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1、非谓语动词的运用与比较不定式动名词分词非谓语动词 类型年份各地考题不定式 动名词 现在分词过去分词题数总量20061812610836200720 94 10 1033 200820 9 6 12 9 362. 句法功能的区别:1 主语动名词不定式Its dangerous to play/playing with fire.1.两者作主语一般可以通用,意义没有多大差别。In many countries, shaking ones head means “no” and nodding means “yes”.To write a science fiction is his wish.2.

2、 不定式一般表示特定的,具体的行为,特别是表将来的一次行为;动名词常表示抽象的,一般的行为。3. 在含有no, -less,常用动名词短语作主语。It is no use doing.; It is useless doingIt is no good doing; It is no help doing2. 表语不定式动名词分词The story is moving.A way of saying “I am hungry” is patting the stomach before a meal.My task this class is to teach you how to grasp

3、 the grammar.现在分词作表语表示主语的特征,相当于形容词,因此它前面可用very, quite 或表示比较意义的more, most 来 修饰;动名词作表语说明主语的内容,可以与句中的主语交换位置。由于动名词具有明显的名词特征,故不能用以上表示程度或比较意义的词修饰。不定式则表示某一次具体的行为,类似于作主语。His hobby is playing football. Or: Playing football is his hobby.The volleyball match we watched was very exciting.特别注意:Wish, hope ,desire

4、, dream, plan ,order , decision等词作主语时, 其表语一般用不定式,不用动词Ing形式。My wish is to become a fashion designer.My decision is to visit London.3. 宾语动名词不定式根据习惯搭配和语义区分习惯接动名词作宾语的有:mind, finish, enjoy, avoid, risk, consider, practise, suggest, advise, miss, appreciate, imagine, excuse, escape, admit(承认),delay, keep,

5、 put offKeep (on)give upinsist onbe used tolook forward tostick todevote tobe busybe worthcant help object to(反对)pay attention to习惯于后接动词不定式而不接动名词作宾语的动词有:want, wish, hope, expect, promise, pretend, decide, manage, refuse, learn, agree, plan, offer, long, demand, help, manage,prepare, learn, determine

6、, prefer, intend, etc. 动名词与不定式的不同含义:be afraid to do 不敢、害怕、胆怯去做某事be afraid of doing 担心、恐怕出现We are never afraid to lay down our lives for the right cause.为了正义的事业我们绝不怕牺牲自己的生命。She was afraid of waking her husband up. 2) forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(未做)forget doing sth.忘记做过了某事(已做) The light in the office is o

7、ff. It was she who turned it off, but she herself forgot _( turn ) it off. The light in the office is still on. She forgot _(turn )it off.3)remember to do sth.记着去做某事(未做)remember doing sth.记着做了某事(已做)Do you remember _(meet) me at a partylast year?You must remember _( leave) tomorrow.4) regret to do st

8、h. 遗憾地说/告诉 regret doing sth. 后悔做了I regret _( go ) to his home town.I regret _( tell ) you the truth.5) stop to do sth.stop doing sth.6)try to do sth. try doing sth. You must try _( do ) it again. Lets try _( do ) the work in some other way.7) mean to do sth. mean doing sth. If it means _( delay ) mo

9、re than a week, Ill not wait.I mean _( go ), and nothing can stop me.8) go on to do sth.go on doing sth.9)cant help doing sth. 情不自禁,不禁 cant help (to) do sth. 不能帮忙做10. permit / allow / advise + doing sth. + sb. to do sth. 但有些动名词在句中是主动形式,却被动含义The house requires / needs / wants repairing.The book is wo

10、rth reading. 4. 定语动名词分词不定式Do you know the man talking with a black there?The carrying pole扁担 reminds me of our bitter days in the past.There will be many people to help you. =who is talking The pole for carrying things动词Ing作定语表示用途的短语A smoking roomWorking hoursA waiting roomA dancing hallA writing ta

11、bleA bathing cap1 所含时态意义the laughing audienceHave you read the book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea written by Jules Verne?The next boy to play went to the piano.He is always the first one to get up.分词正在进行或发生了的动作不定式尚未实现的将来的行为或表示一般性 叙述而无一定的时间性。动名词表示被修饰词的目的或用途2 逻辑关系: 分词 主谓关系(可改成定语从句) 动名词表示被修饰词的目的或用途 不定式多

12、种逻辑关系The labto be builtbeing builtbuilt last year3. 现在分词和过去分词falling leavesfallen leavesexiting newsexited students-ing 令人; -ed 表示所修饰词本身的特征a disappointing voice; a disappointed voice2. 不定式作定语Change the following into infinitives.He was the first person that came to the classroom this morning.He is a

13、lways the last _ (come) to officePlease give me a knife _ (cut) with.作定语的不定式如是不及物动词,不定式后面须有相应的介词。5。宾语补足语不定式分词她叫我呆在这儿。She asked me to stay there.2.请允许我介绍Mr. White给你们。Please allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.带有to的不定式宾语补足语的动词有:Order allow force warn Tell want help get Ask teach forbid begEncourage

14、 advise persuade remind command注意A.有些动词后面的不定式不带to,如feel(一感)hear,listen to(二听)make, have, let(三让) see, watch, notice, observe(四看).I heard them sing a pop song .The teacher made me answer the question.We watched them play football .Its cold out side, we had the fire burning all night.Mum had him wash

15、the plates.I saw him go upstairs.I saw him going upstairs(已经上去了,全过程)(此刻的行为)6。 状语不定式分词1.Every day he climbed to a high rock near his cave to keep watch.2. He is old enough to go to school. It is too dark for us to see anything in the room.目的(不定式作目的状语可置于句首或句末,可用in order to或so as to代替结果(不定式作结果状语从句,常用于t

16、ooto, enoughto中。有时也可表示未曾预料的结果,不定式前常加only)He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.出人意料的结果3. Im very glad to have this stamp again.原因不定式主要作目的,结果和原因状语4 To turn to the left, you could find a post-office.条件Once fleeing Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium2. Being a shy man, Ei

17、nstein didnt attend the great celebration. Not knowing her address, I had to telephone her to come over.时间原因3. The trainer appeared, followed by six little dog. Talking and laughing , the children walked into the school.方式,伴随4. Given more time, I can do it better. Turning to the left, you could find

18、 a post-office.5. The fire lasted nearly a month, leaving nothing valuable.条件结果6. Working hard as he did, he was still unable to earn enough money to buy a car.让步1。分词在句中主要作时间,原因,方式或伴随,条件,结果, 让步,状语分词和不定式作结果状语Tonys father died, leaving him a lot of money.分词主要表示动作发生后所引起的结果状态或必然产生的结果。He went home, only

19、to find his money stolen.不定式强调动作发生的过程或未曾料到的不愉快的结果;现在分词和过去分词作状语Looking around, I found there was no one nearby .主语是分词所表示动作的执行者分词用doing / having done,Read many times, the story seems much easier.如果是分词所表示动作的承受者,分词用done / having been done。 注意:1。状态动词或相当于状态动词的一些词。She sat there, lost in thought.After a day

20、s work, he went home, tired out.2. 一些使役性动词,如:disappoint / excite / surprise / move / interest / puzzle 。The game _ (interest) the boys. The boys are _ the game.The game is _. I wonder why football _ boys. A. has interestedB. is interested inC. interesting D. interestedinterestsinterested ininteresti

21、ngA _ (excite) at the news, the boys rushed to watch the game._ (Fill) with joy, I started off. ExcitedFilled 3 不定式在作表语/ 补语的形容词后面作状语,用主动形式表被动意思。This question is difficult _ (answer).Do you think him easy_ (work) with?We find this rule hard _ (remember).独立成分这种不定式独立于句子之外,表示说话者的态度,语气等。又称评论性状语。To tell y

22、ou the truth, we dont want to include you.常见的有:to be honest ,to be frank,To tell you the truth,To speak franklyTo begin with/to start with有些分词已经转变为独立成分, 含有“泛指”意义,在句中常作插入语。如:generally speaking, judging from, talking of, supposing假使;猜想 , consideringJudging from his accent, he is a southerner.注1:分词作状语时

23、,其逻辑主语须与句子的主语一致,构成主动或被动的关系。Looking around, there was no one.Looking around, I found there was no one.Finding him angry, I began to tell jokes.Found him angry, I began to tell jokes.注2: 表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词while, when, until, once, though, as long as , as if , even if, unless引导。When/ while crossing the

24、 street, you must be careful.As long as going into the reading room, you keep quiet.Once losing this chance , you cant easily find it.Unless invited, I wont attend the get-together.3 非谓语动词的各种形式:(以动词do为例)主动被动一般完成进行完成进行一般完成不定式分词To doTo be doneTo have doneTo have been doneTo be doingTo have beendoingdo

25、ingBeing doneHaving doneHaving been done如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加一个由for/of 引起的短语。 It is easy for the students to read. It will be a mistake for us to help you.1 不定式的复合结构: for/of sb. to do sth.Its wrong of him to speak bad behind others.Be+性质形容词+不定式Easy , hard , difficult, interesting, heavy, pleasa

26、nt, comfortable, safe, dangerous, impossible.描述主语身份,特征的形容词后常用of引导不定式的逻辑主语。Good, lazy, clever, wrong, careless , selfish, silly , careful, unselfish, polite, brave, nice, kind , honest, right2 动名词的复合结构:名词所有格(Marys)/形容性物主代词(my)+动名1逻辑主语是有生命的名词:作主语时,须用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词;作宾语时,也可用普通格或人称代词宾格。Toms (His) coming

27、is what we have expected.She didnt mind Jack/ Jacks (him/ his) coming here.2. 逻辑主语是无生命的名词:只用名词普通格。The baby was made awake by the door suddenly shutting.3. 逻辑主语是指示代词或不定代词 this,that, somebody, someone, nobody, none, anybody, anyone时,只有普通格。She was disturbed by somebody shouting outside.3 分词的独立主格结构:名词/代词分词Weather permitting, well go outing tomorrow.There being no interesting programs, he turne


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