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1、*医院安全、高效、便捷 铂金支架循证医学与实践经验分享高效疗效好足够强的径向支撑力低发的晚期贴壁不良均匀的斑块覆盖、有效抑制内膜增生低发的血运重建治疗安全并发症少支架材料的生物相容性要好支架耐疲劳,不易发生晚期断裂低发的支架血栓便捷操作顺畅、更少的射线曝露可视性好,便于观察与定位输送性好、顺应性好,易于到达病变弹性回缩小,支架即刻贴壁良好 一个优秀的冠脉支架应该满足哪些临床需求?独特的花纹设计 Element支架平台独创的 铂铬合金材质(Pt Cr)先进的 Bi-Segment支架输送系统安全、高效的依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层迎合临床需求 PROMUS Element 铂金支架的4大优势依维

2、莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层组合的安全性和有效性,已经在大规模临床研究中得到验证支架顺应性 出众最小的血管拉直效应,降低支架晚期断裂风险减少支架弹性回缩适宜的支架动脉比增强可视性提高支撑强度 最小的外廓双节段内轴杆设计平衡推送性和跟踪性出众的输送性独特的花纹设计 Element支架平台独创的 铂铬合金材质(Pt Cr)先进的 Bi-Segment支架输送系统安全、高效的依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层迎合临床需求 PROMUS Element 铂金支架的4大优势依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层组合的安全性和有效性,已经在大规模临床研究中得到验证支架顺应性 出众最小的血管拉直效应,降低支架晚期断裂风险减少支

3、架弹性回缩适宜的支架动脉比增强可视性提高支撑强度 最小的外廓双节段内轴杆设计平衡推送性和跟踪性出众的输送性BSC Data on file, average over all sizes, PROMUS Stent 2.5mmx8mm N=12, 3.0mmx16mm N=6, 4.0mmx28mm N=6, PROMUS Element Stent 2.5mmx8mm N=12, 3.0mmx15mm N=6, 4.0mmx28mm N=6. The PROMUS Stent is a private-labeled XIENCE V Everolimus-Eluting Coronary

4、Stent System manufactured by Abbott and distributed by Boston Scientific Corporation. PROMUS, PROMUS Element are trademarks of Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners . This material is not intended for the U.S. or Japan. Plea

5、se see glossary.PROMUS Element铂铬合金EES 与Xience V钴铬合金EES 具有相同的依维莫司药物释放曲线1530456075802000604080100时间 (天)药物释放 (%)PROMUS Element Xience V2个月(60天) 依维莫司药物释放达到 80%;90天几乎全部释放(85%-90%);4个月(120天) 达到100% .采用同样的药物和Polymer, 不同的是支架平台和合金材质依维莫司: 药物浓度1.0 g/mm2,90天释放90%,120天完全洗脱 聚合物涂层: PVDF 氟化共聚物聚合物涂层厚度: 7 mMetal comp

6、osition source: Menown et al, Adv Ther, 2010支架梁厚度: 81 m 支架梁厚度: 81 m 钴铬合金铂铬合金Xience V (钴铬合金,Vesion平台)PROMUS Element (铂铬合金,Element平台)依维莫司药物洗脱支架(EES)Xience V(钴铬合金EES)与 PROMUS Element(铂铬合金EES)铬20%镍10%钨15%钴52%锰1%铁2%铬18%镍9%铁37%铂33%钼3%独特的花纹设计 Element支架平台独创的 铂铬合金材质(Pt Cr)先进的 Bi-Segment支架输送系统安全、高效的依维莫司药物与氟化共

7、聚物涂层迎合临床需求 PROMUS Element 铂金支架的4大优势依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层组合的安全性和有效性,已经在大规模临床研究中得到验证支架顺应性 出众最小的血管拉直效应,降低支架晚期断裂风险减少支架弹性回缩适宜的支架动脉比增强可视性提高支撑强度 最小的外廓双节段内轴杆设计平衡推送性和跟踪性出众的输送性铬含量与其他支架材料相似: 316L 不锈钢 (18%) L605 钴铬合金 (20%) MP35N 镍钴合金 (20%)密度是铁或钴的 2倍以上与钴铬合金或不锈钢支架材料相比,铂铬合金的可视性 有显著提高 当与316L不锈钢支架材料相融合制成合金材料时,强度 会大幅提高33%的铂

8、完全融在合金中,并非仅是涂层铂 (Pt) 的特性铁的含量与316L不锈钢支架材料(64%)相比显著降低PROMUS Element 独创的支架材质PtCr 铂铬合金材质PROMUS Element is a trademark of Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners . PROMUS Element Stent体外试验Bench TestingIn vitro images taken by Bosto

9、n Scientific. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance. 2.5 x 24 mm Stents: PROMUS Element n=1. Resolute n=1; 2.5 x 23 mm stents: Xience V n=1, Xience Prime n=1; 2.5 x 22 mm stent: Resolute Integrity n=1. In Vivo Image courtesy of Warwick Jaffe, MD. New Zealand. R

10、esults from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary. CoCr Stent placed in prior procedure. PROMUS Element is a trademark of Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners . Images co

11、urtesy of John Ormiston, MD., Mercy Hospital Aukland, New Zealand. Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.Bench testing performed by Boston Scientific Corporation. Data on file at Boston Scientific.独创的铂铬合金材质 可视性大大提高 (Radiopacity)Xience

12、 V StentXience Prime StentEndeavor StentResolute Integrity StentResolute Stent(使释放后的支架直径每减少1mm所需要的径向力)径向强度(牛顿/mm)PROMUS Element 铂金支架大幅提高了径向强度 (Radial Strength) 径向支撑更强PROMUS Element 与钴铬合金支架相比, 径向强度提高可达 136%*Stent Performance Summary April 2010. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of

13、clinical performance 2.5 mm Stents. PROMUS Element Stent = 15. Xience V Stent n = 10. Xience Prime Stent n = 5, Endeavor Stent n = 7, Resolute Stent n = 3, Resolute Integrity Stent n = 3. Xiience V and Xience Prime are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories group of companies. Endeavor, Resolute, and Res

14、olute Integrity are trademarks of Medtronic Vascular, Inc. This material is not intended for the U.S. or Japan. Please see glossary.独特的花纹设计 Element支架平台独创的 铂铬合金材质(Pt Cr)先进的 Bi-Segment支架输送系统安全、高效的依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层迎合临床需求 PROMUS Element 铂金支架的4大优势依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层组合的安全性和有效性,已经在大规模临床研究中得到验证支架顺应性 出众最小的血管拉直效应,降低支

15、架晚期断裂风险减少支架弹性回缩适宜的支架动脉比增强可视性提高支撑强度 最小的外廓双节段内轴杆设计平衡推送性和跟踪性出众的输送性更宽的支架尖峰可以使张力更强,减少支架的弹性回缩率巢式设计避免了支架弯曲时节段尖端之间的摩擦与挤压双螺旋形、双连接点设计大大提高了支架的灵活性和血管顺应性比同样长度的其他支架具有更多的节段:改善了支架的顺应性,减小了支架弯曲时的开口间隙,降低了斑块脱垂的概率PROMUS Element 铂金支架 独特的Element 支架平台降低了弹性回缩,提高了支架的灵活性和血管顺应性Results from case studies are not predictive of re

16、sults in other cases. 更加顺应冠脉血管的几何形态!最小的血管拉直效应!铂金支架的Element 支架平台显著提升了支架的顺应性(Conformability)顺应性(衡量支架顺应血管迂曲程度的能力)*Stent Performance Summary April 2010. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance 2.5 mm Stents. PROMUS Element Stent = 15. Xience V Stent n = 1

17、0. Xience Prime Stent n = 5, Endeavor Stent n = 7, Resolute Stent n = 3, Resolute Integrity Stent n = 3. Xience V and Xience Prime are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories group of companies. Endeavor, Resolute, and Resolute Integrity are trademarks of Medtronic Vascular, Inc. 顺应性更好Element 支架平台显著提升了支架的

18、顺应性 (Conformability)PROMUS Element与钴铬合金支架相比,顺应性提高 88%*Vision(Xience V)n=15Element(PROMUS Element)n=15Integrity(Resolute Integrity)n=15BioMatrix Flexn=15Multi-Link8(Xience Prime)n=15% , 1千万次弯折后完好器械的百分比100%100%100%0%0%0%PREMIER(Promus PREMIER)n=15支架设计与抗支架断裂性(耐疲劳性)支架疲劳弯折试验 Ormiston et al. Circ Cardiova

19、sc Interv 2014;7:Dec 24 13 E-pub弹性回缩百分比(%)(支架内球囊回撤后,支架直径减少的百分比)PROMUS Eelment 铂金支架铂铬合金材质+ Element支架平台减少了弹性回缩 (Less Recoil)*Stent Performance Summary April 2010. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance 2.5 mm Stents. PROMUS Element Stent = 15. Xience V Stent n = 1

20、0. Xience Prime Stent n = 5, Endeavor Stent n = 7, Resolute Stent n = 3, Resolute Integrity Stent n = 3. Xience V and Xience Prime are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories group of companies. Endeavor, Resolute, and Resolute Integrity are trademarks of Medtronic Vascular, Inc. This material is not inte

21、nded for the U.S. or Japan. Please see glossary.弹性回缩更少Element支架平台具有更宽的支架尖峰,可以使张力更强。它与钴铬合金支架相比,弹性回缩减少 40%*Stent to Artery Ratio calculated.PROMUS ElementXience V2 个支架模型4 个支架模型 Vision 支架平台Element 支架平台模型直径支架-动脉比小血管2.25 mm15.1%较小尺寸2.50 mm14.8%较小尺寸2.75 mm13.5%主力尺寸3.00 mm14.4%主力尺寸3.50 mm12.4%大血管4.00 mm13.

22、4%模型直径支架-动脉比小尺寸2.25 mm15.6%小尺寸2.50 mm14.1%小尺寸2.75 mm12.9%小尺寸3.00 mm11.9%中等尺寸3.50 mm14.1%中等尺寸4.00 mm12.4%PROMUS Element 铂金支架4个支架模型 vs 2个支架模型的优势 更适宜的支架-动脉比和均匀的斑块覆盖与药物浓度by 3.0 & 2.5 球囊Element 支架平台4个支架模型 vs 2个支架模型的优势 分叉病变单支架术(mm)标准命名压: 后扩张极限:PROMUS Element 铂金支架 2.

23、252.5 to 2.753.0 to 3.54.0Do not dilate the stent beyond the limit tabulated above2.25 to 3.03.5 to 4.0Xience V Xience PRIMEElement 支架平台4个支架模型 vs 2个支架模型的优势 更宽的扩张极限 2014 EuroIntervention. All rights reserved.Tools & Techniques Clinical: Optimising stenting strategy in bifurcation lesions with insight

24、s from in vitro bifurcation models独特的花纹设计 Element支架平台最小的外廓双节段内轴杆设计平衡推送性和跟踪性出众的输送性独创的 铂铬合金材质(Pt Cr)先进的 Bi-Segment支架输送系统安全、高效的依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层迎合临床需求 PROMUS Element 铂金支架的4大优势依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层组合的安全性和有效性,已经在大规模临床研究中得到验证支架顺应性 出众最小的血管拉直效应,降低支架晚期断裂风险减少支架弹性回缩适宜的支架动脉比增强可视性提高支撑强度 输送性支架系统外径 支架系统的推送性灵活性与跟踪性支架系统输送性的决定

25、因素通过外径 + 推送性 + 跟踪性PROMUS Eelment 出众的输送性最小的支架系统通过外径,Element平台拥有当今DES中最薄的支架梁Multi-Link Vision & Multi-Link 8 平台0.0032” (0.081 mm)钴铬合金Xience VXience PrimeBx Velocity 平台0.0055” (0.140 mm) 不锈钢Cypher Driver 平台0.0036” (0.091 mm)镍钴合金Endeavor TAXUS LibertLibert 平台0.0038” (0.096 mm)不锈钢TAXUS Express Express 平台

26、0.0052”(0.132 mm)不锈钢BMS PlatformDES PlatformPROMUS ElementElement 平台0.0032”(0.081 mm) 铂铬合金To date: May 2009. 2009 Boston Scientific. 1. Source: Boston Scientific Research and Development. Stent shape meant to represent strut profile. Element Stent Series: TAXUS Element and PROMUS Element Drug-Elutin

27、g Stents are CE mark pending, not available for sale in the European Economic Area (EEA). Element Bare Metal Stent (BMS) is under development, not available for sale in the European Economic Area (EEA). The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraind

28、ications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labeling supplied with each device. Cypher and Bx Velocity are trademarks of Cordis Corporation. Endeavor and Driver are trademarks of Medtronic Corporation. PROMUS Stent is a private-labeled XIENCE V Everolimus Eluting Coronary

29、 Stent System manufactured by Abbott and distributed by Boston Scientific Corporation. XIENCE V and Multi-Link Vision are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories group of companies.0.0000”0.0030”0.0040”0.0050”0.0060”Pictures by Boston Scientific. Data on File Dec 2010 2.5 mm average stent profile. Cognex

30、Test Method (crimped: distal, mid, proximal). PROMUS Element is a trademark of Boston Scientific Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners . 平均通过外径尖端外径0.0398”0.018”PROMUS Element Stent System0.0423”0.018”XIENCE V Stent System0.0428”0.021”XIENCE Prime Stent System0

31、.0408”0.019”Endeavor Stent System0.0406”0.019”Resolute Stent System0.0425”0.020”Resolute Integrity Stent System1.011 mm0.46 mm1.074 mm0.46 mm1.087 mm0.53 mm1.036 mm0.48mm1.031 mm0.48mm1.079 mm0.51mmPROMUS Eelment 出众的输送性最小的支架系统通过外径,具有同类产品最小的头端和外廓PROMUS Element 支架的输送系统是专门为提高支架的输送性能而设计的。Bi-Segment 双节段的

32、支架球囊内轴杆设计,让支架系统的跟踪性和推送性达到最佳平衡 。远端提高支架系统的跟踪性近端提高支架系统的推送性Illustrations not indicative of clinical performance.Pebax is a trademark of AtochemPROMUS Eelment 出众的输送性跟踪性与推送性的平衡,先进的Bi-Segment双节段内轴杆设计PROMUS Element 铂金支架具有4大突出优势,迎合临床对于DES安全性、疗效和操作便捷的需求: 独创的铂铬合金(PtCr)材质 提高可视性、加强支撑力 独特的Element 支架平台 顺应性、耐疲劳、降低弹

33、性回缩 先进的Bi-Segment 输送系统 最小的外廓、跟踪性与推送性 的平衡 安全、高效的依维莫司药物与氟化共聚物涂层 小 结全新的双层球囊材料设计先进的 Bi-SegmentTM 双节段内轴杆设计近端轴管加强推送性远端轴管提高跟踪性新一代铂金支架 PROMUS Element Plus 全新的输送系统 最先进的双层球囊材料设计理念PROMUS ElementTM Plus 的输送系统采用的是全新的双层球囊材料设计 ,并且沿用 Bi-SegmentTM 双节段内轴杆设计内层柔软,提高灵活性外层坚韧,有效控制球囊形变Illustrations not indicative of clinic

34、al performance. *In a Boston Scientific preclinical setting. Data on file.全新的双层球囊材料 + Bi-SegmentTM 双节段内轴杆= 更好的输送性PROMUS Element Plus 支架系统比 PROMUS Element 支架系统输送时间可以 减少15% *新一代铂金支架 PROMUS Element Plus 全新的输送系统Total: 1.321 mmResolute Stent System1.171 mmTotal: 1.750 mmResolute Stent System1.476 mmData

35、on file. Images taken by Boston Scientific. 2.50 mm stent systems; PROMUS Element Stent System n = 3, Xience V Stent System n = 3, Xience Prime Stent System n = 3, Endeavor Stent System n=3, Resolute Integrity Stent System n=3. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical perform

36、ance.Total: 1.115 mmPROMUS Element Plus0.532 mmTotal: 0.929 mmPROMUS Element Plus0.437 mmTotal: 1.381 mmXience V Stent System0.548 mmTotal: 1.182 mmXience Prime Stent System0.566mmTotal: 1.097 mmEndeavor Stent System0.707 mm远端球囊悬突加压到 11 ATM (1115 kPa)Total: 1.634 mmXience V Stent System0.653 mmTotal

37、: 1.252 mmXience Prime Stent System0.585mmTotal: 1.377 mmEndeavor Stent System0.963 mm远端球囊悬突加压到 18 ATM (1824 kPa)PROMUS Element TM Plus 拥有最短的支架球囊头端悬突,可以最大程度降低支架边缘正常内膜撕裂的几率。提升高压释放的安全性!新一代铂金支架 PROMUS Element Plus全新的输送系统 最短的球囊悬突PLATINUM Workhorse, Small Vessel, Long Lesion12个月的 TLF非劣效性单组30 (全球)102长病变12

38、个月的 TLF来自SPIRIT 系列试验中 Xience 支架的历史数据以及 TAXUS Express2 历史数据非劣效性单组23 (全球)94小血管12个月的 TLFXinece V StentPROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES非劣效性1:1 随机,前瞻性,单盲132 (全球)1,532主力血管14(澳洲和东南亚)中心数量100样本量30天的心脏事件主要研究终点N/A对照组N/A成功标准PROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES研究对象单组试验设计研究名称循证医学PLATINUM Trial 铂金试验PROMUS Element支架 治疗de novo 病变PLATINUMQC

39、A 研究PLATINUM Workhorse, Small Vessel, Long Lesion12个月的 TLF非劣效性单组30 (全球)102长病变12个月的 TLF来自SPIRIT 系列试验中 Xience 支架的历史数据以及 TAXUS Express2 历史数据非劣效性单组23 (全球)94小血管12个月的 TLFXinece V StentPROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES非劣效性1:1 随机,前瞻性,单盲132 (全球)1,532主力血管14(澳洲和东南亚)中心数量100样本量30天的心脏事件主要研究终点N/A对照组N/A成功标准PROMUS Element 铂铬合金

40、EES研究对象单组试验设计研究名称循证医学PLATINUM Trial 铂金试验PROMUS Element支架 治疗de novo 病变PLATINUMQCA 研究铂金试验QCA研究EES 同类研究结果一览晚期管腔丢失 (mm)SPIRITFirstSPIRITFirstPLATINUMQCASPIRITIISPIRITIII随访时间延长N=23N=237N=301N=73N=206mths6mths8mths9mths12mthsPromus ElementXience VEuroInterv 2010 (in press)铂金试验QCA 研究 (IVUS)PROMUS Element 晚

41、期支架贴壁不良事件率是0!参照目标 (SPIRIT III: Xience V)术后即刻 ISA晚期获得性ISA晚期ISA支架贴壁不良 (ISA) (%)p0.001Promus ElementXience VEuroInterv 2010 (in press)铂金试验QCA 研究仅有1例与手术相关的MACEAll Death, MI, TVR1.0% (1)1.0% (1)All Death0.0% (0)0.0% (0)Myocardial Infarction0.0% (0)0.0% (0)Q-wave0.0% (0)0.0% (0)NonQ-wave0.0% (0)0.0% (0)Ta

42、rget Vessel Revascularization1.0% (1)1.0% (1) Target Lesion Revascularization1.0% (1)1.0% (1)Target Lesion Failure*1.0% (1)1.0% (1)Stent Thrombosis (ARC Def/Prob)1.0% (1)1.0% (1)30 天12 个月* Ischemia-driven TLR, or MI/cardiac death related to the target vessel(All events occurred in the same patient)E

43、uroInterv 2010 (in press)PLATINUM Workhorse, Small Vessel, Long Lesion12个月的 TLF非劣效性单组30 (全球)102长病变12个月的 TLF来自SPIRIT 系列试验中 Xience 支架的历史数据以及 TAXUS Express2 历史数据非劣效性单组23 (全球)94小血管12个月的 TLFXinece V StentPROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES非劣效性1:1 随机,前瞻性,单盲132 (全球)1,532主力血管14(澳洲和东南亚)中心数量100样本量30天的心脏事件主要研究终点N/A对照组N/A成功

44、标准PROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES研究对象单组试验设计研究名称循证医学PLATINUM Trial 铂金试验PROMUS Element支架 治疗de novo 病变PLATINUMQCA 研究靶病变失败 TLF Months Since Index ProcedureCoCr-EESPtCr-EESNo. at risk铂金试验Workhorse研究 4年随访结果Target Lesion Failure = cardiac death or MI related to the target vessel or ischemia-driven target lesion rev

45、ascularization749738735715701683656473758747745727715702687480Xience V CoCr-EES (N=749)PROMUS Element PtCr-EES (N=758)Patients (%)8.5%7.4%HR 95% CI =0.86 0.60, 1.24P = 0.43Primary EndpointACC 2014New!缺血驱动的 TLRXience V CoCr-EES (N=749)PROMUS Element PtCr-EES (N=758)HR 95% CI =0.76 0.48, 1.20P = 0.24M

46、onths Since Index ProcedurePatients (%)CoCr-EESPtCr-EESNo. at risk7497427387187056876614767587517487317207106934875.9%4.6%铂金试验Workhorse研究 4年随访结果ACC 2014New!3年的靶病变血运重建 (TLR) FDA 关键性试验结果一览 PLATINUM Clinical Trial Program studied the PROMUS Element Stent (Promus PtCr EES Stent ) 1 PLATINUM 3-Year resul

47、ts presented by Ian T. Meredith, MD, ACC 2013; 2 SPIRIT III 3-Year results presented by Gregg W. Stone, MD at TCT 2009; 3 RESOLUTE US Study 3-Year results presented by Paul Teirstein, MD at ACC 2013. Results from different studies are not directly comparable. Information provided for educational pur

48、poses only.SPIRIT III 2 3-Yearn=669n=1,064n=758RESOLUTE US 3 3-YearTLR (%) Promus Element 在所有DES的FDA关键性试验中拥有最低的TLR Promus Element PtCr EES Xience CoCr EES Resolute CoNi ZESPLATINUM Workhorse Trial 1 3-Year03691202641080.4%0.4%安全性指标支架血栓ARC Stent Thrombosis Definite/Probable (%)*Months7627557527457287

49、68761758752741CoCr-EESPtCr-EESNo. at riskXience V CoCr-EES (N=762)PROMUS Element PtCr-EES (N=768)HR 95% CI =0.99 0.20, 4.91P = 0.99铂金试验Workhorse研究 1年随访结果* All were definite STFromACC 2011安全性指标铂金试验Workhorse研究 4年随访结果Xience V (CoCr EES) (N=749)PROMUS Element (PtCr EES) (N=758)Event Rate (%)P=0.44P=0.09

50、P=0.82P=0.19P=0.98CardiacDeathAll DeathARC ST (Def/Prob)MIQ-wave MITime to event ratesn=1n=2n=3n=2n=2PtCr-EESCoCr-EESARC ST by Time Period0-30d1-4y0-30d1-4y31-364dACC 2014New!PLATINUM Workhorse, Small Vessel, Long Lesion12个月的 TLF非劣效性单组30 (全球)102长病变12个月的 TLF来自SPIRIT 系列试验中 Xience 支架的历史数据以及 TAXUS Expre

51、ss2 历史数据非劣效性单组23 (全球)94小血管12个月的 TLFXinece V StentPROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES非劣效性1:1 随机,前瞻性,单盲132 (全球)1,532主力血管14(澳洲和东南亚)中心数量100样本量30天的心脏事件主要研究终点N/A对照组N/A成功标准PROMUS Element 铂铬合金EES研究对象单组试验设计研究名称循证医学PLATINUM Trial 铂金试验PROMUS Element支架 治疗de novo 病变PLATINUMQCA 研究PLATINUM Small Vessel Trial1,3Promus PtCr EES(

52、n = 89)RVD = 2.04 mmLesion Length = 14.15 mmRESOLUTE US Trial2Resolute CoNi ZES(n = 146)RVD = 2.15 mmLesion Length = 12.40 mm无 ARC 定义的支架血栓(def/prob)无心肌梗死1.4% 靶血管相关的心梗1.4% ARC定义的支架血栓 (def/prob)Incidence Rate (%)Incidence Rate (%)PROMUS Element PtCr EES小血管研究12年随访结果一览PLATINUM Clinical Trial Program studied the PROMUS Element Stent (Promus PtCr EES). PLATINUM Small Vesse


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