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1、非谓语动词讲解Nonfinite Verbs2 什么是非谓 语动词啊? “非谓语非谓语”,就是不是谓语的动词呗!那不是谓语是什么呢?。1.谓语动词:概述:2. 非谓语词:在句子中担任谓语的动词 是动词的特殊形式,在句中可以作除谓语外的所有成分(通俗地说,就是不能作谓语的动词变形)实义动词系动词助动词情态动词非谓语动词动名词(doing)分词现在分词(doing)过去分词(done)动词不定式(to do)非谓语动词主语宾语表语定语宾补状语不定式动名词现在分词过去分词6英语一句话中只能有一个主谓结构如果出现更多动词: 加连词(and / but / so) 放入从句 变为非谓语动词 主语、谓语、

2、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语 判别用谓语动词或非谓语动词1._ the dog came over, our friend ran away. (see)2._ from the top of a hill, and youll find the city more beautiful. (see)3._ you_ the city from the top of a hill, youll find it more beautiful. (see) 4. _more clearly, they came up and got close to it.5. _from the top of a

3、 hill, our house looks like a car.SeeingSeeIfseeTo see根据句子结构判断是非谓语动词还是谓语动词一个句子(包括主句和从句)通常有一个谓语动词(and可以并列连接两个谓语动词),分析句子:如果句子中没有谓语动词,填上谓语动词(注意时态和语态),如果句子中已经有谓语动词,则考虑用非谓语动词(注意判别是动词不定式、现在分词、动名词还是过去分词)Seen1.She got off the bus, _ (leave) her handbag on her seat.2. She got off the bus, but _ (leave) her h

4、andbag on her seat.3. She got off the bus, who _(leave) her handbag on her seat.4._ to the right, and you will find the building you want. (turn)5. If you _ to the right, you will find the building you want. 6._ to the right, you will find the building you want.leftleftleavingTurnturnTurning非谓语动词使用条

5、件一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。 由此可见,连词在决定句子结构以及谓语动词和非谓语动词的使用中起着关键的作用。The man took out the key, _ (open) the door and entered the room.2. The man sat there, _ (read) a book.3. _ (work) hard, and you will succeed.4. The question _ (discuss) at the meeting yesterday is of great importance

6、.5. _(improve) his spoken English, Mr. Zhang goes to the English corner every Saturday.openedreadingWork discussedTo improve 1 The teachers sitting there are from other schools.表语2 We saw some teachers sitting there. 宾语补足语3 We need to be active in class. 宾语谓语宾语主语定语连系动词划分句子成分非谓语动词大都可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状

7、语、宾语补足语等.Part 1 To-infinitive动词不定式(The Infinitive)一. 动词不定式的基本构成:由不定式符号to加动词原形构成。其否定式由not+不定式构成 肯定式:to do sth 否定式:not to do sth. 主动式被动式一般式to doto be done完成式to have doneto have been done 进行式to be doing不定式时态的用法 1. 不定式的动作与谓语动词同时发生时,或之后发生 用一般式 1) He wanted _ (see) you. 2) I hope _(see) you again. 2. 强调不定

8、式的动作正在进行时,用进行式 When I came in, he pretended (read) a book. He is said to _ (write) a novel now. 3. 强调 不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生时, 用不定式完成式 He is said _ (write) a novel last year. to seeto seeto be readingto have writtenbe writing 不定式被动形式的用法 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时(即逻辑主语与不定式动作为动宾关系时),用被动语态It is an honor for me

9、 to be asked to speak here .The book is said _ (translate) into English.Mr. Smith is going to attend the meeting _(hold) tomorrow.I am very pleased _(give) this opportunity.She asked _ (send) to work in Tibet .No one likes _(laugh) at.to be sentto have been translatedto be held她要求被派往西藏工作to have been

10、 givento be laughedThe Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games _ in Beijing in 2008.A. hold B. holding C. held D. to be held- Is Bob still performing?- Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official.A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been D. to be left动词不定式(The In

11、finitive)二. 动词不定式的句法作用法动词不定式有副词,形容词和名词的特征,因此在句中可作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语,独立成分1.To see you is glad. =Its glad to see you. 2.I want to see you.3.I want him to see you. 4.My hope is to see you.5.He is the man to see you.6.Im glad to see you. 7.I went to see you. 8.He went so early as to see you.(作主语)(作宾语)

12、(作宾补)(作表语)(作定语)(作原因状语)(作目的状语)(作结果状语)Discussion: 说出不定式在句中的成分.(1)作主语 不定式做主语时,可以直接放在谓语动词之前。To see is to believe Not to get there in time is your fault.注:常用it做形式主语,将to do放在位于之后,使句子保持平衡。句型1:It + takes sb +some time + to doIt takes us an hour _ get there by bus.句型2:It +be + n. + to doIts our duty _ help t

13、he poor. It is a great enjoyment _ spend our holiday in the mountainstototo句型3:It is adj. for/of sb. to do sth.It is + adj + for sb to do sthIt is + adj + of sb to do sth(是形容人的品质的 )(是形容事物的性质的 )It is easy _ me to finish this work before ten. It is honorable _ us to be present at your birthday party.

14、It is very kind _ you to give me some help.Its impolite _ you to speak to the teacher like that.You are very kind to give me some help.you are impolite to speak to the teacher like that.非谓语动词讲解forforofofA: 如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的, 可以在不定式前加一个由 for 引起的短语。 It is easy for the students to read. It will be a mi

15、stake for us to help you.B: 下列形容词作表语时,不定式前常加一个 of 引起的短语,这些形容词是: (表评价性的,来说明逻辑主语的性质,特征,属性) kind, good, nice, wise, unwise, clever, silly, stupid, foolish, wrong, right, careless, rude, polite, naughty etc. Its kind of you to think so much of us. Its unwise of him to leave home at once. It s wrong of h

16、im to speak bad behind others. Its wrong of the south to break away from the Union.有些动词只能用不定式作宾语,请牢记下列小诗:(2)作宾语 I want to know this matter.I dont expect to meet you here.1).接不定式做宾语决心学会想希望设法假装在拒绝主动答应选计划同意请求帮一帮decide/ determine, learn, want, expect/hope/wishmanage, pretend, refuseoffer, promise, choos

17、e, planagree, ask, help此外,fail,need,would like/love, happen,afford, aim, prepare, cant wait to do, be used to do, be able to do Eg: She pretended not to see me when I passed by.I happened to be thereI would like to go swimming this weekend.I find/feel to work with him interesting I find/feel it inte

18、resting to work with him注意:不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语,往往把不定式宾语放在宾语补足语之后,而用it作形式宾语。 句型:S+ find/think/feel/make/ consider/ believe.+it +adj/n+ to do sth. 翻译:1.我们认为早点开始是有必要的。2.我觉得保护环境是我们的责任。3.我认为遵守法律是重要的。4. 我发现在一天之内完成这么多家庭作业是不可能的。1.Wethoughtitnecessary tostartearly. 2.Ifeelit ourdutyto protect the environmen

19、t. 3.We think it important to obey the law.5.I find it impossible to finish so much homework in a day.注意:2). it作形式宾语1).如果主语是不定式(表示条件),表语也是不定式(表示结果)。(一致性) _(do) two things at a time is to do neither 一次做两件事等于未做。 _ (see) is to believe. 百闻不如一见。(眼见为实)2)系动词be, appear, seem, prove后用to do形式做表语;be to do ,be

20、about to do结构表将来时: He is to marry Rose. We _ the large factory.我们计划去参观那个大型工厂。I was just about _ (leave) the office when the phone rang.His words proved _ (correct). The girl seems _ (be) unhappy.To do To seeto be correct3)作表语to beto leaveare to visitOur most important task now is to make a plan.3)当句

21、子的主语是aim, duty, hope, idea, job,plan,problem, wish, task, job, purpose ,thing等为中心的名词时,后面可以用不定式做表语,用以说明主语所包含内容。作表语My job is to teach English.My wish is to be a doctor.他的希望是在不远的将来买一辆轿车。His wish is _ (buy) a car in the near future. to buy最重要的事情是采取措施阻止污染The most important thing is _ (take) measures to p

22、revent the pollution.to take注: 作表语的不定式都带to, 但当主语部分有实义动词do时, to可以省略。Now the only thing we can do is wait.4)作定语eg.1. I have something to tell you. 2. The meeting to be held tomorrow is very important.3. The next train to arrive is from Beijing.4. The car to be bought is for his sister.不定式做定语时一般表将要发生的动

23、作。5. She made a decision to go abroad for a year.6. His plan to finish his homework was quite clear.7. Ive no time to listen to your excuse.例句5.6.7不表示将要做。He is the man to see you. Please find me something to drink. I am very thirsty. We all have a chance to go to college.动词不定式做定语时,应放在被修饰词(名词或代词)的后面,

24、它和被修饰词之间有三种关系:主谓、动宾和同位.作定语主谓关系动宾关系同位关系不定式与它所修饰的词有动宾关系She has a lot of work to do in the morning. 当不定式表示的动作与所修饰词有动宾关系,同时又与本句中的另一个名词或代词(即句子的主语)构成主谓关系时,可用不定式的主动形式to do表示被动含义。如: 1) Mr.Smith,I have some questions_ (ask).史密斯先生,我有一些问题要问。(不定式to ask的动作执行者是主语I) 2) Please give me some books_ (read).请给我一些书读。(不定

25、式to read的动作执行者是句中的me)但:Im going to the post office; do you have anything _ (send)?3)The houses _ (build) next year are for the teachers.to askto readto be sentto be build我要去邮局,你有什么要寄的东西吗?(此句中send这个动作不是句中you发出的,所以用了被动)不定式与它所修饰的词有动宾关系 Do you have anything to wash today? Do you have anything to be wash

26、ed today? (区别主被动)比较: have some clothes to wash have some clothes to be washedShe has a lot of work to do in the morning. 早上他有很多工作要做。非谓语动词讲解自己洗别人洗Im hungry. Please get me something_ (eat).Those who have questions _ (ask) put up your hands.The books _ (send) to the poor mountain areas next week have b

27、een here.to eat4. He told me about the things_ (discuss) at the next meeting.5. We have a composition _ (write).6. He has a lot of work _ (do) today, so he cant go with us.7. They have paid for the house _(build) next year.to askto be sentto doto writeto be discussedto be builtPractice: 1.I have a l

28、arge house to_ .(live) 2.Please give me some paper to_ .(write) 3.Can you give me a chair to _ ? (sit)4.He is looking for a room _(live). 5.Please give me a knife _(cut). 6.Theres nothing to _. (worry)7.He has a pen to _.(write)8. There are 5 pairs of shoes to_.(choose)live in write on sit on注意:如果不定

29、式部分的动词是不及物动词,且与被修饰的名词是动宾关系时,则需带上相应的介词to live into cut withworry aboutwrite withchoose from1. We are looking for a room _.A. to live inB. to be lived in C. to live D. for living in2. Would you please pass me the knife _?A. to cut the fruit withB. to cut the fruitC. cutting the fruitD. cutting the fru

30、it with3.I have something important to say. please find a piece of paper (写上) 4.Excuse me,could I use your pen for a moment?I have no pen (写)to write onto write withPractice2)不定式与被修饰的词有主谓关系 She is the last to leave the room.注意:不定式修饰的名词前有the only,the last,the next,序数词(first, second,.)或形容词最高级形容时,常用不定式

31、作后置定语,与其所修饰的词有逻辑上主谓关系,Charles Lindbergh is the first man to fly the Atlantic alone. She is the best woman to do the job.这样的名词常用的有:way, time, ability, chance, reason,opportunity,need,wish,right,plan, ambition, effort, 等。如1.Its time for you _ up and go to school. 你该起床去上学了。 2.There is no reason _ his w

32、ord. 没有理由怀疑他的话。 3.They have now an opportunity _ abroad to study further.他们现在有机会出国深造。 4. The farmers thought of ways _ (protect) their crops.3)不定式与所修饰词的有同位关系(前抽象后具体),即不定式短语说明前面名词或代词的内容。 I have no chance to go there.to getto doubtto go to protectExercises:You have no right _ (stop) me from going in t

33、here.There are no plans _ (build) new offices.The local clubs are making every effort _ (interest) more young people.There is no need for you _ (get) up early tomorrow.She was the only person_ (survive) after the earthquake. 6. The last man _ the sinking ship was the captain. A. to leave B. leaving

34、C. left D. to have left to stopto buildto interestto getto survive7. His wish _ a doctor came true. A. coming B. come C. to come D. came8. He is always the first _ and the last _. A. of coming, of leaving B. comes, leaves C. to come, to leave D. coming, leaving(4)某些动词或形容词后可接不定式时,它相应的同根名词也常用不定式做定语。如:

35、1.He made an attempt to learn English well.他试图学好英语。(attempt to do sth)2.His ability to get on with people is his chief advantage.他能和人相处是他的主要优势。(be able to do sth)3.I dont trust his promise to come for a visit.我不相信他来访的诺言。(promise to do sth)5)作宾补She asked me to stay there.1. 她叫我呆在这儿。2.请允许我介绍Mr. White给

36、你们。 Please allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.通常这样的动词用在以下的结构里:Verb +sb/sth + to do sth(宾语与宾语补足语之间的关系实际上是逻辑上的主谓关系)3. 他要求我与他一起工作。He required me to work with him.advise ,allow ,ask beg, cause(促使) ,expect ,encourage ,force ,forbidget, help, invite ,order, promise ,permit , persuaderequest, require,

37、remind,tell, teachwish,want, warn sb. to doVerb +sb/sth + to do sthsee watch look atnoticeobservehearlisten to feel+sb/sth +dodoing donemake lethaveVerb +sb/sth + to do sth吾看三室两厅一感觉半帮助help+sb + (to) do sthIoftenhearthemsingthissong. Didyounoticeanyonecomein? Iwouldhavehimwait formeforalongtime. 注意:当

38、这类动词转为被动语态时,其后的不定式则要加上“to”如: He is often heard _ the songHewasseen_theroom. to singtoenter理解:I saw someone come in.I saw someone coming in.我看到有人进来了。(已进来)我看到有人正往里来(正在走)理解:I saw someone come in.I saw someone coming in.He had his horse _ (jump) over the fence.The lady was watched _ (leave) her room sil

39、ence.He made the boy _ (clean) room.Did you notice anyone _ (enter) my room?Though he had often made his little sister_ (cry), today he was made _ (cry) by his little sister.8. Last night the girls were heard _ (sing) in the classroom.9. The local people were made _ (leave).10. Some children were ob

40、served _ (pick) the flowers.我看到有人进来了。(已进来)我看到有人正往里来(正在走)jumpto leavecleanentercryto cryto singto leaveto pick up括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、正确。 1.Let me _(help) you _ (water) the flowers.2.Little Sandy would love _(take) to the cinema this evening. 3. Though he often made his sister _(cry), today he was ma

41、de _(cry) by his sister.4. I saw him _ into the small store.A. wentB. goingC. to goD. has gone5. Tell the boy _ out of the window.not to look B. to not lookC. dont look D. not look help(to) watercryto cryto be taken 1. 让,使 have sb. do sth.= get 让某人做某事 have sth. done 让某事被做 例: I have him _ (repair) my

42、 watch. =I have my watch _ (repair). have sb./ sth. doing 让某人或某事一直进行某动作或保持某状态 例: I had my car waiting outside. I wont have you smoking. 比较 have的用法repairrepairedI had him _ (repair) my bike. = I got him _ (repair) my bike.2. It is too cold, so we have the fire _ (burn) all night long.3. She has a mee

43、ting _.(attend)4. He had me _ (wait) for a long time.repairto repairburningwaitingto attendsb. to do sth.2. 有 have sth. to do 有某事要做 6.作状语表示目的、原因、结果I came here to see youWe were very excited to hear the newsHe hurried to the school only to find nobody there . (目的) (原因)(结果) 1)不定式做目的状语,相当于用in order to,

44、so as to引导的目的状语。 He got up early to catch the first bus. 我呆在那儿想看看发生了什么。I stayed there to see what would happen.为了得到一个好座位,她早早就到了。To get/ In order to get a good seat, she arrived early.掌握含有目的状语的几种句式: He got up early to catch the first bus.= He got up early _ _ _ catch the first bus.=_, he got up early

45、.=_ the first bus, he got up early.=He got up early _ _ _ he could catch the first bus.= He got up early _ _ _ catch the first bus.=He got up _ _ _ _ catch the first bus. 注:1、so as to do结构不能放于句首; 2、in order to do 结构,可以与in order that 目的状语从句转换To catch the first busIn order to catchso as toso early as

46、toin order thatin order to作结果状语He bent down _ (pick) the pen lying on the floor.He bent down and _ (pick) the pen lying on the ground.The teacher did what she could _ me with my lessons. A. help B. helps C. helped D. to help4. The doctor did everything he could _ (save) the patient.5. Every minute i

47、s made full use of _ (study) our lessons.6. _ the first bus, he got up early. A. To keep up B. So as to keep up C. Keep up D. In order keep up to pickpickedto saveto study2)不定式可以用来做结果状语,常用enough to,so + 形容词/副词 + as to, suchas to, too.to(太而不能(否定含义) ) ,only to 结构中不定式作结果状语, 其中only to用于表示意想不到的结果。I tried

48、 the door, only to find it locked inside.我要开门,却发现门被里面锁住了。He is brave enough to go out alone at nightThe question is too difficult to answer.He came late twice a week, making his boss angry.现在分词作结果状语,表自然而然的结果我不至于愚蠢到再相信他。Im not so stupid (a fool) as to believe him again.Im not such a stupid fool as to

49、 believe him again.掌握tooto的不同含义。be+形容词(副词+enough to do sth.“足以以至于可以干too to do sth.太而不能(否定含义)too + willing / ready / glad / anxious to do sth.等时,too 的意思是very的意思,此时是肯定含义“非常乐意做某事/非常着急想做某事The question is simple enough for us to answer. The question is too difficult for to answer. 3. The young man is too

50、 willing to do the old living around here.这个问题够简单的,我们能回答上来。这个问题太难了,我们回答不了。这位年轻人非常愿意为住在这儿周围的老人做点事。4. They seemed to be too anxious to leave.他们似乎太着急而想赶快离开。1.I am glad to meet you.2.I was surprised to see that a three-year-old baby could write so well.3.The room is really comfortable to live in.3) 有些表示

51、感情色彩的形容词(glad, happy, lucky, fortunate, surprised, angry, pleased, sad, sorry, comfortable, difficult, easy,等)+ 不定式结构作原因状语7. 作独立成分, 用来说明说话人的态度、看法、对整个句子进行解释, 如to be frank/honest(坦白地说), to be sure(确实), to make the matter worse(更糟糕的是),to begin with(首先)等。To tell you the truth, I hate you.To tell the tru

52、th, I dont agree with you.8)其他用法:不定式与疑问词who,which,what,how,when,where等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语或宾语等。1.He didnt know what to say. 2.How to solve the problem is very important.3.When to hold the meeting is still unknown.4.They told me what to do next.5.My question is when to start.6.They are considering wh

53、ere to go next.(宾语) (主语) (宾语) (宾语) (表语) 1. 你能告诉我该如何解决这个问题吗? Could you tell me _ the problem.2. 我们想知道下周我们去哪里? We wonder _ next week.3. We have no idea about what _ (do) next.4. She gave us some advice on _ (learn) foreign language.(如何去学)5. There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know

54、 _ (该选哪个).how to solvewhere to goto do how to learnwhich to chooseB. 常跟疑问词+不定式的动词:tell, advise, show, teach, find out, decide, discuss, learn, explain know, show, discover, see(understand)He taught us how to use the tool.No one could tell me where to get the book.I hope youll advise me what to do.I

55、dont know how to get there.I havent decided whether to go or stay. Part 2 Bare infinitive不定式在一些动词后作宾语补足语时, 不定式省略to.但这种句子如果变为被动结构,to要补上.省略现象小结1五看 watch see look at observe notice常见动词有:三使 let make have 二听 listen to hear一感觉: feel动词用法很多,要努力记哟!半帮助:help“前有do,后无to; 前无do, 后有to”.1.不定式用在介词but, except, besides

56、后时,如果这些介词前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么介词后的不定式不带to,相反则带to.2. 不定式在系动词 后作表语时, 当主语部分有行为动词do, 作表语的不定式to可省略。 Practice:(1). She could do nothing but _ (cry). She could say nothing but _ (cry) I have no choice but _(cry)(2). What I want to do now is _ (find) some books to read.省略现象小结2cryto cry(to) findto cry在固定词组和 句型中省略

57、to省略现象小结3Practice:Youd better not _ (do) it.They would rather _ (try) and fail than _ (give up) the plan.常见的固定搭配有:1. had better do/ had better not do2. would rather do sth. than do sth. prefer to do sth rather than do sth3. cannot but do sth./ cant help but do sth不得不-cant choose but do sth只得4. why n

58、ot do sth? 表建议dotrygive up比较:cant help doing sthcant help to do sth在and, or, than, rather than等词连接两个不定式并列在一起时,第二个不定式的 to 可以省略省略现象小结4I promise to finish my homework and hand it on time.Do you want to go shopping or watch a film.I decided to write rather than phone.注:当两个不定式表对比意义或加强语气,第二个to不省为好。It is e

59、asier to say than to do.To go out or to stay home is up to you.Yesterday I did nothing but _ (watch) TV.He wanted nothing but _ (enjoy) himself at the moment.At last the enemy soldiers had no choice but _ (lay) down their guns.We can not choose but _ (hear).Bod did nothing except _ (play) tennis.We

60、had nothing to do except _ (fight) against the pollution.It had no effect except _ (make) him angry.watchto enjoyto layhearplayfightto make另:nothing but仅仅,只不过,只有I want nothing but the best for my children.Youre nothing but a thief.我只是想给我的孩子们最好的。你只不过是个小偷。非谓语动词讲解 动词不定式省略to 词组 had better, would rather,


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