已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、鼎尖英语六年级教案范文鼎尖英语六年级教案1一、教学内容:A Lets try Lets talk C Lets wrap it up 第一课时 二、教学目标: 1.能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话。 2.能用正确的语音语调朗读课文并进行角色表演。 3. 能在情境中运用句型“Where is the .? ”问路,帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。达到简单的交际。 三、教学重难点: 重点:能理解对话,并用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 难点:能在情境中运用句型“Where is the .? Its near/next to/behind”问路,指路,帮助学生

2、学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。达到简单的交际。 四、教学方法:情境创设法、游戏教学法、合作探究法 五、教学过程: 1. Warmup (热身及预习展示) 师生自由问答: T: Hello, nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you,too! T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny! T:Good!Whats this in English? Ss:A book. T:Yes,Its my book.Where can we buy the book? Ss: The

3、 bookstore. 2. Presentation and practice(精讲点拨) (1)教师在黑板上画一座房子和一个机器人,指着机器人说:Whos that? 学生回答:Its Robin. 再指着房子说:Where can we find Robin? 学生回答:In the museum. 教师出示感叹句:What a great museum! (2)教师出示一张明信片,说:Its a post card.Robin want to sent a post card.Where should he go?” 引出单词post office. (3)教师出示一张地图,问学生:“

4、Where is the post office?”出示单词:next to, near, behind. 教师利用三个例句结合图片理解next to, near, behind. (4)在学生理解三个方位介词后,小组活动,利用方位介词描述途中各个场馆的位置。 (5)Lets try 教师让学生阅读听力题目,然后听录音独立完成内容。 (6)教师出示对话内容,请学生听录音,回答问题,然后朗读对话。 (7)学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演. 3. Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸) (1)教师出示兰州市的地图,请学生根据地图来描述位置。 (2)Lets wra

5、p it up 根据学生的描述,请学生说一说我们都学过那些方位介词。教师帮助学生总结。然后以小组为单位造句。 4. Summary(总结) 5. 板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there? Where is the .? Its next to/near/behind . .鼎尖英语六年级教案2一、教学内容1.围绕本单元重点词汇和句型进行复习巩固。2.进行听说读写四项能力方面的训练。二、教学目标1.能够正确理解和表达本单元词句。2.能够围绕本单元重点内容完成段落书写。三、教学重点和难点1.本课的教学重点是:对前三个单元学习的.基本词汇和交际用语进行全面的检测。2.本课的教

6、学难点是:B项对话活动。D项书写文段的活动。四、教学手段教学录音磁带、卡片、挂图五、教学方法情境教学法、听说法、翻译法、语言交际法六、教学步骤:1.Sort game Read the flash cards2.T Show the pictures of partA. T: What can you see in these pictures? Where are these places? What do you know about Lhasa/Egypt/crocodiles?3.Ss listen to the tape, and match.4.Discuss the answer

7、s with the partners, listen again and check the answers in class.5.Ask the Ss to read PartB. And listen to the tape.6.The Ss can make a dialogue in pairs, and act out.7.Part C Read and answer the questions: When did Marco Polo come to China? Did Marco Polo have an uncle? Where did Kublai Khan send M

8、arco Polo? When did Marco Polo leave China? Did Marco Polo write many stories about China in a book? Whats the name of this boo?8.Do the exercises, check the answers.9.Ask the Ss to read Part D, and choose one to think about.10. Write.11.Homework: Finish the writing.鼎尖英语六年级教案3一、教学内容:Lets read Lets s

9、ing story time二、教学目标与要求1、能综合运用动词的过去时。2、 阅读理解故事三、教学重点1 、动词过去时的读音及不规则动词的变化2 、阅读部分的理解和有限度地再现四、教学难点1 、动词过去时的读音及不规则动词的变化2 、阅读部分的理解和有限度地再现五、课前准备1、教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。2、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。3、学生准备本课时的单词卡片。六、教学过程1、Warm-upSing the song: at the zoo2、PresentationA: Activity 1 Memory testingWhat did you do last weekend?I

10、 went shopping.I went shopping and visited grandparentsI went shopping and visited grandparentsB: Activity 2 比一比,谁说得最快。(见表格1)请两个学生上来,背向黑板,教师说出表格中任意一个词组,学生就说出与之对应的词组,败者换其他人,再与胜者比赛,看看全班谁说得最快。C: Text A. 看图跟读课文。B. 教师提示总结:was / walked / studied / read /went/saw / jumped / swam / returnedD: Activity 3 无字的

11、故事书E: Exercises(1)Finish the sentences(2)Number the sentencesComprehensive activitystory time1、Two students a group and discuss the story.2、Ask the questions:(1)What did Zoom do on Saturday?(2) What did Zoom do on Sunday?3、 Listen and read the story鼎尖英语六年级教案4Lets goLanguage focus:Using want to to ex

12、press intentionse.g. I want to have a picnic.Using going to to describe events that will occur quite soone.g. Im going to visit City Park!Pre-task preparation1 Ask: What do you usually do at weekends? Do you usually have a picnic? to review: picnic, fountain and pond. Introduce: football pitch. Draw

13、 a football pitch on the board. Ask: Where can you find a football pitch? Do you usually play football there? Write: Zhongshan Park, City Park, Moon Park on the board. Ask the students to name a few more places where people usually go on holidays.2 Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen

14、and follow in their books.3 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.While-task procedure1 Ask the students to read the information boards in Read and choose. Students work in groups to discuss where all the characters want to go. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 17 to help the st

15、udents make a choice. Invite the more able students to tell the reasons. 2 Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 18 to each student. Students work in groups of five. They are required to discuss what their group are going to do on a holiday. Then each group member has to choose a place which suits

16、 most of the group members. Finally, the group can vote and choose the most suitable place to go.3 Play the recording: Read a poem. Students listen first. Then the whole class follow and read together.4 Encourage the students to rewrite the verses. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 19 to each

17、group. Ask them to replace City Park with the place which they would like to visit. Groups take turns to read their poem. The whole class vote for the best reader.Post-task activities1 Workbook page 62 A poemWrite the beginning of the poem on the board: Its (a day) tomorrow. What do you want to do?

18、to elicit: I want to go to . Continue with: What are you going to do? What are you going to see? Where are you going to eat?鼎尖英语六年级教案5一、 教材分析: 本节课Whats your hobby?是人教新版小学六年级上册Unit 3 的第一课时。本课主要是培养学生的英语口语能力和应用语言的能力。主要的学习内容就是课文中有关hobby的单词和对话句型。本课我运用多种教具,如:单词卡片、实物、多媒体等进行教学为。使学生在形象、生动、和谐的课堂氛围中进行口语实际的练习,培

19、养学生自主学习,自我创新的精神。 二、 教学目标: 1、 能听、说,认读句子:Whats your hobby? I like /enjoy/am interested in Whats his /her hobby ? He /She likes /enjoys/is interested in 2、 能正解区分第一人称及第三人称单数形式,并正确表达。 3、 能听、说、认读动词短语ing形式:colleting toy cars , collecting picture cards , collecting candy paper ,collecting stamps , play foot

20、ball , playing basketball , playing volleyball ,playing table tennis. 4、 培养学生广泛的兴趣爱好,张扬个性。 三、 教学重难点: 掌握句型Whats your hobby ? Whats his / her hobby 的问与答。 四、 课前准备:单词卡 、 课件 、实物教具 五、教学过程设计: Step1. Warming up 1. 讲清评价方式。利用本课的球类单词将全班分为五个组,师对全班同学说明:I hope youll ask and answer actively . Then youll get a star

21、 for your group . Which group is the winner ? Come on ! 2. Lets chant .(设计意图:师生一起chant 来活跃课堂气氛,创造浓厚的英语学习环境,并为下一步的教学奠定基础。) Step2. Preview 1. T:(师指着手中的图片)Everyone has hobbies. I have many hobbies ,too. Let me tell you something about my hobbies. 2. 点击课件 (“我”的业余爱好照片),逐一向学生介绍“我”的hobbies. 板书: I like I en

22、joy I am interested in 3.师生看课件。T:These are my hobbies.(出示hobbies 单词卡,强调hobbies,声音放慢,学生跟读。)Whats your hobby? 引出本课课题,同时教学单词 hobby.(出示单词卡片,强调发音,并用大小声巩固hobby) Step3. Presentation and practice(一):句型第一人称的输入与输出。 1、 师生问答 T : Hello, boy .I like cooking .Whats your hobby? S1 : I like T : Hi , girl . I enjoy r

23、eading .Whats your hobby? S2 : 2、 两人一组进行问答练习。 3、 检查对话(奖励五星) 4、 学习本课的新短语。 T: You know these are my hobbies.But I have an interesting hobby.(师出示candy paper) T : Look .Look at my candy paper . S : Wow .How nice ! (引导学生一起说) T : I like candy paper .(出示单词卡片,学习新词 candy paper ,并贴在黑板上) T : I like candy paper

24、 .So I like collecting candy paper . (引出新词 collecting ) T : Read the sentences from back to front. 5、开火车练习:-Whats your hobby ?-I like collecting Candy paper . 6、两组同学展示。最后一名学生问老师,师回答,引出新词。 T : I enjoy collecting candy paper . And Im interested in collecting picture cards . (出示实物picture cards ,及其单词卡片,大小声练习说picture cards.) 7、师生问答,巩固新词。 T : Do you like collecti


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