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1、 2022年赣南师范大学科技学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】【2007.04】Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be _. A、shut down B、done away C、gone off D、called off【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。call off:取消,符合句意。shut down:关闭(工厂);(工厂)停工,关闭。do away常与with搭配,构成do away with。go off:爆炸,(闹铃)响。 第2题【单选题】【阅读选择】As far as astron

2、omers(天文学家) can determine, the entire universe is built of the same matter. They have no reason to doubt that matter obeys the same laws in every part of the universe. Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that other stars, with their own planets, were born in the same way as our own solar system. Wh

3、at we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist.Astronomers believe that matter in different parts of the universe A、obeys different laws. B、obeys one common law. C、obeys the same laws. D、obeys no common law.【正确答案】C【答案解析】答题依据在本段的第二句。科学家没有理由怀疑宇宙中的物质遵循同一法

4、则,即他们相信宇宙中不同地方的物质是遵循同一法则的。第3题【单选题】【阅读判断】Technology is a beauty. We eagerly adopt its pleasure, preferring to cope with the drawbacks on the morning after.Q: Technology is like an art, which everybody including scientists loves. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。这段提到了technology是一种美的享受,但是没有说

5、它是一种艺术,更没有说我们每个人都热爱这门艺术。第4题【单选题】【完成句子】Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges(正电荷) build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged(负电荷的). In most instances of cloud-to-gro

6、und lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the grounds surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the grounds surface_. A、is posit

7、ively charged B、is shifted sideways by strong winds C、is negative charged D、is changed from positively charge to negative charge【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段文字解释了云层与地面之间的闪电的成因,云层下部带负电荷,排斥地面表层的负电荷,所以地面表层聚集的是正电荷。答案为A。第5题【单选题】【填句补文】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in

8、 every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. _. That is at least as important as how much we know. A、Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends. B、He keeps looking over the other persons shoulder, as if hoping to find some

9、one more interesting in another part of the room. C、Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes. D、In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.【正确答案】D【答案解析】后句中的代词we在D中才有呼应的代词,而且在文章最后出现观点句是通常论述文的发展特点,因此

10、判断D正确。第6题【单选题】【完成句子】Sagan was noted for the vigour of his logic style, especially when criticizing some piece of pseudoscience(伪科学). I remembered a 1973 AAAS meeting at which he destroyed the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, who was maintaining that only a few thousands of years ago, Venus had repea

11、tedly collided with Earth and Mars; events well noted. Velikovsky said, in the bible.In Sagans opinion, Velikovsky might be_. A、a member of the National Academy of Science B、a pseudo-scientist C、a science populariser D、a reporter【正确答案】B【答案解析】从这段文字中,我们可以了解到作者认为,Sagan与伪科学作斗争的一个实例就是Sagan摧毁了Velikovsky的错

12、误论述,即Velikovsky提出,在过去几千年中,水星与地球和火星反复多次相撞,这在圣经中有加载。第7题【单选题】【阅读选择】For any given task in Britain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them there. In Fleet Street, home of some of Londons biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs the argument is set

13、tled by giving each union two. That means 33 per cent over manning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained.What happens when disputes over job opportunities arise among British unions? A、Thirty three per cent of the workers will be out of work. B、More jobs will be created by the union.

14、 C、More people will be employed than necessary. D、The unions will try to increase productivity.【正确答案】C【答案解析】本段开头告诉读者“there are more men than are neededwhen two unions quarrel over three jobs, the argument is settled by giving each union two”,接下来作者又进一步说明其实质,即它意味着“33 per cent over manning, 33 per cent

15、 less productivity than could be obtained”。第8题【单选题】【2009.7】The wounded soldiers would recover quickly if they were well _. A、nourished B、stuffed C、tamed D、ventured【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查过去分词意义区分。译文:如果受伤的战士营养很好,他们就会很快痊愈。A 营养,滋养;B 填满,塞满; C 驯服(猛兽);D 冒险第9题【单选题】【阅读判断】Whether you work at home,on the farm,at the

16、 office,at school,or on the road,it is not a good idea to skip (故意略去) breakfast.Q: It is okay to skip breakfast if you work at home A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。原句的意思是:无论一个人在哪干活,不吃早餐都不是个好主意。因此该命题是错误的。第10题【单选题】Each of us should _ aside a few minutes to have a rest every day. A、push B、p

17、rovide C、turn D、set【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。set aside:留出,拨出。是固定搭配。第11题【单选题】【阅读选择】Tom, a near-sighted young man, went on a blind date with a girl. The two were satisfied with each other. And they exchanged their telephone numbers. What can we learn about Tom? A、Tom made a good impression on the girl at

18、first. B、It was the first time that Tom had dated a girl. C、Tom was blind. D、Tom was handsome and popular with the girls.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。细节判断题。从The two were satisfied with each other可知,相亲过后,两人对对方都很满意,所以A选项正确,汤姆第一次见对方就留下了很好的印象。B项所表述内容在文中找不到根据,不能判断这是汤姆第几次约会。根据文章描述,汤姆只是near-sighted,远不到盲了的地步。文章仅讲述了汤姆和

19、某一个女孩相亲的精力,对他的个人魅力以及是否受女孩欢迎并未提及。第12题【单选题】【2008.04】The vehicle was traveling at speeds _ 90 miles per hour. A、in addition to B、in view of C、in excess of D、in search of【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查短语辨析。那辆车以超过每小时90英里的速度行驶。A .除之外、 例外; B. 由看来、 有鉴于;C. 过分、超出; D. 寻找、追求。第13题【单选题】【2007.04】The newspaper will have to close

20、 down if it cannot increase its _ considerably. A、distribution B、contribution C、prescription D、circulation【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。circulation:(书报杂志的)销售量,发行额,销路。符合句意。 第14题【单选题】【填句补文】Arms. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides

21、of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. _. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show youre unhappy! A、Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies. B、If you

22、 ale feeling down, you normally dont sit straight, with your shoulders inwards. C、However, it will probably still be noticed, and people will know youre not pleased. D、If you are pleased, you usually open your eyes wide and people can notice this.【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题可以采用线索词来定位。空格处的前后两个句子都是对arms在具体情况下具体动作

23、的描述。那么用以补充的句子也应是如此,即选项A开朗的人和沉默寡言的人手臂的动作,符合条件。第15题【单选题】【2009.7】An employee has perfect reliability if he always does his work _. A、personally B、scarcely C、respectively D、responsibly【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查副词意义区分。【译文】如果一个员工做工作总是认真负责,他就是完全可信赖的。【详细解答】A 亲自地; B 几乎不; C 个别地; D 可靠地第16题【单选题】【阅读选择】Good news for choco

24、holics:the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you, according to American researchers at the University of CaliforniaChocolate contains substances called flavonoids(类黄酮) that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulationThe researchers have discovered that cocoa acts

25、like aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins in the body:these chemicals help to reduce pain and stress and make you feel happy.Why is chocolate good for heart and circulation? A、It reduces pain and stress B、It contains substances called flavonoids C、It r

26、eleases endorphins in human body D、It acts like aspirin to protect heart【正确答案】B【答案解析】因果关系词信号词。凡是注释中文的地方可能是答案区域。第17题【单选题】【阅读选择】Two thousand years ago the Chinese had already developed a working compass. A piece of lodestone(天然磁石)would be cut into the shape of a ladle(长柄勺). Placed on a stone board wit

27、h a smooth surface, the lodestone would move round until the handle of the ladle pointed south while the bulk(主体)of the ladle was attracted to magnetic north. This interestingly shaped device is mentioned in a book from about 80. Other ancient books may have dated it as far back as the fourth centur

28、y Jade(玉石)finders played an important role in the invention of the ladle. They travelled great distances to look for jade. In order not to lose directions, they would take a ladle with them.When did the Chinese invent the compass? A、In 1492. B、In the thirteen century A.D. C、In A.D. 80. D、At least 20

29、00 years ago.【正确答案】D【答案解析】本段中Two thousand years ago the Chinese had already developed a working compass.直接告诉我们中国发明指南针的时间。第18题【单选题】【2009.01】He insured his car_he had an accident. A、unless B、if C、since D、in case【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查连词词义区分。句意:他给自己的汽车投了保,以防万一遇到交通事故。A否则,要不然;B 如果;C 自从,由于;D 以防万一,以免。 第19题【单选题】【

30、阅读判断】Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behavior of the people around him. Q: The reason why children learn their mother tongue so well lies solely in their environment of learning. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。原文说

31、的是儿童之所以能够完全掌握母语部分原因在于儿童自身,部分原因在于孩子周围人们的行为。问题句说“儿童母语学得好的原因只是因为他们的学习环境。”此处solely的表述是错误的。第20题【单选题】【2007.04】It is difficult to _ the implication between the lines. A、get to B、get with C、get at D、get down【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查词组辨析。A. 开始,接触; C. 找出,发现; D. 下来,写下来。 第21题【单选题】【阅读选择】Income may be national income and

32、 personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production namely, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. Nati

33、onal income does not equal GNP because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect

34、taxes include sales taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees.Which of the

35、following statements is true according to the paragraph? A、GNP equals national income plus indirect business taxes. B、GNP excludes both capital consumption allowances and indirect business taxes. C、Personal income is regarded as the total money income received by an individual after his or her taxes

36、 are paid. D、The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income.【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题的依据是本段的The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income.这个句子。对原句的词语选项D用了别的表达方法,但大意仍保持不变。第22题【单选题】【阅读判断】Whether you work at home,on the farm,at the office,

37、at school,or on the road,it is not a good idea to skip (故意略去) breakfast.Q: It is okay to skip breakfast if you work at home A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。原句的意思是:无论一个人在哪干活,不吃早餐都不是个好主意。因此该命题是错误的。第23题【单选题】【2009.04】If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_. A、aggression B、

38、advantage C、alternative D、ambition【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查词义选择。译文:如果我们收不到付款,那就只好诉诸法律了。A 挑衅、侵犯;B 优势、优点;C 选择、取舍;D 野心、抱负。第24题【单选题】【阅读判断】Every year, in November, Thanksgiving Day reminds us of the good things in life, and people are thankful. On this day people usually eat turkey and great quantities of other

39、foods.Q: The turkey is a most popular food on Thanksgiving Day. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。感恩节这天火鸡通常是必不可少的。因此本题是正确的。第25题【单选题】【2009.04】It is not decided _ the conference will be held. A、what B、which C、when D、that【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查主语从句的引导词的选择。译文:大会什么时候召开还没有决定。详细解答:A 什么;B 哪一个;C 什么时候;D (

40、无词义)。第26题【单选题】【2009.7】An employee has perfect reliability if he always does his work _. A、personally B、scarcely C、respectively D、responsibly【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查副词意义区分。【译文】如果一个员工做工作总是认真负责,他就是完全可信赖的。【详细解答】A 亲自地; B 几乎不; C 个别地; D 可靠地第27题【单选题】Youve broken it now; its no use crying over _ milk! A、spent B、spi

41、lt C、spill D、spend【正确答案】B【答案解析】你现在既已把它损坏了,后悔是没有用的!cry over spilt milk固定搭配,意为“为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔”,答案选B。第28题【单选题】【阅读选择】Secondary school had its own share of challenges. I was a tall kid and wasnt good at any sport, except looking. I loved basketball and tennis. The first day I held a racket, and I was dis

42、graced by my opponent. He won six straight sets without sweat and there I was, sweating badly like Id run a marathon, whereas I hadnt even made a single point.Stanley was disgraced by his classmate in a _. A、basketball game B、tennis game C、marathon game D、football game【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。词义理解和事实细节题。通过

43、关键词disgrace,考生可迅速定位至本段,再通过本段的关键词racket,可以判定正确答案是网球比赛。第29题【单选题】【2009.04】When you _ know Bob better, you will like him. A、go to B、got to C、went to D、get to【正确答案】D【答案解析】译文:当你更加了解鲍勃时,你将会喜欢他的。试题分析:本题考查主将从现。详细解答:根据主将从现的原则,主句用了一般将来时,时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。 第30题【单选题】【2008.10】It took a few seconds for her eyes to

44、 _ to the darkness. A、allocate B、adopt C、apply D、adjust【正确答案】D第31题【单选题】【阅读判断】When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new ass

45、ociation of plants and humans was taken.Q: People living in the Middle East first learned to grow plants for food about 10,000 years ago. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。利用“10,000”作为答案线索词(因为年代通常是用数字表示),于是发现有句子提到当生活在约一万年前中东地区的人们发现从某些植物中可以收获粮食,并且播种后下一个收获季节还能产出更多的粮食时,就迈开了植物和人类联系的第1 大步。第32题【

46、单选题】【2010.04】Even after decades of _ the two brothers recognized each other immediately. A、separation B、cooperation C、correspondence D、communication【正确答案】A【答案解析】【译文】尽管已经分别了几十年,这两兄弟都是立刻认出了对方。【试题分析】本题考查词汇。【详细解答】名词的词义选取。第33题【单选题】【2008.04】New drivers are far more _ to have accidents than experienced dri

47、vers. A、possible B、likely C、probable D、unlikely【正确答案】B第34题【单选题】【2009.04】She _ everything else and concentrated on the task before her. A、set off B、set back C、set aside D、set up【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查短语意义辨析。译文:她把其他事情都放到一边,集中精力于她面前的任务。详细解答:A 出发、动身;B 把(某物)置于之后、延迟;C 撇开、取消、废除;D 建立、提出。第35题【单选题】【2009.04】When you

48、 _ know Bob better, you will like him. A、go to B、got to C、went to D、get to【正确答案】D【答案解析】译文:当你更加了解鲍勃时,你将会喜欢他的。试题分析:本题考查主将从现。详细解答:根据主将从现的原则,主句用了一般将来时,时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。 第36题【单选题】【阅读选择】On the other hand, on the moon there will be an attraction between the butter and the moon; but the butter will weigh o

49、nly about one-sixth as much as it does on the earth. This is because the moon is so much smaller than the earth. The amount of gravitational pull that a body produces depends on the amount of material in it. A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relation t

50、o the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or the sun.We do not feel the gravitational pull of a packet of butter because A、it is too small to have a gravitational pull of its own. B、its pull is so small that we tend to ignore it. C、its pull disappears in the presence of the earths

51、gravitation. D、it tends to melt and loses its gravitational pull.【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题定位词是not feelpacket of butter,找到原文中A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relation to the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or the sun.所以答案是B。C项错在disappear。第3

52、7题【单选题】【2007.04】Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting housing agencies in the city. A、set about B、set down C、set out D、set up【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查关于set的短语。contacting housing agencies:联系房屋中介。根据句意,应该选set about。set about:开始做某事。set down:放下,搁下;记下,记载,写下。set out:出发,开始,后面跟to do sth。set up:建立(事业);成立(组织)

53、;为某人提供必需品或有用的东西。 第38题【单选题】【阅读选择】Tom, a near-sighted young man, went on a blind date with a girl. The two were satisfied with each other. And they exchanged their telephone numbers. What can we learn about Tom? A、Tom made a good impression on the girl at first. B、It was the first time that Tom had da

54、ted a girl. C、Tom was blind. D、Tom was handsome and popular with the girls.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。细节判断题。从The two were satisfied with each other可知,相亲过后,两人对对方都很满意,所以A选项正确,汤姆第一次见对方就留下了很好的印象。B项所表述内容在文中找不到根据,不能判断这是汤姆第几次约会。根据文章描述,汤姆只是near-sighted,远不到盲了的地步。文章仅讲述了汤姆和某一个女孩相亲的精力,对他的个人魅力以及是否受女孩欢迎并未提及。第39题【单选题】【2009

55、.10】Youd better leave things _ if you dont know how to deal with them. A、off B、out C、alone D、over【正确答案】C第40题【单选题】【2009.04】It is not decided _ the conference will be held. A、what B、which C、when D、that【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查主语从句的引导词的选择。译文:大会什么时候召开还没有决定。详细解答:A 什么;B 哪一个;C 什么时候;D (无词义)。第41题【单选题】【阅读选择】The viole

56、nce within a society is controlled through institutions of law. The more developed a legal system becomes, the more society takes responsibility for the discovery, control, and punishment of violent acts. In most tribal societies the only means to deal with an act of violence is revenge. Each family

57、 group may have the responsibility for personally carrying out judgment and punishment upon the person who committed the offense. But in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomes depersonalized and diffused. The society assumes the responsibility for protecting individuals from violence.

58、 In cases where they cannot be protected, the society is responsible for imposing punishment. The function of legal systems, according to the passage, is _. A、to control violence within a society B、to protect the world from chaos C、to free society from the idea of revenge D、to give the government ab

59、solute power【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段的第一句话The violence within a society is controlled through institutions of law 是本题的答案。第42题【单选题】 We have to stop talking here outside. Listen, _! Hurry up, or well be late. A、There goes the bell B、There does the bell go C、There the bell goes D、Goes the bell there【正确答案】A【答案解析】

60、在以here, there, up, down, in, on, out, away, off等副词开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子主谓全部倒装,以示强调。但主语是人称代词时,不倒装。第43题【单选题】【完成句子】The importance of particular metals in the human diet has been realized within the past few decades, and the idea that geology might be related to health has been recognized for a number of ele


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