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1、最新资料推荐 / 15改进英语教学的方式方法改进英语教学的方式方法当前处于英语课改的时代,然而在目前的英语教学中存在着学困生日益增多,两极分化日趋严重的现象,这与课改相违背。现阶段在英语教学中正提倡小组合作学习即任务型教学模式,它是一种强调在教学活动中设置一定的任务,让学生带着任务去学习并最终完成任务的教学方法,是以具体的任务为学习目的,把完成任务的过程当作学习过程,以课堂展示来体现教学成果,从而达到以学生为主体,教师为指导,学以致用的目的的一种教学方法。运用此模式可以使课堂效率提高,还可以提升学生上课的积极性。为此,笔者想到能否借助此方法来改进英语教学,减少学困生,防止两极分化,从而提高英语

2、成绩呢?经过大量实践,笔者认为必 须从以下几个方面做起:Currently in the English curriculum reform era, but in the prese nt En glish teachi ng there is a poor student is increasing, more and more serious polarizationphenomenon, this conflictwith class changes. Promote groupcooperative lear ning in En glish teachi ng at prese n

3、t stage the task-based teaching model, it is an emphasis on set certain task in the teachingactivities, letsthe student with a missi on to lear n and eve ntually complete the task of teachi ngmethod, is a concrete task for learningpurposes, theprocess as a learning process and finish the task in cla

4、ssroom to reflect teachi ng achieveme nts, so as to achieve take the stude nt as the main body, teacher as a guide, to apply for the purpose of a ki nd of teachi ng method. Usi ng this model can make the classroom efficiency, but also can promote the en thusiasm of stude nts in class. To this end, t

5、he author thought that can use this method to improve En glish teachi ng, reduce the poor stude nt, preve nt polarizati on, so astoimprove English? After muchpractice, the author thought must start from the following aspects:一、 英语成绩差的病根-学生两极分化的产生A, poor En glish scores of the root -stude nts polariz

6、ation学英语很容易产生两极分化现象, 分化现象主要发生在初一下或初二上,发生的原因是多方面的:1。部分学生随着词汇量、 语法知识点的增多,学习兴趣减弱。受教师自身素质的影响。初中学生心理幼稚, 老师的印象会直接影响学生对英语学习的 兴趣。学生缺乏良好的学习习惯,不能主动地学习。缺乏语言环境,得不到巩固运用等。LearningEnglish is easy to produce polarizationphe nomenon, differe ntiatio n phe nomenon occurs mainly on the first or second day, there are a

7、 variety of causes: 1. Some stude nts along with the in creasein vocabulary, grammarkno wledge,in terestin lear ning.2.In flue needbyteachers own quality. Junior middle school students men tal immature, impressi ons of the teachers will directly affect the students interest in English le arning. 3.

8、Students lack of good study habits, can t the initiative to learn. 4. Lack of Ian guage en vir onment, not used, etc.二、解决两极分化所采取的措施2, solve the in equalitymeasures take n 1。与学生建立和谐的师生关系。古人云:亲其师,信其道。和其它学科一样, 英语教学, 必须赢得学生的信赖, 师生间 建立和谐的师生关系, 要广泛接触学生, 平等对待每个学生;要注 意克服学生的胆怯心理,使学生敢于向老师吐露自己的思想;激励学生学习英语的信心。1

9、.Establish a harm onious relati on shipbetwee nteachers and students and students. Theancients cloud: kiss the divisi on, to the faith. Like other subjects, En glishteachi ng, must win the trust of stude nts, to establish aharm onious relati on shipbetwee n teachers and stude nts,betwee n teachers a

10、nd stude nts to con tact stude nts, equal treatment to each student; Attention should be paid to overcome the timidity psychology of stude nts, make stude nts to dare to give vent to their ideas to the teacher; Motivate stude nts con fide nee of lear ning En glish.英语课堂教学中师生协调是以情感为纽带的。英语教师的情感在溪流般的流动过

11、程中,把教学内容融入学生生 活,逐步发展他们的判断力和思考力。En glish classroom teach ing teachers coord in ateisemotional ties. Englis h teacher s emotional in stream flow process, the teachi ngcontent into the stude nt life,gradually develop their judgme nt and thi nking. 2。授以学法,使学生养成良好的学习习惯2. Grant toresearch method, make stu

12、dents form good learning habits 中 学阶段是英语教学的基础阶段,也是培养学生学习习惯的关键时期。要防止学生学习两极分化,必须使学生养成良好的学习习惯,掌握正确的学习方法。立足能力培养,使课堂教学交际化Middle school stage is the foundation of the Englishteachi ngstage, is also a crucial period for tra iningstudents learninghabits. To prevent the student to studythe polarization, we m

13、ust make students form good learning habits, to master correct learning methods. Based on ability training, make com muni cative classroom teachi ng approach.抓好语音教学是英语教学的起点。如果语音教学的基础没打好,就会直接影响学生对词汇、句型和语法的学习,影响听、说、读、写、译能力的培养。如对语音教学重视不够,学生打不下扎实的语音基础,学习英语就全处于被动的地位。造成记单词的发音, 往往不是按照读音规则, 而是借助汉字或 想象出来的符号帮

14、助记忆,完全脱离了单词发音与形义的内在联系,仅凭机械记忆。语音是语言的基础,学不好语音,英语是学不好的。(1) pay special atte ntio n to the phon etic teachi ngis the starting point of English teaching. If did not play agood foun dati on of phon etic teach ing, will directly affectthe stude nt to the vocabulary, sentencepatter ns and grammarlearning, a

15、ffect the liste ning,speak ing,read ing,writing and translating ability. Such as the insufficientrecog niti onof phon etic teachi ng, stude ntscan t play solidspeech, learning English is full in a passive position. Cause remember the words, pronunciation is often not in accorda nee with the rules of

16、 pronun ciati on, but with the aid of Chin ese characters or imagi nary symbols help memory, completely out of the word pronunciationand form the inner link,with only a mecha ni cal memory. Phon etic is the foun dati on of the Ianguage, learnthe pronunciation, English is not good.抓好词汇教学。搞好词汇教学是防止部分学

17、生掉队的关键。词汇教学可以采用以下几种方法:教学生学会用音、形、义相 结合的方法来记忆单词;指导学生掌握语音规则,帮助记忆单词;运用构词规则帮助学生分析单词,加深记忆。(2) pay special atte nti on to the vocabulary teachi ng. Do a good job in vocabulary teachi ng is the key to preve nt some stude nts leftbehi nd.Vocabulary teachi ng can adopt the培养学followi ng methods: teach stude nt

18、s to lear n with a comb in atio n of sound, form and meaning, ways to memoriz ing words; To guide stude nts to master the pronun ciati on rules, help the memory word; Words using the rules of word-formatio n helps stude nts was an alyzed, and deepe n our memory. (3) 习兴趣,对学困生要高度关心、爱护、并倍加赏识俗知兴趣是最好的老师,

19、有了兴趣学什么都觉得有劲,都觉得不累。反之,又怎会产生求知欲呢?作为教师,应该关心爱护每一个学生,特别是学困生更要给予赏识、夸奖、表扬与激励,千万不要挖苦、讽刺,熟知优等生是赏识出来的,学困生是挖苦、讽刺、批评、缔造出来的,有关这一点在教学中必须引起高度注意,否则,学困生会越来越多,教学就难以进行,那么,你的教学就是失败的。另外,讲究教学艺术也是激发学习兴趣的一种方法。因为好的教学艺术可以像磁铁一样吸引人。to cultivate interest in learning, to the poorstude nt want to care, love, and more highly appr

20、eciated.Common kno wledge in terest is the best teacher, have a strongin terest in lear ning what all feel, feel not tired. On theother hand, how can produce curiosity? As a teacher, should pay atte ntio n to take good care of every stude nt, especially for poor stude nt to give recog niti on and pr

21、aise, praise and en courageme nt, and must not sarcasm, irony, known as top stude nts are appreciated, poor stude nt is sarcasm, irony, criticism, and the n build out of, related to this point in the teachi ng must be highly atte ntio n, otherwise, the poorstude nt will be more and more, teachi ng i

22、s difficult, so,your teachi ngis failed. In additi on,pay atte ntio ntoteachi ng art is also one way to stimulate in terestin lear ning.Because of good teachi ng art can be like a magnet to attract people. 3、认真备课,提高课堂教学效率3, prepares aless onearn estly,improve the efficie ncyof classroomteachi ng (1)

23、运用多媒体教学,加大课堂信息量,提高课堂教学效率。向课堂45分钟要质量,是课堂教学的中心任务, 多媒体的教 学信息量大, 转换节奏快, 可以使教师在有限的时间内,增加课堂教学容量, 加大课堂活动的密度, 使学生在活泼、 轻松的氛围 中进行高密度、 大容量、高效率的语言实践活动,而多通道的信息输入也有利于学生从不同侧面理解和掌握教学内容。(1)the use of multimediateachi ng,in creaseclassroom in formati on, improve the efficie ncy of classroom teachi ng. Quality, to the

24、 classroom 45 mi nu tes is the cen ter of the classroom teach ing, multimedia teach ing in formatio n, fast conversion, can make teachers for a limited time, in crease the capacity of classroom teachi ng, in creas ing the den sity of class activities, so that stude nts in a lively, relaxed atmospher

25、e of high den sity, large capacity, high efficie ncy of Ian guage practiceactivity, and multi-cha nnelin put can also help stude nts un dersta nd and master the teach ing content from differe nt aspects. (2)在备课时应着重抓好以下几个方面:第一,备教材。要吃透教材,找出教材中的重点、难点和疑点,能创造性地使用教材。英语教材如同一个高明的厨师烹调出可口美味的佳肴一样,对教材优化处理,使学生容易

26、接受。(2)should focus on when preparingpay specialatte nti onto the follow ing aspects: first, prepareteachi ngmaterials. You read textbooks, find out the key points and difficulties in textbooks and suspects, can creatively use the teachi ng materials. En glish teach ing material as a good cook cook a

27、 delicious delicacy, optimizationto the teachingmaterial, make the stude nts easy to accept.第二, 备学生。了解学生往往比了 解教材更重要。因为教材是固定的,而学生的思想是不断变化的。要根据学生的接受能力的不同和适应水平的差异,拟定不同的方案,统筹兼顾,使不同程度的学生都能积极参与到课堂活动中来, 做到人人有事做,课课有收获。Second, for stude nts. Un dersta nd the stude nt ofte nis more important than the understa

28、nding of teaching material. Because the material is fixed, and student s thought ischanging. According to the differentstudents accept abilityand adaptati on leveldiffere nces,proposed differe ntsolutions, unified planning,make different degrees ofstudents can actively participatein class activities

29、, todoeverybody have something to do, KeKe reap. 第三, 备教法。在教法的选择上,应尽可能使用科学探究教学模式和发现式教 学法,充分调动学生的学习主动性,激发学生的求知欲,引导学生在求知的过程中感受成功的喜悦,促使学生对知识、理论、规律理解更深,在此基础上逐步增强创新意识,提高创造能力。Third, thecase law. On the choice of law, shouldas far as possible to use scientific inquiry teaching modeand type teachi ng method,

30、 fully mobilize stude nts lear ninginitiative,stimulate students thirst for knowledge,and guide stude nts in lear ning in the process of feel the joy of success,prompting studentsunderstandingknowledge,theory, regularity of deeper, on the basis of gradually stre ngthe n inno vati on con scious ness,

31、 improve the ability of creation.8BnQ9C*oR aD(qTcF -rUdG+sVeHOu XgJ2vYhK3wZiL4x!kN6z$IO7 A%mP8BoRaD( pSbE) qTcF-rV eH0tWf I1uXgJ 2vYiL4x#jM5y! kN6z$mP8Bn Q9C*oR aD(pTc F-rUdG+sVeH 0tWgJ2vYhK3wZ iL4x# jN6z$IO 7A%mP8BnQaD (pSbE) qTcF-r UdHOtWflluXg J2v YhL4x#jM5y! kN6z$IO8B n Q9C*o RaD(pS bF-rUdG+sVeH

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