1、毕业设计(论文)材料之二(2)本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 网上健身用品店系统 Fitness online shop system课 题 类 型: 设计 实验研究 论文学 生 姓 名: 彭浩 学 号: 3100703241专 业 班 级: 信息管理与信息系统102班 学 院: 计算机与信息学院 指 导 教 师: 杨丹 开 题 时 间: 2015年 月 日2015年 月 日一、本课题的研究意义、研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述)1、研究意义(一)理论意义计算机技术发展日新月异,各种软件设计和开发,成为我们研究的重点。在21世纪的信息时代,各种管理系统在社会各行各业各个层面的得到广泛的应用,信
3、材管理,是器材的补充与淘汰、借出与保养达到数字化,使用JSP和SQLServer2000数据库结合,对健身器材管理的设计、开发计算机系统软件,以构成新的健身器材管理系统。再者,随着工作压力越来越大,人们更倾向于在网上购买健身用品,通过物流配送,并不愿意通过现实中进行购买用品。2.研究现状二十一世纪进入了信息发展高速公路,信 息化革命给所有的领域带来了新的改变。随着电脑办公自动化的普及,企业自动化管理、客户自动化管理也应运而生,一切都归功于计算机科技发展的巨大贡献,互 联网的世界里蕴藏着无限生机,随着社会的发展,科学技术的进步,我国经济的高速发展,居民收入的不断提高,即而人们生活水平也随之提高,
4、人们的消费水平也 日益增加,人们已经开始由温饱转向健康追求,闲暇时间的增多,也促使了人们开始考虑如何利用闲暇时间提高自己的生活质量,大众健身俱乐部应运而生,走进健 身房健身花钱买健康也逐渐成也了一种生活的时尚。自70年代以来,健身进入了一个新的阶段,休闲健身、快乐健身成为主流思想。人们对健身品的需求越来越多。现在虽然网络发展在这些年里发展的飞快,但是人们在网上购物的观念还没有太大的改变。在网下的商店大多数都是中小企业为主。单纯的网上零售商仅有25%的市场份额,网下的市场份额就占75%。25%市场份额的网上零售中健身用品市场份额大约占7%左右,由于公司在网上建站网起步,在网下有一定的销售额,经过
5、几年的站点推广市场份额约能占2%左右。我国已基本能生产如球、鞋、服装、各种球拍等世界著名品牌的运动产品,并在世界上产生了影响。据有关统计,l992年我国出口的健身用品总价值达137亿美元。近年来,我国健身用品业出口额逐年递增,到1998年,我国海关直接出口的健身用品总价值就达45.98亿美元,已成为健身用品输出第一大国。据美国的SGMA报告,1998年输出到美国的健身用品占前三位的国家是:中国(30.7%),其次是台湾(170)、墨西哥(90)。中国作为美国运动鞋类的主要输入国,1998年已经占输入美国总值的67%。 健身用品业是中国体育产业的排头兵,中国内地也是全球健身用品最大的生产基地,国
8、健身用品市场也逐渐看到了沉寂许久后的人们对运动器具的渴望。随着网络技术的日益发达和电脑的普及,越来越多的人使用互联网来进行网上购物,虽然实体的健身用品店能满足极大部分的顾客,但是随着网购人群的增长,在今后的日子中,顾客更加会偏向方便快捷的购物方式网上购物,所以,我们要以战略家的目光看待问题,着手进人网上健身用品店,在网购浪潮中分一杯羹。文献1 本书系统、完整地讲述了当前数据库技术从基本原理到应用实践的主要内容。包括:数据管理的进展,数据模型,数据库系统构成,网状数据库DBTG,层次数据库IMS,关系数据库,SQL语言,关系系统及其查询优化,关系数据理论,数据库保护和数据库设计。还讲述了部分数据
9、库发展的新技术和更深入的内容,如数据库管理系统和分布式数据库。文献6 文献强调一些新的、重要的软件工程过程和软件工程实践知识。全书分软件过程、建模、质量管理、软件项目管理和软件工程高级课题五个部分,系统地论述了软件工程领域最新的基础知识,包括新的概念、原则、技术、方法和工具,同时提供了大量供读者进一步研究探索的参考信息。文献8 介绍基于JSP的动态信息发布技术是一个开放的、可扩展的建立动态Web页面的标准。不论采用什么创建工具,开发人员都可以使用JSP页面来创建可移植的Web应用,在不同的Web应用服务器上运行。文献9比较全面系统地介绍了计算机网络的发展和原理体系结构、物理层、数据链路层、网络
10、层、运输层、应用层、网络安全、因特网上的音频/视频服务、无线网络和下一代因特网等内容。文献10 本书以eclipse为开发环境,介绍java的应用技术。本书是长时间在企业从事eclipse软件开发的工程师与从事教育的教师紧密合作的成果。使用教程主要包括基础、数据库、struts、spring、Hibernate和学生信息管理系统等几大部分。一般在讲解内容后紧跟实例,实验部分与教程紧密结合,主要消化教程内容,完成教程实例。书中实例程序一般均上机调试通过。文献16分别介绍了数字时代的信息系统、信息技术基础设施、数字时代的关键系统应用及如何建立和管理系统四个部分二、主要设计(研究)内容(一)网上健身
12、度上,一个好的系统还可以宣传和普及企业文化,给企业的员工一个可以零距离接触企业的平台。最重要的是,随着电子商务及网上购物的兴起。消费者可以足不出户的买到自己想要的任何商品,其中当然包括健身用品。该系统便是为消费者提供了这样一个方便快捷的方法。网上健身用品店系统的主要目标是支持网店的事务处理业务,减轻事务处理人员的劳动强度,辅助健身网店管理,提高网店的工作效率,从而使网上健身用品店能够以少的投入获得更好的社会效益与经济效益系统的基本功能 (1)分门别类地罗列出商店现有全部健身用品的详细信息,包括商品的名称、类别、价格、介绍等信息。 (2)支持按关键字快速查询,且查询的条件具有多样性,包括按类别、
13、按名称、按品牌查询等。 (3)显示推荐产品和畅销产品。 (4)新用户可以注册,注册成功后可凭用户名和密码登录。若用户忘记密码可通过回答设置问题等办法找回密码。 (5)用户登录后,就可以开始购买商品了。可以先浏览商品信息,对于满意的商品,可先将其放入购物车内,也可将购物车中不满意的商品取出。当对购物车中准备购买的商品确认无误后,即可结帐。若余额不足,系统会提示用户充值,此时购买行为不能生效,但购物车中的信息仍然存在。若余额足够,则系统结帐,此时,系统会将该用户的余额自动调整,同时公司会将货物及时寄到用户手中。(6)用户登录后,可以修改自己在注册时所填写的个人信息。(7)管理员登录需凭借用户名、密
14、码和验证码。管理员可以实现商品管理、会员管理、仓库管理、订单管理和后台管理(即对管理员信息的管理)。同时管理员还可实现安全退出。(8)其它:比如收藏网站、将网站设为首页、提供网站联系方式和帮助信息、声明网站交易条款等。健身用品店系统是一个系统工程,它首先需要有一个准确的定位。主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 健身用品店系统主要是为展示自身形象,提高知名度,以及为自身业务更好开展而服务的。2. 健身用品店系统的用户是相对固定的,最大的用户群是学生,家庭以及热爱运动分子。3. 健身用品店系统主要为用户提供浏览,注册,登录,购买,联系我们等功能,这与社会上公众网站应用系统为用户所提供的功能是相同的。4.
15、 健身用品店系统要求较高的安全性与可靠性。网站应用系统上不仅有一般信息的发布,更重要的是有网上交易系统。三、研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径)系统采用SQL server 2008作为后台数据库开发工具,使用JSP作为前台设计语言,通过Myeclipse中的插件实现SQL server连接并对其编程实现以下功能:用户的管理、新款健身用品上架、分类查找、健身用品检索、健身用品收藏夹、购买流程等。本次设计的重点和难点主要有:(1)对开发语言JSP的运用,对软件Myeclipse的使用。语言运用的好坏影响着整个系统的运行速度和效率。开发软件是开发本系统的一个基础,熟练的使用Myec
19、模块的分析.4月8日4月28日79系统的详细设计,设计数据库,完成数据字典和数据流图的设计。4月29日5月26日10-13系统调试,编写论文文档。5月27日6月16日1417教师审阅,完成毕业论文,准备答辩。四、阅读的主要参考文献(不少于10篇,期刊类文献不少于7篇,应有一定数量的外文文献,至少附一篇引用的外文文献(3个页面以上)及其译文) 1王珊,萨师煊编著.数据库系统概论M(第四版).北京:高等教育出版社,2007.2黄重阳.信息资源管理M.北京:中国科学技术出版社,20013甘仞初.信息系统开发J.北京:经济科学出版社,2000:25-26.4邓阿奇,刘启芬,古韵华.SQLServer应
20、用教程M.北京:电子工业出版社,2005.5陆昌辉,吴晓华.SQLServer2000M.宇航出版社,2002. 6陈国青等.信息系统的组织、管理、建模M.北京:清华大学出版社, 20027普雷斯曼.软件工程:实践者的研究方法M(第7版).北京:机械工业出版社,20118李师贤等 .面向对象程序设计基础M. 北京:高等教育出版社, 1998 9王建玉.基于JSP的动态网站开发技术N. 北京:计算机世界, 200110郑阿奇编著.Eclipse教程M.北京:电子工业出版社,2009.11高阳. 计算机网络原理与实用技术M . 长沙:中南工业大学出版社, 1998 12左美云等. 信息系统的开发与
21、管理教程M .北京: 清华大学出版社, 2001 13 Anadi Misra. Running PHP & JSP Pages in the Same App.J. PC Quest 2006 159-16114Yasar Becerikli and B. Koray Celik. Fuzzy control of inverted pendulum and concept of stability using Java applicationJ. Mathematical and Computer Modelling.Volume 46, Issues 1-2, 2007, Pages 2
22、4-37.15 Kenneth C. Laudon. Information Systems and the InternetM. 机械工业出版社, 1999 16 Robert A. Schultheis. Management Information SystemsM.机械工业出版社, 1998 附(外文文献)Fitness equipment - technology Health is the capital of revolution, lose health will lose everything, therefore, whether working or retirees,
23、often work out more and more. Equipment is gradually popular, obviously, never leave home fitness are emerging.Reason to choose home fitness equipment1. Environmental factorsMany people like doing outdoor activities, each person in nature fitness will feel very comfortable. Can hear birds sound sing
24、ing; Can smell flowers light scent; Humid can breathe the fresh air; Can feel dull, quiet mood, can even remove 9 leaves, including in the mouth; Blow out the joy of the heart. However, in this picturesque environment fitness, for people in modern city is more like a dream. Steel forest, crowded spa
25、ce, air and glass wall of dazzle light, harsh noise, make people while enjoy the modern civilization, has lost the nature gives the mankinds greatest blessings.2. The weatherOutdoor doesnt has always been a bright sunshine, wind, fog, rain, snow, but often things, rain in the south, the north of the
26、 bitter, is not conducive to the outdoors, it is a good fitness plan is likely to be because of the weather reason.3. The time factorOutdoor exercise often require very bounteous time, if the home is not in the fitness nearby, plus round-trip transportation time, and now the society is a very busy e
27、ra of fast rhythm, most of the people it is difficult to have such a leisure time, not to mention insist for a long time.Use the fitness equipment in exercise at home, but not these deficiencies, and with multi-functional and higher content of science and technology of fitness equipment, fitness equ
28、ipment design a more comprehensive, convenient, safety, and science. With the formation and development of health investment ideas, all kinds of home fitness equipment has become the new hot spot of the market.Home fitness equipment 3 kinds bigFitness equipment is used to improve the physical qualit
29、y, increase the body function, to carry on physique training, sports training and rehabilitation exercise commonly special equipment. Sold as many as hundreds of machines, induction up can be roughly divided into three types:Small equipmentAs known as dumbbell, barbell kettle bell, a crank, spring c
30、able machine, fitness, elastic rods, grips, etc., the volume is small, can use value is not low. Adjustable dumbbell, for example, it is not only suitable for people of different age, sex and physical practice, but also can make the various parts of the body muscle workout (about the elderly strengt
31、h training, you can see our sports and health have been published in the article), but also the necessary equipment of bodybuilding. Again such as spring cable machine, portable small, cheap, convenient for storage, and easy to carry, but its function is not low. And like ball kind of small machines
32、, is the most suitable for the elderly.Local equipmentAre special training equipment, the structure is compact, covers an area of 1 square meters or so, most can fold, some even with interest. Such as exercise bike, rowing machine, stair, treadmill and leg bent, lift heel lift, heavy hammer cable ma
33、chine trainers, etc. Its function is relatively single, mainly focus on local muscle group exercises. Such devices both weight farmar, hydraulic cylinder as overloaded power, has powered by itself is not power, without disassembling combination, some also comes with time, electronic display device,
34、such as the speed, distance, heart rate, can make the exercisers grasp the physiological load of exercise, is quite popular with fitness enthusiasts, is the leading role home gym.Systemic fitness equipmentIs a comprehensive training equipment, for many people on a device at the same time for cyclica
35、l or selective exercises. Generally include chest expander, pull-ups, put on your back, sit-ups, etc. The function of the instrument. Chest expander, pull-ups, put on your back, is mainly used to exercise the upper body strength and pectoralis major power; Sit-ups, exercise lumbar muscles are mainly
36、 used for group, reduce lumbar abdominal fat. Such as 10 comprehensive training apparatus, household 16 (or 21) function machines, etc. The equipment volume is bigger, the function is complete, the price does not poor, housing condition good families. Should be clear, although some multifunctional t
37、readmill of systemic equipment, but it is only on the basis of monofunctional treadmill increased the rowing, pedalling, push-ups, waist rotation, massage, and other functions, so the volume is not large, is also suitable for ordinary families.The use of common equipmentThe treadmillThe running mach
38、ine is the most effective aerobics trainers, suitable for all kinds of personnel, can be divided into mechanical and electric treadmill running machine.Electric treadmillDriven by motor running and make the person at a different speed passively running or walking. Due to the passive form run and wal
39、k, look from the movement appearance, almost like the ordinary run or walk on the ground, but look from the body force, the electric treadmill, than ordinary run, walk saves a stretching in action. That is what makes each in electric treadmill walking. Run a person feel very at ease, can make the pe
40、rson runs to about a third more than the general running away, energy consumption also increased accordingly. In addition, because the electric treadmill electronic auxiliary equipment function is very much, can experience the different running conditions, such as the ground running, uphill, variabl
41、e speed run, timing run, fixed distance run, etc., you can undertake choosing according to exercise their own purpose. When using, should according to their own physical, first set running speed and the parameters such as time or distance, to exercise. It is important to note that if you do not unde
42、rstand their own situation, should begin from the speed of small, in the process of running, then make adjustments.In addition, from electric treadmill down, the foot can have the feeling of instability, so dont suddenly stop, to gradually adapt.The steps isThis instrument is also called the mountai
43、neering, mainly simulated climb stairs and mountaineering exercise designed leg movement of the legs. With hydraulic as power control, can provide multiple gear choices, to simulate different environmental conditions. Climbing exercise technique is very simple, only the feet trample up and down. But
44、 if adopt different rhythms and different ways, different dynamics, etc., can achieve a variety of exercise effect. It requires the movement process of the trainer hold out a bosom, belly in, swing naturally with your hands, and legs upward climb, to prevent the body slide down, help to improve the
45、cardiopulmonary function, promote the blood circulation, and make the quadriceps (front thigh), abs, gluteus, most back (calf) and so on the body of the gastrocnemius muscle. The sport is especially suitable for the requirements of the hips and thighs.1. The healthy selfMainly by using different dyn
46、amics (different pressure control) to exercise the leg, this method is main purpose mainly is to enhance the leg muscle strength. Such as ways of increasing the power of the thigh main muscle groups, to improve leg strength, improve the ability of hip, knee and ankle, leg can be maintained and stron
47、g and handsome. The basic method is: warming up activities for 10 minutes; The first group, with 80% of the strength, walked briskly 20 to 50 times, rest 3 minutes (to try to shorten the time to rest, improve the effect of exercise). The second group with 90% power walked briskly 20 30 times, rest 3
48、 minutes; The third group, with 100% of the strength, striding 15 25 times, rest 3 minutes; The fourth group with the second group; Five group with the first group.2. Aerobic striding movementMainly using the strength of small, fast rhythm, and maintain a period of time to complete the striding move
49、ment. Such as strength by using 1 3, the beat using 0.5, 10 minutes for a group, practice three groups. This method is one of the most comfortable, exercise better cooperate with the beat of music. Practice should pay attention to grasp the rhythm of breathing, breathing. Due to the minor, so sustai
50、nable for a long time, so can spend a lot of energy, weight loss effect is significant, it is a good choice for dieters, truly easily drop weight.3. The functional exerciseMainly through different ways of practice, the patella, patella softening of injury, knee ligament damage, a hip injury, Achille
51、s tendinitis and so on all have a good recovery. Practice when listen to the doctors advice, dont let the affected area bear big strength and strain, so as to avoid aggravating illness. This way of practice can effectively improve the blood circulation of the hip, knee, ankle and physiology. In addi
52、tion, the rehabilitation of limb function in patients with hemiplegia also have pretty good effect.In the end, whether it is fitness, bodybuilding, or functional rehabilitation, should be strictly note: dont always use a way of practice, and should be combined in different ways. Such as frequency, t
53、ime, increase or decrease transformation movement strength and rhythm, etc. Must be recorded after each exercise after their sensory and motor pulse of The Times, in order to contrast before and after, sums up the suitable ways to exercise.Rowing machineRowing is a simulation of the rowing movement
54、equipment, on the leg, waist, arms, chest, back muscles increase has a better effect, mainly used to enhance the arm strength and coordination. Exercise: trainer bended leg sit stool, hand, foot and applying at the same time, legs straight after the waist back, after your arms to the side, simulatio
55、n, rowing, and then back in place. 20 30 times for a group of interval 3 5 minutes to do a group. Pay attention to applying essentials in the rowing, avoid fall back.A stationary bikeAlso known as power cycling on a stationary bike, is based on the principle of cycling, overcoming the flywheel and t
56、he friction resistance produced by the friction between belt, so as to achieve fitness, strong body, the purpose of adjusting human bodys blood circulation and activity in lower limb joints. Training methods, such as riding a bicycle, with the foot, motion resistance can be adjusted. According to th
57、eir fitness to adjust good resistance, ride a 20 30 minutes in a row, velocity shoulds not be too fast. For both men and women, old and young.Although the action on the equipment simulation training, no training under natural conditions the effect is good, but walking, running from the accurate cont
58、rol effect, improve the quality of fitness, guarantee training time and systemic point of view, fitness equipment have their own advantages: if you dont need too large area, closer to the people living environment, not restricted by time and external environment, more secure, and so on.The choice of
59、 home fitness equipment1. According to the family economy and housing condition of choose and buy.Smaller housing area can choose and buy single-function fitness equipment, such as a stationary bike, treadmill, rowing machine and so on, for hundreds of yuan to thousands of yuan. This kind of machine
60、s cover an area of an area small, generally less than 1 square meters, and often can be folded, it can be put to bed plug after use, can also be placed on the balcony. Economic condition and housing condition slightly better consumers, can choose multi, such as 4, 5, 10, 12, and 30 function of tread
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