



1、Q u e s t i o n : Does the Pleasure Principle apply only to theand second systems?system or to both the提问:是否原则只运用于初级系统,还是初级和次级系统都运用。A n s w e r : When we speak of the Preconscious and Unconscious topographically, separatedby a represbarrier, we may sayt the Pleasure Principle apps to thefunctioning

2、of the Unconscious, whereas the Reality Principle apps to thePreconscious. We must remember, however,and gradual pros of development, andt such a topography is the result of a longhe latter sense the Reality Principle maybe considered to have grown out of the Pleasure Principle (see Freuds 1911b ess

3、ay,“Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning). The Reality Principlestill retains the central feature of the Pleasure Principlenamely, seekingalpleasure and a minimum of nesaryfort.(被压抑屏障分开)时,回答:当的以地质学的方式说前意识和会说原则运用于,而现实原则应用于前意识。然而须记住,这样的地质学是一个长期和逐步发展的结果,在后来现实原则会被认为是从原则发展出来的(见1911b“对

4、心灵的两个原则的设想”)。现实原则依然保留了原则的中心特征也就是,寻求最大必然不舒服。和最小的The Reality Principle is only a detour on the way to fulfillment of the Pleasure Principle. If the detour is too long, the delay itself may then be libidinized byvarious mechanisms. Even the most highly sublimated, aim-inhibited activities stillretain s

5、ome degree of sensory pleasure. The essence of represis also to transformid would produceunpleasureunpleasureo pleasure. Some pleasure-seeking impulseshehe form of anxiety and thus are repressed to avoid the anxiety.现实原则只是通往原则的弯道。如果弯道太长的话,延迟本身会被各种机制力比多化。甚至最高的升华,目标抑制的活动依然保留了某种程度的次级。压抑的本质也是将不转化为快乐。本我中

6、一些寻求的冲动会以焦虑的形式产生不,因此被压抑来回避焦虑。The ability to foresee unpleasurehe future is a highly significant and usefuldevelopment in improving adapion to reality, but its ultimate aim is still to securepleasure and to avoid pain. Thus the relationship betn the Pleasure and RealityPrinciples may be thought of as

7、 a continuum. At one end of the continuum, the wish and its satisfaction are very close together ideally, immediate satisfaction, as soon asthe wish arises. At the other end of the continuum, the wish and its satisfaction maybe far apart or much delayed. Betn these extremes are all gradations oftpon

8、ementbetn the wish and its satisfaction.预计未来的不避痛苦。因此的能力对适应现实是非常重要和有用的发展,但它最终目的依然是保障和回和现实原则之间的关系可以被认为是续谱。在此连续谱的一端,愿望和其满足是非常紧密在一起的理想上,一旦愿望升起就立即满足。而在连续谱的另一端,愿望和其满足会相隔非常远或非常迟。在这两端之间是愿望和其满足之间的各种延迟等级。Summing up this po:he scheme of the topographically divided psyche, we think ofthe Pleasure Principle and

9、the Reality Principle as different methods of functioning.From a developmental, however, we must be able to conceive of the PleasurePrinciple and the Reality Principle as a single continuum.总之:在地形学所分的心灵图中,把原则和现实原则看作是不同方式。而从发展的观点来看,须能够把原则和现实原则看你做续谱。Q u e s t i o n : What is the Purified Pleasure Ego?

10、提问:“纯净的自我”?A n s w e r : It is one of the devior trickst the developsyche employs toe. Anythingprotect itself from disturbanin its pleasurable narcissistic sunpleasant is attributed to the outside; everything pleasurable is attributed to theself. To employ this device, the psyche must be able to dif

11、ferentiate betn self andnot-self. The ego attempts to claim everything pleasurable as part of the self andattempts to differentiate the unpleasant as the not-self or the outside. Controllingand owning are not yet differentiated from being. Later, when the narcissistic se isdisturbed still further, t

12、he parents will be invested with qualities of omnipotence.Still later, some of the narcissism projected to the parents will be rerojected bythe child to formt part of the superego called the ego-ideal.回答:这是发展的心灵使用的一个策略或“诡计”来保护自己处在的自恋状态中而不扰。任何不被归于外在;任何被归于自己。要用这个策略,心灵必须能够区分自己和非自己。自我试图把每个都看作自己的一部分,试图区分

13、不是非自己或外在。这时控制和拥有还未与存在分化。后来,当自恋状态被进一步干扰,患者会被授予全能感的特征。再后来,一些投射给父母的自恋会被被儿童重新,形成超分,称为自我理想。Q u e s t i o n : But isnt the essence of repres提问:但压抑的本质不是反吗?a countercathexis?A n s w e r : No, a decathexis. The countercathexis comes afterward, like a flyingbuttress on a Gothic cathedral, to bolster and suppo

14、rt the main wall, which isdecathexis. Repres回答:不,而是一个去under。反s all of the various other defenses.向前,像哥特式教堂的一个飞拱,用来支撑主墙,这是去投注。压抑是其他各种防御的基础。Q u e s t i o n : What is the distinction betn repres提问:压抑和否认之间的区别是什么?and denial?A n s w e r : Denial is a turning away from an external perception. Represis aner

15、nal turning away from innerceptions of disturbing impulses and wishes. Wemust remember, however,t mixtures of denial and represare common, as denial isused to ward off external perceptionswishes.t might arouse disturbing inner impulses or回答:否认是“避开“一个外在知觉。压抑是内在的“避开”,从内在的令人不安的冲动和愿望。然而须记住,否认和压抑会经常混在一起,

16、否认被用于避开外在的觉知,而这外在觉知会产生令人不安的内在冲动或愿望。Q u estion: In a sense, isnt all ego energy countercathectic energy?提问:是否某种意义上说,所有自我能量都是反能量?A nswer:t question will be answered when we come to the structural poof view anddiscuss the ego in detail. Chapter 7, Section F: The Unconscious, Consciousness, andReality F

17、reud compared Consciousness win eye, or a photographic plate, placed atthe ocular of aescope. The “virtual imageheescope may then beregistered. What we see through thean of Consciousness is not the same as whatactually goes onhe mental proses themselves, but is changed through theoperation of being

18、observed by Consciousness. The Unconscious is the true psychicreality. The essential nature of unconscious reality is as unknowable as the essentialnature of external reality. External reality can be known only to the extentt weperceive it with our sensoryans, and the inner reality of the Unconsciou

19、s can beknown only insofar as we are able to perceive it through Consciousness.回答:我将在谈到结构化观点和详细自我时再来回答这个问题。在梦的第七章的第五部分“、意识和现实”中,把意识比作一只眼睛,或一个照相底片,放在了望远镜的目镜位置。望远镜中的“虚像”会被。通过意识所看到的是不同于实际在心灵过程中实际发生的,而是通过意识的观察功能所改变。是真正的心理现实。现实的本质是就如外在现实的本质那样不可知的。外在现实只能被某种程度地指导:用的感觉感知它,的内在现实只能通过意识去感知它。Just as the eye has

20、 no memory, Consciousness also has no memory. There are no memorytrain Consciousness. We are prone to overestimate the role of Consciousness inellectual activity and artistic creativity. Evenhese higher forms of psychicfunctioning, most of the important mental activity goes on preconsciously.就如眼睛没有,

21、意识也没有。在意识中没有痕迹。过于强调意识在治理活动和艺术创造中的角色。即使在更高的心灵形式中,大部分重要的精神活动是前意识地的。Q uestion: What is meant by there beino ways of viewing or considering Consciousness?提问:两种意识的方式的意义是什么?A nswer: In one context, Consciousness isrceptualan for observing “psychicalqualities. The schematic m回答:其中一个是意识作为一个觉知oft concept wou

22、ld be:来观察“精神特征”。如下图:The contents of the Preconscious are changed by the pros ofing Conscious. Thusto differentiate conscious preconscious proses from preconscious prosest arenot conscious, a different mis needed:前意识内容在被需要一个不同的模型:的过程中被改变。因此为了区分意识觉知过程和未被意识的前意识过程,就Psychoytic therapy enlarges the area of the Preconscious in certain sectors overt of the Unconscious. Consciousness is always at the frontier of learning, atemporary attention hypercathexishe service of learning. The essential nature ofysis, however, is notaking things conscious but in expanding the area


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