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1、1Chapter 13Anaerobic Bacteria2Brief Introduction 3Spore-forming anaerobe - Clostridium (G+ bacilli)Non-spore-forming anaerobe - polymorphic (G+ and G- cocci, G+ and G- bacilli )1. ClassificationC.tetaniC.botulinum4 Clostridium - spore, in nature Non-spore-forming anaerobe - members of normal flora 2

2、. Distribution5 Spore-forming Non-spore-forming exogenous endogenous exotoxin endotoxin & other invasive factortypical clinical symptom similar symptom abscess inflammation septicemia treatment by antitoxin treatment by antibacterial drug 3. Infection6Section 1. Clostridium 1. Clostridium tetani71).

3、 Morphology peritrichous flagella, no capsule, G+, spore round, terminal spore (“drum-stick”) I Biological Properties82). Culture obligate anaerobe blood agar - completely hemolysis, feather colony I Biological Properties93). resistance several years in soil; 100 1hr (spore) sensitive to penicillin

4、(vegetative) I Biological Properties101). Pathogenic Condition deep, narrow and mixture with soil (puncture, gun shoot, burn, animal bite)II Pathogenicity & ImmunityWound + Sporenecrotic tissuepyogenic bacteria mixture infection112). Pathogenic Factor * tetanolysin * tetanospasmin protein AgAb (teta

5、nus antitoxin, TAT) 1g-lethal potent neurotoxinII Pathogenicity & Immunity123). Pathogenesis Spores vegetative bacteria grow locally tetanospasmin (neurotoxin) along nerve fibers (retrograde) anterior horn cells of spinal cord, heavy chain attaches to ganglioside in cell membrane of CNS; light chain

6、 enters cell and exerts biological activity of toxin causes convulsive contraction of muscleII Pathogenicity & Immunity134).Clinical Finding *Incubation period may be long or short (12 days or two months) *early headache, muscle pain *local muscle spasm lock jaw, sardonic grin *progressive spasm opi

7、sthotonus, respiratory failure II Pathogenicity & Immunity145). Immunity humoral immunity - antitoxin II Pathogenicity & Immunity15 *morphology not value *clinical symptomIII Microbiologic Examination16 *active immunization DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus),toxoid *passive immunization TAT (tetan

8、us antitoxin), early & enough * wound - debridement * antibiotics * sedative, antispasmodicIV Prevention & Treatment172. Clostridium botulinum18 1). Morphology *large rod, no capsule, peritrichate *spore: oval, sub-terminal I Biological Properties191). Pathogenic Factor - Botulin *the most toxic exo

9、toxin *neurotoxin II Pathogenicity & Immunity20II Pathogenicity & Immunity*C.botuliumcontaminated food growingproduce botuliningestionintestinal tractblood inhibit the release of acetylcholineparalysis21 2). Disease food poisoning fatal infant botulism II Pathogenicity & Immunity223). Clinical Findi

10、ng eye and throat paralysis (early signs) respiratory and cardiac failure death II Pathogenicity & Immunity23food boiling to neutralize unfixed toxin by give polyvalent antitoxinintensive care/supportIV Prevention & Treatment24医生在求美者脸上最易出现皱纹的部位注射了肉毒毒素面部肌肉解剖图,由于面部表情肌肉复杂,所以每一针所注射的位置和剂量是除皱的关键所在 2526Sec

11、tion 2. Non-spore-forming anaerobic bacteria27 Members of normal flora, cause endogenous infection.28I Pathogenicity & Immunity1). Pathogenic Condition29 chronic consumptive disease malignant tumor immunity diabetes function lower radiotherapy chemotherapy dental extraction barrier intestinal perfor

12、ation destruction open fracture tissue necrosis local anaerobic environment ischemia dysbacteriosis II Pathogenicity & Immunity302). Pathogenic Factor LPS, pili, capsule, enzyme, exotoxin3). Disease endogenous/pyogenic infection & nonspecific symptom chronic, purulent local inflammation abscess, tissue


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