1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 五年级英语国旗下的演讲,诚信伴我行 诚信伴我行演讲稿100字 敬爱的老师们,爱戴的同学们: Dear teachers and students 大家早上好,今天我演讲的题目是“诚信伴我同行。” Good morning, everyone. The title of my speech today is integrity with me. 站在国旗下,举目景仰那高高飘扬的红旗,眼前即刻呈现出一幅雄鸡傲立的画面我们宏伟祖国的幅员。心中不禁感想万千,每当这个时刻,我们都沉浸在雄壮的国歌声中,庄重而肃穆的向祖国,向国旗悄悄许下自己的志愿。新一代的我们身上担负
2、着千斤重担,我们作为祖国最名贵的资产,首当其冲的一条就是要讲诚信。诚信是什么?农人说,诚信是秋天里结出的丰硕果实; 老师说,诚信是师生间白玉般纯净的感情;工人说,诚信是辛勤劳作下生产出质高价优的产品。简而言之,诚信是个人的立身之本,民族的存亡之根。 Standing under the national flag and looking up at the high flying red flag, a picture of the cocks standing proudly in front of us - the territory of our great motherland. In
3、 my heart, I cant help but feel thousands of feelings. At this moment, we are immersed in the majestic national anthem, solemnly and solemnly to the motherland and the national flag to silently make our own wishes. The new generation of us bear a heavy burden. As the most precious wealth of our coun
4、try, the first thing to bear is to be honest. What is integrity? Farmers say that honesty is the fruitful fruit in autumn; teachers say that honesty is the pure feelings between teachers and students; workers say that honesty is the hard work to produce high quality and high price products. In short
5、, honesty is the foundation of a person and the root of a nation. 翻开我们中华民族五千年的文明史,会察觉,以忠诚守信为做人根本的故事比比皆是。同时,我们也看到,因失去诚信导致国破家亡的例子也可信手拈来:商纣失信,加速了国家的灭亡; 楚怀王失信,不但亡了国,还使一代贤臣屈原饮恨汩罗江;吴三桂失信,留下千古骂名。所以,以史为鉴,诚信是我们立身、修德、处事的根本。 Looking through the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization, we will find that there
6、 are many stories about honest and trustworthy people. At the same time, we can also see that the cases of the destruction of the country due to the loss of integrity can also be found at will: the failure of Shang Zhou accelerated the destruction of the country; the failure of King Huai of Chu not
7、only killed the country, but also made a generation of wise officials - Quyuan hate guluojiang; the failure of Wu Sangui, leaving a curse for thousands of years. Therefore, taking history as a mirror, integrity is the foundation of our life, morality and work. 诚信对于一个人很重要,对于一个国家那么更为重要。一个不讲诚信的个人是社会的危害
8、品,而一个不讲诚信的民族是莫大的悲哀。因此,我们小学生更应身体力行,从我做起,这样才能在不久的将来担负起创办祖国的重任。 Honesty is very important for a person, and even more important for a country. A person who does not speak of honesty is a dangerous commodity of the society, and a nation who does not speak of honesty is a great sorrow. Therefore, we prim
9、ary school students should do our best, starting from me, so that we can shoulder the task of building our motherland in the near future. 作为未来祖国的仆人,我们面对的是一个新科技、新信息、新体制不断涌现,竞争日益强烈的信息时代。要想使自己能够适应于这个时代,使我们的民族立于这个竞争的世界,就务必忠诚守信。同学们,诚信做作业,诚信考试,诚信待人,让我们从身边的小事做起,让诚信无处不在。让我们同声呼喊“诚信伴我同行!”感谢大家! As the master o
10、f our country in the future, we are facing an information age in which new technology, new information and new system are constantly emerging and competition is increasingly fierce. If we want to adapt ourselves to this era and make our nation stand i()n this competitive world, we must be honest and trustworthy. Students, do homework in good faith, take exams
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