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1、会展英语听说教程Unit One Preparing for the Meeting Teaching Targets教学目标 Learn how to prepare for a meeting Master some basic guiding principles for preparing a meetingGrasp some useful words , phrases & key sentences related to the topic Make dialogues concerning this topicBackground Knowledge背景知识为保证会议的成功,会

2、前必须做好充分的准备。会议顺利与否,关键在于会前的精心策划。会议的准备工作一般包括会议的发起、会议召开的时间和地点的选择、会议的邀请,以及会议议程的拟定、会议文件的准备和有关的技术性问题。周密的准备工作可为会议的成功奠定良好的基础。 Warm-up 热身活动Listen to the following materials carefully and answer the following questions.1. Whats the first thing you want to do while preparing a meeting?2. What should you let att

3、endees know beforehand?3. Why is a written agenda helpful?4. Why is planning for a meeting so important?Tape scriptsHow to Prepare for a MeetingPreparing for a meeting that you have called can be time consuming. You need to first determine the subjuect of the meeting, who should attend, while also p

4、roviding a sufficient amount of time for the invited attendees to prepare for the meeting if you expect them to provide their ideas or suggestions. You should also prepare a written agenda, and send it in advance to the meeting attendees. Meetings can last five minutes and still be effective or last

5、 hours for a more complex agenda. But most important is that there is a clearly communicated purpose or agenda, and that the meeting attendees know in advance that they may need to prepare, and be actively engaged during the meeting. Your good planning will determine the success of the meeting.Model

6、 Dialogues Dialogue 1A: Hi, Cindy, you have been a secretary for many years in this company. Could you tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting? B: Well, an important part of the duties of a secretary, I think, is to do well the preparation work for the meeting. A: What should a secretary do

7、 to prepare for a meeting? Could you give me a detailed explanation?B: First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting. Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed. A: I see, and how about the documents and the information? B: All the necessary docum

8、ents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting. A: And what should a secretary do during the meeting?B: Of course, she/ he should take minutes. A: And after the meeting? B: After the meeting she/ he should type the minutes

9、up, and then keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement the decision reached at the meeting. A: Thank you very much. You are very professional.B: My pleasure.Word bank secretarysekrt()r n. 秘书;书记;部长agendadend n. 议程;日常工作事项entitle ntat()l; en-vt. 称做;定名为

10、;给称号;使有权利documentdkjm()nt n. 文件,公文relevantrelv()nt adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的distributedstrbjut; dstrbjut vt. 分配;散布transacttrnzkt vi. 交易;谈判 vt. 办理;处理resolutionrezlu()n n. 解决;决心implementmplm()nt vt. 实施,执行 Notes1. What should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting?秘书要为会议做哪些准备工作呢?2. First of all, the agenda sho

11、uld be prepared before the meeting.首先,要在会前准备好日程安排。3. Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed. 然后要确保通知那些有资格参加会议的人员。4. All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeti

12、ng. 所有的与会议相关的必要文件和信息都是可用的,最好要在会前打印好并分发。5. After the meeting she/ he should type the minutes up, and then keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement the decision reached at the meeting. 在会议结束后,她/他应该把会议记录打印出来,完好地记录商讨的事宜,通过的决定以及执行会上的决定。Dialogue 2 (Its 9

13、 :00 am. Laura a meeting planner is coming to the reception office of the Good luck International Hotel to make sure the dinner that will be served tomorrow evening for the meeting is in order. Ada, the staff, is talking with her.)A=Ada, L=LauraA: Hello, Laura. Is there anything that I can do for yo

14、u?L: Hello, Ada. The meeting is going well and the service you provide is excellent. I just want to make sure that the dinner will be served tomorrow evening.A: We are pleased that you are satisfied with our services. Dont worry about the dinner. It will be served on time at 7 oclock tomorrow evenin

15、g as planned. Do you want to check the menu again?L: Yes, but I think there will be some changes. I have ordered Western food for our conferees when I booked the meeting, but some of our conferees prefer trying some Chinese food. They think Chinese food is usually very delicious .A: Thats very true.

16、 You may change the menu and add some Chinese food.L: Thank you so very much!A: Its my pleasure. What types of Chinese food do you prefer? Our Chinese restaurant offers a variety of Chinese food Sichuan,Cantonese, Shanghai,Hunan, and Jilin, to name a few.L: Sichuan food is my favorite.A: Yes, Sichua

17、n food is delicious, but with spicy taste. I suggest that you should use Cantonese food instead, which is well known for cooking with fresh ingredients. Its light and small in amount.L: Sounds good. I think our conferees will like it.A: So you need both Western and Chinese food for your conferees?L:

18、 sure.A: We need to change the menu right now.L: Thank you very much, Ada. A: Youre welcome.Word bank staff stf n. 职员;员工conferee knfri n. 参加会议者delicious dls adj. 美味的;可口的menu menju n. 菜单variety vrat n. 多样;种类Cantonese ,kntni:z n. 广东人;广东话ingredient ngridnt n. 原料;要素;组成部分adj. 构成组成部分的 Notes1. We are pleas

19、ed that you are satisfied with our services.您对我们的服务满意,我们感到非常高兴。2. I have ordered Western food for our conferees when I booked the meeting, but some of our conferees prefer trying some Chinese food.我已经在会议预定时为参会人员准备了西餐,但是有一些参会人员想要尝试一些中餐。3. It is possible for you to change the menu and add some Chinese

20、 food.您可以改变菜单并且添加一些中餐进去。4. Our Chinese restaurant offers a variety of Chinese food Sichuan food,Cantonese food, Shanghai food, Hunan food ,Jilin food to name a few.我们的中餐厅提供很多种的中餐四川菜、广东菜、上海菜、湖南菜和吉林菜等等。5. I suggest that you should use Cantonese food instead, which is well known for cooking with fresh

21、ingredients.我建议您可以试试广东菜,以用新鲜食材原料而闻名。Practical Sentence Patterns实 用 句 型1. The monthly executive committee meeting is planed for the next week. 每月一次的执行委员会会议定于下星期召开。2. I come to inform you about a meeting scheduled from nine oclock this morning. 我来通知您今天从上午九点有个会。3. How long do you expect the meeting to take? 你期望会议开多长时间?4. Could we possibly rearrange the meeting schedule? 我们可否重新安排会议日程?5. Shall we postpone the meeting until later in the week? 我们把会议推迟到这周晚些时候,好吗?6. Id like to reserve a meeting room for our company. 我


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