.According to the report, if doctors assessed our personalities, it could help doctors to find which young adults need advice on

47、 how to live a healthy lifestyle. Whats surprising is that stress didnt play a big part on a persons health. Even though stress and anxiety (焦虑) are usually linked to bad health.But can a doctor who knows our personality really improve our health? Or should doctors be kept away from knowing somethin

48、g so personal?1Which personality type may be better for our health, according to the research?Aself-controlled. BStressed.CShy. DCareless.2From the passage, we learn that careful people _.Aare too shy to talk to strangersBlove to ask the doctor for adviceCare likely to have a healthy lifestyleDmay h

49、ave high blood pressure when theyre older3Where can you probably read the article?ANewspaper. BScience fiction book.CResearch paper. DTravel guide.4What is the main idea of the article?APeople can change their personality type.BScientists have found two different personality types.CPersonalities hav

50、e something to do with our lifestyle.DPersonalities say something about our health.F18、On a hot African morning, Leila was lying on her stomach and an elephant was walking towards her. Leila waited. Then she pushed the button on her camera. “And I got my best photo of an elephant ever, by lying unde

51、r my car,” Leila explained. “I wanted to get close to the elephants, but of course this was dangerous; they had their babies with them. So every morning I used to park my car in the open near the path (小道). They used to take the same path every morning when they left the water hole. After a week, th

52、ey were used to seeing my car. So the next morning, I lay under it and got my photo!”Many of the best wildlife photos come from good planning. In Africa, photographers set up their hides (隐匿处) near water holes. They also set up hides near forest paths, as animals use the same paths every night. For

53、bird-watching, many lakes have hides. Inside the hides, bird-watchers can watch all day in the shade (荫处) out of the wind and rain.Good wildlife photos are needed for books, postcards, magazines and newspapers. But a success rate of 1 in 20 is good.1Why did Leila lie under her car on the stomach?ABecause she wanted to sleep.BBecause she wanted to take photos but was afraid of the animals.CBecause its easy to see the elephants.DBecause its very comfortable.2How can photographers take good photos?ABy making good preparation.BBy go


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