1、生命現象裡的機械性:生物的定義及其取代型式。 離婁下、第十九章 孟子曰:人之所以異於禽獸者幾希 1楊倍昌完整的讀一本書楊倍昌: 科學之美:生物科學史閱讀手記。巨流出版, 2012。史蒂芬薛平 科學革命:一段不存在的歷史(Shapin, Steven. The Scientific Revolution. London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996.),許宏彬、林巧玲譯,左岸文化出版。蘇珊桑塔格疾病的隱喻(Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors.),刁筱華譯,大田出版,2000。 卡爾齊默 演化
2、:一個觀念的勝利(Evolution: the triumph of an idea), 唐嘉慧譯, 時報出版, 2004。 若伊波特 醫學簡史(Blood and Guts: A short history of Medicine), 王道還譯, 商周出版, 2005。 麥爾看!這就是生物學(This is biology), 涂可欣譯, 天下文化出版, 2003。 范燕秋疫病、醫學與現代性- 日治台灣醫學史, 稻鄉出版, 2010。陽照還原演化論, 麥田出版, 2009。2兩種史觀進步史觀典範 & 革命史觀32003年十大科學新聞 (by Science)Dark energyGeneti
3、cs for mental illnessGlobal warmingmicro RNA on gene regulation Molecular imaging-ray burstsStem cells to germ cells Left handed materialComplete sequence of Y-chromosomeAntiangiogenesis drugFor lecture only, Rewritten by BC Yang, Ph.D4TOP 11 MEDICAL STORIES OF THE CENTURY Presented by: The AAPAs Cl
4、inical and Scientific Affairs Council/clinissues/TopTen2000/sld001.htmA selection of somebody5Number 1 Development of the PA ProfessionNumber 2 Discovery of PenicillinNumber 3 Discovery of InsulinNumber 4 HIVNumber 5 Organ TransplantationNumber 6 Oral ContraceptivesNumber 7 - Surgeon Generals Report
5、 On SmokingNumber 8 Discovery of the Polio VaccineNumber 9 Eradication of SmallpoxNumber 10 Development of CT/MRINumber 11- Discovery of DNA6Number 2 Discovery of PenicillinSet the framework for development of other antibiotics.Opened the era for therapeutic use of antibiotics.Changed the way medici
6、ne was practiced in Western country.7Number 3 Discovery of InsulinDrs. Banting and Best discovered insulin in the summer of 1921Gave us a better understanding of diabetes.Insulin changed the live of millions of people.In the pre-insulin period diabetes was a wasting disease coupled with starvation t
7、reatment.http:/www.endo-diabasel.ch/images/BANTING%20&%20bEST.jpg8Number 4 - HIV1981, December, CDC reports infant develops a deficiency after a blood transfusion.1984, January, transmission of the disease can occur before patient has symptoms; October, Dr. Robert Gallo finds genetic variations.1987
8、, AZT is released.9First came God, then came Gallo- Dr. F. Wong-Staal, AIDS researcher/aids/index/rgallo.htm/micha/hiv/aids/unsichtbar.htm10World War I: Allografts for skin transplantation.1946: The first adrenal gland transplant.1954: The first renal transplant on monozygotic twins.1960: The first
9、corneal transplant1962: The first limb. 1967: The first allogenic heart transplant.1968: The first allogenic liver transplant.1978: The first allogenic bone marrow replantation.Modern cannibalNumber 5 Organ TransplantationA wood panel painting (circa 1500) depicting the limb transplantation miracle
10、by Saints Cosmos and Damian. 11Number 6 Oral Contraceptives1950: Drs. Katherine McCormick and Margaret Sanger collaborate to promote development of a physiologic contraceptive for women.1958: Searle applies for FDA approval for contraceptive indication.1959: FDA approves Enovid, the first oral contr
11、aceptive./article.cfm/dyn/aid/1240/context/ourdailylives12Number 7 - Surgeon Generals Report On Smoking1905: In exchange for tobacco-state support of the 1st federal Food and Drug Act, tobacco was removed from the US Pharmocopeia, and thus from FDA regulation.1957: American Cancer Society followed 2
12、00,000 people for 44 months. Smokers had a 68% increased mortality. Of the 448 lung cancers, all but 15 smoked.1965: The FTC required tobacco companies to place warning labels on cigarette packages and on ads 6 months later.13Number 8 Discovery of the Polio VaccineSummer of 1916: epidemic struck New
13、 York City; 27,000 people paralyzed; 9,000 people dead.Jonas Salk , an American research scientist, develops vaccine from inactivated poliovirus grown in monkey kidney tissue; April 1954: Massive field trial of Salk vaccine.April 12, 1955: field trials.14Number 9 Eradication of SmallpoxIn 1796, Dr.
14、Edward Jenner, an English physician, observes that milkmaids with cowpox rarely get smallpox; Inoculated a boy with fluid from pustular cowpox lesion. Six weeks later no response to inoculation from pustular smallpox.1967: World Health Organization initiates campaign to eradicate smallpox (10-15 mil
15、lion cases/year worldwide).1980: World Health Assembly declares global eradication; First time a disease vanquished.人痘的記錄葛洪的肘後方就有天花建武中於南陽擊虜所得,乃呼為虜瘡 15Number 10 Development of CT/MRICT: (computerized tomography)Godfrey Hounsfield, introduced CT, 1972 (Nobel prize with Allen Cormack, 1979).CT measures
16、 the attenuation of X-Rays in tissue from hundreds of angles, image re-constructed by computer./medicine/laureates/1979/hounsfield-autobio.html16Number 10 Development of CT/MRIMRINuclear Magnetic Resonance in bulk matter.Felix Block & Edward Purcell 1952 Nobel Prize.Raymand Damadian, 1971 (relaxatio
17、n constants of water T1 and T2 longer in malignant rat tissue.Paul Lauterbur, 1973 (resolution and spatial discrimination determined by magnetic field).Richard Ernst, (mathematics of Fourier transforms allow imaging of data from 2 dimensions).1982, MRI becomes exam of choice for CNS.1990s functional
18、 (fast) MRI research tool.http:/www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/jr/physpicnobel.html17Number 11- Discovery of DNA1861, Virchow: cells arise from other cells.1866, Haeckel: nucleus contains hereditary factors.1889, Altman: isolated nucleic acids.1953, Watson & Crick: structure of DNA.1985: The Santa C
19、ruz Workshop/1988 :OTA report, Mapping our Genes.2001: the human genome in Nature Magazine.18Nobel prize topics 1997-20082008: HIV and human papilloma viruses2007: Gene knockout technology for creating animal models of human disease in mice.2006: RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded
20、RNA 2005: Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. 2004: Odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system 2003: Magnetic resonance imaging. 2002: Genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death. 2001: Key regulators of the cell cycle. 20
21、00: Signal transduction in the nervous system. 1999: Protein transport and localization in the cell. 1998: Nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system. 1997: Prions - a new biological principle of infection /nobel/medicine/.tw/resources/giant.htm (成大圖書館)19Sydney BrennerLetter
22、to Max Perutz 5 June, 1963 Dear Max, These notes record and extend our discussions on the possible expansion of research activities in the Molecular Biology Laboratory. First, some general remarks. It is now widely realized that nearly all the classical problems of molecular biology have either been
23、 solved or will be solved in the next decade. The entry of large numbers of American and other biochemists into the field will ensure that all the chemical details of replication and transcription will be elucidated. Because of this, I have long felt that the future of molecular biology lies in the
24、extension of research to other fields of biology, notably development and the nervous system/Sydney.html20生物科技的登月計畫生物科學界在1990年間,啟動人類基因圖譜定序跨國大計畫,一步接著一步,2000年6月26日,國際聯盟人類基因體計畫(Human Genome Project)與Celera基因公司的科學家宣布生命藍圖的草圖, /11006943/ ;Who participated in the international Human Genome Project consorti
25、um? the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan and China.人類基因圖譜定稿在2003年完成。Dulbecco R, 1986, A Turning Point in Cancer Research: Sequencing the Human Genome. Science, 23:1055-1056.我們對於理解癌症最缺乏的知識是:致癌基因的活性如何影響癌病的進程。我們有兩種選擇:其一,繼續以零碎的研究方式來發現致癌的重要基因;或者,將選定動物模式的基因體定序。2122兩道拉扯的力量觀點決定人對現象的
26、解讀方式方法學局限了人的眼界23建築在笛卡爾之上的思索,Descartes, Ren. Discourse on the method of rightly conducting ones reason and of seeking truth in the sciences. (1637)Translated by Bennett J, 2007. Part 2, pp8-9. /assets/pdfs/descartes1637.pdf. Retrieved date: 2016/01/12. Marc Chagall /stmichael/images/stmichaelpictures
27、.html人、飛天與天使,如果只是美學,有何不可?24觀點決定人對現象的解讀方式春秋僖公十六年:“隕石於宋五,是月,六鷁退飛,過宋都。”(BC 634)杜預注:鷁水鳥高飛遇風而退。史記宋微子世家:六鶂退蜚風疾也。雪鶚幾千年前25王陽明 (1474-1544 ),名守仁,字伯安,浙江餘姚人。晚年愛越城東南二十里之會稽山陽明洞,築室以居,自號陽明子,學者乃稱陽明先生。二十一歲參加鄉試,中了之後赴京師。 格竹子,格了七天,道理沒領悟出來,反而生了一場病。於是他從此轉為研究辭章之學。王陽明想要”格物至知”的內容是什麼?方法學局限了人的眼界2627科學史的研究是不是一種找出解答的方法?曾經:大戴禮記夏小
28、正:中國夏朝, 動物習性的記載。河南安陽殷墓出土蠶絹,西元前1200年前。1000BC,中國周朝詩經上記有植物名稱一百餘種,動物名稱二百多種。周禮:把生物分為動、植物二大類,各細分為五類。400BC,山海經:近百種藥物。400BC ,內經記載氣血循環現象和屍體解剖。300BC,中國爾雅注釋了詩經中的草木蟲魚鳥獸。100BC,前漢後期的汜勝之書,是中國現存最早的一部農書,旱地農業耕作知識和多種農作物的技術。 400AD,扁鵲難經有人體解剖、人體生理、氣血循環理論、病理、療法等記載。28形具而神生荀子,天論篇人死神滅楊泉,物理論 (魏晉之際)二氣交感,化生萬物,萬物生生而變化變窮焉。惟人也得其秀而
29、最靈周敦頤,太極圖說(宋 9601279) 觀念在中國幾曾何時,唯物的觀點與自然脫節?為什麼要與自然脫節 ?那麼漂亮的說詞,對人的知識有什麼用?29同工異曲;異曲而成就不一樣的後果在美國 Boston 的 Benjamin Waterhouse 在由英國取得牛痘病毒後,為了證明免疫效用,於1800 年七月以自家人為種痘對象,並且大膽的讓他的小孩與天花病源接觸。於1801送了一些 Jenner 的牛痘疫苗給當時的 Tomas Jefferson 總統,並替他家人及鄰居接種這些疫苗。(虛空的內容)一八五年(清嘉慶十年),種牛痘法由澳門葡萄牙商人傳入我國。牛痘疫苗傳入中國時, 在當年儒醫於引種牛痘法
30、,所採用的手段則是以較玄奇高明的說詞來告知大眾。“牛在畜屬土,在卦屬昆,土緩而和,其性順也, 啖百草能解諸毒,非如人有飲食之患,七情之火” (廖育群: 歧黃醫道, 頁239)。 (高明、堵塞的知識,替代古有的人痘法)30我要斗膽下結論:中國不曾有科學,因為根據中國人的價值標準,中國不需要科學。. 中國的哲學家不需要科學的確定性,因為它們想知道的只是自己。 馮友蘭 , 1922問題要解答什麼疑問 ?問題成立嗎 ?誰的思考脈落 ?工具和方法學 ?自己是什麼?不要隨便斗膽說同情,不要隨便自大與自卑。 楊倍昌 , 2005311800, 道爾敦1890,Thomson + Rutherford愛因斯坦
31、 General Relativity: 1915 西方科學風起雲湧的年代Molecular structure of protein by Linus Paulin; 1954巴斯德, 1822-1895,醫林改錯(1830)3232東是東,西是西,東西大不同。是這樣嗎?知識的結構定義:由上而下的演譯 (論文) vs 比興:由下而上的理解 (詩歌)知識的判斷絕對主義 vs 相對主義知識的內容物性實體 vs 互動關係33你自己在想什麼?34生物 : life form生物 (生命) 是什麼?生物 從哪裡來?生物 的組成是什麼?生物 如何運作?觀點會決定人的作為:以現代生物科學知識為基礎的論述3
32、5生命的定義: 的說法目前在中學教育中, 我們用鋪陳方式來教學生教科書2.生物學,周民治譯,高立圖書公司,1999.生物是高度複雜且有組織化的個體生物體由細胞組成 生物需要利用能量生物與其同種個體繁衍下一代 生物依照內部遺傳指令,進行所有生命活動 生物會發育及生長 生物對刺激有感應 生物會進行多樣化的化學反-新陳代謝 生物體內環境會維持在一個恆定的狀態36Atomphysikalisches Modell der Mutation (A model of genetic mutation based on atomic physics)The concept of the gene began
33、 as an abstract one, independent of physics and chemistry, until it was linked to chromosomes and later to parts of chromosomes, which were estimated to be of molecular size.Max Delbrueck (1906-1981) one of the founding fathers of modern genetics中國傳統很不熟悉的提問方式:37What is life? 1948: 45 reviews 1979: 1
34、20 references; 65 reviewsWe are faced with a mechanism entirely different from the probabilistic ones of physics.中文本:生命是什麼? 貓頭鷹出版社,(2000) 網路本:/LoCo_files/What-is-Life.pdf38在一個生命有機體的空間範圍內,在空間上和時間上發生的事件,如何用物理學和化學來解釋? - What is life 生命科學的特性是什麼?39Erwin Schrdinger, 1887 1961你是否跨越Erwin Schoedinger 的提問方式及廣
35、度?第一章 :古典物理學家對這個主題的探討第二章 :遺傳機制第三章 :突變第四章 :量子力學的證據第五章 :對 M. Delbrueck 模型的討論和檢驗第六章 :有序,無序和熵第七章 :生命是以物理學定律為基礎的嗎?40幾種詮釋生命的方式41這樣的想法是從那裡來的?如何發展?42由生機論 (vitalism) 到機械論 (mechanism)陳恒安: 從生物科學發展史看生物學與生物技術。南華通識教育研究 2004, 1 : 81- 94Jacques de Vaucanson 1709-1782Andreas Vesalius1514-1564最早的希臘機械論者是Empedokles 和De
36、mokritos。他們所提出的原理是物質的元素本身是自動自發的,它自己可以發展成宇宙。也就是說,它用不著有理性的、精神性的東西。An Aristotelian proof of the definition of the soul (Based on Aquinas, In De Anima, lb. 2, lc. 2.) 他在說什麼?/gsas/phil/klima/medphil/soul.htmThe soul is the principle of life, i.e., that on account of which whatever lives is alive. (Nomina
37、l definition of soul, specifying what we should mean by the name, even though we may not know what sort of thing it is to which this name according to this signification applies.) But for a living body to live is for it to exist simpliciter (i.e., without qualification, 絕對的). (Clear from the fact th
38、at birth and death are for living things to begin and to cease to be.) Therefore, the soul is that on account of which a living being exists simpliciter. (Conclusion of 1 and 2.) But that on account which something exists simpliciter is its substantial form. (Nominal definition of substantial form.)
39、 Therefore, the soul is the substantial form of a living body. (Conclusion of 3 and 4. This is the quidditative definition of the soul, which says what sort of thing it is to which the name soul applies in the signification expressed by its nominal definition in 1.) 43Death of Vitalism1668 Francesco
40、 Redis Experiments on the generation of insects, nothing arise spontaneously. (The first experiment with proper control)Lazzaro Spallazani, 1729-1799, showed that a broth could be sterilized by heat. In 1862, Louis Pasteur sterilized broths in special swan-necked flasks. Francesco Redi生命與無生命,各自獨立,不互
41、相往來44In 1828, Whler converted ammonium cyanate to urea (an inorganic to organic conversion without living cells) simply by heating. There was nothing superchemical or supernatural about living things, they obeyed the laws of chemistry. (How similar it is to Schrdinger!)Friedrich Whler (1800 - 1882)
42、Photo from the the University of Pennsylvania Library, CETI (Center for Electronic Text and Image) (at /etext/smith). 生命與無生命互通45In 1953, Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey, working at the University of Chicago, conducted an experiment which would change the approach of scientific investigation int
43、o the origin of life. 這種問題有多重要?The creation/%7Ejds/cruise_chem/Exobiology/miller.html生命與無生命互通46還有有那些理解生命的方式?(為什麼要用這種方式?)山海經是東周時代的產物,裡頭的怪物早被當時之人所知。當時是巫者和方士的時代,到了漢代崇尚仙人,追求長生不老,怪物的類型也逐漸發生變化。漢代仙人被稱為羽人,漢墓雕刻上常見兩臂或雙肩有羽翼的人,三角臉、長勾鼻,容貌不似中原人氏。漢墓上常充滿了怪物雕刻,但基本上還是山海經裡的生物,只不過更著重於長有羽翼的怪物。 九頭蛇相繇(音堯) 戰神蚩尤 山海經: .tw/huanyin/sanhai.php47孔子繫辭傳天一地二,天三地四,天五地六,天七地八,天九地十。天數五。地數五,五位相得而各有合。天數二十有五,地數三十,凡天地之數五十有五。此所以成變化而行鬼神也。陰陽不測之謂神 。生命與無生命不必區分48莊子秋水 :物之生也,若驟若馳,無動而不變,無時而不移,何為乎何不為乎,夫固將自化。 知北遊:有先天地生者物邪? 物物者非物。物出不得先物也,猶其
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