



1、Topic:In some countries, small town-center shops are going out of business because people tend todrive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people withoars have limited acs to out-oftown stores, and it may result in an increasethis change outweigh its advantages?he use of cars. Do you think the

2、 disadvantages ofToday, the number of out-of-town shops has increased remarkably, and this meanst peoplehave to travel to shops by cars.I am of the opinionitive influence. (c)t the problems of this change outweigh themany out-of-town shops have sprung up/mushroomed in recent years. (c)想观点从以下几个角度来进行构

3、思:经济技术社会 环境、稳定、文化和传统价值个人 基本的权利, 还有个人的行为-最后定位为经济词伙:heavily populated, shopgains(经济好处)malls, reduhoptrips, benefit economically from/economicABC: A 郊区空间大可以建立大型购物中心 B 人们可以一站式购物 C 有经济的好处A:suburbs are normally not as heavily populated as the inner city area. (c)Is adequate space for the construction of s

4、hopmalls. (c)B: Shoppers can reduhoptrips. (c)C: This provides economic gains for consumers. (c)把“C 有经济的好处”作为中心句中心句(中心句最好包括三点: 1 连接词 23 观点)One obvious benefit of(连接词)increasing shop malls in out-of-own areas()istit can provide economic gains for consumers. 扩展 One obvious benefit of increasing shopma

5、lls in out-of-own areas ist it can provide economic gains for consumers, espelly for those who have cars/motorists.(把 car 也加上了)suburbs are normally not as heavily populated as the inner city area, and in other words, theseareas have adequate space for the construction of shopmalls. (c)A:Is adequate

6、space for the construction of shopmalls. (c)B:对 B“Shoppers can reduhoptrips (c)”进行扩展的两种方法:(方法一)用状从:Shoppers can reduaspects of life (c)(方法二)用定从:Shoppers can redu spare time. (c)hoptrips, so they can dedicate more time to their work and otherhoptrips,which can otherwise consume a large proportion of

7、theirShoppers can buy what they need in every visit to these shopfacilities and reduhoptrips,which can otherwise consume a large proportion of their spare time. (c)完整段落:One obvious benefit of increasing shopmalls in out-of-own areas ist it can provideeconomic gains for consumers, espelly for those w

8、ho have cars. Suburbs are normally not asheavily populated as the inner city area, and in other words, these areas have adequate space for the construction of shopmalls. Shoppers can buy what they need in every visit to theseshopfacilities and reduhoptrips, which can otherwise consume a large propor

9、tion oftheir spare time and reduce their productivity. (c).ABCA、交通不方便,需要买车,或乘坐别的交通工具 B 尾气增加,能源消耗 C、污染环境词伙:car-dependent societylimited acs toacs .easilyother means of transportexhaust fumes. car emissenergy consumptioncause environmental problemscause pollutionhave a detrimental effect on the enviro

10、nment评讲并且改正后的句子:People can confront many environmental problems in a car-dependent society, as car emisincrease and energy consumption accelerate (c)sIn order to acs the stores in remote areas, people who do not own cars will be forced to driveor travel long distance by other means of transport. (c)

11、people need to buy cars or take other means of transport due to the factt a large proportionof off-town shops are builtenergy consumption.(c)but this will cause enormous car emiss and The increase in car use not only exacerbates fuel scarcity but also causes a series of problems,such as air and nois

12、e pollution . (c)老师写的句子On the other hand, as shopmalls are concentrated in some suburbs, it can fuel the car useand cause some environmental problemch as air-pollution. (c)People have to drive or take other means of transport when shop, but this can increase caremiss and accelerate energy consumptio

13、n. (c)This problem is particularly acutehose neighborhoods where public transport is not readilyavailable and transport infrastructure is inadequate. (c)(扩展句子,用特定化这个方法)he remote areas,ABC:A 小店B 人们的生活方式改变 C 社区的生活改变C:Anothroblem ist the increased presence of large shopcenters can changecommunity life

14、and sol fabric. (c)(中心句)A:Some small shops can be forced out of business.many of these shops serve as the gluet holds people together.B:it followst many residents have to change their shophabits.Some small shops can be forced out of business.扩展 Some small shops can be forced out ofbusiness, and this

15、 is a tragedy, in view of the factt many of these shops serve as the gluetholds people together.(c)(“and this is a tragedy, in view of the fact连载了一起)t” 把 A 中的两个句子t many residents have to change their shophabits.扩展 it followsit followst manyresidents have to change their shopcommunities. (c)habits and cannot preserve some traditions in对 serve as the glue 的扩展:family dinners sometimes serve as the g


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