1、问题教学法在初中英语阅读教学案例的设计、分析与反思玉林市玉州区九中肖益丹新课程问题教学法就是教师在新课程实施中,通过创设情景,善导问题,引导学 生积极主动地自主、合作、探究的学习过程中努力地发现问题,提出问题,探寻解 决问题的途径和方法、获得终身学习所必备的基础知识和基础技能。以下我将以“人 教版Go for it 九年级英语 Unit 1 How do you study for a test ( Reading)教学案例设计为例,与同行探讨如何在阅读课堂中实施“新课程问题教学法” 并对案例设计进行分析与反思。一.课型:阅读课二、课时安排:1课时(45分钟) 三、教学方法:新课程问题教学法四
2、、课程标准分析教学内容分析单元及课文 分析本单元是九年级的第一单元。本课是本单元的第五课,核 心教学项目是通过大品训练,让学生提高阅读能力与写作 能力。教材处理根据以上对教材的分析,这部分是本单元话题的升华,学 生学习理解阅读文章中的 些新单词和短语,培养学生在 阅读中根据上下文理解词义。重点deal,unless,unfair, solve,regard,duty,easilly,injluense, deal with, be angry with, go bytry ones bestbreak off难点如何训练学生理解文章中的生词和短语的能力, 对文章的听读理解能力及获取具体信息的能
3、力教 学 目 标训练学生阅读能力和写作能力。学习处理生活中困难的策略,增强学生面对困难难和挑战的决心和勇气。对文章快速阅读的能力及阅读对写作的迁移能力五、课堂教学程序的设计Stepl热身开始Greet the studentlet student watch a movie .( Imunite) and then write down the words you see and hear.(设计目的:激发学生的兴趣,通过快速的视觉和听觉刺激来唤起学生的记忆.)Step2.以旧带新引出课题free talk.T: How many subjects do you have at school?
4、 Can you get good grades? Doyou want to get good grades? If you want to get good grades , how do youdo ? Yes, so wemust learn howto study for a test. Today, Let s go on Unit1 Reading(设计目的:利用学生的旧知,通过自由交谈的形式,让学生在一个轻松的环境中开始了一节英语课)Step3.创设情景提出问题3.1. For 1a , Li Ming helped an old man on his way to schoo
5、l and was late for school. His teacher criticized him. Could you give him some ways to deal wite his problem?Encortage the Ss to give advice2. Continue saying, can you think of any problems yoku have had recently? Please work in pairs and tell your partner how yoku dealt with them? Allow Ss some tim
6、e to work in pairs.3. T 在黑板上写出 Problems at school, Problems at home , Problems with social life(设计目的:在正式阅读文章前,给学生分组布置任务,创设问题的情景,营造学生自主互动探究的氛围,积极搭建师生平等交流的平台。小组讨论、协商,不 仅给学生提供了大量的口头练习机会,体现团队合作精神。而且是个取长补短,集 思广益,互相学习的过程,有助于培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力从而发展他 们的个性)Step4.合作探究解决问题.首先让学生看文章的标题和图片以及图片中的句子T:What do you thin
7、k the text is about ?The answer may be :Is about some ways of dealing with our pioblems.让学生听录音第一第二小段,回答以下问题:What do you do ?If you have an Englishtest tomorrow?.让学生快速浏览一遍文章, 找出以下问题的答案:How many ways of dealing witah our pioblems lie mentioned in the text ?What are they然后检查答案。4,让学生在仔细阅读一遍文章,把不懂的生词短语写在
8、一张纸上,然后,根据文章 中上下文,猜一猜它们的意思和用法-自己在字典中查阅生词和短语一四人小组讨 论:分享他们的劳动结果,汇总结果,组长记录一抽小组展示并讲解,老师做点评 一让学生跟录音带读,感悟文章-老师再结合文章中的句子引导学生对生词短语词 义的理解。5,再让学生看1b中的生词,让学生说一说那些词的词义与他们在字典中查到的不同, 有什么不同。Dictionaries are useful learning tools,but many Englisag words have different meanings and usages.Weneed to make sure that th
9、e definitions match thecontext.让学生看文章右上角的 Learning strategy(设计目的:本步骤是整节课的核心部分,所花的时间应占一堂课的五分之三。整个过程包括学生自读文章,独立思考,互学互纠,畅所欲言,各抒己见。师生、 生生在交流中互相学习,分享各自的收获、成果以及快乐,互相启发、互相激励, 取长补短。形成一个自学、互学、共学、乐学的过程。同时也培养了学生的质疑能 力和解决问题的能力,激发了学生的求知欲和对学习英语的兴趣。更重要的是培养 了学生的自学能力,为学生的终身学习打下良好基础。Step5.设问练习巩固知识点.Do exercise (on th
10、e studying card)1、Make some sentences with some phrases in the textRead the passage, fill in the blanks to finish the words.Give some minutes for the Ss to make some exercises about this passage, ask them toexchange their exercises and do them.(设计目的:对于输入的信息量及时地巩固,增强记忆.设置两道很有针对性和可操作性的学习,很好地巩固和检测所学的知识
11、点。最后让学生自己设计练习以培 养其发现问题,提出问题的能力,又通过互相交流自己所设计的练习,培养分析问 题和解决问题的能力并且达到了资源共享的目的。)Step6.拓展应用形成能力让学生再看一遍文章,让学生们讨论哪种处理问题的方法最好。让学生们写写运用这种方法解决问题的经历,当学生在写的时候可以给他们提供一定的帮助,最后让两三个学生谈一谈他们写的短文(设计目的:笔头进行知识拓展活用的训练,这一步骤使学生从文字信息的输入到语言信息的输出能力行到升华。)Step8.小结1. Ask the students to make a conclusion of the text.(设计目的回顾学习内容,
12、反思学习所得。培养学生把握重点,学会归纳整理知识的能力,培养学生的良好学习习惯。这些对学生的自主学习非常重要)Step9.后续作业Think of another way of dealing with problems. And write a passage again.(设计目的:通过家庭作业,让学生将所学知识运用到生活中去,达到学以致用的 目的。也让学生认识到英语就在我们身边,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣)六、新课程问题教学阅读案例设计的分析与反思新课程问题教学法的实施,充分调动学生学习的主动性、积极性和创造性,激 发学生的学习热情。学生在教师的指导下,主要依靠自己的力量,自主、合作探
13、究 学习本节课以指导学生自主,合作,探究学习为主要教学方式进行教学。本课主要 是以问题为主线组织教学。本节课的课堂教学分为七大环节:1、热身开始;2、以旧带新,引出课题;3、创设情景,提出问题;4、探究合作,解决问题;5、设问练 习,巩固知识点;6、拓展应用;7、简结转新。我在上课开始就创造一个轻松的氛 围。然后通过快速地训练学生的听觉和视觉,让学生看视频,把看到和听到的单词 记下来,唤起他们记忆的潜力。紧跟着,创设情景,以小组的形式讨论他们身边出 现的问题以及解决的办法。之后马上进入到文本的处理:听录音,回答问题一速读 课文,找到以下问题的答案一跟录音带读一感受和模仿地道的语音和语调一细读文
14、 章,发现问题一讨论汇总,解决问题。然后由文本的输入到文本的输出:写一段小 短文,最后是做两道有针对性的巩固知识点的练习,让学生根据重点单词和短语自 己设计练习互相交流。一堂成功的课,应该让学生自始至终掌握主动权,教师只是充当“组织者” “促进者” “合作者” “咨询者” “参与者” “引导者” “顾 问”等多种角色,最大限度地给学生提供参与的机会。当然,在授课的过程中,也出现了一些不足人意的地方,如:由于班额大,未 能照顾到全体学生,以及在精巧简练方面还需加强。七.结束语:反思只是手段,其实质在于发现问题与解决问题。在以后的实际教学中,不应仅 凭借着自己有限的经验进行重复的教学实践,应更自觉
15、地树立反思意识和系统科学 的反思行动,开展反思性教学或对自身的教学实践和教学行为进行真正理性意义上 的反思。教学 步骤教师活动学生活动设计思路与分析Stepl. GreetingGreet the studentGreet the teacherStep2. Presentation热a) 1 .Use a table to introduce :1 .Answer:,利用教师信息Today Im very glad to be1 表创设情景,/身your new English teacher. I引出话题/like you very much .Because you look very
16、clever andYes.开lovely. Do you like me? Yes, your name is 始Thanks very much . You are good at - -.b) Do you want to know my You are a- -.name?c) What am I good at?2.Answer:d) What is my job?(拍手同唱一首)e)Yes.欢快的歌,活/f) 2. Yes,I am an EnglishSing this song (clap跃气氛/teacher. What will you be when you are ol
17、der? Can you remember the song “ what will you be ? Very good, Let s sing this song together.their hands)g) Step3.h) Ask some questions:Answer:以i) What are you good at? Im good at j) What will you be when you I will be a厂趣,展现课 旧are older?题.k) Will you be a teacher? Yes/No. Maybe I.带新May be you ll be
18、 a teacher. Today, Let s learn lesson33Maybe you ll Be a Teacher!1rl) Step 4.Review and lead in1.Discuss and write down引m) 1 Help the students formthe words of jobs quickly./社区模拟图,开展万、groups. Watch a video, leta竞赛,快速复习旧知识,为出the students find out(知识的引出作好辅垫.)“what are their jobs,write down the words o
19、f jobs they see as they can.课题n) (Discuss in groups of four2.Every group shows theirstudents)results, and gets the littleo)red flags.2.Let the student have a competition, Ask each group to have written .Give them some redflags ,one words one little red flag.续表创 设 情 景提 出 问 题Step5 .lead to1. Show some
20、 photos of Li yuchun (超级女生冠 军)and ask :r) Who s she ? What is she ? what is she good at ? Do you like her? would you like to listen to her story?w)2. Show some videos about Liyu chun s story.3 .write the words and phrases should, carefully, in the future, be nice to sb , make sb do sth“ on the black
21、board.1. Answer Shes Li Yuchun. Shes a super star. Shes good at singing Yes. Yes!2. Watch the video and listen to the story , discuss in groups and write down the key points.3.look at the blackboard and remember.展现超级女生冠军李宇春 的照片,将学生的兴趣关注点与知识点巧妙地结合,通 过讲述她的成长故事,引出 本课的语言知识点。合 作 探 究解 决 问 题Step 6. Work ou
22、t.Let the students read and remember the points.play the tape of the text, show two questions on the screen What will Li Ming and Wang Mei be in the future ? Did Li Ming give a great talk to all the students in the classroom?(Group competition ).Let the students read after the tape .Let the students
23、 read the dialogue in roles.Get two groups to act out.1.Read and remember the points. (The whole class ,in groups, one by one). Listen to the tape carefully ,Answer:MaybeLiMing will be a teacher and maybe Wang Mei will be a doctor. Yes, he did.(Get the little red flags ).Read after the tape.Read the
24、 dialogue in roles.The groups act out. (Get the little red flags )以自主探究,合作的方式对知识点进行强化记忆。匚/、1TC带着问题去听录音,培 养学生思考与听的能 力。而利用小组竞赛活 动,分发小红旗更能调 动学生参与的积极性。X厂八一、 分角色朗读和表演对话,培养学生的语感,为他们活用知识点创造条件。J续表6. Let the students discuss in groups of four students ,try to find the sentences in the dialogue with the impor
25、tant points, and check them .(When they finish, ask them to put up their hands , and then they can go to help the other students )7.Groups competition:Let the students make more sentences with the important points.(Groups competition)6.Find out the sentences from the dialogue, write them down on the
26、 studying card .Go out their seats and help the other students.7.The members of the groups go to the teachers desk to choose a word or a phrase and make a new sentence in front of the class.(If they are right, they can get the little red flags)设Step7.1. Do exercise (on the studying card)Do the two e
27、xercises问练二.Choose the best answers.三.Fill in the blanks to finish thewords.(Groups competition)(get the little red flags)习巩固2. Let the students discuss in groups of four students, try to find out what the dialogue talks about, according to Exercise TwoShow their results.知.(Give the little red flags
28、 to the groups after they show their results)(Get their flags)识点小组成员相互配合共同努 力完成预定的任务,找出 文中含有关键知识点的句 子,促使全体同学再一次 认真阅读并整理信息。先 进的帮助落后的,体现同 学之间互帮互助的精神。开展小姐竞赛,使学生在 一种你追我赶的活跃气氛 中学会活用关键知识点。设置两道很有针对性 和可操作性的学习, 很好地巩固和检测所 学的知识点。小组竞 争,更有兴趣。续表1、Let the students draw a picture This is me in the future .拓Show som
29、e pictures to the whole class .展应2. Let the students think about theirlives in the future and then describe用their future with their partners in theirgroups .形3 .Ask the students to write a shortpassage to introduce one or two成students future.Show some passages in front of the台匕class.目匕(Give the flag
30、s to the groups who show力their passage)4. Ask the students to count the flags .The group which gets the most flagswill be winner, give the big flag tothem.Step82. Ask the students to make a小conclusion of the text.2. Have a chant .(make a conclusionof the text .)Let the students listen and read thech
31、ant.结What will Li Ming be in the future? r,He is good at talking . Maybe he ll be a teacher.He would be nice to the in thefuture?She is always helping people .Maybe L hell be a doctor,She would make the sick people stay healthy again.1、2、Draw the pictures show their pictures .Describe their future w
32、iththeir partners in their groups.Discuss in groups and write a short passage .Show their passages to the whole class.(Get the flags )4、Count the flags together and congratulate the winner.Listen and read the chant.用绘画这种更直接的方式来 描绘自己的未来,更能激起 学生的兴趣,同时锻炼他们 的想象力和进行美的欣赏。口头进行知识点拓展活用 的训练,生生互动交流信 息,体现探究性自主学
33、习。笔头进行知识点拓展活 用的训练,这一步骤使学 生从文字信息的输入到 语言信息的输出能力行 到升华。贯穿整堂课的小组竞赛结果 评比,除了让获胜组感受到 了成功的喜悦之外,更能激 发其它组的斗志,让他们的 兴趣持续下去。指导学生对所学知识进行小结)再一次以快板的形式对本节课所学内容进行总结。加 深记忆,在欢快愉悦的气氛 中结束了一节课续表Step9.HomeworkFinishtheJ 口Talk to three or four of yourhomework after对所学知识进行课外的进一步延伸.friends .Write down theirclass.answers on cha
34、rt,then tell the作answers to your part-ners ortOaennelrslJ the answers to your业partners or teachers.九、板书设计Lesson33 Maybe Youll Be a Teacher!Words:Language Points :doctorin the future 将来sickbe nice /kind to sb 对某人友好future make sb do sth 让某人做某事carefully A:What do you think I ll be when I m older ?shoul
35、dB :Maybe you ll be a.本节课以指导学生自主,合作,探究学习为主要教学方式进行教学。本课主要是以问题为主线组织教学。媒体课件中的社区模拟图引入,开展小组竞赛,很大程度地激发了学生的学习兴趣。本节课的课堂教学分为七大环节:1、热身开始;2、以旧带新,引出课题;3、创设情景,提出问题;4、探究合作,解决问题;5、设问练习,巩固知识点;6、拓展应用;7、简结转新。运用了多媒体教学手段,创设生动有趣的语言教学情境,还有整堂课都进行小组竞赛抢红旗。调动学生的积极性,进行听、说、读、写的训练。在拓展运用时,是这样设计的,画“未来的我一口头讲述:未来的我一写一篇小短文:未来的我”,让学生
36、的内在潜力得到了升华,整个课堂进入了高潮,不仅培养了学生敢于用英语来描绘自己未来的理想和愿望。而且让他们懂得只有树立远大的 理想,立足现在,才会有美好的将来。当然,在授课的过程中,也出现了一些不足人意的地方,如:由于班额大,未能照顾到全体学生,以及在精巧简练方面还需加强。教学 步骤教师活动学生活动设计思路与分析Stepl. GreetingGreet the studentGreet the teacherStep 2. let student watch a热movie .( Imunite) and then writeLook at the screen and write down,利
37、用教师信息down the words you see and hear.the words . and then show them卜表创设情景,/身引出话题/开始(拍手同唱一首欢快的歌,活,跃气氛/ va) Step3.b) free talk.Answer:以c) T: How many subjects do We have seven subjects.you have at school? Can Of course./趣,展现课 、旧you get good grades? Do you want to get good grades? If you want to get go
38、od grades , how do you do ?Yes, so we must learn how to study for a test. Today, Let s go on Unit 1 Reading disccus in groups1f带新引区模拟图,开d)4竞赛,快速复习旧知识,为,出课题创 设 情 景提 出 问 题Step5 .lead to1. For 1a , Li Ming helped an old man on his way to school and was late for school. His teacher criticized him. Could
39、 you give him some ways to deal wite his problem? Encortage the Ss to give adviceg)h)2. Continue saying, can you think of any problems yoku have had recently? Please work in pairs and tell your partner how yoku dealt with them? Allow Ss some time to work in pairs.3. T在黑板上写出Problems at school, Proble
40、ms at home , Problems with social life2. Answer Shes Li Yuchun. Shes a super star. Shes good at singing Yes. Yes!Watch the video and listen to the story , discuss in groups and write down the key points.look at the blackboard and remember.展现超级女生冠军李宇春 的照片,将学生的兴趣关注 点与知识点巧妙地结合,通 过讲述她的成长故事,引出 本课的语言知识点。合
41、 作 探 究解 决 问 题Step 6.首先让学生看文章的标题 和图片以及图片中的句子T:What do you think the text is about ?The answer may be :It s about some ways of dealing with our pioblems.Step 7.让学生听录音第一第二小 段,回答以下问题:What do youdo ?If you have an English test tomorrow?Step 8.让学生快速浏览一遍文章, 找出以下问题的答案:How manyways of dealing witah our piobl
42、ems lie mentioned in the text ?What are they?然后检查答案。Step 9.让学生在仔细阅读一遍文 章,把不懂的生词短语写在一张纸 上一自己在字典中查阅生词和短语 一四人小组讨论:分享他们的劳动 结果,汇总结果,组长记录一抽小 组展示并讲解,老师做点评一让学 生跟录音带读,感悟文章一老师再 结合文章中的句子引导学生对生词 短语词义的理解. .Read and remember the points. (The whole class ,in groups, one by one). Listen to the tape carefully ,Answe
43、r: MaybeLi Ming will be a teacher and maybe Wang Mei will be a doctor. Yes, he did.(Get the little red flags ).Read after the tape.Read the dialogue in roles.The groups act out. (Get the little red flags )以自主探究,合作的方 式对知识点进行强化 记忆。Hi题去听录音,培养学生思考与听的能力。而利用小组竞赛活 动,分发小红旗更能调 动学生参与的积极性。分角色朗读和表演对话,培养学生的语感, 为他们活用知识点创续表续表Step 10再让学生看1b中的生词,让学生 说一说那些词的词义与他们在字典中查到的不同, 有什么不同。Dictionaries areuseful learning tools,but many Englisag words have different meanings and usages.We need to make sure that the definitions match the context. 让学生看文 早后上角 的 Learning strat
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