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1、2022学年高考英语模拟测试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1He would be in better health now _ with too much work when young.Ahad he n

2、ot burdened himselfBif he was not burdenedCwere he not burdenedDhad he not been burdened himself2Jack has been out of consciousness since the accident.Will he come to himself,doctor?Its going to be tough but we anticipate that he will .Aput through Bpull throughCput over Dpull over3Mark _ have hurri

3、ed. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.AneedntBwouldntCmustntDcouldnt4Don t worry. A number of efforts are being made _ the whole system operating normally.Abeing keptBkeptCkeepingDto keep5When Thanksgiving Day is the corner, stores and supermarkets are busy with people.Aaroun

4、dBonCwithDat6We came to the station _ all the way, only _ the train had just left.Arunning, toldBto run, tellingCto run, to be toldDrunning, to be told7 How do you find your trip to Sanya during the three-day New Year Holiday ?_ I cant speak too highly of it.AOh, wonderful indeed! BIts awful!CDont m

5、ention it DYou said it.8_ far in the contest, we are so disappointed.ANot gettingBNot to getCNot having gotDNot got9Only those who have a lot in common can get along well._. Opposites sometimes do attract.AI hope notBI think soCI appreciate thatDI beg to differ10When _ to feel unworthy, children oft

6、en work extra hard to please their parentsAto makeBmakingCmadeDhaving made11The government officials met the workers and engineers working on the stadium, most_ were migrant workersAof whichBof whoCof whomDof them12It was not until she got home_Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.AwhenBthatCwher

7、eDbefore13The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a livingAthatBwhenCwhereDwhich14My son turned to bookstores and libraries seeking information about the book recommended by his professor, but _ none.Awould findBhad foundCfoundDhas been finding15Guangdong province rolled out n

8、ew guidelines, _ offensive nicknames and online violence as school bullying.AdefiningBdefinedCto defineDhaving defined16They were standing so far away that I couldnt_ their faces clearly.Amake outBmake forCmake offDmake up17At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.

9、AapproachesBmeansCmethodsDways18They _ the business deal in less than an hour, after which they had a golf game.Awrapped upBpicked upCcalled upDtook up19How I wish I had worked harder when I was in that company.If you had, you _ a department manager now.AareBwould beCwould have beenDwere20It _ a Sat

10、urday afternoon in May _ Margaret could arrange for me to meet her elder ,sister.Awas until; when Bwas until;thatCwas not until; when Dwas not until; that第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) Do you completely understand your teenagers who are between 13 to 19? They may live a happ

11、y and meaningful life on condition that you know what changes they are undergoing.The teenage life is full of happiness, sadness enjoyment and it can he interesting too. This is because in the teenage life a teenager is subjected to physical growth, and hormonal changes. They may be in a stage of co

12、nflict like undergoing puppy love. This is only a normal part of life.Teenagers should enjoy life by making friends with peers in healthy activities such as camping, picnic, swimming and so on. Through friends, a teenager learns to joke, laugh and play to release stress and tension. By making friend

13、s, the teenager learns to sweeten his or her joys and even eases the bitterness of lifes downtime.Many teenagers are very conscious of their physical outlook. It is at this part of their life that beauty strikes as the main self-image. They love to follow up with the latest trends for dressing and h

14、airstyle. Some girls and boys go on a crash diet to slim down in order to look attractive. However, making up is not a must for their good image.Parents tend to play a role in a teenagers life. They like to control their freedom and have a say on what the teenagers do. Therefore, teenagers have case

15、s of disagreements, disputes, quarrels and even runaways from homes among some teenage girls. To avoid this, parents should be more in their teenagers shoes.There are also negative problems that may pop out during a teenage life. Some teenagers are easily affected by the mass media and the people ar

16、ound them. They may be involved in violent behavior, drugs taking, smoking, drinking and so on. Others tend to let off their anger by destroying public property. There will be more harm than good if nothing is done.1、Why are teenagers lives full of ups and downs?AThey usually undergo puppy love.BThe

17、y have a variable character.CThey are too young and lack experience of life.DThey are experiencing personal body changes.2、What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?AMaking friends has a deep influence on teenagers.BTeenagers play jokes on nobody other than friends.CTeenagers benefit from attendi

18、ng healthy activities.DFriends can help teenagers ease the bitterness of life.3、What do teenagers do to improve their physical outlook?AThey eat whatever they like.BThey prefer doing making up.CThey follow up fashion trends.DThey learn how to do with hairstyle.4、What is the implied meaning of the un

19、derlined part?AParents often misunderstand their teenagers.BParents dont know what their teenagers need.CParents should wear their teenagers shoes more often.DParents should think more in their teenagers position.5、What is the authors intention of writing this passage?ATo recommend parents to show k

20、indness to teenagers.BTo tell parents to focus on the changes teenagers undergo.CTo encourage parents to follow up with the latest trends.DTo advise parents to offer proper guidance to teenagers.22(8分) John HJohnson was born in a black family in Arkansas city in 1918His father died in an accident wh

21、en John was sixHe was reaching the high school age,but his hometown offered no high school for blacksFortunately he had a strongwilled caring motherJohn remembered that his mother told him many times,Son,you can be anything you want really to be if you just believeShe told him not to depend on other

22、s,including his motherYou have to earn success,she saidAll the people who work hard dont succeed,but the only people who do succeed are those who work hardThese words came from a woman with less than a third grade educationShe also knew that believing hard work dont mean everythingSo she worked hard

23、 as a cook for two years to save enough to take her son,who was then 15,to ChicagoChicago in 1933was not the promised land that black southerners were looking forJohns mother and stepfather could not find workBut here John could go to school,and here he learned the power of wordsas an editor of the

24、newspaper and yearbook at Du Sable High School his wish was to publish a magazine for blacksWhile others discouraged him,Johns mother offered him more words to live byNothing beats a failure but a tryShe also let him pawn(典当)her furniture to get the500 he needed to start the Negro magazineIt is natu

25、ral that difficulties and failures followed John closely until he became very successfulHe always keeps his mothers words in mindSon,failure is not in your vocabulary!Now John HJohnson is one of the 400 richest people in Americaworth150 million1、Why did Johns mother decide to move to Chicago?Ahis fa

26、ther died when John was very youngBlife was too hard for them to stay on in their hometownCJohn needed more education badlyDthere were no schools for Negroes in their hometown2、Johns motherAdidnt believe in or depend on othersBthought one could be whatever one wanted to beCbelieved one would succeed

27、 without working hardDthought no one could succeed without working hard3、What does the underlined sentence Nothing beats a failure but a trymean?Aif you try,you would succeedBa failure is difficult to beat,even if you tryCa try is always followed by a failureDno failure can be beaten unless you try2

28、3(8分)Recycling is essential in todays world. The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things, and when people have many material possessions, they are bound to throw some of them away. This creates a lot of garbage which

29、in turn destroys the environment.Recycling is a way for us to keep the world clean as items are broken down and used again, preventing the littering of the environment. Instead of throwing all your garbage into the trash can, you should separate paper, metal, glass, and plastic into different contai

30、ners. Compost should also be recycled as this is excellent food for farm animals and also makes for great fertilizer(肥料).You should try to buy products that have been recycled. You can see if an item has been made from recycled materials by its label; if its been recycled, it will say so. Also, inst

31、ead of always buying new clothes, you can arrange to have a clothing swap with your friends. You bring clothes you dont want and pick items you want from what other people have brought. Not only does this save the environment, but it also saves your pocketbook. Remember, what is one persons junk can

32、 be someone elses treasure! The saying can be applied to all sorts of things: books, CDS, furniture, etc. Also, try shopping at second-hand stores, because they often have lots of items still in good shape for you to choose.Many countries have made it easy for people to recycle, as alongside the nor

33、mal garbage trucks, special garbage trucks come and pick up recyclables. However, in many countries around the world the responsibility is left up to the individual to recycle. Therefore, it must be made a priority (优先考虑的事) in society so we can continue to make our environment livable.1、Why is more

34、waste being made in todays world?APeople dislike the updated items.BPeople own abundant belongings.CPeople intend to live a simple life.DPeople have made great progress in industry.2、What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 3 refer to?AExchanging clothes with friends.BShopping at second-hand

35、stores.CThrowing away old clothes.DPicking up new items.3、To make the environment enjoyable, we should .Aalways buy new clothesBchoose recyclable productsCgo shopping at chain storesDarrange more garbage trucks4、What can we learn from the last paragraph?AGovernments do nothing in recycling.BNormal v

36、ehicles can pick up recyclables.CThe individual seldom cares about recycling.DEveryone should feel socially responsible for rcling.24(8分) Pastime is a bi-monthly magazine for curious young minds. Many of the topics we write about wont be covered in the classroom. All the articles are written in a li

37、vely style, and each one is paired with drawings by some of the countrys most talented artists. History focuses on archaeological (考古的) sites around the world where archaeologists work to unearth important finds. World includes stories about daily life, folk tales, history and traditions of the peop

38、le and places. Sport includes nutrition tips, information about up-and-coming young athletes, and sports events. Art stimulates a childs cultural life, from film to theatre through to writing and music.On top of all that, Pastime is packed with items to stimulate a youngsters imagination, including

39、pages of puzzles and a step-by-step guide to creating their own impressive-looking drawings.In every issue, we review the latest books top authors write for youngsters. There are also short works of fiction written especially for Pastime by some of our best writers.We know that children at this age

40、are dealing with many emotions and sometimes difficult feelings, so we have a personal advice page to reply to questions dealing with personal and moral problems.Unlike many of todays throwaway comics, Pastime is written and designed to be kept and treasured. We know children love going onlinebut we

41、 also know how much they enjoy holding a printed magazine in their hands and the excitement they get when each new issue drops through the letterbox personally addressed to them.SubscriptionPastime is published six times a year. An annual subscription costs just 20 and makes a great gift for any chi

42、ld aged eight to twelve.To order by phone: Dial 1-800-821-0156 and use Offer Code WEBSAVE86 for print-only subscriptions.You can cancel at any time for magazines that havent been shipped yet.1、According to the passage, the magazine is published _.Aevery monthBevery two monthsCthree times a monthDsix

43、 times a month2、If a reader is interested in festivals, he can read _.AHistoryBWorldCSportDArt3、What does the magazine provide?APhotos of talented artists.BStories created by children.CSuggestions on readers problems.DBook reviews written by students.4、How do the children react to the printed magazi

44、ne?AFavorable.BCritical.CUnconcerned.DConfused.5、Subscribers of Pastime need to know that the magazine _.Aoffers electronic copiesBcosts 20 for each copyCis for kindergarten childrenDcan be cancelled before shipping25(10分)Life Is Beautiful is a 1997 Italian film directed by and starring Roberto Beni

45、gni. The film was a critical and financial success, winning Benigni the Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the Academy Award for Best Original Dramatic Score and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.In 1939 in the Kingdom of Italy, a bookstore keeper Guido, who is a Jew, falls in lo

46、ve with a local school teacher, Dora, who is to be engaged to a rich civil servant. Guido steals her from her engagement party on a horse. Soon they are married and have a son, Giosue.In 1945, Guido and his son are forced onto a train and taken to a concentration camp. Despite being a non-Jew, Dora

47、demands to be on the same train to join her family. In the camp, Guido hides their true situation from his son, telling him that the camp is a complicated game in which Giosue must perform the tasks Guido gives him, earning him points;the first team to reach 1,000 points will win a tank.Guido uses t

48、his game to explain features of the concentration camp that would otherwise be scary for a young child. Despite being surrounded by the misery, sickness and death at the camp, Giosue does not question this fiction because of his fathers convincing performance and his own innocence. Guido keeps the s

49、tory right until the end when, in the chaos(混乱)of shutting down the camp as the Americans approach, he tells his son to stay in a small box until everybody has left, this being the final competition before the tank is his. Guido tries to find Dora, but is caught and killed by a Nazi soldier. As he i

50、s taken away to be shot, he maintains the fictions of the game by marching in a goose-step on purpose1、How many Academy Awards does the film win?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.2、What kind of person is Dora?ALoving and responsible. BMoney-loving and foolish.CRomantic and hot-headed. DBrave and intelligent3

51、、What can we infer from the last paragraph?AGuido lies to make their life more interesting.BGiosue regards all that happens as a game.CNazi soldiers killed all the Jews in the camp.DGiosue finally knows the truth.4、This passage is most probably taken from a(n) _.Agame brochure Btravel journalChistor

52、y book Dentertainment magazine第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)完形填空(共20小题;阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang.He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was jus

53、t eight.“You need 1 ,”his father said.“But if you dont work hard,no fortune will come.”What made him sad was 2 his piano teacher in Beijing didnt like him.“You have no talent(天赋).You will never be a pianist.” 3 He decided that he didnt want to be a 4 any more.For the next two weeks he didnt touch th

54、e piano 5 ,his father didnt push,but waited.Luckily,the day came when his teacher asked him to 6 some holiday songs.He didnt want to,but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys,he 7 that he could show others that he had talent 8 That day he told his father 9 he had been waiting to hearthat he wan

55、ted to study with a new teacher 10 that point on,everything turned around.He started 11 competitions(比赛).In the 10 International Young Pianists Competition,when it was 12 that Lang Lang had won,he was too 13 to hold back his tears.Soon 14 was clear that he couldnt stay in China foreverhe had to play

56、 on the worlds big 15 In 13 Lang Lang 16 again,this time to Philadelphia,U.S.There he spent two years practising,and by 15 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over.After his 17 performance at Chicagos Ravinia Festival,gigs(特邀演出) in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started 18 发现) him,and le

57、ts him 19 1、AexerciseBfortuneCknowledgeDwealth2、AwhetherBwhyCwhenDthat3、ALikeBWithCToDAs4、AhurtBweakenedCruinedDfrightened5、AsingerBpianistCconductorDplayer6、AHopefullyBPatientlyCWiselyDPainfully7、AplayBsingCwriteDstudy8、AseemedBadmittedCnoticedDrealized9、Ain allBabove allCafter allDat all10、AthatBw


59、ngBbreakingCfallingDpouring20、AbrignBshineCadmireDdevelop第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分) The story happened in ancient times. A king was so clever that he thought of a good way to test 1 his men were reliable.One day, he had a huge rock 2 (place) on a roadway at night. Then

60、 he hid 3 (him) nearby and watched carefully to see if anyone would remove the big rock. Some 4 (wealth) businessmen and high officials came by, but they simply walked around it. Many of them even loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none of them would bother 5 (get) the big s


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