1、浙江省台州市2014 届高三下学期 3 月第一次高考英 语 试 题命题:(玉城中学)(温岭中学)审题:礼(天台中学)注意:本试卷分为卷 I(选择题)和卷 II(非选择题)两部分,满分 120 分,时间 120分钟:所有一律做在答题卷上。选择题部分(共 80 分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节单项填空(共 20 小题:每小题 05 分,满分 10 分)从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选山可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1Hey, Tina Can I ask you a question?SureA Why not?BWhats up?CSo
2、what?D What for?2 Generally speaking, the family, not the school, plays therole in educating children for lifeA potentialBprimaryCD profesalal3 Miss White,_s wearsisnd warm, has a kind of beauty no matter what sheA whomBwhoCD whoset4 After a long day of hard work, my onlyis to get back home and have
3、 a good sleepA concernBambitionCrewardD burden5_I my project by the time you come to LonGreatA finish finishedThis way you can amy guideBhave finishedC willbe finishingD will have6 Many people think they have to spend a lot of money to keep healthy Leading a healthyve to cost much,lifestyle doesnA t
4、houghB tooC somehowD either7 The Shanghai C enter,to be environmentally friendly, will be completed this yearA CB designingD having designeddesignedbeing designed8t worry Its justa regular blood test Itll finish within secondsAB rathernothernC no moreD munoren9It is not our mistakes countsAdiffert d
5、efine who we are; it is how wefrom those mistakestBsufferCpreventDrecover10I wonder why you didnttake parthe speech contest yesterday afternoonIm terribly sorry,A CBconducted Dwould conducthad conductedwas conducting11 CircumstanA withinerarehuman control, but our conduct is in our ownBagainstCDbelo
6、w12MrBrown repeated his words to his son, raising his voice a bit, but stillno answerA receivedBreceivingChad receivedDto receive13The explorers failed to find the cave because it was not locatedthey had expected it to beA whichBC whereD whatany longer, just click the linkt14_ you decide not to rece
7、ive our information via below to be removed from our listA ShouldBMustCCouldbynewsD Wouldt Bob was appoed15 All the fellow workers were shocked director of the factoryA a; theBthe;/C the; theD /; /16Meeting again by chance, Lucy and Amy are delighted tothe friendship where it left out years agoA bre
8、ak up 17As Benjamin FrBpick upC bring upD build uplin put it, “A house is not a homeit contains food and fire for themind as well as the body”A sinceBasC onceD unless18The tickets for the hit move Frozen have been sold outAnks for reminding me, but I am lucky to have gotBitCD one ahead of me Danothe
9、rt19Once again I found myself standing at the crossroads, two pathsA lainBlyingCto20Bad luck I scored rather lowhe testOr youll have to leave school AIt cant be helpedCIll make it up for youBt mention itDYouve got to do something第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文:掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C
10、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。When I stopped by to get a newspr, a tall, sincere man came over to me asking for helpmaps, he was looking for a 21on the main street,with directionsWiprout ofbut just couldnt find itAfter checking out his written directions, I mapped it on my phone and showed him 22where
11、 he needed to goHe, in 23, mentionedt he had tried going there, but there was no such streetnumber and he just couldnt locate his hoI 24 it again for himHenked me wibig,shook my hand, and 25I goto my car and he gotso his, and we26waysAs I drove to the next grocery store and went in, J sensed 27wrong
12、 about thedirectionsso Id the address again and 28t he was looking for the right addressbut in a city half an hour away !29it had been several minutes, and in the peak rush hour time, the chanoffinding him aawaywhere he warely still looking around were 30But I thought hat direction Id 32noticed what
13、 his car lookedId give it a(an)31 and set offlike, and was just about to give upI parked my car as I considered whase I could do 33,likethe ho, he drove right by and pulled overo a nearby parking spot, still 34about wherewasWhen I 35next to him, he couldnt be ve it: 36did you find me?! he askedImnot
14、 sure, but I 37t you arehe wrong cit ! I showed him the right dir ti ns, and aftermore 38 and a handshake, we 39 Likely muore _40t well never meet again, andt makes it21A22A23A24A25A26A27A28A29A30A31A32A33A34A35A36A37A38A39A40AB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CD
15、 D D Dmuseumconstantly ref confirmed took o lost nothing realized Hopefully bigbeginning hardlywhiat a loss put out Where tried out luckleft togetherusefulparking spotexactly panic evaluated took up parted anythingconsideredhoabsolu delightyzedgrocery storecomple y puzzlement adjustedyDtook overD pu
16、shedD everythingD acknowledgedD Unfortunaytook downfought something determined Consequently slimchange regularly whenat ease pulled down Whenburst out greetings waved goodbyecommonUnbevital end merelybeforevablyD D D D D D D Dobvioustry occa sinceat peaceallyat a riskput up Why figured o sreturned h
17、omepulled inHow carried outDpraise Drushed away Dwrongst第二部分:阅读理解(第一节 20 小题,第二节 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 50 分)第一节阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。APicture a library without books? Well, I cantEver since I was little l would go to the library and take out numerous books From picture
18、 books to beginning chapter books to YA books,books have always been a part of my life Unlike many people today, It own a Kindle or aNook or any type of e-reader I prefer the old-fashioned book There is something aboutholding a book and being able to turn the pagest I find comfortingodays 21st centu
19、ry,e obsolete For mets something I find scarybooks mayI am a fan of the old TV science-fiction series Twilight Zone Onesode(一段情节)ise obsoleteThough thisabout a librarian who hassode aired in 1961, the writer of theseries, Rod Serling was exactly on po when it came to predicting the future-ever bookl
20、ess library in the country openedTheIn fact, in San Antonio, Texas thelibrary is full of iMacs, tablets and iPads which cost a huge $23 millionThe library offers around10000 e-books So the question is, is this what the future will soon be? Mary Graham, vice of South Carolinas Charleston Metro Chambe
21、r of Commerce ses, This is thefutureIf youre going to be building new library facilities, this is what you need to bengt will be the guinea pigs (试验品) of increasing technology likeIt is our generationthis Is this a good or bad thing? Well, digital libraries may help the environment by not usingr; ho
22、wever, I feel like something will always be lacking widigital bookA digital library ispjust the beginningll of this new technology, people seem to be more absorbedheir own worldOneWiof my biggest complas is when I am with my friends and they cant seem to get off their smartphone and talk to me To ma
23、ke plans wifriend and then have them stuck on their phone thewhole time is extremely rudeNot only is it disrespectful, but it reflects the direction of whereeractions are headingThough sol media is great, it also is addicting and hashumannegative effectsOften when I go onit just makes me feel worse
24、about myself Ill see many ofmy 800friends showing off their newestplishment or acceptance tocollegeAdditionally, our society ising increasingly lazy For instance, instead ofngmental math, people use their phone to solve 89 + 74 It is simple tasks like these allowing people to lack important educatio
25、nal and sol skillst areIt is up to us to find a balance betn technology and human values anderactions With new technology being created every day, we need to learn how to use italongside our great mindsAfter all, inventions are supthe day of technology, who knows whats next?ed to benefit society nor
26、m it In41The underlined word obsolete (Paragraph l) is closesteaning toA outdatedB complexC expensiveD meaningless42What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?AThesode still enjoys great popularity nowadaysBRod Serling liked making predictions about the futureCThe situation of boo
27、ks today is similar to what Rod Serling predictedhesodeDThesode airing in 1961 was the most entertaining of the TV science-fiction series43What can we learn about the library in San Antonio, Texas?A B CIt is the-ever library in AmericaIt is of no practical use although it costs so muchIt holds an ex
28、hibition of much electronic equipmentD People can read e-books there with the help of the new facilities44Which of the following will the writrobably disagree with?AGreat as sol media is, it does have some negative effectsBWith the increasing use of sol media, something will actually be lost CThroug
29、h sol media, people can develop educational and sol skills aroundDAs a result of sol media, people may communicaess with the people around 45The tone of the passage is best described as46According to the passage, what content do J-14, Twist and Discovery Girls share?A Teen gossipC Sports and friends
30、hip47What content does Boys Life mainly center on?A SportsC Beauty 48We can learn from the passagetB Advice on fashionD Self-respect buildingB GamesD EducationAJ-14 is distributedwo editions for teens of different agesBthe content of Discovery Girls is closely related to teen girls CSeventeen covers
31、 aspects like looking good, keng fit and writing storiesDall the five magazines mentioned publish spel editions except Boys Life49The main pure of theroduction to the five magazines isA to distinguish their featuresB to explahe secret to their popularityC to encourage the subscription to the magazin
32、esD to arouse peopleserest in reading teen magazinesCDuring her junior year of high school, Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet andinstructed the 17-year-old to map out her future finan l life Ray pretended to buy a car, rent an apartment, and apply for a credit card Then, she and her classmat
33、es played the stock market game, investing(投资) the hypothetical(虚拟的) earnings from their hypotheticalhe markethe disastrous fall of 2008 Our pretend investments crashed, Ray says,jobsstill frightened We got to know how it felt to lose moneyt pain of earning and losing money is a feelingt public scho
34、ols increasingly want toteachForty ses now offer some type of finanl instruction at the high-school level, teachingnd sol-studies classes Thoughstudents how to balance checkbooks and buy stocka(大), theits too early to measure the full influence of the Great Reerest inal-finance classes has risen sin
35、ce 2007 when b failures started to occur regularly Now, many s es including Missouri, Utah, and Tennessee require teenagers to take finan l classes to graduate from high school School districts such as Chicago are encouragingmoney-management classes for kids as young as primary school, and about 300
36、 colleges oring students These classesof National Endowmentuniversities now offer onlineal-finance classes forreally say, This is how you live independently, says Ted Beck,for Finanl EducationRathern teach investment methods or finanlskills, these courses offer ave Put part ofback-to-the-basics appr
37、oach to handling money:t spend what youyour monthly salaryo a savings account, and invest in the stock market for the long-termrathern short-term gains For Ray, this means dividing her earnings from hart-time job ata fast-food restauranto separate envelopes for paying bills, spending and saving Mone
38、y iseekday after school so hard to make but so easy to spend, she saystakeawayt is the bigTeaching kids about the value of cash certainly is one of the programs goals, but teachersalso want students to think hard about their finanlong term Its easy for teenagers to getannoyed about gas pribecause ma
39、ny of them drive cars But the hard part is urging them to put off the instant satisfaction of buying a new T-shirt or an iPod Investing and retirementarent things teenagers are thinking about For them, the future is this Whitefield, a business and marketing teacher at Uths Riverton High Schoolts a b
40、ig goal for these classes: preventing kids from making the same finanlkend, says Gaylemissteps their parents did when it comes to saving, spending, and debtThough thealsavings rate has increased up to 42 percent,ts still a far distance from 1982, whenAmericans saved 112 percent of theires“Its hard f
41、or schools to reach strictmoney-management skills when teenagers go home and watch their parents increase credit-carddebtIts like Beck saysling your kids not to smoke and then lighting up a cigarette in front of them,”Even with these challenges, students such as Ray say learning about money in schoo
42、l isworthwhileAfter Ray finished her finanl class, she opened up a savings accounher localband started to think more about how she and her family would pay for college“She jussa better understanding of money and how it affects the world,” says her mother, Darleenand ts sown to the details of how mon
43、ey is spent from daily expenses to various taxesAll of thistalk of money can make Ray worry, she says, but luckily, she feels prepared to face it 50The “stock market game” mentioned in Paragraph 1 is meant toA roduce a new course to students Cteach how to apply for a credit cardBhelp students learn
44、about investmentDencourage studentsal savings51How does the writer show usincreased in paragraph 2t schoolserest in teaching finanl classes hasABy giving exlesBBy providing dataCBy raising questionsDBy making comparisons52According to the passage, taking money-management courses willAbetter students
45、 learning methods Chelp students get accepted by collegesBprevent students goingo debtDmake studentse very wealthy53After completing the finanl class, Diane Ray is likely toApay oll her debtsB handle her money bettereCfind a job in a bD manage the family54 The passage is mainly about Aways to teach
46、students to earn moneyBhow Diane Ray learns to value moneyCthe push to teachal finance in schoolDhow students choose a proper finanl classDIt was time to break freeI needed to run away and the Bloomsburg Fair was the best place to goIt know if you can call it running away wince it was only and hour
47、away from myhomeBut once I entered the fair grounds, I crossed overo another worldThe loudspeakeroffered background music over the sounds of people of people talking, bargaining and foodsellers yelling for your attentionI belonged hereI didnt know if I had ity blood or not, but I always wanted to ha
48、ve asmall food stand and travely off season from fair to fair selling goodiesPerhaps one dayItcertainly wasnt a priority(优先考虑的事)y life , Perhaps it should beAfter I was there awhile, I needed to get away to a quiet spotMost of the time, I could find t anywhere the farm animals were kept They needed
49、the quiet So I went there to find peacewith the cows, goats, horses, pigs and yes, the turkeysYoud think being this close tonksgiving, theyd be a little scared, but they were notIt washe dairy barn(仓库) where I found peace this timeI so admired the young folkswho tended to farm animalsI thought they
50、had a greater appretion for lifeThey participatedin ithandI once watched a young fanner help bring a baby cowMy favorite scene was to come across a young cowboy lyingo the worldhe hay asleep among thed settled down for a restThere, with his heads in a small soft spot alongside hiscowsfavorite cow, I
51、 had seen him in a much deserved sleepPerhaps better at rest there own bedn in hisyoung teenage farm girlt dayI had the pleasure of speaking wiYou look so comfortable, I said to herOh I am, she said Life makes it comfortable for me You mean being a farm girl?No, Life!sidets the name of my cow, she s
52、aid, smiling as she gently patted the cowsI thought they called cows Betsy and Elsie Why did you call her Life?“I discovered life again here It was the only meaningful namet came to mind I hadbeen raised he big city and really hated itThen we moved to the country, running away from Lt all I think my
53、 parents called it a mid-life crisis, she said, laughingOh, I can understand t Ive been in one since birth, I saidIt was on the farm t I learned to love life again I was there when Life was born It was so exciting My whole outlook on the world changed So I named her Life Now, I can say I really love
54、 Life, she saidHow amazing! I write stories and J am always trying to get people to enjoy life, to wake upeach day expecting the best from it But they all too often go to bed with so much bad stuff intheir soul, antheir mind,t they wake up feeling bad and expect it to only get worse fromthere All to
55、o often it does, just because beautiful day, I told herts too bad They need to see a cow born, a chicken hatch I guess they need to wake up early and hug Life! she said, laughingWhen was the last time you hugged Life? she asked mets all they choose to seehat otherwise perfectlyt lay, I saidI am sorr
56、y to say even I have had troubleCome here! she saidngThen standing up and stepaside, she said, Go aheadhug Life!I paused for a moment and dropall thoughts of looking silly, I did I hugged a cow 55The writer went to the Bloomsburg Fair probably in order toA CB get ideas for writinghave fundo shopD es
57、csomething he disliked56The following things happenedA food sellers shoutinghe Bloomsbury Fair exceptB the writerling goodiesC peoples bargaining and talkingD the loudspeakers broadcasting music 57What can we learn from Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7?A B CThe writer tended to farm animalshandThe cowboy was l
58、azy and fell asleep among the cows The writer found peace where farm animals were keptD The turkeys goto panic with nksgiving approaching58The underlined word it (Paragraph 14) refers toA the cityB the countryC the barnD the fair59The writer warprised at the farm girls words and he thought people of
59、tenA B Cexpected to get the best thingsenjoyed perfectly beautiful days ignored the bright side of each dayD felt really bad due to poor sleep at night 60What can be the best title for the passage?A Farm Life and HappinessCA Farm Girl and Her CowB Hugging Life DEnjoying Freedom第二节 下面文章中有 5 个段落需要添加标题
60、(第 61-65 题)。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选山适合各段落的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。 AGet started!B Cet your failuresFFind and use youritive voiceThink about how far you have comeSpend time with people who inspire youAccept failure as aitive learning experienceRealizing your dreams is not a matter ofsibility; its a matter of
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