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1、2021-2022学年度高中英语期末考试卷试卷副标题考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX 考前须知:.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I卷的文字说明 一、阅读理解Blind boxes or mystery boxes have taken China*s toy scene by storm. The idea is quite simple. The customers know they are getting a toy, but wont know what specific toy they are

2、 getting until they open the box. It is a bit like gambling (赌博)only without the risk of leaving empty-handed.One such company to take an important role in this particular market is Pop Mart. By the end of 2020, the company had more than 100 shops and over 1000 vending (售卖)machines as well as an onl

3、ine store. The popularity of Pop Marts products has made it 33-year-old founder Wang Ning a billionaire.The idea for blind boxes was inspired by gashapon (扭蛋)from Japan, which are vending machines that give out a capsule containing a mystery toy. Although the toys inside Pop Marts blind boxes are re

4、latively cheap, costing less than two dollars to make, they sell for around eight dollars. The majority of its customers are between the ages of 18 - 35, typically young adults with over 7 5 percent being female.Young adults may not play with dolls in the way that kids might, instead, they choose to

5、 display them. Sometimes as a symbolic extension of their personalities or just to show off something cute. Some blind boxes contain more limited-edition toys, which entice more serious collectors to keep buying more boxes in the hope that they can get the one that they want. Some consumers have col

6、lected over a thousand dolls. If each cost eight dollars, two thousand dolls would mean that she spent around sixteen thousand dollars on dolls.Blind boxes have been compared to gambling, which can be addictive. While blind boxes have received criticism, no actions have been taken against them yet.W

7、hat is popular with Chinese young adults?A. Getting cheap toys. B. Buying blind boxes. C. Opening mystery gifts. D. Showing off something cute.推理判断题。根据第三段的“Moreover, encouraging cooperation increase a healthy sense of self-esteem in children that better prepares them for the competitive working worl

8、d.(止匕夕卜, 鼓励 合作能增进儿童的健康自尊感,使他们更好地为竞争激烈的工作世界做好准备)”和最后一 段的“Nevertheless, since passion can already stimulate children to work hard to fulfill their ambitions, the need to encourage competition may be at the end of the day. As much as external competition can drive people to pursue excellence, internal

9、motivation is at least equally or arguably even more essential, and collaboration plays an instrumental role in helping one uncover one,s tendency and motivations.(然而,既然激情已经能激励孩子们努力工作以实现他们的雄 心壮志,鼓励竞争的需要可能是在一天结束的时候。就像外部竞争可以驱使人们追求卓越 一样,内部动机至少是同等重要的,甚至可以说更重要,合作在帮助人们发现自己的倾向 和动机方面发挥了重要作用)”推知,作者认为信心和雄心可以通

10、过合作来实现。应选B。推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要说明了培养合作精神对孩子的重要性:是一种非常 重要的软技能,能帮助孩子建立信心,有助于孩子实现雄心。结合第一段的“Yet, in an increasingly interconnected society, it is even more crucial to have collaborative skills. Thus we should encourage cooperation to better prepare children for the future.(然而, 在一个 日 益相互关 联的社会中,拥有协作技能更为关键。因

11、此,我们应该鼓励合作,让儿童更好地为未来做 好准备广推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是呼吁父母鼓励他们的孩子学会合作。应选D。CADC【解析】 【导语】这是一篇议论文。“镜子,墙上的镜子。谁是最漂亮的?”每个人都是,包括你。不管TikTok 的美容趋势想让你相信什么。作者通过一句耳熟能详的台词引出自己对于美的看法:自 信,勇敢,善良,积极,你就是美的。推理判断题。根据第一段Everyone is. Including you. No matter what TikToks beauty trends答案第3页,共7页want you to believe.(每个人都是。包括你。不管抖音的美容趋势想让

12、你相信什么)”可知, 这就是作者自己对于“谁是最美的人的答案,是作者自己对于美的态度,不要跟风某平台 某博主,相信自己最美。所以说作者引用那句故事台词的目的就是引出自己对于美的看 法。应选C项。细节理解题。根据第六段首句We are born with a tendency to follow the crowd to gain approvals我们天生就有随波逐流以获得认可的倾向户可知,作者认为,我们生来有从众心 理是为了得到他人认可。A项get acceptance与gain approval意思一致。应选A项。推理判断题,根据侄I数第三段“Media has been keeping

13、western beauty standards for generations and has failed to consider that different cultures and countries have their own beauty standards. You might not believe it, but I find dark circles (the proof you worked hard until late at night) and scars (the proof that you*ve survived battles) beautiful.(几

14、代人以来,媒体一直保持 着西方的审美标准,却没有考虑到不同的文化和国家有自己的审美标准。你可能不相信, 但我发现黑眼圈(证明你一直努力工作到深夜)和伤疤(证明你从战斗中幸存下来)是美丽的)” 可知,作者认为,你奋斗拼搏,你善良勇敢,你爱国爱人民,不管你外表怎样,你就是最 美的。据此可知,虽然你腿痛了,可是你是英勇冒死从大火中救出孩子而受伤,在作者看 来那你就是最美的。A项容易误选,酒吧打架造成的伤疤和文章中在前线英勇战斗留下的 伤疤不是一回事儿。应选D项。主旨大意题。第一段作者阐述了自己对美的态度。第二段“The popular video-sharing platform needs no

15、introduction. Anyone in the world can create anything and post it on the widespread platform. But what happens when more and more fault-finding contents - especially in regard to peoples looks-are created?(这个流行的视频提供平台无需介绍。世界上任何人都可 以创造任何东西,并将其发布到广泛的平台上。但是,当越来越多吹毛求疵的内容一-尤其 是关于人们的外貌的内容被创造出来时,又会发生什么呢)质疑

16、抖音网络平台上很多 人提供的内容是对人的外貌吹毛求疵,追求外表的人造美,对社会导向是错误的;倒数第 二段“TikTok beauty standards sort people into groups according to the sizes of their noses, foreheads, or lips. They judge a person by their looks. Actually, people are whole individuals with far more interesting qualities than their forehead size. ( T

17、ikTok 的美标准是根据鼻子、额头或嘴 答案第4页,共7页唇的大小将人们分成不同的组。他们以貌取人。事实上,人是一个完整的个体,比起额头 的大小,他们有更有趣的特质)”也指出了这些网络视频中的审美是负面影响的,并指出了 正确的审美观。自信,勇敢,善良,积极,就是美的。综上,作者在担忧抖音平台的审 美趋势所带来的负面影响。C项内容符合文章主旨。应选C项。BADC【解析】【分析】本文为一篇议论文,作者认为,在现代官僚主义管理制度下,人出现普遍焦虑的现象,为 了摆脱这一现状,社会制度应该向鼓励人及其潜能充分开发的人文主义工业转变。【详解】.词义猜想题。根据文章第一段关键句The oiling is

18、 done with higher wages, well-equipped factories and piped music, and by psychologists and human-relations experts; yet all this oiling does not change the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and he is bored with it.”(起润滑作用的是更高的工资、设备完善的工 厂和播放的音

19、乐以及心理学家和“人际关系”专家;然而,所有这些润滑并不能改变这样一 个事实:人已经变得无能为力,他不再全心全意地参与工作,他对工作感到厌倦。)可推 断,通过“well-oiled cog in the machinery(机器上润滑良好的齿轮),作者认为,尽管运 行平稳,人却是社会一个可替代的组成局部,地位无足轻重。应选B项。2细节理解题。根据文章第二段关键句In fact, they live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally

20、and intellectually independent and productive human beings.(事实上,他们在活着和死去的时候,从来没有 面对过人类作为情感上和智力上独立和有生产力的人存在的基本现实。)可知,工人和雇员 焦虑的真正原因是他们被迫放弃自己的个性和独立性。应选A项。.推理判断题。根据文章第三段关键句This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than ones fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the ve

21、ry causes of unhappiness and illness.(这种持续不断地需要证明自己与竞争对手一样好或更好的需要,导致了持续不断的焦虑和压力,这正是不快乐和疾病的根源。)可知,作者认为,过多的竞答案第5页,共7页争导致的焦虑和压力是不快乐的根源,因此,生活中真正的幸福属于那些远离过度竞争的 人。应选D项。4细节理解题。根据文章最后一段关键句I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and c

22、onsumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities are the aims of social arrangements.”(我建议把我们的社会制度,从以最大限度的生产和最 大限度的消费为目的的官僚主义管理下的工业主义,转变为以人及其潜能的充分开发为社 会安排目的的人文主义工业主义。)可知,为了解决目前的社会问题,作者建议我们应该使 人充分开发自己的潜力。应选c项。CDFBG【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。

23、文章主要描述了生活中我们产生恐惧的原因及恐惧的分类。【详解】.根据前文“You are immediately alert, prepared to fight or flee the source of the sound, which turns out to be a pile of books falling off that shelf youve been meaning to fix.”(你要马上警惕 起来,准备好要么对抗,要么逃离声音的来源,结果证明声音来自一堆从书架上掉下来的 书,这个书架你一直想修好它。)可知,空白处可以承接上文描述在声音发生时你的感觉。 选项C“但在那一刻

24、,你的大脑和身体的反响,就好像你处于极度危险之中。that moment 指代前文 a pile of books falling off that shelfo 与前文呼应,应选 Co.根据前文“As children we pick up on what makes our parents anxious, and we may also learn to fear certain things after negative experiences. (当我们还是孩子的时候,我们知道什么让我 们的父母感到焦虑,我们也可能在经历了消极的事情之后,学会害怕某些事情。)可知,有 些恐惧是深植于我

25、们脑海中的,有些是从父母亲处习得的。下文“We can enjoy the view from the top of a skyscraper rather than worry about falling, or turn out the light-safe in the knowledge that a wolf wont swallow us in the night. (我们可以从摩天大楼的顶部欣赏风景,答案第6页,共7页 而不用担忧会掉下来,或者关掉灯光保险箱,因为我们知道狼不会在晚上把我们吞下去。) 举例证明我们清楚没有危险时,能克服内心恐惧的情况。所以该空为过渡句,承上启下。

26、选项D”尽管如此,当我们清楚我们不处于危险中时,我们仍然能够忽略内心的恐惧。”符 合题意,应选D。.根据下文“Agoraphobia is generally referred to as the fear of open spaces, but it applies to the dread of any situation that is difficult to escape from, or where help would not be available if something went wrong. Social phobia is the intense fear of in

27、teracting with people or performing, while specific phobias are the fear of a particular situation, activity or thing. (J场恐惧症通常 被称为对开放空间的恐惧,但它适用于任何难以逃脱的情况的恐惧,或者如果出了问题就 得不到帮助的情况。社交恐惧症是对与人交往或表演的强烈恐惧,而特定恐惧症是对特定 情况、活动或事物的恐惧。)具体描述agoraphobia, social phobia and specific phobias三种 情况,所以空白处应总说极度恐惧存在于三种情况。选项

28、F“这些极端的恐惧被分为三类: 广场恐惧症,社交恐惧症和特定恐惧症。应选F。.根据前文“Agoraphobia is generally referred to as the fear of open spaces, but it applies to the dread of any situation that is difficult to escape from, or where help would not be available if something went wrong. Social phobia is the intense fear of interacting w

29、ith people or performing, while specific phobias are the fear of a particular situation, activity or thing.(厂场恐惧症通常 被称为对开放空间的恐惧,但它适用于任何难以逃脱的情况的恐惧,或者如果出了问题就 得不到帮助的情况。社交恐惧症是对与人交往或表演的强烈恐惧,而特定恐惧症是对特定 情况、活动或事物的恐惧。)举例这些恐惧给我们日常生活带来的干扰。选项B“这些不合 理的恐惧会对日常生活造成很大的干扰。”These irrational fears指代前文提到的 agoraphobia, s

30、ocial phobia and specific phobias o 应选 B。.空白处为本段的总起句,根据下文“For example, somebody may develop cynophobia一 the fear of dogs-after being bitten.(例如,有人可能在被咬后患上犬恐惧症对狗的恐惧。)举例说明恐惧症产生的原因可能和我们日常的一些不愉快的经历有关。所以此处应 总说恐惧症的原因可能会和我们的经历有关。选项G“恐惧症的原因并不总是很清楚,但许 多病例都与经历或目睹不愉快的事件有关。,应选Go答案第7页,共7页What does the underlined

31、 word entice“ in paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Force.B. Attract.C. Raise.D. Command. Which of the following best describes buying blind boxes?A. It is gambling. B. It is beneficial. C. It is easily-addicted.D. It is special in China.What is the authors attitude towards mystery boxes?A. Supportive. B.

32、 Indifferent. C. Sceptical.D. Objective.An economist, Adam Smith, famously wrote that it is not from the benevolence (慈 善)of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. Like Smith, many economists today believe that ones self-int

33、erest is what drives competition and growth in market economies. Yet, in an increasingly interconnected society, it is even more crucial to have collaborative skills. Thus we should encourage cooperation to better prepare children for the future.Firstly, in the present age marked by the transformati

34、ve potential of technology to facilitate interactions, cooperation is an especially prized soft skill to have. As a research study proves, soft skills such as good communication and empathy consist of qualitative indicators of outstanding employees as compared to technical skills or knowledge. In co

35、ntrast, excessively (过分地)competitive and individualistic behaviour may fracture social relations in the community of co-workers and since no man is an island, even the most competent employee will not be able to pursue his goals effectively without the help of others who are able to share a common v

36、ision and understanding.Moreover, encouraging cooperation increase a healthy sense of self-esteem in children that better prepares them for the competitive working world. Many modern societies today are consumed by an obsessive drive for success and the pressure to perform has infiltrated both class

37、rooms and offices alike. The consequences of the fierce competitive culture include higher rates of anxiety and depression among university students and office workers, which are all counterproductive. Teamwork can help a maturing individual realise that each has his or her own unique set of abiliti

38、es to bring to the table and that another persons strengths do not in any way diminish (降低)the value of his or her talents. Thus, cooperation can affirm the self-worth of children by correcting the violent insight that winning or paper achievement is an exclusive (唯一)measure of success in life.Howev

39、er, critics may claim that in a cutthroat world, adapting to competition should be of supreme priority in education and parenting. To achieve ones deepest ambitions, such as to become a medical student, or to create a tech start-up, one has to adopt competition by actively fighting for opportunities

40、 and distinguishing oneself from others. Nevertheless, since passion can already stimulate children to work hard to fulfill their ambitions, the need to encourage competition may be at the end of the day. As much as external competition can drive people to pursue excellence, internal motivation is a

41、t least equally or arguably even more essential, and collaboration plays an instrumental role in helping one uncover ones tendency and motivations.What can be inferred from Adam Smiths words?A. Our society is increasingly interconnected.B , Our dinner is made out of the regards to markets.C. Self-in

42、terest pushes the development of economies.D. The butcher, the brewer or the baker is not sympathy.What does the underlined word “fracture“ mean in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Deepen.B. Establish.C. Maintain.D. Damage.Which of the following might the author agree with?A. Paper achievement is an exc

43、lusive measure of success.B Confidence and ambitions can be achieved through cooperation.C. Actively fighting for distinguishing oneself is a healthy competition.D. Competition is not essential for people to pursue excellence.What is the authors purpose of writing this passage?A. To introduce parent

44、s the advantages of cooperation.B , To inform parents to balance cooperation and competition.To persuade parents to care about their childrens education.To tell parents to encourage their children to learn to cooperate.Mirror,mirror on the wall.Who*s the prettiest of them alPEveryone is. Including y

45、ou.No matter what TikToks beauty trends want you to believe.The popular video-sharing platform needs no introduction. Anyone in the world can create anything and post it on the widespread platform. But what happens when more and more fault-finding contents - especially in regard to peoples looks-are

46、 created?“Youre attractive if you have 8 to 10 teeth showing when you smile.”Apparently, this filter (滤镜) shows how good your eyebrows look.”“Use this effect to adjust the size of your features.We are born with a tendency to follow the crowd to gain approval. As a result, we look at the huge number

47、of views on these posts and think following these trends is the right thing to do. So we hurriedly download the filters or rush to the mirror to pretend to smile broadly and curiously count our teeth.Media has been keeping western beauty standards for generations and has failed to consider that diff

48、erent cultures and countries have their own beauty standards. You might not believe it, but I find dark circles (the proof you worked hard until late at night) and scars (the proof that youve survived battles) beautiful. And Fm sure there are plenty of others who do, too.TikTok beauty standards sort

49、 people into groups according to the sizes of their noses, foreheads, or lips. They judge a person by their looks. Actually, people are whole individuals with far more interesting qualities than their forehead size.Its the way your eyes light up when talking about your favorite book or the way you t

50、ake care of your sad friend that makes you beautiful. As we age and grow wrinkles, its the things we did that well be remembered for, not what we looked like 20years ago. Trust me, no ones actually counting and committing to memory how many teeth are in your smile.Why is the famous line from a story

51、 used at the beginning of the passage?To remind readers of the magic mirror.To make the beginning understandable.To introduce the authors beauty attitude.To display popular belief towards TikTok.Why do we follow the beauty trends according to the passage?A. To get acceptance.BC. To put on more posts

52、.DWhat is beautiful according to the author?A. Scars from a bar fighting.BC. Eyebrows shown through the filter.DWhat can be a suitable title for the passage?A. Worrying Future for TikTok Followers.BC. Harmful TikTok Beauty Trends.DTo satisfy curiosity. To create a better self., Dark circles from pla

53、ying games. A lame leg from saving a child in a fire.Unique Beauty Standards on TikTok. Dangerous TikTok Platform.In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic(官僚主义的)management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done

54、 with higher wages, well-equipped factories and piped music, and by psychologists and human-relations“ experts; yet all this oiling does not change the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and he is bored with it. In fact, the blue-collar and th

55、e white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.The workers and employees are anxious, seemingly because they might find themselves out of a job or they would say that they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or inte

56、rest in life. In fact, they live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productive human beings.Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious. Their lives are no less empty. They are even more i

57、nsecure in some respects. They are in a highly competitive race. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more a matter of self-respect. When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the right mixture of submissiveness (顺从)and indepen

58、dence. From the moment on they are tested again and again by the psychologists, for whom testing is a big business, and by their superiors, who judge their behavior, sociability, capacity to get along, etc. This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than ones fellow-competitor crea

59、tes constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness and illness.Am I suggesting that we should return to the pre-industrial mode of production or to nineteenth-century free enterprise“ capitalism? Certainly not. Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outg

60、rown. I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities are the aims of social arrangements. Production and co


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