1、前情回顾部落警 察Tribal Police.安娜昨晚在巨石旅馆被杀害了Anna was killed at the Big Rock Motel last night.将由联邦调查局牵头调查The FBI has to take lead on the investigation.联邦调查局什么时候在平过印第安人的死活了 ?Since when do the FBI give a damn about a dead Indian?利普霍恩警长我叫金姆齐你的新警员Lieutenant Leaphorn, Jim Chee. Tm your new deputy.你听说盖洛普市的运钞车劫案了么?
2、Did you hear about that armored car robbery down in Gallup?我以为咱们在谈这起双重谋杀案Thought we were talking about a double homicide.互惠互利我忠实的朋友One hand washes the other, kemo sabe.伯纳黛特很担忧你Bernadette is worried about you.伯纳黛特应该多想想怎么做好她的工作Bernadette should worry about doin* her job.你在这里平安么?我没事警官Im fine, Officer.这
3、里没有代物Theres no token here.我安插你进去是为了找到那架直升机I put you here to find that helicopter.事成之后你我会被当成英雄想调去哪就能去哪And when you do, we get to ride around, take it out of here.千万别忘了你到底属于哪一边Just don*t go forgettin which tribe you belong to,特别探员齐Special Agent Chee.运钞车劫案三年前听过靠谱丹的二手车那句广&hearts浩词么Have you heard this ad
4、 about Devoted Dans Used Cars?-嗯哈-Mm-mm. - Uh-uh.传教士最喜欢那种车?敞篷车The only car a missionary wants to sell an Indian is a convertible.I. I need you to hear me out.快点说莱斯特Spit it out, Lester.想说什么?-好的好What is it? - Okay, okay.嗯Um.有天早上the other morning,仪式过后after the ceremony,迪伦查理表现相当疯狂Dillon Charley comes ou
5、t acting all crazy and shit, and Im.我以为就是迷幻药的原因对吧And Im thinking its just the peyote, right?是很可能是因为迷幻药Well; it was probably the peyote,好比你现在可能是因为喝了酒莱斯特like this conversation is probably the liquor, Lester.不是乔我听到了一些话No, no, Joe, I heard what I heard.好的,什么话?Okay, what?迪伦提醒了我一个朋友Dillon warned a friend
6、of mine让他那天不要去上班that he shouldn*t go to work that day.对你知道的就是爆炸那天Yeah, yeah, you know, the. the day of the explosion.你是说他们提前知道Are you telling me they knew something有事情要发生莱斯特?was gonna happen, Lester?不不不我不是那个意思我No, no, no, I didnt say that, I.迪伦查理看到了幻象Dillon Charley had a vision.然后他警告了他and he warned
7、him.谁?他警告了谁?Who? Whod he warn?噢妈的呃Oh, shit, um.盖伊阿特西蒂Guy Atcitty.你跟那姑娘的父亲发生了什么?Whats with you and that girFs father?那跟你没关系Thats between us.翻开储物格Open the glove compartment.你把它带去实验室检测一下Need you to take that to the lab and get it analyzed.我不知道纳瓦霍警局还有实验室I didnt know NTP had a lab.我们没有We dont.但旗手市的联邦大厦有一
8、个But theres one at the Flagstaff Federal Building.啥你们跟他们之间有合作协议?What, do you guys have an agreement?感觉不太可能啊How does that work?我觉得你可以直接走进去刷下工牌就可以了I figured you could just walk in and flash a badge. 拜托齐Come on, Chee.不用装了我知道你是联邦调查局的You can cut the act. I know youre FBI.还真没人这么说过Ive never been accused of
9、 that before.行吧Yeah.我到时候跟大高个说你第一天就暴露了Whats ol* Whitover gonna say when I tell him 你猜他会怎么说啊?you couldnt keep your cover even for one day, huh? 你是怎么知道的?How did you know?我不知道你也太不经诈了I didnt until you just admitted it.服了 该死Jesus. - Shit.你简直太优秀了宝宝Yeah, youre somethin* else, kid.你的行为并没有暴露身份如果能让你好受点的话Wasnt
10、anything you did, if it makes you feel better.那天你问起那个丧失的代物The other day when you were asking about the missing token, 大高个看你的表情就像ol High pocket shot you the same look my father我做错事时我父亲看我的样子used to shoot me when I got outta line.你准备怎么办?And what are you going to do?嗯Uh.不是我准备怎么办its not what Fm gonna do.
11、是你准备为我做什么It*s what youre gonna do for me.我需要两个受害者的验尸报告Need the autopsy reports for my two murder victims, 还需要你把那瓶水拿去检测and I need you to get that water analyzed.只要你帮我You do that.我就替你保密your secrets safe with me.我似乎没得选I don*t really have a choice.是啊你没得选No, you dont.打搅一下Excuse me.你们应该给我预留一幅画的Yall are su
12、pposed to be holding a painting for me.我的结婚纪念日快到了Itsits for my anniversary.哦你可能搞错了这里不是博物馆Uh, case you hadnt noticed, this isnt the Smithsonian.你看到的就是我们尚未出售的What you see is what we got.旺达说她会帮我预留的Wanda said that she would hold it for me.就是仙人掌那幅Its the one with the cactus.五分钟前被我卖 fI sold that one five
13、minutes ago.你卖 了 ?You sold it?卖给谁 f ?To who?刚刚路过的一个摩门家庭Mormon family just passin* through.他们往哪个方向走了知道公You dont happen to know which way they went, do you?我不知道I dont know.也许在ID犹他的路上(犹他州盐湖城是摩门教圣地)Probably on their way back to Utah去做他们在犹他做的那些事呗to do whatever the fuck they do in Utah.好吧Okay.白人我没说错吧White
14、 folks, am I right?好听Yes.塞拉布拉沃有个紧急情况Sierra Bravo, we have an emergency.收到说话Come in.塞拉布拉沃Sierra Bravo.有个紧急情况说话We have an emergency. Come in.收到了没?Do you copy?收至IJCopy.You better come home,Speedy Gonzalez JJ Away from tannery row? Stop all of your drinkingJ With that floozy named FloJ Come on home to y
15、our adobe ) And slap some mud on the wall jThe roof is leaking like a strainer JTheres loads of roaches in the hall ?J La la la laJ Speedy GonzalezJ Speedy Gonzalez 怎么了?What*s wrong?-我们速度多少?呃.-How fast are we going? - Um. 发生什么事了 ? What*s happening?没事的没事的Its okay, its okay. 哇哦!Whoa!-啊!-抱歉抱歉-Ah! - Sor
16、ry! Sorry.没没事的Its oits okay. 没事的他还在那It*s okay. - Hes still right there.-J Speedy Gonzalez ?-Speedy GonzalezHow come you leave me all alone? JHey, Rosita, I have to go shopping downtown for my mother.She needs some tortillas and chili peppers. ? La都还好吧? 是的-Is everybody okay? - Yeah.-你还好吧?嗯.嗯-Are you
17、okay? - Mm-hmm.要不我们How about we just.再来点音乐么?Should I play some music?不用了No.开车吧好的Just drive. - Okay.不会有事的孩子们Everythings gonna be okay, girls.没事的Its okay.啊!What?好的Okay.从车里出来Get out of the car.什么?噢上帝What? - Oh, God.下车!下车!Get out of the car! Get out of the car!按他说的做看在上帝份上Do what he says, for Gods sake!好
18、好好的Okay, okay, okay!不不要去No, don*t go.没事的有我在It*s okay, Ive got you.好的Okay.翻开后备箱Open the trunk.我们没什么值钱的东西我们We don*t have anything that youd want, we.只有随身的行李Just luggage from our trip. 部落警 察 Tribal Police.嘘Shh.还记得你在诊所遇到的那个护士么?Do you remember the nurse that you met at the clinic? 那是我妻子艾玛Thats my wife, E
19、mma.知道么我还去了学校You know, I stopped by the school, 但那里没有任何关于你的记录 but there wasnt any record of attendance on you. 我小时候我妈经常把我藏起来My mom used to hide me when I was little.教育局的人来的时候Whenever the BIA agents came by, 我会藏在地板下I would hide out in the baseboards.好的Yeah.我能理解I understand that.你有其他家人么?Do you have an
20、y other family?也许你可以告诉我他的名字Maybe you can tell me his name, then.我会没事的PH be fine.我相信I dont doubt it.能看出来你很坚强Tell youre very tough.但我觉得你去盖洛普的妇女庇护所会更好些But I think youd be better off in a womens shelter in Gallup. 我们可以帮你找个地方好么We can help you find a place, hmm?也许还能找到工作Maybe get some work.盖洛普?嗯-Gallup, hu
21、h? - Mm-hmm.大城市The city.是的Yeah.生活不易但我觉得对你有好处Would be hard, but I think itd be good for you.伤害自己孩子的母亲No father that hurts the mother of his child这样的男人没必要守着萨丽is worth sticking around for, Sally.你人比其他警察好多了警长 Youre nicer than the other cops, Lieutenant. 但这就是我的人生But this is my life.我没法在盖洛普生活I canft live
22、in Gallup.打搅了Excuse me.噢抱歉我没注意到你Oh, sorry, I. I didnt see you there.什么事?Yes?我有一瓶水样Yeah, I have this water sample here 需要检测that needs analysis.从我家人井里取的在纳瓦霍保存地Its from my familys well on the Navajo reservation. 我需要知道这里面有没有Just need to know if theres anything in it可以害死我的东西that can kill me.你是局里的么?Are yo
23、u with the Bureau?五个年头了Five years.你看上去不像联邦调查局的You dont look like FBI.现在呢?Now do I?放这吧我会处理的Just leave it. Til get around to it.我时间有点急Kind of need it right away.纳瓦霍没听说过自来水么?Navajo never heard of tap water?是我们也想要自来水Yeah, wed like tap water,不过呢我们只有水井but instead, we have wells,而且多亏你这样的科学家要什么铀搞科研thanks to
24、 scientists like you who need uranium for your labs.我们一个个得了癌症和肾病It means that we have cancer and kidney disease.没让你喝了它只是让你检测一下Im not asking you to drink it. Tm asking you to analyze it.我今天下午给你结果Fil have it for you this afternoon.J When I go to bed at night J? And lay my head on a pillow, why. ?But F
25、il drive you from my mind )Or youll only do time in time, and my. ?In youJ You go find another manJ rn.4-0-1呼叫总台完毕Four-zero-one to dispatch, over.总台收到401请讲Dispatch to four-zero-one.我在166号公路向东里程表读数28英里时间10:37Mile marker 28 Eastbound, BIA route 166,1037.需要另一名警员支援Requesting another officer.利普霍恩在附近公?Is
26、Leaphorn around?收到稍等Ten-four, hold.他住过这里知道么He stayed here, you know.据说他的屎太粗大老把马桶堵了They said his shit was so big, it clogged the goddamn toilets.你脑补一下Imagine that.太恶心了fd rather not.你叫我来干吗齐Why did you drag me here, Chee? 找到钱了没?You find our money yet?还没Not quite.不过我想我找到一条线索I, uh, think I found a lead.线
27、索?A lead?你让我跑过来就为了一条线索?You brought me out here for a lead?怎么你需要钱么?What, you need a couple of dimes?我需要你帮个忙Actually, I need a favor.噢事情越来越有意思了Oh, this just keeps getting better.下次是不是告诉我想我请你吃午餐Next youre gonna tell me you want me to buy you lunch. 部落警察利普霍恩The NTP cop, Leaphorn,他盯我盯得很紧he has his hairy
28、eyeball on my ass.我需要甩开他I need to get him off.是啊Yeah.是他太把他的工作当回事了Yeah, he takes his job too seriously.是啊我们不都一样么Yeah, dont we all.我能怎么帮你?So what can I do for you?我需要巨石旅馆谋杀案的尸检报告I need the autopsy reports from the Big Rock murders.去拿吧Take em.这么简单?Th. thats it?齐你想要什么都行莱斯特Lester.挺精神啊Looking sharp.美洲原住民教
29、堂欢迎你The Native American Church welcomes you. 谢谢你的邀请Thanks for the invite.有点小紧张Little bit nervous.别担忧Donft worry.我们把你当兄弟You*re amongst brothers.莱斯特,迪伦查理Lester, Dillon Charley.他是我们的引路人Hes our road man.仪式由他来主持Hell be leading the ceremony.谢谢你让我参加Thank you for having me.盖伊跟你说过仪式是什么样的么?Did Guy fill you in
30、 on what to expect?呃,所以我得精心打扮一番Uh, enough to know to get dressed up.记住了Remember.仪式上看到的的和听到的What you see and hear in ceremony不要说出去stays in ceremony.呜呼Whew.兄弟从没觉得食物如此之香Man, food never smelled so good.你的感官被翻开了Your senses are open.-是啊来之不易的一顿-Yeah. - That was a hard-earned meal.-正好赶上盖伊Look, Chee, anythin
31、g you want.明白没?You get it?只要我们破了这起案子We crack this case, 我们会像摩西一样离开这片沙漠 we make like Moses out of this desert. 华盛顿外勤办正招人呢Theres an opening in the D.C. field office. 我想带你过去当我的二把手 rd like to bring you with me as my number two. 你觉得怎么样孩子What do you think of that, son?非常乐意长官Anywhere but here, sir.好孩子Good
32、boy.盖伊Guy.盖伊!Guy!我们需要谈谈We need to talk. 你有什么毛病? The helfs your problem? 一直缠着我不放?Hollering around disturbing me?爆炸那天你为什么没去上工?Why werent you at work on the day of the explosion? 嗯? 我病了Mm? -1 was sick.我听到的可是另一种说法Thatrs not what I heard.如果你什么都知道Well, if you know everything, 为什么还要问我啊?why are you talking
33、to me, then?没什么事吧爸爸Is everything okay, Dad?没事Everythings good.进屋去Back inside.她不应该穿着那件外套She shouldnt be wearing that jacket.我知道I know.我会让她还给你PH have her give it back to you, then.不她知道该怎么处理No. She knows what to do with it.你也是And so do you.抓我啊那Arrest me, then.你知道你也没别的人可以怪了But you know you have no one e
34、lse to blame.是啊除了你和她Yeah, except you and her.盖伊!Guy!住手快住手Stop, stop!盖伊Guy!别打了住手Stop! Just stop!好的好的好Okay, okay, okay.盖伊别这样Guy, no!停下别这样Stop! No!盖伊停下Guy, stop.盖伊你想干你想干嘛?Guy, whatre you.What are you doin?停下盖伊Stop, Guy.停下Stop.别动!Stop!盖伊别动!Guy, I said stop!不!No!你干吗呢?What did you do?-盖伊你干吗呢?-Guy. - What
35、did you do?我告诉你停下来盖伊I told you to stop, Guy.上帝啊Jesus.我是齐探员之前咱们通过电话Agent Chee. We spoke on the phone.是的我记得Yes, we did.这文件是给你的I have the file ready for you.外边天气怎么样?Whats the weather like out there?热Hot.这天喝冰啤酒不错Good day for a cold beer.她死于心脏骤停?So she died of cardiac arrest?从没见过这种情况Never seen anything l
36、ike it before.没有基础疾病No underlying condition.检测了血液心脏还有肺部组织Ran blood, heart, and lung tissue.我考虑过自己酿酒Thought about brewing my own.我是说啤酒You know, beer.她有一缕头发变白了是怎么回事?What about the white in her hair?还没有科学依据Theres not any empirical science可以解释但也不是什么稀奇事to back it up, but it*s not uncommon either.你之前见过么?Y
37、ouve seen this before?没有但我在一次医学研讨会上跟人交流过No, but I was at a convention with a bunch of other pathies, 有些同行遇到过这种情况and some of my colleagues have come across this.他们有什么见解么关于死亡原因?Do they have any ideas on, uh, COD?心脏骤停加上头发突然变白Cardiac arrest plus the whitening of the hair follicles显示受害者可能是被吓死的suggests th
38、e victim may have been scared to death.噢Oh.23分钟整23 minutes flat.厉害了Impressive.什么情况?What do we got?没看出什么尾灯坏了Nothing much. Broken taillight.看起来像车抛锚了Looks like the car just quit on him.肯定是因为车身颜色Musfve been the color.这颜色到底叫什么?What do you even call this?我不知道屎绿色?I dunno, puke green?可能是想穿过大峡谷回家Probably hea
39、ded back through the Grand Canyon.想着从保存区抄捷径Thought the rez was a shortcut,但车撑不住了but then car gives out.我表示怀疑Yeah, I doubt that.这么新的一辆车不会就这么抛锚A brand-new car like this doesnt just give out.情况不太对Somethings not right.我同意I agree.有点奇怪Its kind of strange.起初我以为他们没油了Originally, I thought maybe they ran out
40、of gas,然后全家人都坐另一辆车走了maybe the whole family got a ride off the rez.油表显示还有一大半Well, gas gauge reads three-quarters.嗯Hmm.发动机过热?Overheated?也没发现地上有漏液Well, no sign of fluids leaking on the ground.我开引擎盖查下机油吧Ill pop the hood, check the tanks.看下储物箱Check the glove box.他们是摩门教徙音乐品味很差Well, theyre Mormon with a te
41、rrible taste in music.能找到车主的姓名么?Anything that gives us a name?没有没看到注册文件Negative, no registration.让我试试这招Let me try somethin1.恶Ugh.呃这车有那种味道Ugh, the car has that smell.叫什么来着Whats it called?新车味儿?New car smell?不是呃No, um.英式皮革English leather.我前任恨不得拿它洗澡Ah, my ex used to bathe in it.这也是我甩了他的诸多原因之一One of the
42、many reasons why he*s my ex.好了Well.引擎没问题engine checks out.回局里查一查牌照和车架号Well, go back to the station, run the plates and the VIN. 我再检查一遍然后看看现场附近Im gonna double back and check out the area.我会赶上你的Ill catch up to you, though.曼纽里多副警长Sergeant Manuelito?我昨天不是要故意插手你的案子I didnt mean to jump on your case yester
43、day.你的直觉很准Yeah, you got good instincts.我相信你I trust em.嘿Hey.我很高兴你能来Im glad you*re here.你可以住在这里You can stay in here.把这儿当自己家吧Please make yourself at home.能搭把手么?Can you help me with that side?这是你儿子的房间?This was your sons room?嗯Mm-hmm.你在这里觉得不习惯么?Does it make you uncomfortable to be in here?不No.好的坐下吧Good.
44、Take a seat.你在怀孕时高兴么?Were you happy when you were pregnant?是我非常高兴Yeah, I was really happy.但我也很害怕And I was scared too.这些都很正常Its perfectly natural迷茫也好不知所措也罢to be confused or overwhelmed.怀孕时有什么感受都不为过Theres not a wrong way to feel about being pregnant.你为什么只生一个孩子?Why didnt you have any more kids?我生不了了I c
45、ouldnt.当我生完小乔时After I gave birth to Joe Jr.,诊所的医生the doctor at the clinic给我做了绝育手术performed a surgery on me我永远都不能再生孩子了that kept me from ever having another child.你为什么想做这个手术?Why would you want that?我不想I didnt.他没经我允许就做了He did it without my permission.不过我不会让你遭受同样的对待But thats not going to happen to you因为
46、我会帮你盯着because fll be right there with you,我会全程陪着你every step of the way.放松点Relax here.我给你拿点吃的Fil get you something to eat.你会觉得别扭不Does it make you uncomfortable让我住这儿to have me here?不会No.抱歉迟到了Sorry Im late.后座轮胎一直泄气That back tire keeps letting out air.告诉过你你不能I told you, you cant be driving长时间用那个备胎开车on t
47、hat spare, mm?吃完还有Eat up, theres plenty.嘿Hey.我才不会跟你到大学Im not following you to college, either, 去给你擦屁股to wipe your ass.我想我不会去上大学I don*t think Im gonna go to college.你要在这里帮我么?Are you gonna help me out here?我想待在这里赚钱I want to stay around here and make some money.你夏天在商店里打工了You worked at the mercantile th
48、is summer.在那儿赚的钱还不够我买烟I can barely buy smokes with the money I made there. 你还抽烟You smoke.说漏了Busted.你要去上学这事没得谈Youre going to school, end of story.嘿乔Hey, Joe.乔Joe.好了宝贝嘿宝贝Yeah, baby. Hey, baby.有人么?Hello?我们来这里干吗?Whyd we come here?关心我的人很担忧People who care about me are worried.他们觉得这个案子跟我关系太近了They think Im
49、too close to this case.怎么说?Why is that?这就是我儿子死的地方This is where I lost my boy.觉得你应该知道Thought you should know that.我很遗憾节哀Im sorry for your loss.安娜阿特西蒂是他的女朋友Anna Atcitty was his girlfriend.我想你也应该知道I thought you should know that too.现在告诉我我想知道的Now tell me what I need to know.安娜死于心脏骤停Anna died of cardiac
50、arrest.心脏骤停?她才20岁Cardiac arrest? She was 20 years old.法医也不太理解Coroner didnt understand it either.说她的心跳突然停止还有一缕头发变白Said her heart just stopped, said that the white streak 说明她可能是被吓死的may suggest she was scared to death.那瓶水呢?What about the water?测试结果不太确定Test came back inconclusive.看你想在里面找什么?What were you
51、 hoping to find?我也不确定I wasnt sure.你把我派去旗手市You didnt send me back to Flagstaff可不是因为不确定because you weren*t sure.我想帮助找到凶手是谁I want to help find who did this to her.但我也需要你的帮助I just need your help.我没法说服你信任我And theres no reason for you to trust me,但我保证会证明我的价值but I promise you fll prove my worth.我觉得我可能找到了你的
52、直升机Thought I mightve found your helicopter.你笑个啥?Whatre you smiling at?你确实找到了You did find it.你给的水样里有液压油There was hydraulic fluid in your water sample.看到没?See?我保证过我也做到了I promised, and I delivered.我猜保存地明天Guess the rez will be swarming会被联邦调查局挤爆对吧with Feds tomorrow, then, right?噢我表示怀疑Oh, I doubt it.我还没告诉
53、他们I didnt tell them.嗯Hmm.看来人确实不可貌相Guess people arent what they seem after all.全在这了么?-Right on. - Guy.我得跟你单独谈谈I need to see you alone for a minute.这没外人We*re amongst brothers.直接说吧Say what you need to say.多少人在钻井那干活?How many men work at the drill site?我,雅兹,还有艾默生Me, Yahz, and Emmerson.我觉得你应该留在家里I think y
54、ou should stay home.今天跟你的家人待在一起Go spend today with your family.告诉别的人也这么做Tell the others to do the same.我昨晚看到了一些东西I saw something last night.失陪一下-好的-Excuse me. - Yeah.没事没事你去吧Yeah, yeah, go ahead.DRUMCO石油,闲人勿入”在你的世界里J? In the world youre living in ?J你是个女王J You are a queen好啊How you doin?嘿伙计Hey, buddy.卡
55、梅隆忘性太大总是丢三落四Camerond forget his head if it wasnt attached to his neck.-再见好的-Have a good one. - All right.很高兴见到你Its good to see you.三年后再挂一个Stuck in one more.Is it all there?一分不少Every penny.现在我们怎么做?Now what do we do?按原计划行事Stick to the plan.黑暗之风下集预告On the next episode of uDark Winds.还觉得这些是随机的?Still thi
56、nk this is all random?一家四口突然失踪了Family of four just up and disappears.你有什么解释没?Youve got any explanation for that?你最后一次见曹神父是什么时候?Whens the last time you saw Father Tso?对你的好意我感激不尽I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. 别跑!Stop runnin!我什么也没告诉他们我发誓I didnt tell them anything, I swear.她在撒谎是的我知道Shes ly
57、in. Yeah, I know.黑暗之风You cant runAnd you can*t hideJ You can*t get away, babyJ No matter how hard youA-one more time, baby!J And you cant run? And you cant hideHere we go.? And you cantget away, baby J? No matter how hard you try美国印第安卫生局及其合作医疗机构在上世纪六七十年代于患者毫不知情或被误导的情况下 给大量保存区的原住民妇女做了绝育手术这一基于所谓的“优生学的
58、行为给原住民造成的伤害至今无法愈合好的Got it.可以不?That good?嗯不错Yeah, that*s fine.出来吧雷蒙德Time to go, Raymond.我还没吃早饭呢I havent even got my breakfast yet.想我告诉你奶奶Do you want me to tell your grandma你昨晚是在这儿过的不?where you spent the night?利普霍恩警长啥事-Lieutenant Leaphorn. - Yeah.-3号线有人找好的-Call on line three. - All right.我说Okay.你们哪位送我
59、回家啊?Which one of you is giving me a lift home?这里不是出租车中心你个小娘炮This aint a taxi center, little Ray Be gay.你自己不是有腿么Your ass can walk.我说兄弟你可以不?Say, man, how about you?哥们你能不能赶紧消失?Man, why dont you just leave?好好吧Yeah. Yep.抱歉迟到了我路上撞了只郊狼Sorry Sm late. I hit a coyote on the way in.它面朝哪个方向?Which way was it fac
60、ing?我不清楚I dont know.这有关系么?What does that matter?如果它面朝北就有凶兆Well, if it was facing north, thats not good. 我还是郊狼?For me or the coyote?你俩都有Both.好吧似乎它更惨一些Well, it was worse for him.我想它也会同意I think he would agree.行了都别扯了All right, thats enough.齐,玛格丽特烟草开口讲话了Chee, Margaret Cigarets talking again.我们去取她的证词We ne
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