



1、Gardening in the United States美国的园艺 Americans enjoy many activities. When they are at home they enjoy reading, watching television, creating art objects, playing computer games and so on. The most popular activity. however, is done outside. For the past l5 years, gardening has been the most popular

2、outdoor activity in America. A new study was done by Organic Gardening magazine. It says more than 78 million Americans are gardeners. This is more than 40 percent of the adult population.美国人喜欢许多活动。在家中他们喜欢读书,看电视,制造艺术品,玩电脑游戏等等,但最喜爱的还是户外活动。在过去的15年中,园艺已经成为美国最流行的户外活动。有机园艺杂志的最新调查表明,有7800万美国人从事园艺活动,占成年人口的

3、40多。The new study says that during the growing season: an average gardener spends 3 or 4 hours a week working in the garden digging, cutting, planting and watering. They also spend money on their gardens. Each year American gardeners spend about 25 billion dollars buying seeds, plants, bushes and tr

4、ees, plant food to make their plants grow bigger. They also buy tools and even special clothes for working in the garden.该项调查还显示,一般从事园艺的人在种植季节平均每周花3到4小时在花园里挖土、修化种植及浇水。此外他们还投入资金。每年美国人花约250亿美元用来购买种子、花草、灌木、树木及促使植物生长的肥料。他们还花钱买工具和在花园工作穿的特殊衣服。Why are more and more Americans becoming fond of gardening? Mos

5、t people do it for fun. Gardening makes their home more beautiful and makes them feel closer to nature. Gardening is also a good way to get exercise and working outside in the fresh air and sunshine can reduce stress. To some people, gardening is a spiritual activity. You plant seeds in the pound an

6、d water them. They grow into flowers and most of them die in autumn. But some will come back again the next spring, and every year after that. 为什么越来越多的美国人喜欢园艺呢?大部分人以此为乐。园艺工作可使他们的家宅变得更漂亮。也让他们感到离大自然更近了。园艺还是一种锻炼身体的好形式,而且在新鲜空气和阳光里工作可消除人的紧张情绪。而对有的人来说,园艺是一种精神活动.你把种子撒在地里,为它们浇水。它们会长大开花,之后大部分又在秋天枯萎,但有的会在来年春天

7、又重新长出来,年复一年。Most Americans grow more than flowers in their garden. They grow fruits, vegetables and herbs. They grow food crops at home for many reasons. Some say it is satisfying to provide their own food like their ancestors who lived on farms. Some say they can save money. Others say they wan to

8、have the freshest vegetables all summer long.许多美国人在自己的花园里不仅仅种花。他们还种水果、蔬菜和药草。他们在家里种植粮食作物有许多不同理由。有的说自己给自己提供食物是一件很愉快的事,就像他们的祖先当初在农场生活时一样。有的说这样可以省钱。有的则说他们要在整个夏天都吃最新鲜的蔬菜。Not everyone in the United States owns land for a garden. Yet gardening is a popular activity for them, too. They may also grow flowers

9、 in containers on a balcony high above the street or grow herbs in little boxes in a window. They may also join a community garden. Usually, the local government owns the land where the community garden is planted. It could be next to apartment buildings or in a park. The land is divided into small gardens. In this way, more people get the chance to grow things, even if they do not own land of their own.在美


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