2、 Seller Iron Ore under the following terms and conditions. The Seller and the Buyer are individually referred to as“party “ and collectively referred to as theparties .有鉴于根据以下条款和条件,卖方同意向买方出售及买方同意向卖方购买铁矿石。 卖方 和买方都是单独称为“一方“,合称为“双方“。Whereas, the Buyer hereby makes and confirms that they are ready, will
3、ing and able to purchase iron ore under the terms and conditions outlined herein subject to the execution of the contract for the purchase of the iron ore upon consideration of the mutual agreement whereas, the Seller with full corporate authority and responsibility hereby certifies, represents and
4、warrants thatit can fulfill the requirements of the Agreement and provide the product.反之,买方在此明确地表明,他们已经准备好,愿意和有能力向卖方购买如下面概述的 条款及条件下的铁矿石。并接受本合同对于铁矿石购买而立下的所有条款,特此声明履行对该合同权力和责任.卖方在此声明并保证它能够履行本合同的所有条款并提供本合 同项下规定的产品给买方。Both parties hereby agree and covenant to be bound by the terms and conditions of this
5、 Agreement. And per the terms of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) rules for international trade.双方在此同意并承诺要遵守本合同的条款及条件以及国际商会(ICC)的国际贸易规则的条款。PRODUCT NAME AND SPECIFICATIONS 及规格 PRODUCTIron Ore Lumps. 块矿。SPECIFICATIONS (Fe GRADE 62.5.0%).品位:62.5%。CHEMICAL COMPOSITION GUARANTEED (ON DRY B APE
6、RCENTAGE BY WEIG H开吨计 算)Fe铁62.5% basisRejection 60%SiO2 硅4.5% max5.00% maxAl 2O3氧化铝1.20% max3.00% maxP磷0.07% max0.10% maxSa0.07% max0.10% maxMrn0.06% max0.15% maxMoisture 水分8.0% max. free moisture loss at 105 degreesPhysical Size 粒度Above 50 mm: 5 % maximum, 10mm - 50mm 90 % maximumLess 10 mm : 5 % m
7、aximumThe commodity shall correspond to the certificate issued by Society General deSurveillance “ SGS laboratory or a comparable world class inspectionorganization such as GTM at the port of loading confirming that the commoditymeets the specifications as described and detailed above under SPECIFIC
8、ATIONS(FE GRADE 62.50%) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION GUARANTEED (ON DRY B ASPERCENTAGE BY WEIGHT).对应的商品应受世界公认的“SGS 实验室或类似的世界级化验单位如GTME装货时确认该商品符合上文所述及规格(品位为62.5 %)并出具规范的口岸检验机构的证书做为品质的保证(单位计算以干基计,重量以百分比计)。ORIGIN AND PORT OF LOADINGAND DISCHARGE PORTB 的起源和港口The origin of the iron ore is Mexico and the Port of
9、Loading is LazaroCardenas or Manzanillo , Mexico 产地和上货港:Discharge port卸货港:PACKING AND MARKINGS8Loose Bulk in vessel. 散装。TOTAL QUANTITIES PORT OF DESTINATION AND BASIS OF DELIVERY量,上货及卸货港口The total quantity of this contract is 70000+140000 x12 (month) is 1, 750, 000dry metric tons (+/- 5%). This cont
10、ract is renewable for an additional (12)twelve months upon prior written agreement before the end of the tenth monthby both parties with the first shipment to commence with thirty (30) days fromthe date of an operative letter of credit acceptable to the Seller. The monthly shipments for the first tw
11、elve months are as follows:该合同总数量为70000+140, 000 x12month (+巧)是1, 750, 000千吨,合同满期后可顺延12个月,如果需要顺延合同,要求顺延合同方必7要在合同的第10个月内的第一批交货期前双方以书面同意与买方在30天内以附上可接受的信用证方式通知买方。第一年每月出货量如下:MONTHLYSHIPMENTNUMBERAPPROX. SAILING DATI(Monthly)METRIC TONS of IRONSHIPPED ON A MONTHLYBASISDESTINATION45 days after 5% payment
12、deposit70 , 000Try orderFOB11st Month140, 000FOB22nd Month140, 000FOB33rd month140, 000FOB44th month140, 000FOB55th month140, 000FOB66th month140, 000FOB77th month140, 000FOB88th month140, 000FOB99th month140, 000FOB1010th month140, 000FOB1111th month140, 000FOB1212th month140, 000FOBTOTALSHIPMENT S
13、 121, 750, 000 MTFOBTOTALThe shipping amounts and schedules are subject to +/-5% variations.交货金额及时间安排如多或少装+/-5 %是可接受的。The first shipment 70000MT is considered as a trial. The seller will issue asupply schedule for this shipment of loading to buyer on the contract. If thetrial shipment is successful
14、for both parties, this contract automaticallybecomes a contract for the full twelve month period.第一批货7万吨被视为试单。卖方将向买方开第一批货物的交货时间表。如果双方试装运成功,本合同自动成为一个完整的12个月期限的合同。Success is defined as loading the first ship in the time prescribed in thiscontract with iron ore that meets the requirements stated in Art
15、icle 1.成功的定义是首舰第一批货所装运的铁矿石的质量标准完全符合本合同中的第一条规aEoThe date of the bill of lading shall be considered the date of lifting anddelivery. Buyer agrees to provide Seller with port(s) of destination andquantities for all shipments on signature of agreement, or as to be agreed upon between the Parties as per
16、agreement procedures.该提单的日期应被视为解除和交货日期。买方同意向卖方提供合同签署中的目的港和货物数量(s),缔约商定后,双方均应按协议的程序执行。PRODUCT DELIVERYThe date of Bill of Lading shall be considered the date of delivery. Deliveryshall begin in FORTY FIVE DAYS (45 days) after receipt and confirmation of anoperative financial instrument acceptable to
17、the Seller. The Seller shall have the right to deliver earlier than agreed in this contract giving notice to alldesignated parties as required herein , with the approval of the Buyer. The product shall be shipped to the relevant provisions of this contract with theshipment to be forwarded to destina
18、tion port(s) in minimum shipments of Seventy Thousand (70, 000) metric tons per lift +/- 5%. Total number of shipments shall be according to shipping schedule.提单的日期应被视为交货日期。交付应在卖方收到可接收的并经卖方确认的金融工具四十五天开始(45天)后进行。卖方有权提供早发货并发出通知给所有指定的缔约方与本 规定中的买方批准,按合同中的约定。卖方应将七万(70, 000) +/-5吨装运在船上。出货总数应根据船期。WEIGHT AN
19、D QUALITY INSPECTION 量和质量检查SGS at Seller s expense, shall inspect the commodity at the port of loading , and determine weight by draft survey. SGSshall issue an Inspection Certificate of quality and quantity for each shipment to certify that the goods are in good order and condition and conform to t
20、he specifications stated specifically inArticle 1. Both Seller and Buyer must agree on the SGS Certificate and draftsurvey as the basis for loading for each shipment.发生在装货港SG疆查商品的费用,由卖方承担,并检查的产品重量和质量SGS各发行质量和数量检验证书,以证明每批货物的重量和质量是否符合该合同中第1条中明确规定的规格。买卖双方必须同意SGS勺检验结果的准确率以此作为每个装船货物的重量和质量的根据。PRICE AND PR
21、ICE ADJUSTMENT(S 格及价格的调整The Parties agree to the following price of the product with all sums due and payable in USD :$USD per dry metric ton (net) FOB Lazaro Cardenas or Manzanillo,payable to the Seller with adjustments as may be applicable as outlined below.价格是每千吨US$FOB美元一吨。TOTAL FIRST YEAR CONTRA
22、CT AMOUNT () UNITED STATESDOLLARS (+/-5%). 第一年合同总金额:,(美元)美国(+/-5 %)。PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 的调整The parties further agree that the above stated base price will be reviewed three(3) month each time. and adjusted if necessary to reflect changes, if any, in the Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index , or other interna
23、tional prime index. The first three month adjustment will be made on.价格应每三个月调整一次。调整的依据是按Metal Bulletin Iron Ore 的指数或或另外的主要国际价格的标准来调整。Fe CONTENTFor each 1%Fe content above 62.5% the base price shall be increased by US$ 1.00 per dry metric ton. There will be a deduction at the rate of US$ 1.55 per dry
24、metric ton for each 1 % Fe content below 62.5%. Fraction pro rata.If the Fe content in the iron ore falls below 60.0 %the cargo will be rejectedand Seller will be responsible for any additional costs to Buyer.如果铁含量每超过基本铁含量 62.5%的1%则每吨价格应上调美金1元。如果铁含量每低 于基本铁含量62.5%白1%则每吨价格应下调美金1.55元。如果铁含量每低于60%货物将被拒收,
25、买卖方有责任对买方进行补尝。ALUMINA (Al 2Q)For the excess of alumina , there will be a deduction at the rate of US$ 0.10per dry metric ton or fraction pro rata for each 0.1 % in excess of 1.20 %.当三氧化二铝应在1.20%成分内,否则每超过0.1 %,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.10美元。SILICA (SiO 2)For the excess of silica , there will be a deduction at the
26、 rate of US$ 0.10per dry metric ton or fraction pro rata for each 0.1 % in excess of 4.5 %.当二氧化二硅应在4.5%成分内,否则每超过0.1 %,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.10美元。PHOSPHOROUS (P)For the excess of phosphorous , there will be a deduction at the rate of US$0.10 per dry metric ton or fraction pro rata for each 0.01 % in excess of
27、 0.07 %.当磷的含量应在0.07%成分内,否则每超过0.01 %,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.10美元。SULPHUR (S)For the excess Sulphur , there will be a deduction at the rate of US$ 0.10 per dry metric ton or fraction pro rata for each 0.01 % in excess of 0.07 %.当硫的含量应在0.07%成分内,否则每超过0.01 %,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.10美元。Manganese (Mn)For the excess Manganese
28、, there will be a deduction at the rate of US$0.10 perdry metric ton or fraction pro rata for each 0.01% in excess of 0.06%.当镒的含量应在0.06%成分内,否则每超过0.01 %,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.10美元。 G) MOISTUREWill meet requirements stated above article 1. If not, seller shall pay tobuyer the amount equal to the weight of Iron
29、 Ore freight attributable to moisture over 8%. The 12%is maximumacceptable during the rain season (July - December) in Mexico.按照第一条的规定,如果水分超过8%卖方将会按重量来补偿买方的损失。但雨季 (每年的七月至十二月)来临时12咖可接受。PHYSICAL PROPERTIESUSD 0.05 per MT on natural basis fraction pro rata shall be applied to the quantities of lumps ab
30、ove 50 mm in excess of 5.0%.当铁矿石的的粒度超过50mmi过5.0 %的部分,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.05美元。USD 0.05 per MT on natural basis fraction pro rata shall be applied to the quantities of lumps below 10 mm in excess of 5.0%.当铁矿石的的粒度低于10mmi过5.0 %的部分,则每千吨降价比例为每吨0.05美元。TERMS OF PAYMENTPayment will be wire transfer from buyer s ba
31、nk to seller s bank directly.付款是根据卖方的交货计划附件01的数量之规定用现金电汇的方式从买方的银行直接到卖方的银行来付款。The buyer shall send the 5%of FOBshipping value by T/T to the buyer withinworking Days upon the contract signed.The 10% of first monthly shipping value sent by T/T upon receipt of the 10% ofshipping quantity in the patioand
32、 additional 25%of FOBshipping value shouldbe sent by T/T upon receipt of 30% of shipping quantity, and additional 40%of FOBshipping value should be paid upon receipt of 70%of FOBshipping value , and additional 17% of shipping value should be paid by T/T upon the receipt of100% of shipping quantity.
33、The balance of 3% full payment will be paid withinbanking days after the certificate of CIQ at destination.当合同经双方签字生效后的5个工作日之内,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量金额的5%当卖方积货达到达10%寸,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量金额的10%当卖方积货达到30%寸,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量金额的25%当卖方积货达到70%时,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量金额的40%当卖方积货达到100%寸,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量金额的17%余额3%!目的港CIQ合格证
34、书后,于2日内电汇予卖方。.3 The shipment will be loaded within 45 days after the deposit as 7.2 was received and accepted in the seller s bank.卖方银行收到并接受定金后45天内,本批货物将被装运。.4 Payment of the monthly shipment月度付款条款When the first shipment was ready to load , the seller shall provide the documents (notice from the ves
35、sel owner) to the buyer. The buyer s bank shallinform the seller s bank the monthly payment was ready to perform as follow after the confirmation with the vessel owner.当货物已经准备装船,卖方应将船东的装船通知文件提供给买方,买方同船东确认后, 买方银行将通知卖方银行将按下面执行月度付款。From second shipments to twelve shipments and contract ended, the buyer
36、 shall sent the 30%of FOBshipping value monthly by T/T for down payment to buyers bank against in 5 bank days. Upon receipt of the 50% of shipping quantity inthe patio , additional 47% of FOB shipping value should be sent by T/T withinbanking days. Upon receipt of the 100% of shipping quantity in th
37、e patio,the buyer shall send the additional 20% of FOB shipping value monthly by T/Tagainst for buyer s bank, after receipt of notice of booking port loading and upon the receipt of draft B/L. The balance of 3%full payment will be paid withinbanking days after the certificate of CIQ at destination.从
38、第二船起直到本合同结束,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量的30%故为定金给卖方,当卖方积货达到达50%寸,买方须向卖方的银彳f电汇第一个月量的 47%当卖方积货 达到80%寸,在买方收到上货港的上货通知和提货单的稿本时,买方须向卖方的银行电汇第一个月量的20%余额3%L目的港CIQ合格证书后,于2日内电汇予卖方。此月度付 款方式直到该合同结束。.4.3 Final Payment :The balance 3% (three per cent) due to SELLER after provisional payment shallbe drawn under the same Letter
39、 of Credit against seller s final invoice. Thefinal invoice is to be based on certificates issued by CIQ of the People sRepublic of China as provided in Clause 8 of this Contract within sixty (60)days after the date of B/L.剩余的3%勺货款余额将按卖方的最终发票支付,最终发票应以卸货港的中国商检CIQ的检验报告为依据,在B/L日后60天内完成。.4.4 If the Cert
40、ificate issued by CIQ at the discharging port cannot beforwarded to Seller within sixty (60) days after the date of B/L, then thecertificate of SGSat the loading port shall be the basis of the final invoice. 如果卸货港的CIQ检验报告在B/L日后60天内不能提交给买方,则最终发票按装货港的SGS佥验报告为依据7.5 INSURANCEAND VESSEL FREIFGT 运费The Buy
41、er shall provide all marine risk Insurance at 110%of invoice value of the Purchased goods. The Buyer will purchase Insurance bill for every vessel. The Buyer will be the only beneficiary of the Insurance list. The buyer and insurance company must send the original and copies as required to the selle
42、rfor the L/C negotiation purpose in the bank.由买方按照购买货物发票金额的110峨保“海运一切险”。买家将为每船货物购买壹张保险单。买家将是保险单的唯一受益人。保费付清收据与押汇前买方与保险公司须邀交 附正本与附本件数与卖方。The vessel freight should be paid by buyer and the payment receipt should be issued to the seller by the shipowner before the loading.装货前船费由买方支付并经由船东出具运费付清收据与卖方以便领取提
43、单。ADJUSTED INVOICE IF REQUIREDShould there be differences and discrepancies between the SGScertificates at loading port and the CIQ certificates at discharge port , and after resolution of the differences as provided in this contract, the seller will issue anadjusted invoice adjusting the net value
44、of the shipment. If the adjusted invoice adjusts the value downward , the seller will issue a credit note to the buyer for the difference. The credit note will be applied to the next shipment andbe reflected in the invoice for that shipment. If the adjusted invoice adjuststhe value upward, payment t
45、o the buyer shall be made by T/T in 3 business days against presentation of seller s draft payable at sight together with the finalinvoice and the documents stated in clause 7 (ii) within 60 days from the dateof bill of lading but within the validity of L/C.如果有分歧和差异的SGSE书之间在装货港和卸货港的检验检疫证书,并在此之后,合同规定
46、的分歧的解决,卖方将发出调整发票调整装运净值。如果调整后的发票价值向下 调整,卖方将信贷说明并发行信用票据给买家。信用票据将被应用到下一个装运,并在该货物的发票中反映出来。如果调整后的发票调整值上升,买家应支付给卖方须对卖方的见票即付的汇票连同最终发票于三个工作天内以电汇方式付款,并表示在提单日后70日内,列于条例草案七(二)的文件并在L/C的有效性时间内完成。This invoice is to be based on CIQ s certificates as provided in clauseand clause 9 issued within 60 days after the da
47、te of the bill of lading. Ifthe CIQ certificates are not provided by the buyer within the time, the SGScertificate at the loading port should be the final analysis and the final invoice will be based on it.这发票是以第8条和第9条规定,CIQ检验检疫的证书为依据须于提单日期后60天之内由买家提供,发出质量和重量卸货的检验检疫证书,如果CIQ证书于法定的时间内买方无法提供。SGS出货港的分析证
48、书将作依据可由此产生调整。DOCUMENTS FOR PAYMENT OF COMMERCIAL INVOICESeller shall provide buyer through negotiating and opening banks with thefollowing documents :A)Copy of complete set of “clean on board “ shipped bill of lading made out to order , blank endorsed marked afreight payable as per charter party ” T
49、he freight should be prepaid by the buyer and verified by the ship owner before loading.三分“清洁已装船“已装船提单全套)复印件提单做成空白抬头,空白背书并注明“运费按租船合同支付”。运费需由买家支付并于出货前由船东确认。Commercial invoice in three (3) copies , indicating the contract number , L/C number, name of carrying vessel.商业发票一式三(3)份,注明合同号,信用证/C号和船名。B)Copy
50、of telex or fax advising shipment has been loaded at loading portaccording to this contract. 按本合同之装载条款。将发货通知电传或EMAIL给买方。C)Certificate of quality issued by SGS showing actual result of the test ofchemical composition and all other tests called for in this contract.SGS出具的合同规定的化学成分实际测试结果证明。D)Certificat
51、e of weight issued by SGS certifying the actual surveyed weight of cargo shipped at loading port.检验货物质量和重量的 SGSffi明。E)Certificate of origin issued by local chamber of commerce.产地证明。1)To be distributed to negotiating bank (original) items A to F, 3 copies each.一式三份送银行议付。2)To be distributed to the buy
52、er by fax first and then sent by air mail (duplicate) items A to F ,1 copy each. 一份传真并快递给买方。DOCUMENTS FOR PAYMENT OF ADJUSTED INVOICE1)Inspection certificate of quality issued by CIQ at discharging port in one copy.经卸货港检验后的 CIQ质量检验证明。2)Inspection certificate of weight issued by CIQ at discharging po
53、rt in one copy. 经卸货港检验后的CIQ重量检验证明。3)Adjusted Invoice in one copy.调整后的发票复印件。The Letter of Credit from Buyer will allow the Seller 21 banking days forpresentation and negotiation of documents.从买方发出信用证的21个银行工作日内,买方将允许卖方作文件的准备If a Letter of Credit is issued by the Buyer to the Seller that is not in acco
54、rdance with the terms of the contract or what is not acceptable to the Seller or the Seller s bank this contract will be cancelled.如果买方发出的信用证给卖方,但是信用证的与合同不一致,卖方或卖方的银行将有权取消本合同。Partial shipments are allowed but transshipments will not be allowed.分批装运被允许但转运将不会被允许。TITLE AND RISK所有权和风险The title with resp
55、ect to the shipment shall pass from the seller to the buyer as cargo is loaded.货物上船后,货物的所有权由卖方转给买方。All risk of loss , damage or destruction respecting the ore delivered shall pass to buyer at the time of discharge of the ore from the loading devices into the vessel.当矿石装进船后,从上货港到卸货港之间的风险将由卖方转移给买方。LOS
56、S OF CARGO 物损失In the event of partial loss of cargo , the bill of lading weight and the analysis carried out by buyer on the cargo discharged shall be treated as final and shall form the basis of final invoicing and payment. In the event of total loss of cargo , the analysis and the weight as determ
57、ined at the loading port shall be treated as final and shall be used for final invoicing and payment.在货物运送过程中,如果发生部分货物损失事件,货物的重量和质量应按在上货港的提单的重量和质量标准被视为最终发票和付款的基础。如果发生全部货物损失事件,在上货港的提单的重量和质量标准应被视为最终发票和支付的基础PRODUCT DOCUMENTATIONSeller shall be responsible for all cargo and necessary export documentatio
58、n,export licenses and formalities to include the following卖方应负责所有货物和必要的出口文件负责,出口许可证和手续,包括以下内容: 1)Commercial Invoice (100%) as per Annex I to this contract.商业发票。Ministry of Trade2)Three (3) full copies of sets of ocean bill of lading “Clean on Board” made out to the order of the Buyer s bank.清洁海运单。3)
59、Certificate of Origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce orand Industry.当地商业或商业局所开具的产地证明。4)Four original sets of commercial invoice.商业发票正本四份。5)Packing List stating gross/net weight and number of Bill of Lading.装货单。6)Certificate of weight , quantity and quality issued by SGS.SGS 质量和重量 检验证明。7)Beneficia
60、ry s Certificate stating that hard copies of all shipping documents have been sent to the Buyers bank via first class international courier company.受益人的证明文件的原件将全部通过一流的国际快递公司给买方的银行。OTHER CONTRACT CONDITIONSThe shipment shall be in vessels classified by Lloyds 100-1-A or equivalent.Buyer to nominate v
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