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1、第 PAGE 21 页,共 21 页2021-2022 学年安徽省亳州市高二(上)期末英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30.0 分)AFour best destinations named by Lonely Planet for 2022 NepalWhen people discuss Nepal,its nearly impossible to talk about Mount Everest.But this Himalayan nation has so much more on offer for travelers who arent climbing the

2、worlds highest mountain.In the remote region of Mustang(which means fertile plain),tourists can explore the highdesert and meet locals at homestays along the way,dining on Nepali specialties. MauritiusMauritius is in the Indian Ocean about 700 miles east of Madagascar.Here are some reasons for visit

3、ing this underrated African getaway.Its inhabited by a multi-racial,peaceful people,covered in great golf courses,offering myriad water sports,luxurious resorts,an old colonial capital,great food,one of the worlds best gardens,good nightlife,and great sightseeing. NorwayNorway consistently lies on l

4、ists of the worlds happiest countries.So whats the secret?Mette-Marit,one of the countrys royals,has one answer:We love being outside in nature. If you want to channel that peaceful energy for yourself,head to Bkeskogen,the worlds northernmost beech forest.Cook IslandsThis group of 15 islands in the

5、 South Pacific was at the top of many Lonely Planet workers wish lists for 2022 and beyond.Whats on offer?Water-centric activities like snorkeling,diving and fishing,not to mention alook at the native Maori community in Te Vara Nui Village.What can tourists do in Nepal? Visit ancient buildings.C. Go

6、 fishing.B. Explore a desert.D. Play golf.Why is Norway one of the happiest countries? People there can admire best gardens.People there can enjoy water sports.People there have good nightlife.People there love being close to nature.What do Mauritius and Cook Islands have in common? They both offer

7、water sports.They both lie in the Indian Ocean.They both have many different races.They both have great beech forestsBFor the third time in a week,Jodie,one of my students,refused me again.Passing my office door,she gave half-hearted wave and walked down the hall.Something was bothering her but I co

8、uldnt tell what.I thought it would pass.The next day when she all but ignored me again,a boyhood memory came to mind.I was riding my bicycle,gliding,carefree,down the street,following a local politicalcampaign,and stopping occasionally to pick up flyers and sweets the candidat(e 候选人) hadthrown to th

9、e crowd.My fender (挡泥板) made a strange noise.One small part was holding it on.My father had warned me about it,but I didnt pay attention to his advice. Ill fix it later, I had promised.I was miles from home;I turned back,taking a short cut,even though I had to cross a four-lane road that I wasnt sup

10、posed to go near.I waited for a break in the traffic,then stood up and threw my weight onto the bike.Just as I was about to make it across,the fender broke and slid downover the tyre,blocking it like a doorstop under a door.The bike stood on its nose and I went flying over the handlebars.I fell on t

11、o the rough pavement and slid for about six feet.I rolled over to see the cars and trucks thundering towards me.I dragged myself to the edge of the road.For a long time I lay there.My hands and the skin of my stomach were very painful.All these years later I remember my fathers words Better fix that

12、 before it gets too bad to fix.Small problems grow into big ones if they arent attended to.Good relationships could unravel if conflicts arent dealt with.So,the next time I saw my student Jodie,I asked her,Can you come over to my office? We needed to talk.What reminded the author of the incident hap

13、pening in his childhood? His thought that all would be fine.Jodies paying no attention to him.The matter that was bothering Jodie.The abnormal frequency of meeting Jodie.Why didnt the author take his fathers advice? He found it difficult to fix the bike.He didnt want to keep his promise.He thought t

14、here was nothing serious.He wanted to better support the candidateWhat can we infer from paragraph 3? The author didnt get any injuries in the accident.The bike was at high speed when it stopped suddenly.The author didnt think it was dangerous to cross the road.Cars and trucks slowed down when the a

15、uthor fell off his bike.What does the underlined word unravel in the last paragraph probably mean? Disappear.B. Wait.C. Benefit.D. Survive.COn the Yucatan Peninsula,people are working to protect and expand mangrove forests.The low trees grow in watery areas near ocean coasts.Years ago,mangroves were

16、 all along the Yucatan shores.Today,there are few.A team of villagers from the area is trying to renew the forests.Scientists and donations support the effort.The Mexican government helps pay training costs for the team.The villagers joined the renewal effort more than 10 years ago with scientist Jo

17、rge Alfredo Herrera.He told them how to dig canals(运河).The dig was going to be hard work and the pay was only four dollarsa day.Recently,the workers finished the second part of the proces:s planting young mangrovesnear the city.This mangrove renewal effort is similar to others around the world.Scien

18、tists and community groups are increasingly recognizing the need to protect and bring back the forests.Mangroves are a very important ecosystem to fight climate change.While these trees only grow on less than1 percent of the Earths land,they can bury around five times more carbon in the sedimen(t沉积物

19、) than a rainforest.Yet,around the world,mangroves are being destroyed.From 1980 to 2005,as much as 35percent of the worlds mangroves disappeared.In Mexico,as in much of the world,development is the main threat to mangrove existence.The area of Cancun lost most of its mangroves to roads and hotels s

20、tarting in the 1980s.Mangroves on the countrys southern Pacific Ocean coast also have been cleared to make room for fish farms.Oil industry operations in waters off the Gulf of Mexico threaten mangroves there too.There have been restoration efforts around the world to protect mangroves.In Mexico,the

21、 successes have arrived slowly.Manuel Conzalez is a 57-year-old fisherman.He helped regrow many mangroves.Gonzlez says storms do not cause much damage and the fish and wildlife have returned.But the mangroves face a new threat. In 10 years,you have a very nice mangrove for someone with a chainsaw (电

22、锅) to come and take it, Gonzalez said. Thats something that hurts me a lot.What can be known about the renewal effort? It was started by the government.All parts of it have been finished.It is guided by some villager.It is hard work for little pay.Why do we need to protect and bring back mangrove fo

23、rests? They can stop climate change completely.They can act as a defence against storms.They are efficient in storing carbon.They can bring great financial benefits to the locals.How does the author develop the fifth paragraph? By giving examples.C. By explaining concepts.B. By presenting numbers.D.

24、 By drawing conclusions.What is Conzilez mainly worried about? Not enough fish and wildlife have returned.Powerful storms may do harm to many mangroves.The successes of regrowing mangroves arrive too slowly.Mangrove forests may be destroyed by humans in the future.DThe United States Congress has pas

25、sed a bill which created a new requirement for carmake:rsthey must have systems built into new cars as early as 2026 that can keep drunk people from driving car.Its a remarkable decision. said Alex Otte.She is president of the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving.Otte added that the bill would

26、 remove the number-one killer on Americas roads.Last month,the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA)reported that anestimated 20,160 people died in car crashes in the first half of 2021.That is the highest first-half total since 2006.The agency says that fast driving,drunk driving an

27、d not wearingseatbelts are reasons for the increase.Each year,around 10,000 people in the United States are killed because of alcohol-related ear crashes.That is almost 30 percent of all traffic deaths,the NHTSA says.Currently,some people who were charged with drunk driving in the past must use a br

28、eathalyzer device in order to start their car.A breathalyzer measures blood alcohol level.The device can turn off a car if the drivers blood alcohol level is too high.The bill does not name a kind of technology,only saying that it must identify whether that driver may be drunk.Sam Abuelsamid is with

29、 Guidehouse Insights,a market research company.He said the most likely system to prevent drunken driving is infrared(红外线的)cameras that look for driver behavior.The cameras make sure a driver is watching the road,and they look for signs of being sleepy or drunk.If the system sees any signs,the car wi

30、ll warn the driver.If the behavior continues,the car will turn on warning lights,slow down and move to the side of the road.Such technology is already being used by some carmakers.The bill also requires carmakers to create back-seat reminders to tell parents if a child is left in the back seat.Congr

31、ess has also ordered the NHTSA to make new safety requirements for cars.Many carmakers,however,have already made those changes in their latest models.What may Alex Otte agree with? The requirement is very necessary.Carmakers will be against the requirement.2021 has seen the most car crashes since 20

32、06.Few traffic deaths are related to drunk driving.Whats the bills only concern about the system? Its costs.C. Its effectiveness.B. The technology it uses.D. The company that produces it.What can be learned about infrared cameras? They measure blood alcohol level.They can partly control the car.They

33、 can be used as emergency brakes.They can prevent children from being left in the back seat.What can be the best title for the text? Harm Resulting from Dunk Driving Is Being RecognizedThe Total Number of Traffic Deaths Is Going Historically HighMore Carmakers Use New Technology to Stop Dunk Driving

34、US Congress Requires New Technology to Stop Drunk Driving二、阅读七选五(本大题共 5 小题,共 10.0 分)Simple Ways to Give Great Praise to Motivate Everyone on Your Team*Recognize a project hero.Did someone on your team go the extra mile on a recent project?Is there anyone who wascritical to their success? (1) A simpl

35、e note thanking them can be all the fuel they need to want to keep working that hard for the team.Remember:Those going unrecognized are three times more likely to quit.*Notice your unsung(被埋没的)heroes.The best way to have high performance at all levels of your team is to, Create heroes in every role.

36、Dont forget your unsung heroes.Make sure every role performed at a level of excellence is treated as a respected profession. Maybe they are the lowest paid,or the ones that do the most repetitive work. (2)* (3)As your team grows,it becomes harder and harder to keep a close eye on the work of everyon

37、e on your team.What you see can be very different from the things they actually do behind the scenes.Its easy to catch a problem in someones project.Unfortunately,if you only focus on whats wrong,you can discourage your team. (4) Youd better make an effort to find things you likeand praise.*Praise a

38、ny improvement in the work.When youre trying to turn around an underperformer,or just coach up someones weakness,praise can make all the difference.It takes hard work and focus to improve at something youre struggling with.Think about when you were a kid trying to learn to ride a bike,throw a ball,o

39、r learn to read. (5) And what helped you keep trying?It must be the encouragement from a friend,a family member,or a parent.Dont let them go unnoticed. B.Tie their efforts to a great purpose.C.Dig into their work and find something you like. D.You had to fail many times before you succeeded.E.Even t

40、he most junior person on your team deserves praise. F.When youre working with your team,keep your role in mind. G.Actually,what you should do is more than look for whats wrong.A. AEA. A EA. AEA. A EA. AEBC. CD. DE.F. FG. GB. BC. CD. DE.F. FG. GB. BC. CD. DE.F. FG. GB. BC. CD. DE.F. FG. GB. BC. CD. D

41、E.F. FG. G三、完形填空(本大题共 20 小题,共 30.0 分)Several years ago there was a well-known television circus show.I(21) a Bengal tiger performance.Like the rest of the show,it was performed live before a large audience.One evening,the(22)went into the cage with several tigers to do a(n)(23) performance.The worke

42、rs(24) the door behind him.The spotlights(25) the cage.the television cameras movedto(26) the performance from a closer place,and the audience watched in suspense(悬念) as the trainer(27) got the tigers to perform different activities.In the middle of the performance,the most (28) thing happened to th

43、e show;the lights went out!For twenty or thirty long,dark seconds the trainer was locked in with the tigers.In the darkness they could see him,but he could not see them.A(n)(29) and a small kitchen chair seemed to provide meage(r 不足的)(30) under the circumstances,but he (31), and when the lights came

44、 on,he calmly (32) theperformance.In a(n)(33) afterward,he was asked by a reporter how he felt(34) that the tigers could see him but he could not see them.He first(35) the great fear of the situation,but (36) the fact that the tigers did not know that he could not see them.He said, I just kept wavin

45、g my stick to make anoise and talking to them until the lights came on.And they(37) knew I could not see them as well as they could see me.This experience gives us a vivid parable of human life.At some point in our lives,all of us face the (38) task of fighting tigers in the darkness.Some face it(39

46、) or even cope daily with problems that are capable of (40) them.They cannot visualize their problems or understand them,but their problems seem to have begun attacking them.But what we should do is face itcalmly.A. discoveredA. hostA. routineA. lockedA. improvedA. guideA. skillfullyA. unfamiliarA.

47、stickA. conditionA. returnedA. finishedA. classA. pretendingA. admittedB. developedB. hunterB. expensiveB. changedB. burnedB. driveB. nervouslyB. unfortunateB. tableB. protectionB. hesitatedB. repeatedB. contestB. doubtingB. imaginedC. delayedC. trainerC. timelyC. brokeC. litC. pushC. casuallyC. use

48、lessC. audienceC. evidenceC. attackedC. describedC. interviewC. knowingC. expectedD. replacedD. directorD. secretD. leftD. wokeD. showD. responsiblyD. incorrectD. workerD. luckD. survivedD. quitD. discussionD. ignoringD. realizedA. picked upA. stillA. surprisingA. formallyA. movingB. pointed outB. e

49、venB. terrifyingB. hurriedlyB. contactingC. learned aboutC. seldomC. puzzlingC. naturallyC. examiningD. relied onD. neverD. boringD. constantlyD. destroying四、语法填空(本大题共 1 小题,共 15.0 分)As soon as the weather gets cold in northern China,there will be some people in the street(1) (sell)a kind of deliciou

50、s traditional foodBing Tang Hu La,or Tanghulu for short. This snack,which (2) ( appear)for the first time in Beijing and Tianjin during the Song Dynasty,traditionally consists of hawthorn fruit(also known as Shanzha).The fruits texture(口感)is similar to an apples.The round and red fruit symbolizes to

51、getherness,as the word round in Chinese sounds like gathering.It (3)( believe)that the snack brings good luck and wealth.Therefore,it enjoys great (4) ( popular)at family celebrations and large meals.For older Chinese people,Tanghulu revives many memories from their childhood.Back when foreign speci

52、alties,such as biscuits and chocolate were still little known in the country,Tanghulu was the only sweet that they could occasionally buy in the street.In the 1990s,there was even (5) well-known pop song which extolle(d 赞颂)the wonderful tasteof Tanghulu.Tanghulu is today probably the most popular tr

53、aditional sweet in China.It is mostly sold by traveling traders, (6) pat them together on bicycles or handcarts.If people want to trythe sticky treat (7)( they),they can find Tangbula traders near most popular (8()place)in China.When the weather turns cold,Tanghulu traders will (9)( general)find you

54、,as its almost impossible to walk the streets in major Chinese cities (10) coming across them.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)五、短文改错(本大题共 1 小题,共 10.0 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词

55、。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多若(从第 11 处起)不计分。As a 17-year-old teenager,Ive been to many great cities,among what Luoyang is the most beautiful one in my heart.Lie on the north bank of the Lo River in western Henan Province,Luoyang is surrounded by mountain on three sides,high in the west and low

56、in the east.At the end of 2019, Luoyang have a population of more than 7.1 million.In an addition,Luoyang has a history of more than 5,000 years.I love Luoyang so much due the fact that it is common regarded as one of the greatest ancient capitals of China.The number of it heritage sites are second

57、only to that of Beijing.And the tourist attractions of Luoyang including Longmen Grottoes,White Horse Temple,Guanlin and so on.六、书面表达(本大题共 1 小题,共 25.0 分)假定你是李华,上周一你校举行了一场主题为 Honesty and Harmony的英语演讲比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇短文,介绍这次活动,内容包括:时间和地点;活动的过程;活动的意义。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。答案和解析13.【答案】B、D、A【解析】(1

58、)B.细节理解题。根据第一个标题下In the remote region of Mustang(which meansfertile plain),tourists can explore the high desert and meet locals at homestays along the way,dining on Nepali specialties. (在偏远的Mustang 地区(意思是肥沃的平原), 游客可以探索高沙漠,沿途在寄宿家庭与当地人见面,品尝尼泊尔特色菜。) 可知, 在尼泊尔,游客们可以探索沙漠,故选择B 项。(2)D.细节理解题。根据第三个标题下one of t

59、he countrys royals,has one answer:We love being outside in nature. (这个国家的一位王室成员有一个答案:我们喜欢置身于大自然之外。)可知,挪威是最幸福的国家之一,是因为那里的人们喜欢亲近自然, 故选择 D 项。(3)A.细节理解题。根据第二个标题下的offering myriad water sports, (提供各种水上运动) 及第四个标题下的Whats on offer?Water-centric activities like snorkeling.diving and fishing (都有些什么?以水为中心的活动,比如

60、浮潜、潜水和钓鱼)可知,两地的共同点在于,都提供水上运动,故选择A 项。本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了四个2022 年度最佳旅游目的地。做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。47.【答案】B、C、B、A【解析】(1)B.细节理解题。根据第一段中The next day when she all but ignored me again,a boyhood memory came to mind(.第二天,当她再次不理我时,我想起了童年的记忆。)可知朱迪不理他,让作者想起了童年发生的事,故选B。(2)C.细节理解题


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