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1、Unit 3 Travel journal课时分配课时板块结合范例Period 1&2Warming up and Reading I Period 3Learning about languagePeriod 4Reading IIPeriod 5Listening Period 6Speaking and WritingPeriod 1&2 Warming up and ReadingUnit 3 Travel journalIn the National Day and Labor Day, many people including you may prefer to go trave

2、ling for a break.1. Why do people like traveling ?2. If you are going traveling, where are you going?3. How are you going?Warming upI (2m)Do you know the following places, have you ever traveled to them?Warming up II (2m)Tiananmen SquareThe Great WallForbidden CityThe Heaven TempleEiffel TowerArc de

3、 Triomphe 凯旋门Louvre Museum卢浮宫The North PoleThe South PoleUnder the seaThe MoonThe EarthWhat do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?means of transportationon footby bikeby motorWarming upIII(2m)by busat the bus stopby jeepby carby trainby ship/boat/seaat

4、the port/ harborby plane/ airat the airportby spaceshipWhat do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?Cost(花费) Safety(安全) Comfort (舒适) Quickness Convenience (方便)Warming upIV(1m)According to the following chart, in pairs ,discuss the fares and decide where t

5、o go.FromTo By Travel fareXiningQinghaiVientiane LaosTrainAirRMB 1320RMB 3200XiningQinghaiPhnom PenhCambodiaTrainAirRMB 1490RMB 2600XiningQinghaiHo Chi Ming City VietnamTrainAirRMB 1650RMB 3500Warming upV (3m)While you are discussing with your partner , ask each other the following questions:When ar

6、e you leaving?Where are you going? How are you going to? How long are you staying in? When are you arriving in/at?When are you coming back?Discuss in groups of four and join the great rivers and their locations in the world in the following form.Pre-readingI (2m):Names of riverLocationMekong riverSe

7、ineNileGongoAmazonMississippiThamesEnglandEgyptCentral AfricaUSFranceChinaBrazil The great rivers in the worldHow do people who live along a river use it?Braingo swimmingtravel along a riverto irrigate their fieldsto make electricitystormingPre-readingII (2m)Have you ever travelled along a river? If

8、 you have a chance to travel along a river with your friends, what should you prepare?the basic equipment:good shoes, clothes, and a backpackactivities to doDont hike alone.Tell someone where you are going.Bring water and a good map.Pre-readingIII(3m)Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or

9、 poisonous plants.Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.Bring a cell phone if you have one.The usage of the equipmentJourney down the MekongreadingSKimmingWho are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?What was their dream?Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?ReadingI (1m)1.Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?They are brothe

10、r and sister, and both are college students.2. What was their dream? Their dream was to take a great bike trip.3.Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?They are Wang Kuns cousins who are at a college in Kunming. Scan the passage and then list the countries that the Mekong River flows through.LaosThailandBurmaC

11、ambodiaVietnamChinaReading II (3m)Read and answer the following questions:Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?What can you see when you travel along the Mekong?Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong? Why?Reading III (4m)1.The source of the river is in Qin

12、ghai province and it enters the South China sea.2.You can see glacier, rapids ,hills, valleys, waterfalls and plains.3.Yes. The journey begins at an altitude of more than 5,000metres, where it is hard to breathe and very cold.Read again and get the main idea of each paragraph and tell the reason:Par

13、a.1 Wang Kun and Wang Wei dream.Para.2Wang Wei is stubborn.Para.3 Preparing for their trip.(Students have to tell the reason why they summarize the main idea like that.)Reading IV (4m)Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think Wang Wei believe

14、sWang Kun believesWork in pairs and fill in the following form:1. taking this trip is a dream to come true.2. that they will enjoy this trip a lot.3. they should see a lot of the Mekong.4. that most of the Mekong will be found in Southeast Asia. 1. they must start in Qinghai where the river begins /

15、see all of the Mekong.2. that they dont need to prepare much.1. it is too cold and high to start in Qinghai.2. that using an atlas is very important. ReadingV (5m)Discussing the text in detailsReadingVI (3m)Their dreamWang Weis suggestionFinding_ and beginning there.Their preparationsBoth of them bo

16、ught_, got their cousins interested in traveling and turned to _in the library.Taking a great bike trip.the sourceexpensive bikesthe atlasWhy excitedTheir journey would begin at_._The Mekong RiverIt begins at a _on a Tibetan mountain, moves quickly and passes through_. Half of it is in China. It ent

17、ers the_. Then it travels slowly through hills and low valleys and plains, at last it enters_.an altitude of more than5000 metersglacierdeep valleysSoutheast Asiathe South China SeaWhats the main idea of the text? The passage tells us a main idea that no success in life merely happens by describing

18、my sisters and my dreamtaking a bike trip and preparations for the trip.In groups of four , summarize the main idea passage and tell why.Reading VII (3m)Discussion:(Students can have their own opinions.)Do you know some proverbs about it?What can we learn from the text?ReadingVIII (2m)Life is just a

19、 series of trying to make your mind.生活是由一系列下决心的努力所构成的。Hitch your wagon to a star.树雄心,立大志。Success belongs to the persevering.胜利属于有毅力者。No success in life merely happens.人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的。Homework: Read the passage and find out the sentences you appreciate and then share with your deskmates.Take a brea

20、kPeriod 3 Learning about LanguageUnit 3 Travel journal1.persuade 2.determined 3.is fond of 4. cares about 5. prefer 6. organized7.fare ,gave in 8. cycle Answer key for Ex. 1 on page20:Answer key for Ex. 2 on page 20: give in 2.likedbetter3.determined 4.item5.journey 6.journal7.shortcoming 8.made up

21、his mind I really enjoyed my school field trip in geography. We saw so many beautiful things: a _ that flowed like a river of ice through a _ that cut the mountains into parts. We also discovered a river which fell off the mountain and became a wonderful_. This was even more exciting to see than the

22、 _ where the water seemed to boil. Later we followed the river to a quieter _and finally into a _and the sea. Answer key for Ex. 3 on page 20glacierdeltaplainrapidswaterfallvalleyAnswer key for Ex. 1 in Discovering useful structure:A: Are you working this evening? B: Im singing songs with my classma

23、tes.A: Yes, I do. And were giving someB. No. Were having an English party, dont you know?going to do ? performances at the party. What are youAnswer key for Ex. 2 on page 21:R: Miss Wang, I hear that you _ along the Mekong River. Thats really exciting . Have you got everything ready?W: Almost.R: Whe

24、n are you _?W: Next Monday.R: How far are you _each day?W: Its hard to say. If the weather is fine, I think well be able to ride 75 km a day.are travellingleavingcyclingR: Where are you _ at night?W: Usually in our tent, but sometimes in the villages along the river bank. R: What happens if you have

25、 an accident?W: Dont worry. I had some medical trainingat my college .Besides , we _ out insurance to cover any problems.R: Well, it sounds fine. I hope you will havea pleasant journey. Thank you for your time. stayingtakingGrammerThe Present Continuous Tense for Future Actions(现在进行时表将来) 1. Bob is g

26、oing to the airport by taxi next week 2. Betty is going off (leaving for) to Guangzhou by plane tomorrow.Grammar-I (5m)Students find the rules by observing the following sentences:3) Jane is staying in Xian with her parents.4) Bob is coming with Betty to see her off. 小结:此四句是现在进行时代替将来时,表示一个最近按计划或安排打算

27、要进行的动作,这类动词通常是瞬间动作,只限于少数动词,常见的有:go, come, leave, sleep, stay, play, do, have, take, get to, see off, etc.1)How are you feeling today?2)He is always thinking others.3)You are always leaving things about.4)He is always talking big.亲切赞许不满厌烦此四句是现在进行时代替一般现在时,表示一个经常性重复的动作或状态,这时句中常带always 或forever,以表示说话人的某

28、种表情,如赞叹,厌烦,埋怨,等或强调情况的暂时性使其生动。The Present Continuous Tense for the present actions:小结:The plane takes off at 9:30.My plane leaves at 7:00.When does the winter holiday begin?What time does the train leave for Shanghai? 此四句表示将来的事情已经“列入日程” 或按计划将要发生,则用一般现在时代替将来时,但仅限于少数动词begin, go, leave, start, take 等。小结

29、:(1)表示现在进行时的动作有两种含义:表示说话的时刻正在进行的动作,常与时间状语now, at the moment等连用。表示现在阶段正在进行的动作,而不一定是说话时正在进行的动作,常与today, this week, this term等连用。现在进行时用法归纳 Grammar-II (10m)Ex. Right now it is the summer vacation and Im helping my dad on the farm.现在是暑假,我在农场帮我爸爸干活。Im sitting on a rock near the river with my friends.我和我的朋

30、友们正坐在河边的一块岩石上。(2)表示反复性或习惯性的动作,常与副词always, continually等连用,表示说话人的赞扬,厌恶,不满,遗憾等的感情色彩。Ex. Shes always changing her mind.她老是改变主意。(厌烦)(3)表示不久之后肯定将发生,或按计划或安排将要做的事(常与未来的时间状语连用),能这样用的动词多是表示“位移”“停留”的,如come, go , leave, arrive, start, begin等。Ex. Mother is taking us home to see my grandma on Sunday.星期天母亲将带我们回老家看

31、我祖母。He will write you a letter next week.他下个星期给你写信。小结:will/shall+动词原形,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态;或表示自然趋势或非主语意志。I shall be sixteen years old next month. 下个月我将十六岁了。(自然趋势)表示将来的时态还有下列的方法:be going to +动词原形,表示“就要”,“打算”或将要发生的事。Ex. Were not going to have any classes next week.表示“位移”的词,如arrive, come, go , leave, s

32、tart, begin等,可用一般现在时表示将来安排好或即将发生的事。语气比现在进行时更肯定。Ex. The next train leaves at 9:15.Practice: Students finish the Ex.3 on P21. After that, students give their own answers.Grammar-III (5m)Translate the following statements:我下个月将去美国。2.我姑姑在信上说她后天将到我们家。3.我明天将什么东西也不做。4.玛丽和我下个星期天去钓鱼。I am going to America nex

33、t month.Mary and I are going fishing next Sunday.I am not doing anything tomorrow.My aunt said she was arriving at our home the day after tomorrow in the letter.Because the shop_, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.(2004年浙江高考) A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had had clos

34、ed down2. Ive won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I_ my mum.(NMET2001)am taking B. have taken C. take D. will have taken 附:高考题CA3. Can I join your club, dad?You can when you _ a bit older. (NMET 1994)get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got4. At this time tomorrow _over the Atlantic.(2003

35、年北京高考)were going to fly B. well be flying C. well fly D. were to flyABHomework: To create some situations in which can use continuous tense to express future , and then share with the classmates in next lesson.Take a breakPeriod 4 Reading IIUnit 3 Travel journalJourney Down The MekongA Night In The

36、MountainsPART 2Have you ever been to Tibet?TibetPre-reading-ISpeaking activity:Imagine that you and your partners are planning to make a trip down the Mekong, you need to choose what you will take with you, please have a group of four to discuss which thing you think is the most useful, and which th

37、ing is the least useful . Give a reason why do you think so. The following things are for you to choose.Pre-reading IIflashlightumbrellamatchesraincoatcan openerstyrewater bottlecompassradioblankettentmapFirst reading:When they arrived in Tibet, it was winter then. ( )Wang Wei was behind me as usual

38、. ( )When we reached a valley, it became warmer.( ) After supper, we started making a camp. ( )Wang Kun went to sleep and Wang Wei stayed awake. ( )There was almost no wind on that night. ( )FFTFFTDecide the following statements are true or false.Reading -ISecond reading:How does Wang Kun feel about

39、 the trip now?Reading-IIIn the early eveningAfter supperAt midnightWe _ _.Wang Wei _ _ _ but I_ _.The sky _ _.The stars _ _.There was only the sound of_made a campwentsleeptostay awakebecameclearwerebrightfireReading -IIIFind the detailed information from the passage.The end of our JourneyJourney Do

40、wn The MekongPrediction:Can Wang Wei and Wang Kuns dream come true?Do you know something about the following countries : Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam? Just say something about them.Capital: Phnom Penh(金边)Capital: Vientiane(万象)Capital: Hanoi(河内) Please find more information from the travel journal to fill

41、 the following form:Topic LaosCambodiaVietnamPopulationWeatherLearningFarming Half the population of CambodiaTwice the population of LaosAlmost seven times the population of CambodiaCool and dry in autumnCooler in the north and much warmer in the southHalf of its people cant read or writeRice and fi

42、shRice and fishRice, fish and fruitHomework:Do a survey to find out how many students have ever traveled to other provinces and then choose one or two students to interview their feelings during the trip, and report it next class.For a breakPeriod 5ListeningUnit 3 Travel journalCan you imagine what

43、happened when Wang Kun and Wang Wei travelled down the Mekong river? What happened?see some beautiful scenesmeet something dangerousget lostchatting with the passers-by.Listen to tape and tick the words you hear on the tape.mountainsDaliTibetThailandLaoshorsesfloodswaterfallsfishcanyonsvalleysforest

44、sListening to the tape again and answer the following questions:Which country does the girl come from?Where does the Mekong River even appear in LaosWhat is the Mekong river called in Vietnam?Which country does the girl come from?She is from Laos.2.Where does the Mekong River even appear in Laos?In

45、its national flag.3.What is the Mekong river called in Vietnam?Its called “the river of the nine dragons”Topic Southwest ChinaLaosLocal name of the riverUses of the riverWhat to seesceneryThe water of the rocksThe sea of Laoswashing, fishing and transportmany different animals, plants and bird speci

46、essmall villages along the riverwaterfalls and rapidsriver passes through mountains and forests; temples, caves and a waterfallListen again to the tape and fill in the chart:Listen to the tape and find out the information to fill in the blank.1.Were _ the Mekong River from its start to where it _ th

47、e sea.2. We would be _ _ it. Its better than a road. 3. The scenery can _ _ _ _.4.Its a _ area so you know its very special.followingprotectedtake yourwithoutlostjoinsbreath awayTake a breakPeriod 6 Speaking & WritingUnit 3 Travel journalSpeaking:Introduce a place that you have ever been to to your

48、partner, such as when and how you went there, what you saw, what you did, what impressed you most and so on.Writing :Imagine that you are a friend of Wang Kun .Write a short email asking about Laos In pairs brainstorm some questions.What is the food like in Laos ?What do you think of the country?Whi

49、ch places do you like best in the country? And why?Choose two or three questions and use each as a new paragraph.How was your trip?What did you do when ?Have you met ?When did you get back?what kind of things did you see?Could you give me more details about?Could you tell me about?You can start your

50、 email like this.My dear brave Wang Lin,How are three days ?I keep wondering how you feel about Your friend forever _ Students write the draft of the letter in the class.Homework:Revise the composition and then change with the desk mates to correct the mistakes. Next lesson, read the revised and cor

51、rected ones to the whole class.Take a breakLanguage Data BankLanguage points for Reading I1.persuade: cause sb by reasoning 说服,劝说(暗示是成功的,如果未成功则用try to persuade)(1)persuade sb to do sth 或persuade sb into doing sth:说服某人干某事How can you persuade him to change his mind/into changing his mind?Language poin

52、ts for Reading I(2) persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不要干某事Finally, we persuaded her out of traveling by plane.2.insist: declare firmly, esp.in the face of doubt of opposition 坚持认为;坚决主张(1)“坚决主张,坚决要求”,后接的宾语从句用陈述语气(表示一个主张或一种看法),即“should+动词原形”,should可省略。I insisted that he (should) come with us.我坚持主张他跟我们

53、同行。(2)“坚持说”(表示一个事实),后接的从句用陈述语气,即按需要选择时态He insisted that he hadnt stolen the girls handbag.他坚持说他注册码偷那女孩的包。(3) Insist on/upon doing sth 坚持干某事 I insisted on/upon his coming with us.3.plain: adj“平坦的;清楚的”;n. “平原”the wide plains of Canada 加拿大的广大平原in plain language 用简单的语言4.trip, journey, travel, tour(1)tri

54、p 一般指有目的的短距离的旅行。在现代英语中,trip和journey常可通用,搭配动词有:make, take和go on. 如:make/ take/ go on a trip/ journey to 到旅游on a/ ones trip/ journey(2)travel 常用作抽象名词,泛指“旅行,旅游”,指具体旅行时常用复数,但前面不用many或数词。He came back home after years of foreign travel.国外多年旅游后,他回了家乡。(3)tour 指“周游,巡回旅行”,常是访问一系列地方后又回到出发地。 Our American friend

55、s are making a tour of Shanghai. 我们的朋友正在对上海进行巡回旅行。5. It is my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(P.18)首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。“It is that/who.”是强调句型,可强调句子的各个成分(谓语除外),其基本结构为: It is +被强调部分+that(被强调部分是人时也可用who)+其余部分如:My parents are determined to


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