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1、姓名:青少版新概念英语(入门级A)总测试题分数:A.基础部分(共20分)1.连线(10 )app I ecar2.ansunrobotthei nsect划掉错误选项(10”) a an ball aan jel ly (3) a an anorak a anred appIea an green kite a an sma I I f i sh (7) aanorangeIt sIt isn t an unbre I I a. It s It i sn ta rabbit. It,sIt isn, t a bike.B.翻译部分(共40分).短语英汉互译。(20 ”)a red and ye

2、 I low umbreI I a a b i g and b I ue hathappy b i rthdaystop my dogi n the penc iI-case6)我的姐姐7)他的尺子8)它的骨头9) 一个高个子的男警察10)一个又红又大的西红柿11)那 是 我 的 铅 笔12)这 些 是 我 们 的 书13)当心14)桌上有三条连衣裙。 15)一个昆虫。恶心。16)那本书椅子后面。17)我的狗在哪里18)它的嘴很大。19)你的帽子是什么颜色 20)用英文介绍你其中一个家人的职业2.句子英汉互译。(20 )The robot i s i n the car. Here you a

3、re.My dad i s a doctor. H i s brother i s fat. You arenJ t two, you are ten.我是一名舞蹈家。(dancer) 球在桌子的上边。Tom个子很高,他不矮。你七岁么猫。C.综合部分(共30分)拼凑句子,使其成为一句话。(10 )a boy. Robert i sa doctorI s hepoI icemanAre youyour nameWhat smy cap.That i s2.选择填空。(10 “)一Whats your nameHe i s apostman.My name i s Robert.She i sFI

4、 ora.Isa pigA. heB. sheC. it-Is it a monkey -, it is a dog. ( )A. Yes, it isB. No, it isn? tC. No,he i s-Where i s my T-shirt - ()A. Your T-shi rt i s on the tab I e. B. Hei Io! C. Here you are. -What co I our i s your pen -( )A. Her penci I is blue. B. My pen is green. C. I m nine.2.仿照例句做句子。(10 ”)例

5、:Mary is a nurse, (dancer)Mary isn t a nurse, Mary is a dancer.Anna i s a doctor, (teacher)Mike is a postman, (poI iceman)They are red apples, (green )He can swim.(改成否定句)They are doctors.(改成一般疑问句)D阅读理解GO)A dol IMy sister Li ly has a dol I Kate. 11 Iooks I ike a I ittIe girl. She has b i g eyes, a no

6、se and a sma I I red mouth. She has arms ,hands, Iegs and feet. Her ha i r is yellow and she has a white b I ouse and a b I ack skirt. She can wa I k and say “Good morning “to Lily in the morning and Good afternoon in the afternoon. My s i ster I i kes her very much. She th i nks she s her I ittIe sister.判断T or F)2. The()4. The dol I)1. The do I I i s my sister s.


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