已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、集装箱基础知识(六)集装箱基础英语一、集装箱零件名称中英文对照表后端Rear end assembly序号零件名称对应英文1后角柱Rear corner post2门柱角封板ARear corner cover plate3门柱角封板BRear corner cover plate4门楣板Door header plate5后顶加强板Roof corner gusset6门楣加强板Door header web7门楣Door header lower8门封压条Gasket retainer9门板Door panel10门横梁Door rail11门槛Door sill12门槛加强板Door s

2、ill web13门竖梁Door frame hollow section14门竖梁封板Door frame cover plate15门搭扣Door keeper16门端防撞槽封板Cover plate17门端防撞槽Channel section18门柱封板Cover plate19门楣封板Cover plate20门楣加强角钢Reinforcement angle21门端防撞槽后封板Cover plate22门端防撞槽侧封板Cover plate23小托架钢垫Steel gasket24锁牌钢垫Steel gasket25门楣梁Door header26后角柱加强板Rear corner

3、post stiffener27门搭扣挡铁Keeper restrict block28门端防撞加强板Reinforcement plate29ABS门封压条Gasket retainer30大托架胶垫Shim31弹垫Spring washer32角件Corner fitting33钱链销Hinge pin34螺母Hut35螺栓Bolt36娜钉Rivet37门端拉筋Lashing rod38门端用HUC帏丁Huck-bolt39门耳朵Hinge butt40门封胶条Door gasket41门较链Hinge42门绳Door holder43内角柱Rear corner post inner44

4、平垫Plain washer45锁杆Locking device46锁牌胶垫Shim47小托架胶垫Shim侧板Side wall assembly序号零件名称对应英文1四波板Side panel2二波侧板Side panel (small)3有孔四波板Side panel (hole)4顶侧梁Top side rail5挡块Stopper plate6衣架角钢Garment angle7有孔三波板Side panel (hole)8三波板Side panel9通风器Ventilator10通风器用HUC府丁Huck-bolt11绳钩Lashing ring12娜钉Rivet衣架角钢Garmen

5、t angle assembly顶板Roof assembly商标Marking arrangement序号1零件名称对应英文1商标Trademark2铭牌Consolidated plate3铭牌胶垫Shim4娜钉Rivet底架Base assembly序号零件名称对应英文1短宽底横梁Wide outrigger2鹅颈槽板Tunnel plate3鹅颈槽背梁Tunnel bow4短底横梁Outrigger5鹅颈槽主梁Tunnel bolster6鹅主梁地板角钢Floor support angle7宽边底横梁Wide crossmember8底横梁Crossmember9地板中梁Floor

6、center rail10地板角钢Floor support angle11底侧梁Bottom side rail12底侧梁角件加强板Corner gusset plate13宽底横梁加强板Wide crossmember web14鹅颈槽顶板Tunnel plate15鹅颈槽侧梁Tunnel side rail16叉槽侧梁Fork pocket side rail17叉槽底板Fork pocket bottom plate18叉槽顶板Fork pocket top plate19叉槽补强板Fork pocket support plate20门端底横梁First crossmember21鹅

7、颈槽主梁加强板Tunnel bolster gusset22鹅颈槽主梁封板Bolster cover plate23底侧梁中心加强板Reinforcement angle24脚踏板Threshold plate25底横梁加强板Crossmember web26地板中梁挡板Block plate27地板中梁连板Joint plate28鹅颈槽条形板Steel flat bar29底侧梁封板Rear end cover plate30叉槽地板支撑角钢Floor support angle31叉槽Pork pocket plate32地板隔板Flat bar33自攻螺钉Self-tapping sc

8、rew34塑料地板角钢Floor support angle35绳钩Lashing ring36木地板Floor assembly37门钩Door hook38胶塞Rubber block前端Front end assembly序号零件名称对应英文1前顶加强板Roof corner gusset2前端楣板Front header plate3前端上梁Front header lower4前端防撞槽Channel section5前角柱Front corner post6前端防撞槽支撑封板Cover plate7前墙板Front panel8前端底卜梁Front sill lower9前端地板支

9、撑Front support10前底角填充板ACorner floor support11前底角封板BBottom support angle12前底角封板CBottom cover plate1320前端下梁Front sill14前端下梁加强板Front sill web15前端防撞槽后封板Cover plate16前端防撞槽侧封板Cover plate17鹅颈槽封板Gooseneck tunnel gusset18角件加强板Reinforcement plate19前端楣板梁Front header20前底角封板DCover plate21地板垫板Floor support plate2

10、2楣板梁加强板Reinforcement plate23前端底上梁Front sill upper24前端加强角柱Front corner post reinforcement25前端U型底梁Front sill upper A26前端U型底梁盖板Front sill upper B27防撞板Reinforcement plate28角加强件Corner gusset29前端地板支撑(PVC)Front floor support30前端拉筋Lashing rod31绳环Lashing ring32角件Corner fitting二、集装箱说明书范例在这部分内容中,我们不仅可以了解 生产要点的

11、英文表述,还可 以了解一些检验方面的英文表述。认真学完这篇说明书范例,不仅能 使我们熟悉集装箱专业英语,还能使我们进一步了解集装箱的生产过 程和各类标准要求。A_ATechnical SpecificationFor20 x 8 x 86 ISO TypeDry Cargo Steel Container(XXX ) 箱王名(20 x 8 x 86 ISO标准钢制干货集装箱技术说明书)Specification No.(说明书编号):S128A22G1Drawing No.(图号):128A22G1GDate of Issue (日期):Feb. 17, 2002Scope(范围)This s

12、pecification covers design, construction, materials, testing, inspection & prototype container. The container is built in accordance with the requirements of I.S.O. 1CC Type steel dry freight containers by China International Marine Containers (Group) Limited (CIMC).(本说明书概括了设计、结构、材料试验、质 检和样箱制造。此集装箱由


14、BMISSION (文件提交)1111、GUARANTEE (质量保证期) 1212、MATERIALS (材料表)121. GENERAL(总述)Operational Environment(使用环境)The container will be designed and constructed for the transportation of general cargo on sea ( above or under deck ) and on land ( road or rail ) throughout the world, and will be suitable for the

15、 environmental conditions imposed by those modes of transport. All materials used in the construction will be able to withstand extreme temperature ranging from -40 C( -40 F ) to 70 C( 158 F ) without effect on containers strength and watertightness. 本集装箱按照在世界范围内作海上(甲板上或甲板下)和陆上(陆路或铁路) 普通货物运输的应用要求来进行

16、设计和制造,并可适应以上各种运输方式的环境 条件。所有集装箱使用的材料所能承受的温度范围为-409(-40泞)到 70 ( 158 F )。在此范围内使用不影响集装箱的强度和风雨密闭性能。Standards , Regulations and Rules(标准、未见范禾口未见贝 1)Standards and Regulations(标准和规贝 U)Containers shall comply with following in their latest editions(集装箱满足下列规范的最新要求):I.S.O./TC-104 (国际标准组织I.S.O./TC-104技术委员会对货运集装

17、箱的最新 要求)668- Series 1 freight containers-Classification, external dimensions andratings (ISO 668系列I货运集装箱一分类、外部尺寸和重量)6346- Coding, identification and marking for freight containers (ISO 6346-货运集装箱的编码、识别和标志)1161- Specification of corner fittings for series 1 freight containers (ISO1161 系列I货运集装箱交配件技术规范

18、)1496/1 - Specification and testing of series 1 freight containers.Part 1 : General cargo containers for general purposes (ISO 1161 -系列I货运集装箱-技术规范和的一部分试验: 一般用途的货运集 装箱)830- Freight containers-Terminology. 集装箱一术语3874- Freight containers-Handling and securing集装箱一装卸和安全The International Union of Railway

19、( UIC ) code 592-2 OR.(国际铁路联盟 UIC 592-2规定)The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods( T.I.R.). (国际货 运海关公约TIR)The International Convention for Safe Containers ( CSC ).(国际集装箱安全公约 C.S.C)Transportation Cargo Containers and Unit Loads Quarantine Aspects and Procedures by Commonwealth

20、of Australia Department of Health.(T.C.T.)(澳大利亚卫生部货运集装箱和装载装置保证项目和程序)To satisfy the requirements of Rules of B.V. or A.B.S. Classification.(满足法国BV船级社和美国船舶检验局的标准要求)APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATES批准和证书Classification Certificate船检证书All the containers shall be certified for design type and individually inspect

21、ed by Classification Society.所有集装箱的设计类型均需由船级社认可,并由船级社逐个验收。Production Certificate牛产证书The Production Certificate of series containers to be issued by the Classification Society. The Societys seal shall be provided.由船级社发给系列集装箱生产证书,并提供船级社标志。T.C.T Certificate T.C.T 证书Certificate of timber treatment to th

22、e requirement of Australia Department of Health.木材处理证书符合澳大利亚卫生部的要求。Customs Certficate (T.I.R.)海关证书Customs Approval and Certificate to be issued by the Customs.海关批准并给予合格证书。U.I.C. Registration U.I.C 注册All the containers will be registered & comply with the International Union of Railways.所有集装箱均已注册并符合国

23、际铁路联盟规定。C.S.C. Certficate C.S.C 证书All the containers will be certified and comply with the requirements of the International Convention for Safe Containers.所有集装箱均经过认证,符合国际集装箱安全公约的要求。HANDLING 装卸The container will be constructed to be capable of being handled without any permanent deformation which wi

24、ll render it unsuitable for use or any other abnormality during the following conditions:本集装箱在下列状态装卸时,不会出现任何影响使用的永久变形。Lifting, full or empty, at the top corner fittings vertically by means of spreaders fitted with hooks, shackles or twistlocks.满箱或空箱情况下,用装有吊钩、卸钩或钮锁的吊架在顶角件上垂直起吊。Lifting, full or empty,

25、 at the bottom corner fittings using slings with appropriate terminal fittings at slings angle of forty-five ( 45 ) degree to horizontal.满箱或空箱情况下,在底部的交配件上用带有端部配件的钢丝纯以与水平 方向的夹角不小于30度之间的任何角度起吊。Lifting, full or empty, at two fork pocket by fork lift truck.满载或空载的时候,用叉车通过叉车槽举起。TRANSPORTATION 运输The contai

26、ner will be constructed to be suitable for transportation for following modes without any permanent deformation which will render the container unsuitable to use or any abnormality.本集装箱的结构在下列方式运输时,集装箱不会产生影响使用的永久变形或 其它不正常现象。Marine:海上- In the ship cell guides: Seven ( 7 ) high stacked, and vertical ac

27、celeration limit : 1.8g (Max. gross weight 30,480 kg)在船舱舱槽内:能承受7层高(垂直的重力加速度极限值为1.8G )堆码(最 大总重量为30480公斤On the deck : Four ( 4 ) high stacked and secured by suitable vertical and diagonal wire lashings.在甲板上:能承受4层高堆码以垂直和对角线方向用钢丝绳适当地捆牢。Road - On flat bed or skeletal chassis:公路一在平板车或集装箱专用拖车上Secured by tw

28、istlocks or the equivalent at the four bottom corner fittings.用钮锁或用类似的装置在四个底角件处将集装箱紧固。Rail- On the flat cars or special container car:铁路一在平板卜或特手中集装箱车上Secured by twistlocks or the equivalent at the four bottom corner fittings.用钮锁或用类似的装置在四个底角件处将集装箱紧固。DIMENSIONS AND RATINGS尺寸和重量Dimension 尺寸Length 长Widt

29、h 宽Height 高External Dimensions 夕卜部尺寸6,058 ( 0, -6 ) mm2,438 ( 0, -5 ) mm2,591 ( 0, -5 ) mmInternal Dimensions内部尺寸5,898 ( 0, -6 ) mm2,352 ( 0, -5 ) mm2,393 ( 0, -5 ) mmNo part of the container will protrude out beyond the external dimensions mentioned above.集装箱的任何部分都不能超出上述的外部尺寸。Maximum allowable diff

30、erence between two diagonals on any one of the following surface are as follow:各表面的对角线最大允许公差为:Roof, Bottom and Side Diagonals 箱顶、箱底和两侧壁对角线.13 mm.Front and Rear Diagonals 前端和后端对角线 10 mm. TOC o 1-5 h z Door Opening 门开口尺寸 Width 2,340 ( 0,-5 )mmHeight 高 2,280( 0,-5 )mmFork Pocket 叉车槽Width 宽 360mmHeight

31、高 115mmCenter distance中心距2,080mm1,172 cu.ft立方英尺5 4 Inside Cubic Capacity内容积33.2 cu.m 立方米5 5 Rating 用帚 TOC o 1-5 h z Maximum Gross Weight 最大总重量30,480kg67,200lbsMaximum Payload 最大载重28,250kg62,280lbsTare Weight 自重 2,230kg4,920lbs5.6 Corner Protrusions 角件伸突The upper faces of the top corner fittings will

32、 protrude above the highest lever of the roof construction except corner plate by 6 mm.顶角件的上表面比箱顶结构的最高面(顶角加强板除外)至少突出6mm oFor the containers under empty condition the lower faces of the cross members in their bases including their end transverse members shall be on a plane located at 12.5 ( +5, -1.5

33、) mm above the lower faces of the bottom corner fittings except the corner plates.空箱条件下底架中的底横梁及前后端下梁的下表面应处于底角配件下表面之 上12.5( +5, -1.5 ) mm 的平面上(不包括角加强板)。The outer side faces of the corner fittings will protrude from the outside faces of the corner post by minimum 3 mm for side structure and 4 mm for f

34、ront end structure. The outer side faces of the corner fittings will protrude from the outside faces of the side walls by nominal 7 mm and from the outside faces of the end wall by 7.4 mm.在侧面,角件的外表面比角柱的外表面最少突出 3mm ;而在前端,则至少突 出4mm。角件的外表面比侧板的外表面突出 7mm (名义尺寸);角件的外表 面要比端板的外表面突出7.4mm。For the containers u

35、nder the condition such as the load equal to 1.8R - T is uniformly distributed over the floor, no part of the container base will deflect by more than 6 mm below the lower faces of the bottom corner fittings.在相当于1.8R -T的载荷均匀分布于地板上的条件下,集装箱底架的任何弯 曲变形不超过底角件下表面6mm 0 (其中,R-最大总重,T自重)6. CONSTRUCTION 结构Gene

36、ral总体结构The container will be constructed with steel frames, fully vertically corrugated steel side and end walls, die-stamped corrugated steel roof, wooden flooring, corrugated double hinged doors and ISO corner fittings at eight corners. All steelworks will be built up by means of automatic and sem

37、i-automatic CO2 gas arc welding. All exterior weldings including that on base structure will be continuous to give perfect watertightness, Interior welds will be intermittent with a minimum bead length of 25 mm for every 200 mm. All the welds, even spots, will have full penetration without undercutt

38、ing or porosity.本集装箱由钢制框架、全垂直波形侧板和端板、压型波纹顶板、木地板、较 链式活动波纹门以及在八个角上符合ISO标准的角件组成。所有钢制结构都 用自动或半自动二氧化碳气体氮弧焊焊接。所有外部焊缝,包括底架部分均 为连续焊,水密性能好。内部焊接应是间断焊,每 200mm至少有25mm的 焊缝。所有焊缝,包括点焊,渗透性好,无咬边和气孔。Corner Fittings角西己件Corner fittings will be designed in accordance with ISO/1161 standard, and manufactured at the works

39、hops approved by the Classification Society.角配件按照ISO/1161标准设计,在经过船级社认可的工厂制造Base Frame 底架The base frame will be composed of two (2) bottom side rails, a number of cross-members and a pair of fork pockets, which are welded together as a sub-assembly.底架由2个底侧梁,若干底横梁和一副鹅颈槽焊接而成。Bottom Side Rail 底侧梁Each bo

40、ttom side rail is built of a steel pressing made in one piece. The bottom flange face outwards so as to be easily repaired and hard tocorrode.翼缘向外,便于修理,不易腐蚀。2Channel section 槽型162 x 48 x 30 x 4.5 mm底侧梁用一块钢板压制而成,Qty.数量:Shape形状:Dimension 尺寸Crossmember 底横梁The crossmembers are composed of a number of sm

41、all pressed channel section and some large ones located beneath each board joint of the plywood.底横梁是由一些压制成型的具有 C型截面的小型的和大型的梁组成的。大型 的梁位于每块木地板结合处的下面。1、Shape 形状C section C 型截面2Small one 小型底横梁:122 x 45 x 45 x 4.0 mm , Qty.数量:13(普通型底横梁)3、Large one 大型底横梁:122 x 80 x 45 x 4.5 mm , Qty 数量:2(宽边底横梁)Fork Pocket

42、 叉布槽One pair of fork pockets will be provided in according with ISO requirements for loaded handling.为了便于载货以后的装卸,叉车槽需按照ISO标准要求设计Top plate thickness 叉车槽顶板厚度 Mouth plate thickness 叉槽板厚度 Side rail ( C section) C 型叉槽侧梁 6.3.4 Reinforcement底侧梁力口强板4.0 mm6.0 mm ; Depth 深度:200 mm . 122 x 45 x 45 x 4.0 mm,Rei

43、nforcement plate will be welded to each end of bottom side rail.底侧梁的两端有加强板。Dimension 尺寸:200 x 153 x 4.5 mm6 4 Front End 前端The front end will be composed of corrugated end wall and front end frame, which are welded together as a sub-assembly.前端由前墙板和前端框架焊接而成,构成一个部件。Front End Wall 前墙板The front end wall

44、 is composed of steel sheet fully vertically corrugated into trapezium section, butt joint together to form one panel by means of automatic welding.前墙板是由通过完全垂直压型而具有梯形截面的波纹板组成的,通过自动焊 将较长的一端焊在一起形成一个平面。Thickness 板厚度:2.0 mmCorrugation dimension 波形尺寸:Depth波深:45.6mmInner face 凹面宽:104mm,Outerface :凸面宽 110

45、mm ,Slope斜坡:18mmPitch波距:250 mmFront End Frame前端框架The front end frame will be composed of one front sill, two corner posts, one front header and four corner castings.前端框架是由一个前端下梁,二根角柱,一个前端上梁和四个角配件组成的。Front Sill 前端下梁The front sill is made of a specialCsection steel pressed with verticalwebs as the sti

46、ffener. T.前端下梁由特殊的“ C”Front sill前端下梁Web加强筋型截面的钢板压制而成。有垂直的加强筋Channel section 防撞槽车冈4.0 mm Thk.厚度4.0 mm Thk.Qty.数量:3 Pcs.件200 x 75 x 9 mmCorner Post 角柱Each corner post is made of a 6.0 mm thick section Hi-Yield steel pressing to ensure the suitable strength, light-weight and easy maintenance.前角柱用6mm厚的高

47、屈服强度的钢板压制而成, 有足够强度,重量轻,易于 维修。Front Header 前端上梁The front header is constructed with steel square tube lower part and steel upper part. The upper part is extended inwards of the container certain distance with full width from front part of top corner fitting.前端上梁下部是方管,上部是前楣板,前楣板从前顶角件向里延伸一定的距 离。Lower r

48、ail下梁:60 x 60 x 3.0 mm RHSUpper part 前楣板 :4.0 mm thick 厚6.5 Rear End 门端(后端)Rear end is composed of Rear End Frame which consists of one door sill,two corner posts, one rear header with header plate and four corner fittings, which are welded together as a sub-assembly, and Door Systems which are with

49、 locking devices.门端是由门框和有锁杆的门组成的。门框包括一根门槛、二根角柱、一根门 楣(含门楣板)和四个角配件,焊接在一起构成一部件。Door Sill 门槛The door sill is built of a special channel section steel pressing with internal ribs as stiffeners at the back of each cam keeper. The upper face of the sill has a slope for better drainage and the highest part

50、is on the same level to the upper face of the wooden floor.门槛用钢板压制成特别的形状,在锁座的对应部位背面有加强板。门槛上表 面向外有一定的斜度,便于排水,具最高点与木地板表面在同意水平面上。Door sill 门槛:4.5 mm thick 厚 Slop 斜度:1:10 approx (大约).Stiffener ribs 加强板:4.0 mm thick 厚 Qty 数量.:4 Pcs 块.Channel section 防撞槽钢 :200 x 75 x 9 mmCorner Post 后角柱Each corner post is

51、 constructed from an inner part of channel shaped hot-rolled section steel and an outer part, welded together to form a hollow section to ensure suitable strength against the stacking and racking force.Four ( 4 ) sets of hinge pin lugs are welded to each outer part of the corner post.后角柱由内角柱(热轧槽钢)与外

52、角柱焊在一起形成一个空心结构,保证具 有足够强度以承受堆码重量和变形力。每根外角柱焊有四个门校链座。Inner part 内角柱 :113 x 40 x 10 mm Outer part 外角柱 :6.0 mm thick 厚Door Header 门楣The door header is constructed from a lower part of a U shaped steel pressing with four internal stiffener ribs and an upper part of steel pressing rear header plate, they a

53、re welded together to form a box section to provide a high rigidity.门楣的下部是“ U”形压型件,并有四个内部加强筋;上部是压型门楣板,焊 在一起形成一个盒形的截面,钢性好。Rear header门楣:4.0 mm Thk厚.Header plate门楣板:4.0 mm Thk厚Stiffener ribs加强板:4.0 mm Thk厚.,Qty 数量.:4Door Systems 门Doors will consist of two door leaves, each leaf with two locking device

54、s, four hinges and pins, seal gaskets and the door holders. The doors will be installed by hinge pins to the rear end frame and capable of swinging to 270 degrees smoothly.门由两扇门叶组成。每扇门叶上有两套锁杆装置、四个门较链和钱链销,门封胶条和门钩索。由钱链销把门装在后端门框上,可以自如转动到 270度。Door Leaves 门叶Each leaf consists of door panel, steel door f

55、rame which consists of horizontal ( upper & lower ) and vertical ( inner & outer ) members. They are welded together to form the rectangular door leave. The door are so arranged that the left leaf can not be opened without displacement of the right leaf.每扇门叶由门板和门框组成的,其中门框是由门横梁(上、下)、门竖梁(内、 外)组成。门板和门框

56、焊在一起形成一个矩形门叶。组成后必须先打开右门, 才能打开左门。Door Panel 板 :With 3 corrugations 三波Depth 波深:45.6 mm,Slope 斜坡:32 mmWidth 波宽 :70 mm ,Panel thickness 板厚:2.0 mmDoor Frame 门框Vertical door member 门竖梁:100 x 50 x 3.2 mm RHS (outer 外部 & inner 内部).Horizontal door member 门横梁:150 x 50 x 3.2 mm, channel section C” 截面.Hinges an

57、d Pins门较锌和钱锌销Four forged hinges, providing with bushed hole, are welded to each door leaf. Each door is installed by hinge pins, washers and bushings.每扇门焊有四个门银链,银链有销孔。用银链销、垫圈和衬套使它与门框相 连。Washer 垫圈-Material 材料:Brass/Stainless steel 黄铜或不锈钢 Location 位置 :Under the bottom of hinge 门较链下部Bushing衬套-Self-lubr

58、icating synthetic 无油自润滑合成材料Pin 销 -Material 材料:Stainless steel .不锈钢Locking Devices锁杆装置Two locking bars are of steel tube with forged handles, anti-racking rings and cam ends, and fixed to each door leaf with bolts / nuts , by top and bottom bearing brackets and one bar guide bracket. The bars are sus

59、pended in bearing brackets with bush of self-lubricating synthetic material. The turn direction of the locking handles will be single direction for each door.锁杆是由钢管、把手、挡圈、锁头组成,通过两端的大托架和中间导架用螺 栓固定在门上。托架与锁杆之间有自动润滑合成材料做成的衬套。每扇门的 锁杆、手柄的旋转方向是单向的。Cam-keepers are welded to the door header and sill 。 锁座要焊接在

60、门楣和 门槛上。Locking device type (锁杆装置型号) :Sae Jin or Bloxwich products.Locking bars treatment ( 锁杆表面处理):Hot-Dipped galvanized (75 Microns)热镀锌(75微米)Door Holder and Receptacle门钩绳和门钩A door holder per door, made of mixed nylon rope, is tied to the centerside of locking rod and the receptacle (hook type) is


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