



1、Mock interview question listwww.GreatEGreatEssay远程模拟面试素材收集表远程模拟面试(对任何目标学位通用)更多信息请访问: HYPERLINK http:/www.GreatE http:/www.GreatE 如需支持email至: HYPERLINK mailto:serviceGreatE serviceGreatE声明:对您提供不实信息导致的道德和法律问题,我司不负任何责任!此表格是通用型的模拟面试表格。GreatE在开始撰写您的模拟面试前,需要收集以下资料作为素材,请仔细回答以下问题。请特别注意:如果您购买的是“英文沟通”服务,则请您务必

2、用英文撰写所有的素材。如果您购买的是“中文沟通”服务,则请您可以用中文撰写所有的素材。建议您在完成本表格后,在原文档名称前加上您的英文名字或者ticket number或者order number再上传到ticket system,这样更有益于Editor区分,请注意重命名必需用全英文名,并不要带空格。在完成相应的表格后,请选择购买我司的相应服务并将完成的素材表格上传至我司的专用服务ticket system系统。The form is a universal form and can be used for different mock interview.Notice:Before we

3、start the process of composing your recommendation letter, we need to have the following information that will be used as raw materials. Please answer the following questions carefully.您在ticket上提交完毕回答完毕的Survey后,您的editor将会通知您skype id和具体面试时间(美东时间,即纽约时间),双方确定时间后会准时开始面试。请务必提前准备好skype语音设备。Your editor wil

4、l tell you what time you will start interview and what Skype ID you will connect with. You and editor will give each other a confirmation for the schedule. Please get ready for voice equipments for Skype front!您如何知道 HYPERLINK http:/www.GreatE www.GreatE的?您的宝贵答案将帮助我司更好的提供高质量服务:How do you know our web

5、site? (This questions is nothing about the interview/training. It will help our customer service team to provide better customer care service.)请在在划线上方填入字母。如待选答案都不适用,请直接写入中文/英文文字。您如何知道我司网站: _A)他人推荐; B)Baidu; C)Google; D)360; E)留学BBS; F)Gmail; G)Baidu/其他百科、知道、wiki;H)其他网站弹出/横幅广告; I)其他;2 如果您选择中文沟通,但有些内容

6、想通过英文表达,在填写完所有本表资料后,请选择英文素材所占的比例。(语音沟通过程中)2 After finishing this questionnaire, please choose the proportion of your raw information provided in English, in the skype mock interviewThe proportion of the information I provided in English in this questionnaire is about _ A = 80% - The finished draft w

7、ill be sent to you in due days. B 80% - Subject to a delay of 2-4 days due to the translation process involved, however, urgent composing service will not be affected.请特别注意:对于个人陈述来说,我司鼓励您使用英文完成重要的素材内容,这样您便有更多时间和多位母语编辑交流内容以及文章深度。当然您可以用中文表达一些您觉得用英文不太容易表达的地方 。请写出您的姓名(用英文)和您的性别,方便我司在推荐信中称呼您Your full nam

8、e and your genderFamily Name:_Given Name: _Gender: (Male/Female): _ 这次面试针对的目标学校、学位、专业、教授、项目?(研究生院?或者商学院?)What is your target school, degree, major, professor or project? (Graduate school or B-school?) 您需要模拟哪一类面试,入学面试/签证面试,请尽量详细说明具体面试情况What type of interview you will simulate? Degree application inte

9、rview, VISA interview or other interview. Please describe what the interview is as detailed as possible.您最近的面试经验如何?需要提高什么方面的技能? Please tell us how about you recent interview experiences, and what to improve with our service this time.以下内容非常重要,请仔细阅读。何时开始面试?(请用美国东部纽约时间,请自行计算好时差,面试官会等您15分钟,如果15分钟内您未连接到

10、相关skype id,将扣除您1小时的interview时间)。需要面试官准备什么方面具体问题?资料?Warning: Following questions are very important! Please answer them very carefully!When will you start the interview with skype? Please use American East Time. Your editor will wait you for 15 minutes on skype. If you cant connect with skype, you will lose one hour interview time.Please tell yo


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