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1、第一章 文化,语言,翻译 文化与翻译文化(culture)是一个内涵丰富而又复杂的概念。追溯其历史渊源,“文化” 一词最早出现在中国古籍。西汉刘向说苑指武篇说:“圣人之治天下也,先文德而后武力。凡武之兴,为不服也;文化不改,然后加诛。”晋束晰补亡诗由仪曰: “文化内辑,武功外悠。”南齐王融曲水诗序:“设神理以景俗,敷文化以柔远。”这里,“文化”的含义是指古代封建王朝所施的文冶和教化,与天造地设的自然,或与无教化的“质朴”、 野蛮”相对而言。1.文化现在所说的“文化”与古文中的“文化”涵义有较大的差异。今天我们所用的文化一词是外来语的意译,是19世纪末从日文中转译过来的。文化一词源于拉丁文cul

2、tus,是由colere 演化而来,而英语中的culture和德语中的kultur同由拉丁语的 cultus转化而来。文化一词拉丁文原义是“开发,开化”的意思。德语kultur本义指精神文化,实指宗教文化而言。英语culture的意义则与政治、法律、教育等社会生活有关。辞海指出,文化,从广义上说,指人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。从狭义上来说,指社会的意识形态,以及与之相适应的制度和组织机构;有时特指教育、科学、文学、艺术等方面的精神财富,以与政治、经济、军事等方面的知识和设施相区别。The New World Encyclopedia: It is the total

3、ity of the spiritual,intellectual,and artistic attitudes shared by a group,including its tradition, habits, social customs, morals, laws and social relations. 现在,我们可以对文化概念有一个清楚的认识。文化定义有 广义文化和狭义文化。广义文化包括物质文化和精神文化,而狭义文化仅指精神文化。2.语言语言是人类特有的一种符号系统,当它作用于文化的时候,它是文化信息的载体和容器。”(许国璋) 语言是文化的重要组成部分,是文化的载体和核心,也是文

4、化赖以传播的物质表达形式。No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same one with different labels attached. (Edward Sapir)语言是一种社会文化现象,是社会文化发展的产物。任何语言的生存发展都离不开其赖以生长的社会文化

5、环境。社会文化又在一定程度上制约着语言使用者的思维方式和表达能力。文化差异导致不同民族对相同的客观现象和社会存在产生不同的认识,而这种认识上的差异则通过语言展现出来。eg. Colors,Animals,Relations,Etc.3.翻译翻译是指用接受语(receptor language)复制源语言(source language)信息的最近似的自然等值,首先在意义方面,其次在文体方面。(Eugene Nida)翻译就是指用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思想内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的活动。翻译是两种语言之间的转换活动,是信息和思想的交流,是语言表达的艺术再创造,而不是文字上的对译。翻译是

6、一项跨文化活动 语言与文化的密切关系注定了翻译与文化的密切关系。翻译是把一种语言转换成另一种语言。不言而喻,两种语言转换的过程中必然涉及到两种文化。翻译实质上是不同文化间的交流。我国著名学者王佐良教授在谈到文化与翻译的关系时曾指出:“他 (翻译工作者)处理的是个别词,他面对的则是两大片文化。”Mary Snell-Hornby:翻译是一种跨文化的活动”. He deposited money in the Old Lady of Thread-needle Street.他把钱存进英格兰银行。They said her daughter graduated from a Redbrick.据说

7、他的女儿毕业于英国一所二流的大学。饺子:一种在沸水中煮熟“半圆形的,有馅儿的面食”(现代汉语词典商务版 Dumplings:与肉、蔬菜在一洇煮或蒸的面团圆,或菜果 汤团。 jiaozi译者必须是一个真正意义上的文化人,人们都说,他必须掌握两种语言,确实如此;但是,不理解语言当中的社会文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言。(王佐良)我们必须从文化的角度来看待翻译。翻译不仅要做到语言意义上的等值,而更重要的是要真正做到文化意义上的等值。 4. 英汉语言对比汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan family)印欧语系(Indo-European family)相同之处:词类划分,英汉两种语言都有实词虚词两大类。

8、句子要素,主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语等的划分。A synthetic language is “characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships”. -Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary综合语的特征就是运用形态变化来表达语法关系。拉丁语、德语、古英语An analytic language is “characterized by a relatively frequent use of func

9、tion words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express synthetic relations, rather than of infected forms”. -The Random House College Dictionary 分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用词序及虚词来表达语法关系。 汉语English uses hereditary inflection, relatively fixed word order, and plentiful function words to express grammati

10、cal relationships.English synthetic-analytic language 4.1词汇差异-各种词性的使用频率不同4.1.1. 英语中动词较少,汉语中动词较多天已经擦黑,虫鸣蛙噪,一片喧闹。It is already dark, and the chorus of insects and frogs is in full swing.Spontaneity has never been my forte. As a 14-year-old,I would refuse to go for walks around the block with my friend

11、s if I was the least bit behind my schoolwork.一时冲动心血来潮地做某件事向来不是我的专长。14岁时我就这样,哪怕只有一点作业没有做完,我都不会丢开书本和朋友出去玩。4.1.2 英语中代词使用频率较高Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.放心去爱,打破束缚,开阔眼界。他走进屋来,大衣上尽是雪,鼻子冻得通红。He entered the room , his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold.4.1

12、.3 英语中介词使用频率较高,具有巨大的搭配联结能力和表达功能。What is he at?他在干什么?John voted with the Tories.约翰投票支持保守党。He is a man above vulgar interests.他是一个脱离了低级趣味的人。It looks as if we are in for a storm.看来我们免不了要碰上一场暴风雨了。The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。A woman w

13、ith fair opportunities, and without an absolute hump, may marry whom she likes. 译文:一个女人只要有机会好,又不是很驼背,想嫁给谁都行。 Carlisle street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green

14、 lawn. 译文:卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下山岗又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉点,又经过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中止。4.1.4 英语中形容词表达能力很强。Keith: A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar.基思:一个讨饭的,身材矮小,面色仓黄,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸胡子。She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.她心地厚道,为人乐观,性情温柔,待人和蔼,器量又大。4.2 语法形态的差异王力(1984: 53,

15、 141)“就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。”所谓“法治”,即句子的形式严格受到语法的制约,如句子必须有主语和谓语动词,及物动词必须有宾语,这些“不管用得着用不着,总要呆板地求句子形式的一律”。所谓“人治”,即句子比较不受形式的约束,可以因表意的需要而加以变通,词语的分合伸缩比较灵活,“用得着就用,用不着就不用”,只要双方意思明白,就可以了。英语有综合语的特征,受形态的约束,因而“语法是硬的,没有弹性”;汉语是分析语,不受形态的约束,因而“语法是软的,富于弹性”。4.2.1名词的形态After a series of experiments important pheno

16、mena have been ascertained. 经过一系列实验之后,弄清了许多重要现象。在使用这种仪器前,必须弄清它的性能。You must know the properties of the instrument before you use it.4.2.2 动词的形态英语靠形态表意,即以屈折式形式变化所含的语法意义表意;汉语靠词汇表意,即用所使用的词的含义表意。My husband, Gary, and I were flying to Hawaii from New York City to show our five-month-old son, Timmy, to my

17、parents for the first time. But what should have been a mission of joy filled me with apprehension.我和丈夫加里头一回带着我们年仅5个月的儿子蒂米从纽约市飞往夏威夷, 去见我的双亲, 让他们看看蒂米这本应是一次愉快的旅行, 可我却忧心忡忡 我不知道他们给了我多少日子;但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。在默默里算着,八千多日子已经从我手中溜去;像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流水里,没有声音,也没有影子。我不禁头涔涔而泪潸潸了。(朱自清匆匆)I dont know how many days I

18、 have been given to spend, but I do feel my hands are getting empty. Taking stock silently, I find that more than eight thousand days have already slid away from me. Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean, my days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless,

19、traceless. Already sweat is starting on my forehead, and tears welling up in my eyes.4.2.3被动语态My holiday afternoon were spent in ramble about the surrounding country.每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church.在教堂里,人们不仅要有礼貌,而且应该有一种虔诚的态度。注意看看信的地址是否写对了。Car

20、e should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.4.3 句法差异Parataxis(意合法)is the arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them, for example: the rain fell; the river flooded; the house washed away. Chinese sentence building is featured by p

21、arataxis. Hypotaxis(形合法)is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives, for example: I shall despair if you dont come. English sentence building is featured by hypotaxis. To clarify the relations between words, phrases or clauses, English more often resorts

22、to overt cohesion(显性接应),frequently using various cohesive ties such as relatives(relative or conjunctive pronouns and adverbs, e. g. who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why, how), connectives(coordinate or subordinate conjunctions, e. g. and, or, but, yet, so, however, as well as, (n)e

23、ither(n)or, when, while, as, since, until, so that, unless, lest), prepositions, and some others. When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. 为什么如此

24、众多的美国人不能如想象中那样幸福呢?我认为原因有二,而两者之间又有深浅之分。Even in its blasted condition, with boards and sackings in most of the windows, with its thick dust and its bare room, with its cracked plaster and its damaged roofs, the hotel had been a new world, a breadth and dignity, full of adventure possibilities. (Betray

25、ed Spring)这家旅馆,尽管被炸坏了,窗户大多钉上了木板,并堆上了沙包,到处是厚厚的尘土,房间空空荡荡,墙上的石灰也裂了,屋顶也坏了,可总是一个宽阔庄严的新天地,值得去探索By contrast, Chinese more frequently relies on covert coherence (隐性连贯)and context, focusing on temporal or logical sequences. Instead of using various cohesive ties such as relatives, connectives and preposition

26、s as in English, Chinese more often resorts to word order, contracted sentences (紧缩句), four-character expressions (四字格) and some grammatical or rhetorical devices such as repetition, antithesis, and parallelism.人(若)不犯我,我(则)不犯人。(语序)We will not attack unless we are attacked. 说是说了,没有结果。(我虽然说了,但是没有结果。)(

27、语序)Ive made proposals, but they proved futile。不怕慢,只怕站。(对照)Its better to move ahead slowly than just to mark time.聪明一世,糊涂一时。(对偶)Smart as a rule, but this time a fool.不知苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey? 不到黄河心不死。(紧缩句)Until all is over, a

28、mbition never dies. 欲盖弥彰。The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.王力(1984: 141) “西洋语的结构好像连环,虽则环与环都联络起来,毕竟有联络的痕迹;中国语的结构好像无缝天衣,只是一块一块的硬凑,凑起来还不让它有痕迹。西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性的;中国语法是软的,富于弹性的。惟其是硬的,所以西洋语法有许多呆板的要求,如每一个clause 里必须有一个主语;惟其是软的,所以中国语法只以达意为主,如初系的目的位可兼次系的主语,又如相关的两件事可以硬凑在一起,不用任何的connective word 。”高

29、名凯(1986: 366) “汉人平常说话不喜欢用太多没有基本意义的虚词,只是把事情或意思排列起来,让人去了解这两个事情或两个意思之间所生的关系如何。不过这并不是说汉人说话不合逻辑,因为不加虚词,我们也知道这句话的意思。”4.4修辞差异4.4.1重复He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, and despised it in others.他讨厌失败,他一生中曾经战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败Flattery is more dangerous than hatred because it covers the stain which the other causes to be wiped out.阿谀比怨恨更危险,因为阿谀掩饰了污点,而怨恨却能使人消除污点另一种方法是化学方法。Another method is the chemical process.Another approach is the chemical method4.4.2 排比和对偶画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心。(施耐庵: 水浒) While d


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