



1、六年级英语复习提纲补全句子。My hands are_(脏的),I need a _(洗池), I want to _(洗)my hands, Now, My hands are_(干净的)Mrs. Smith is _(烹调) eggs on the _.(火炉上)。 Mr. Smith is _(洗)_the dirty dishesMy mother _(制作)breakfast for me every morning. And she _ supper,too。There is a _卷心菜in the sink. These are _青豆on the stove. Here ar

2、e some _ 洋葱in the _冰箱; The _胡萝卜are on the table.There are _起居室,_厨房,_卫生间and _卧室_in Jennys houseThere are _浴缸,_淋浴,_ 马桶and _洗池in the bathroom.This bedroom is _我的, That bedroom is _你的, And this is my _牙刷There are a TV, a _椅子_and a_沙发in the living room.连词成句。1.this,your,toothbrush,is2,the ,dirty ,dishes ,

3、not ,are .3, is ,what , Mr.Smith ,doing 4, dishes, washing,is ,Mr.Smith. .5,living ,is ,in ,what, the, room6,see,do ,you,corner,in,the,Li Ming 7, What,find,can ,you, in, living, the,room 8,what, doing,is ,Danny,now 9, watching,is,he,TV .10, may,help you, I11,our,is,this,room,living. .12, I,I , am ,d

4、irty, to ,wash,want ,my, face 第二单元补全句子。I like to have my _(雨靴)and _(雨伞)on a _(下雨的)day.I like circle,line and square. But my favourite shape is _(三角形)。Do you _(通常)walk to school? No, I _(总是)go to school by _(校车)Jenny _(有时) helps her mother. And she _从不plays basketball.The rain is falling, I am _(湿的),

5、 I want to _(擦干)my face and hair.I am going to _(弹吉他), Would you _(弹风琴)There are six_(邮票)and five _(铅笔)on the desk, There are seven _盘子)on the table. There are four _(连衣裙)in the closet.This is a man, These are _; This is a woman, These are _; This is a child, These are _连词成句。1,teacher,your,who,favou

6、rite,is ?2,favourite,my,teacher,Mr ,Wood, is .3,warm,the,and,weather,sunny,outside,is, .4,have, how, many,does ,triangle,a,lines5,shapes,Mr.Wood, lesson,is a ,teaching, about .6,speak,you, English,good, !7, you, thank8,how ,are, old, you9, are,how, you10, what, the,name,is ,of,your ,city11,far,is,yo

7、ur,home,from,school. Is ?12,Does,always,Jenny,take,school bus,the ?第一二单元连词成句。1,Li Ming,Jennys ,class,meets .2, teaches, a ,Mr.Wood, lesson .3,What,the,temperature, is,inside. ?4,is,It, twenty,degrees5, is,How, the,weather,today, ?6,is, rainy,cool,and,It .7,is,cold.or,hot,that, 8,What, is, favourite,

8、shape,Dannys, ?9,sahpe, my ,favourite,is , line. .10, are,there,how,many11,are,there, eleven12,do, your,homework,always13,Lets sing,new,song,a 14,Who,to,likes,sing15, , who wants to,a,song,new,learn16, are,going,to ,make, a, chart.we17,everyone,dose,speak,English,family,in,your18,is ,where ,the ,sin

9、k19 ,what,else ,can ,find, you ,in ,the ,room ,living20,are, they, playing,quietly21, a , is , this , refrigerator ,stove,or,a22,these ,dishes,clean, dirty, are,or23,this, a ,bathtub,is ,or, a,shower.24,time, what,is,it,25, It,six, is ,oclock26,milk,in the,is ,refrigerator,the .27,like,what,for,woul

10、d,you,supper28,eggs,put,Lets some, table,the ,on .29, please,would, Ilike,I, and, bread,juice,some 30,Jenny,cooking ,stove,is soup, on ,the31,did,have,good,a,you,time32,does,everyone,speak,Englsh,in,your,family.,补全句子。1,_ (快过来),Look,That is Santa.2,This is for_(每个人),It is a Chinese _( 灯笼)。3,It is a _

11、(相机),Now, I can _(照相)pictures4,When is Christmas?Its _(12.25) . I am _(兴奋的). Li Ming is writing _(圣诞卡片)5,_(加油) Danny!1,what, hot, a, sunny, day,and !2 , do, you, know, a, snowman, what is ?3, Who , Jenny ,bought ,these ,gifts ?4.LiMing,his,to,gives,gift,Mr.,and,Mrs.Smith 5,we,put,up,going,to,tomorro

12、w,the,Christmas,tree,are. .6,see, soon,you!7, is ,It,done 8, would,like,you,help,to,me,on,the,Christmas,tree,put,star,the ? 9,invite,can,I,my,friends,our,to,house.? 10,Christmas,lights,these,are,our,house,on .11,Danny,LiMing,and,are,shopping,Christmas,gifts,for .12,what,you,like,would?13,Would,like,

13、I,a,sweater,new?14,taught,he,people,love,to,God,and,love,to,each,other1, I want to buy _(一些东西) special for my mother and father at Christmas.2,Today, we are putting up the _ (圣诞树)3Today is Christmas,I _(邀请my grandpa and grandma to our house, They _(带来) some gifts and toys for me.4, I _(带来) some toys

14、 to school yesterday.5, Li Ming _(将要) bring a star for the tree tomorrow.6, Danny often _(步行) to school.7,Christmas is western and special(假期,节日) It has _(圣诞老人Christmas tree and _( 圣诞灯)连词成句。1, Christmas , merry, you ,to !2, new , happy , year , to , you, !3, Lynn ,going ,do ,to ,what ,is ?4,they ,pu

15、tting ,the, lights, Christmas ,on ,tree, Christmas, are 5,Lynn ,Santa, thinks , brought Christmas gifts. .6,ready , are ,you , for ,quiz ,a ?7,one day ,ago ,long , little ,a baby ,born ,was.8,to ,help ,put ,up ,us, our Christmas tree, you ,like ,would ?9, coming, Christmas ,is !(2),填上合适的名词。(is用于单数 a

16、re用于复数)1, This is a_ ,These are _(男人)2 ,This is a_ ,These are _(女人)3, This is a_ ,These are _(孩子)4 ,This is a_ ,These are _(人)5,This is a_ ,These are _(蛋糕)6, This is a_ ,These are _(公交车)7,This is a_ ,These are _(盘子)8,Give me some _(糖)茶或水或汽水(3)句中有频度副词(always, never, sometimes, usually)肯定是一般现在时What do

17、 you/they usually do? I /We/They(always, never, sometimes, usually)play cards.What does she/he usually do? She/He (always, never, sometimes, usually) plays cards.(4)句中有now肯定是一般现在进行时( be(is ,am, are) doing)What are you/they doing now? I /We /They am/are playing cards.What is she/he doing now? She/He is playing cards.(5)句中有表过去的时间(yesterday昨天 last year去年 last month上月 )肯定是一般过去式时What did you/they/she/he do yesterday? I /We/They She/He played cards yesterday(6)句中有表将来的时间(tomorrow明天 next year明年 nex


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