已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、学校电子备课模板教学内容Unit8 Section A la-2e课 型新授课授课时间第十八周第3 课时备课教师总课时总第51课时任教学科英语教学目标1.语言知识目标:1)能掌握以下词汇:when, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December2)能掌握以下句型:一When is your birthday? 一My birthday is on October 2nd.一When is Alice,s birthday? 一Its in Sept

2、ember.How old are you?一Im thirteen.-Happy birthday!一Thank you!3)能够掌握日期的询问与表达方式;4)能通过谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含义。教学重 点难点1.教学重点难点:1)询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的生日日期。2)理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。3)就生日聚会这一话题分角色表演对话。教学流程二次备课I . Warming-up and revisionGreet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.Review the numbers 0 31 in Engli

3、sh.II. Presentation(Sing the song Happy birthday to you!)T: When is my birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd. When is your birthday? This class, well learn how to express dates.(Show the pictures of the twelve months on the screen, or show a big calendar to the Ss. Learn the names of the twelve months

4、: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)Work on la. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat the new words. Ss read the new words and try to remember them.(采用方法:教师先领读,然后男生读,女生读,链式读,给出汉 语说英语,给出英语说汉语,最后跟读正音。紧凑的教学环节使学生 能够全身心的投入学习中。)St

5、ep 1Greet all the students.2. Ask students What s the datetoday? ” and “ What day is it toda y?”Who can tell me how to change ca rdinal numbers into ordinal numbers.Work on la.1 .Guide students to answer how m any days are there in a monthand how many months are there in a year. And ask students wha

6、t they are in English.-1 -No, we dont.Check ( V) the activities you have at your school and write down the dates behind the activities.Then its your partners turn to ask you questions. (You must answer the questions according to your partners answers.)VI. ReadingScanningT: Look at 2b. This is a scho

7、ol notice of our school. It tells you about the main events in this term.Now scanning the notice and find the answer to this question:Is this a busy term?(Ss read the notice and find the answer to the questions. Let some Ss say their answers to this question.)Careful readingT: Read the notice carefu

8、lly and find the activities they have this term. Then list the activities and the dates.阅读指导:该文是按时间顺序,列举了学校一学期的大事活动安排。读短 文前浏览表格,由Dates和Activities两词可知,该文的任务是找出活 动及举行日期。然后,带着任务快速阅读短文,用下划线画出活动时 间,再圈出此活动o 如该句 “Next month, we have an art festival. It s on November 3rd.” 在 November 3rd 这天,举行的活动是 art festi

9、val 最后,按时间的先后顺序,将日期与活动一一列出。Ss read the notice and list the dates and activities in the chart.Check the answers with the class.VH. DiscussingT: Well, SI, do you like school trip?SI: Yes, I do.T: Do you like soccer game?SI: No, I dont.T: What other activities in 2b do you like?Well, I like School Day

10、and art festival.OK. Now discuss the questions with your partner.What activities from 2b do you like?What other activities do you like?Write down your likes and dislikes on your workbook. Ill let you3)艺术节4)售书活动5)儿童节6)国庆节7)妇女节8)元旦9)这个学期我们为你们准备 了一些有趣好玩的事 情。10)下个月我们将主办艺 术节。11)我们将在图书馆举行售 书活动。3)艺术节4)售书活动

11、5)儿童节6)国庆节7)妇女节8)元旦9)这个学期我们为你们准备 了一些有趣好玩的事 情。10)下个月我们将主办艺 术节。11)我们将在图书馆举行售 书活动。-10-report it to the class.You can report like this:I likeI dont likeSs discuss with his or her partner and write down their likes and dislikes. Then try to make a report.Let some Ss report their result to the class, e.g.

12、I like soccer game, school trip, book sale. And I like English day, Sports Day, too.I don!t like party, volleyball game.作业 设计HomeworkRemember all the new words and expressions.Review Section B 2b. Try to retell the passage.板书 设计activities and the dates教学内容Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self check课型新授课授课时间第十九周第

13、 3课时备课教师总课时总第54课时任教学科英语教学目标1)复习序数词的构成规那么,并能运用序数词来正确表达日期。2) 了解一些常见节日的日期,并能熟练地询问及回答一些常见节日的日期。3)练习写作便条,邀请朋友参加自己(学校)的某项活动。教学重 点难点1) 了解一些常见节日的日期,并能熟练地询问及回答一些常见节日的日期。2)练习写作便条,邀请朋友参加自己(学校)的某项活动。3)通过不同形式的写作训练来练习写作便条,指导学生能熟练地写作便条来邀请朋友参加 自己(学校)的某项活动。教学流程二次备课I Warming- up and revisionGreet the Ss as usual. Che

14、ck the homework.Review the school activities. Let some Ss say all the school activities they know.basketball game, volleyball game, soccer game, tennis game, school trip, art festivalSchool Day, Sports Day, English Day, book sale, English test, party-TasklNew word:there-11 -Then let some Ss report w

15、hat activities they like and dislike.(Tell Ss to use the sentence structure: I like , but I don*t like-)I like basketball game, volleyball game and soccer game, but I dont like English Day, book sale, English test or party.I like tennis game, school trip and art festival, but I dont like Sports Day,

16、 English Day or book sale.Ask and answer about the activities in your school like this?Do you have a soccer game?Yes, we do.When is it?阅读3a中的便条,用方框中 的单词补全内容。2.小组内核对 答案,大声朗读便条。Its on October 28th.Ss ask and answer about the activities in pairs.II. WritingGuo Pen gives Alan a note, but some of the wor

17、ds are missing. Can you guess what words they are.Read the note carefully and complete the note with the words in the box. First lets read the words in the box and make you know the meaning of every word.Let some Ss read the words in the box. Then let other Ss say the meaning of the words.阅读指导:应先通读全

18、文,明白便条的大意。分析句子结构及句意来确定空格处的所缺单词的词性及词 义。 选择恰当的词填空,并再读全文一遍,看是否通畅。如:分析第一句话的句子结构可知,空格处应为一动词,句意 为“你体育运动吗?力再结合选项,可知应选like,整句话的意 思为“你喜欢体育运动吗? ”。其他选项与此分析相似。Ss read and fill in the note. Then check the answers.Task3 3b自学指导:两人一组互相提问3b中的 问题,根据问题答案写一个便条, 邀请朋友参加学校的活动,完成 后小组内互相交流,教师抽查点 评。Let Ss try to remember the

19、 note and retell it to the class.III. Writing1. T: Our school has an English party next week. Its on November 12th. Can you write your friend to our school English party? First answer my questions to help you. What is your friends name?SI: My friends name is Xiao Fang.-12-Task4 Self Check 自学指 导:L根据表

20、格内容提示,写出 基数词或序数词,写完后小组内 订正答案。2.小组内说出所知道 的节日名称及日期,比比哪个小 组知道得多,然后写出2中节日 的日期。堂堂清下面是英才中学 (Yingcai Middle School)十月份 的活动安排,请根据日程表回答 问题。Date Activities 10.11 Englis h Test 10.16 soccer game 10.21 School trip 10.26 art festival 10. 30School Day1. Do they have an English tes t?2. Is the schoo What does she

21、like to do?SI: She likes English. What activity do you have in your school?S1: We have an English party. When is the party?Ifs on November 12th.T: Well, write a note with the help of the answers above.SI: OK.Dear Xiao Fang,Do you like English? Please come to our school next week. We have an English

22、party. Its on November 12th. See you there!Da Ming.T: Very good. Now, please answer the questions in the chart first. Then with the help of the answers, write your own note to a friend. Invite him/her to an activity in your school.(Ss write a note by themselves. Then exchange their notes with their

23、partners. Check each others notes.)Let some Ss read their notes to the class.W. Self Check 1T: Now lets review the cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. First, lets recite them. Your partner recites the ordinal numbers, you recite the cardinal numbers. Then you recite the ordinal numbers, your partn

24、er recites the cardinal numbers. (Ss do as the teacher asks.)T: Now look at Self check 1. Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers.Check the answers with the class.V. Self Check 2(Show some pictures of holidays on the screen.)T: We have many holidays in China. For example:Picture 1:

25、Childrens DaySs: 儿童节T: Picture 2: National DaySs:国庆节(Show other pictures, let Ss know Womens Day, New Years Day, Labors1 Day, Teachers Day,)Ask the dates about the holidays.-13-T: When is Childrens Day?Its on June 1st.T: When is National Day?Its on October 1st. T: Now lets look at Self check 2. Writ

26、e the dates for these holidays in China.3. Check the answers with the Ss.VI. SurveyT: What other holidays in China or in other foreign countries you know. First, list the holidays you know. Then ask and answer the dates about them with your partner.SI: the Spring Festival 春节(农历正月初一)the Lantern Festi

27、val兀宵羊(农历正月 十五)Army Day建军节(8月1日)the Mid-autumn Festival中秋节(农历八月十五)St. Valentine? s Day 情人节(2 月 14 H )April FoolJ s Day 愚人节(4 月 1 日)Mother, s Day母亲节(5月份的第2个星期天)Father s Day父亲节(6月份的第3个星期天) Christmas Day 圣诞节(12 月 25 日)Then ask and answer about the dates of them:When is Arm Day?Its on August 1st. When i

28、s Christmas Day?Its on December 25th. 1 trip on October 20th?3. Is the art festival on October 26th?4. When is the soccer game?5. When is their Sch ool Day?作业 设计Homework你们学校计划举行减价售书活动。假如你是Frank,参考下面的表格信息,给你的朋友 Bob与个便条,邀请他起参加。活动 售书地点 校图书馆时间 十月十六日.板书设计1: Childrens DaySs: 儿童节-14-2: National DaySs:国庆节-1

29、5-T: My birthday is in May. Its on May 2nd. When we talk about months, we use in; When we talk about dates, we use on.April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/Decemberon January 1st. on February 2nd, on March 3rd 讲解:first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd)这些叫序数词,表示事物 的顺序,在表达日期时用序数词。序数词的构成

30、是有规律的,它们是 由基数词变化而来,我们先记住以下口诀:基变序,有规律,一、二、三特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d;-th四加起,八少t来九去e; (从4起在词尾加th)ve变f替,y要变ie。假设想表示几十儿,只变个位就Ss read and try to remember the phrases.T: When is your birthday, SI?My birthday is on March 4th.T: OK, S2. When is his birthday?His birthday is on March 4th.Ss read the conversation after th

31、e teacher. Then practice the conversation with the partner.ListeningT: Listening to the conversations in 2b and number them 1-3.(Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number.)Check the answers.Pair workT: Practice the conversations above with your partner.Make a survey about the birthdays in y

32、our group.When is your birthday?My birthday is January 5th. When is your birthday, S3?My birthday is on May 16th. When is your birthday, S4?3. Write the birthdays on the chart.Name BirthdayBill and Alan are talking about their ages and birthdays. Now read the conversation and fill the chart below.“

33、My birthday is on June 15th. When is your birthday ? And how old are you ? ”Then write down the target langua ges.Ask other students when his/herbirthday is and guide him/her to an swer.Tell them we should use the ordina 1 numbers when we talk about a sp ecific day.Ask 5 or 6 students when his/her b

34、irthday. And correct their wrong expressions.“ Do you know your parents birthday ? When is your father?s birthday ? When is your mother s birthday ?”Bill and Alan are talking about their ages and birthdays. Now read the conversation and fill the chart below.“ My birthday is on June 15th. When is you

35、r birthday ? And how old are you ? ”Then write down the target langua ges.Ask other students when his/herbirthday is and guide him/her to an swer.Tell them we should use the ordina 1 numbers when we talk about a sp ecific day.Ask 5 or 6 students when his/her birthday. And correct their wrong express

36、ions.“ Do you know your parents birthday ? When is your father?s birthday ? When is your mother s birthday ?”-2-V , Listening. T: Look at the chart below. Find out the rules.规那么揭示:(学生记忆以下口诀)基变序,有规律,一、二、三特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d;-th四加起,八少t来九去e; (从4起在词尾加th) ve变f替,y要变ie。假设想表示几十几,只变个位就Play the recording for the Ss

37、 to listen and repeat.Then let Ss try to remember them.VI. ListeningT: In 2b, the teacher is asking some Ss about their birthdays. Listen to the recording and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.(Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again. This time, Ss listen and

38、listen and circle the numbers in 2a)T: In this conversation, the teacher asks four students about their birthdays. Look at the chart below. They are Alice, Frank, Eric, Jane. Now please read the name, months and dates by yourselves.(Ss read the names, months and dates.)Now, listen to the recording a

39、gain and match the names, months and dates.(Play the recording again, Ss listen and match the names, months and dates. Then check the answers.)VII. Pair work(Ask some Ss about the birthdays of the four students in 2c.T: When is Alice*s birthday, SI?Her birthday is on September 5th.T: When is Franks

40、birthday, S2?His birthday is on T: Now ask and answer about the birthdays of the four students in 2c with your partner.(Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their birthdays.)Do you know your parents* birthday? Ask your partner about the birthday in his or her family?When is your fathers birthday

41、?His birthday is on September 10th.When is your mothers birthday?-3-S2: Her birthday is on August 20th. (Then S2 ask SI about the birthdays in his or her family.) Vm. Role-play作业 设计再次阅读听力材料,记忆单词和短语板书 设计Unit 8 When is your birthday?A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is on May 10th. A: When is yo

42、ur fathers birthday? B: My father s birthday is on June 3rd. A: How old are you? = Whats your age? B: I am 14 (years old). A: How old is your father?B: He is 教学内容Section A Grammar focus-3c课 型新授课授课时间第十九周第 1课时备课教师总课时总第52课时任教学科英语教学目标1)揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆局部特殊的序数词的书写。2)总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达

43、法。3)能够询问或确认他人的年龄及生日日期。教学重 点难点1)揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆局部特殊的序数词的书写。2)总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。教学流程二次备课I Warming- up and revisionGreeting the Ss as usual. Check their homework.Lets review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.Play a number game:T: Your partner says a

44、ordinal number and you say a cardinal number. Then exchange roles.elevenS2: eleventh; twentytwentieth; thirteen S2: thirteenth; sixteenSI: sixteenth; .I , Warming- up and revisionNew words: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, nin th, twentieth, twelfth. 自学指导:.1个人试读,组内合作相互纠正 发音。2老师带读单词,小师傅带读, 最后请个别组

45、员或者全体组员-4-4. Ask your partner a question chain like this:T: How old are you?SI: Pm thirteen.T: When is your birthday?SI: My birthday is October 16th.T: When is your mothers birthday?SI: Her birthday is on June 3rd.T: When is your fathers birthday?SI: His birthday is July 5th.Ss work with their partn

46、er ask and answer in a question chain.IL Grammar Focus.根据汉语提示完成以下句子: 你的生日是什么时候?your birthday?我的生日是8月2日。My birthday is他的生日是什么时候his?他的生日是在1月17日。His is 17th.她的生日是在什么时候? When is?是在八月份。August. 爱丽丝的生日是什么时候? When is 9 她的生日在九月五日。 birthday is 5th.你爸爸的生日是什么时候? Whenbirthday?他的生日是在四月21日。is21st.学习指导:Grammar Focu

47、s1.学生大声朗读Grammar Focus 的句子。 2.小结训练:汉译英。第一笛一箪二弟五弟八第九第十二 第二十 第四十四,-5-序数词:表示事物顺序的词,其前常加定冠词the。数字序数词变化规那么例词1、2、3特殊记One f first 第一 two f second 第二Three f third 第三4-19基数词词尾加-th特殊:fiveffifth 第五;eight f eigh 第 八; nine f ninth 第 九 twelve twelfth 第十二th一般:fourfourth 第四 sixf sixth 第:seven f seventh 弟 七nineteenn

48、ineteenth 第十九六20, 30,40, 50,60, 70,80, 90-ty变为-tie再 加thtwenty twentieth 第二十 thirty thirtieth第三十forty f fortieth 第四十 fifty f fiftie 第五十sixty f sixtieth 第/、十seventyseventieth 第七十eighty f eightieth 弟八十 ninety ninetieth第九十 th其余两位数将相应基数 词的个位改 为基数词twenty-one f twenty-first 第二 H 1 thirty-nine - thirty-nint

49、h 第 三十九 forty-six f forty-sixth 第四十六4. Check the answers.3a认真阅读3a中的问句和答语,将 它们进行匹配,完成后集体核对 答案,然后朗读这些句 子。Task4 3b自学指导.仔细阅读3b中的对话,利用 所学知识将对话补充完整,小组 内订正答案。.小组内练习3b对话,并邀请JU. Practice1. Now lets work on 3a. Read the questions and answers then match the questions and answers.指导:应明确问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。还要根 据问句中物

50、主代词或名词所有格的人称及数来确定答语。比 如:第一个问题中名词所有格是Jenny*,而Jenny是女性, 可知答语中应用Her birthday来回答,故应选b项。-6-Ss read the questions and answers. Find the answers to the questions. Then check the answers with the class.Ss work with his or her partner. Ask and answer the questions.IV. PracticeT: Grace and her friends are tal

51、king about their ages and birthdays. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.Ss read and complete the conversation.Check the answers with the class.Practice the conversation with your partner.Ask some pairs act out the conversation.V. SurveyT: Do you know your classmates* ages and birthdays. No

52、w lets make a survey of everyones ages and birthdays. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest.Ss ask and answer about each others age and birthdays.How old are you?Im .一When is your birthday?一My birthday is on.Make a report. students* birthdays are in January. . students* birthdays are in Febru

53、ary. . students1 birthdays are in March.Then line up all the students from the youngest to the oldest.儿组学生表演对话。3c自学指导:以小组为单位,利用 uWhen is your birthday?” 和” How old are you?”句型 来询问其他同学的生日和年龄, 然后根据从小到大的顺序进行排 序。作业 设计Recite the new words they have learnt板书 设计One f first 第一 two f second 第二;Three third 第三

54、特殊:five-fifth 第五; eight - eighth 第八; nineninth 第九 twelve 一 twelfth 第十二一般:four f fourth 第四 six - sixth 第 六 seven f seventh 第 七 nineteen f nineteenth 第十九twenty f twentieth 第二十 thirty f thirtieth 第三十forty f fortieth 第四十 fifty f fiftieth 第五十-7-sixty f sixtieth 第六十 seventy f seventieth 第七十eighty f eighti

55、eth 第八十 ninety f ninetieth 第九十twenty-one - twenty-first 第二H; thirty-nine f thirty-ninth 第三十九;forty-six f forty-sixth第四十六-8-教学内容Unit 8 Section B la-2c课 型新授课授课时间第十九周第2 课时备课教师总课时总第53课时任教学科英语教学目标1) 掌握以下词汇: test, trip, art, festival, dear, thing, term, month, busy, time, there, Have a good time!2)掌握一些常见的

56、学校活动的表达方式,并能熟练询问其日期。3)能听懂有关学校组织活动话题的听力材料,并能获得相关信息。4)能阅读有关学校组织活动内容的短文,并能获得相关信息。教学重 点难点1)学习并掌握常见的课内外组织活动,并能询问其日期。2)就课内外学生们的组织活动的话题内容,展开听、说、读的的训练。3)能阅读有关学校组织活动内容的短文,并能获得相关信息,提高学生们的阅读能力教学流程二次备课I . Warming- up and revisionGreet the Ss as usual and check the homework.Review the cardinal numbers together.

57、Count from first to thirty-first.Play a date game:Your partner says a date in Chinese, you say the date in English quickly, e.g.11 月 7 日S2: November seventh; 12 月 9日December ninth; 8 月 30 日;S2: August thirtieth; 10 月 3 日October, thirdReport some of your family members* birthdays.My birthday is on January 10th. My fathers birthday is on July 23rd. My mothers birthday is on June 7th. My grandfathers birthday is on-II. Presentation1. (Show som


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