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1、 / 14最新闽教版小学英语六年级毕业考试复习材料小学英语闽教版句型汇总三年级上册句型Unit1.Hi, I m Wang Ta族好,我是王涛. Hello, I m Sal顺好,我是莎莉. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你. Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你.What s your name你的名字叫什么My name is Sally.我的名字叫莎莉.注: What shis / her name? His name is . / Her name is .Unit2.Good morning 早上好.Good afternoon下午好,.Ho

2、w are you? 你身体好吗? I m fin. eThank you. 我很好.谢 .注: How are you today? I feel better.Unit3How many baby ducks?有多少只鸭子? Seven baby ducks.有7只小鸭子. 注:How much用来问数字加数字等于多少?或者问东西多少钱.Unit41. How old are you? 你几岁了?I m eighth岁了.注:I am eightyears old.What s your phone number?的电话号码是多少? 2-3-1-5-6-7-8.疑问词一下口诀要牢记1问“谁

3、”用who; Who is he/she?2问“谁的”,用whose; Whose shirt is this?/Whose socks are these?3问“地点哪里”,用where; Where are you from?/ Where is Yang Ming?4问“原因”,用why; Why were you so late today?5问“身体状况”,用how; How are you?6问“方式”,用how; How do you go to school?/ How does he/she go toschool?7问“年龄”,用how old; How old is he

4、/she?8问“多少”,用how many; How many girls?9问 价钱”用how much; How much is the toy train?10问“哪一个”,用11问“什么”,用12问“职业”,用13问“颜色”,用14问“星期”,用15问什么学科,用which ; Which food do you like?what; What are you doing?what; What does he/she do?what color; What color is it?what day; What day is today?what subjec;t16问“什么时候”,用w

5、hen; When do you go to school?17.问几点用 What s the time瞰 What time is it?Unit5. Who s he / she他/她是谁? He s/She my brother/sister.他/她是我的(哥哥)弟弟/ (姐姐)妹妹.Who are they?他们是谁?They re 他们是 .This is me.这是我.Unit6The light is red.灯是红的.(红灯亮了 .)We must stop.我们必须停下.Now the light is green.现在灯是绿的.(绿灯亮了 .) Let s gt我们走吧.

6、What color is it?它是什么颜色?It s red是红色.Unit7 Please give me a ruler请给我一把尺子.Here you are.给你.Which ruler? 哪一把? The pink one. 是粉色那把.Here you are 给你.Thank you.谢谢.YouMay I use your pencil? 我可以用你的铅笔吗?Sure. Here you are.当然可以,给你.注: May 五月Unit8.新年快来了 .Let s have a party我们开一个派对.Let s sing and dance. 让我们唱歌和跳舞.Let

7、 s go to the z比我们一起去动物园.注: say Happy New Year to sb.Good idea. 好主意 .Happy New Year!新年快乐!.We are singing.我们正在唱歌.We are dancing我们正在跳舞.三年级下册句型Unit 1Lets buy a presentik我们买一个礼物.注:Let s = Let usU:我们What about a football?足球怎么样? Oh, no./Good idea.噢,不.饺子主意Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐! Thank you.谢谢.Here s a

8、present foryou.是(送)给你的礼物.Thank you.谢谢.What s this/th?at 这个 /那个是什么?It s a rabbit. 是一只兔子.Unit 2. I can/can sw imt. 我会/不会游泳.Can you skate?你会溜冰吗?Yes, I can./No , I can t .是的,我会./不,我不会 .Unit 3. I like/don like grapes.我喜欢/不喜欢葡萄.look like 和be likeHe / She / 人名 /称谓 likes.He / She / 人名 /称谓doesn t like.They a

9、re/are not sweetE们是/不是甜的.Unit 4 What s the time ?1. It s five o Hclock.注:When does he get up?U答直接用 AT 加时间 例如:At five o clock.Unit 51. Draw a nose画一个鼻子.Clap your hands.拍手.Touch your face.触摸你的脸.Unit 6I.Put on your T-shirts.穿上你们的 T恤.2.It s too big/small件太大了 /太小了 .Theyre too big/small.它们太大了 /太小了.What si

10、ze do you wear?尔穿多大号白衣服- Size S.小号.I want my sports shoe或想要一双运动鞋 .He/She队名/称谓 wants.Unit7Whose shirt is this?这个是谁的衬衫? It s Sall花是莎莉白衬衫.注: Whose socksare these? They are Sally s.this这个these这些that 那个thoselB 些Your sweater is beautifuL你的毛衣很漂亮.Thank you .谢谢.I like your skirt , Julia. 我喜欢你的裙子,茱莉亚.Thank yo

11、u .谢谢 .Unit8Lets go to the park. Great.让我们去公园.好极了 .What is she/he doing?ft/他在干什么? She/He is playing football.她/他正在踢足球.四年级上册句型Unit 1I tin Class Two, Grade Three.我在三年二班.Look at the blackboard看黑板.I like ty desk. 我喜欢我的桌子.Its a cat.它是一只猫.It isnt a tiger.它不是一只老虎.Unit 2. She s from Taiwan她是来自台湾.注:Where is

12、he / she frot? 他/她来自哪里?.Which class are you in?尔就读几年几班?.This is our library. 这是我们的图书馆 .s! 哇,那么多的电脑.Unit 3. We have 13cows,14horses,15 sheep and 16pigs.我们有13只奶牛、14只马、15只绵羊和16只猪.注:horse和housed清楚注:He /She /人名 / 称谓(My mother/father.) has.How much is seventeen and three升七加三等于几? It s twenty十.Unit 4What s

13、the time 现在几点了 ?It s nine 巾fteen点十五分.Unit 5.When do you get up ? 你何时起床? I get up at six thirty. 我六点半起床.Shegets up at six o clock a.m.她上午六点起床.he has breakfastat seven fifteen.她七点十分吃早饭.he goes to schoolat seven thirty.女ft7点半上学.he goes homeat five p.m.她下午五点回家.6. She goes to bedat 9:00 .她九点去睡觉.Unit 6Hav

14、e some vegetables please#吃些蔬菜.Thank you. /No, thank you.谢谢.What s for breakfasMt吃什么? I have milk and eggs.我吃牛奶和蛋.Do you likebeef?你喜欢吃牛肉吗? Yes, I do. /No, Idon是的./不,不喜欢.Unit 71.What presents do you want?你想要什么礼物? I want a robot.我想要机器人.2.It s fromYang Ming. 它是来自杨明 .Unit 8.What s Spring Festival春节是什么? I

15、t s Chinese New 丫窗尾中国的新年. How do you spend it?你是怎么度过春节的? I make dumplings 我包饺子.Make paper flowers make cards make people healthy. Do you have a family dinner?你们有家庭聚餐吗? Yes, we do.是的,有.四 年级 下 册 句型Unit 11.What do you often do every week?尔们每周做什么?We clean the classroom on Friday1期五我们打扫教室 .Unit 2.Yang Mi

16、ng is standing on a chair杨明正站在椅子上.He is cleaning the blackboard.杨明正在清洁黑板.Pleaseopen/close the window. 请打开/关上窗户.Pleaseturn on/off the light. 请打开/关上窗户.All right. 好的 .注:take off是脱下,put on是穿上Unit 3. What day is today?今天星期几?It s Sunda冷天是星期天.注:Whats the date today 今天几月几号?Its May 30th. I am good at English

17、. 我擅长英语. I m not goodmaat th. 我不擅长数学 .注: be good for 对.有好处例子: Apples are good for you. We have an English classthis morning. 今天早上我们有一节英语课.注:三到六年级,表示一个 要用an的单词:apple、egg、orangeumbrella、English、art (美术)、an American (美国的)boy、an interesting book an email (封由B件).Do you have a math class today?尔今天有数学课吗? Y

18、es, I do. / No, I dont.Unit 4.How do you go to school?你怎么去学校? By school bus乘坐校车.How does he/she go to work?ffc/她怎么去上班?He/She goes to work by ca他/她乘坐小汽车去上班.Does she go to Taiwan by ship仇也坐船去台湾吗?Yes, she does./ No, she doesn 是的 t. ./不,她不是. Taiwan is a beautiful place.台湾是一个美丽的地方.Unit 5I need some chick

19、en, some fruits and orange juice. 我需要一些鸡肉,水果和果汁注;chicken和kitchen (厨房)的区别注:He/人名/She麻谓 needs.2.How much is it?价格多少? It s one hundydan.一百元.Unit 6. How is the weather in Beijing?北京天气怎么样?It cloudy.多云的.注: rain 雨、 snow 雪、sunny、 windy (刮风的).What do you wear?你穿什么衣服? I wear a sweater我穿一件毛衣.Unit 7.What s your

20、 favorite seaso做最喜欢的季节是什么?Spring.春天.Do you like winter?你喜欢冬天吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢.Unit 81.What will you do in summer? 夏天你将要做什么?I ll visit Big Ben我将要参观大本钟.2.Will you play basketball?你将要打篮球吗? Yes, I will. /No , I won是的./不是.五年级上册句型Unit 1.Whos that boy?那个男孩是谁?Which boy?哪个男子?The boy beside/behind Peter皮特旁边

21、/后面的男子.Thats Wang Tao.那是王 涛.In/on/under/next to的区另U: in在.里面on在.表面 under在下面next to 紧挨着.The girl with short hair.短头发的女孩.注: 这里的 with 和 Take an umbrella with you.和 What are you goingTo take with you.意思一样.With 还有一个意思:“和” with me?.He s a newpupil .他是一名新的学生.注:pupil小学生 students学生(范围更大)5. I like to watch you

22、 play.我喜欢看你玩.注 ;like doing sth.Unit 2Where is the boy?男孩在哪里? He is in the sitting room.他在客厅里.注 ; sitting room dining room living room bedroomWhat is he doing?他正在做什么? Hes drawing.他正在画画.These are paper flowers.这些是名氏花.This is a flower.Its/They are for you.它/它们是给你的.Unit 3.Will you go for a holiday? 你准备去

23、度假吗? Yes, I will. /No , I wont.是 的.注: Will you be a teacher? Yes,I will. No , I won t.Where will you go?你将要去哪里? I will go to Taiwan.我将要去台湾.How is the weather in Taiwan? 台湾的天气怎么样?Its hot in July and August七月和八月是热的.Unit 41.Its Sunday today. Can we go to the zoo纸们能去动物园吗?Yes. Lets go是的.让我们去吧!2.I can coo

24、k.我能煮饭.3.Can you play chess?你能下棋吗?Yes, I can./No, I cant.是的,我能./不,我不能.Unit 5When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? Its in May.在五月.注: in 加季节和月份in springOn加日期和节日 On Children s Day,这里in、on表示在Unit 6Excuse me . How can I get to the train station? 打扰一下.我怎么到达火车站?You can take a bus. 你可以坐巴士 .Which bus can I take?

25、我乘坐哪一辆巴士? Bus 90. 90 路巴士 .I need to go to the hospita我需要去医院.How can I get there? 我怎么到达那里?注:get to碰到there、here home要把to去掉,变成 get there.Go to也是这个样子.Go straight. Then turn left.直走.然后左转.注 ; turn right 右转Unit 7.May I speak to Peter?我可以跟皮特通话吗? Speaking.请讲.注: speak English well 、 speak Chinese wellHe is go

26、od.It s a good book.Where are you ? 你在哪里?I m on my way to City Library. 我在去市图书馆的路上.注:on my way home在我回家的路上Unit 8What are you doing?你正在做什么1 m reading an email.我正在读邮件.What is he doing?ffc正在做什么? He is playing football他正在踢足球.What are they doing?他彳门正在做什么? They re looking at the photos他们正在看照片.注;动词变成现在分词(i

27、ng形式)规律有三条:1.直接加ing.尾巴有e的单词,去e加ing.双写单词的最后一个字母,再加ing,记住特例:run、swim、sit、get、shop ( 购物).Do you have have many English books?/你们有许多英语书吗? Yes, I /we do . No, I /we dont.是的./不,没有.五年级下册句型Unit 11.How was your winter vacation ? 你的寒假过得怎样?It was wonderful. TOC o 1-5 h z 2.I visited the Great Wall. 我参观了长城.3.I

28、played the violin. 我拉小提琴.注: play basketball/football 球类前不加 the4.I went to Australia.我去澳大利亚.5.I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 我坐邮轮逛了日月潭.Unit 2There is a map over there.那儿有张地图. 注; Is there a map over there? Yes, there is. / No, there isn t. Are there many maps over there? Yes, there are./ No, the

29、re aren t.There aresome bears under the tree. 在树下有一些熊 .注: There aren t any bear under the tree.any 放在疑问句和含有 not 的句子 .Some放在, . 或者 Would you like some bread?What animals did you see? 你看到了什么动物 We saw tigers. 我们看到老虎 .Did you take any photos? Yes, I took some photos./No, we didnt.是的,我拍了一些照片./不,我没有.Unit

30、3 TOC o 1-5 h z m going to color the eggs.我打算给蛋涂色.2.They are going to skate. 他们打算去滑冰.3.She is hiding the Easter eggs. 她正在藏复活节彩蛋.Unit 4.We are going for a spring outing. 我们准备外出春游.What are you going to take with you ? 你打算随身携带什么?I m going to take some water with me. 我打算带些水.They are getting on the bus.

31、他们正在上车.Now they are climb the mountain. 现在他们正在爬山 .Unit 5.We are going to have a Sports Da俄们将要举行运动会.Who will run 100 meters? 谁将要跑 100米.I will. 我.Peter is running 100 meter波特正在跑 100 米.He is running very fast.他正跑得非常快.Yang Ming is doing high jump.杨明正在跳高.He is falling down.他正跌落下来.Unit 6.Who is the winner

32、 of 100-meter race? 谁是 100米赛跑冠军?.Peter is the 巾rst皮特是第一名.Were proud of you.我们为你感到骄傲.Who is the second碓是第二名.Yang Ming is the second杨明第二名.Li Hua is the third.李华第三名. Are you hungry 你饿吗? Yes, I am./No, I m not.是的./不,不饿. He looks tired. 他看起来很疲劳.Unit 71.Which floor do you live on? 你住在哪一层? On the twelfth f

33、loor. 第十二层 .2.I can see the bridge from the window外我能看见座桥 .d love to.我们非常想去.4.Which floor does he live on?他住在哪一层?He lives on the sixth floor.他住在第六层.5Were good neighbor隶们是好令口居.Unit 8.What s the date today?今天几月几号? It s May 29.五月二十九日.When is your birthday?你的生日是彳f么时候? Its February 29.2月 29 日.January 1 i

34、s New Years Day. 一月一日是新年.4.Its December 11 今天是 12 月 11 日.5.Mr. King is writing Christmas cards.肯先生正在写圣诞贺卡 .六年级上册句型Unit 1.Did you watch the Olympic Games on TV?你在电视上观看过奥利匹克运动会吗?Yes, we did.是的.What do you know about the Olympicgames所于奥利匹克运动会你知道什么吗?.They take place every four year他们每四年举行一次 .China held

35、the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.第 29 届奥运会在中国北京举办.The Games began on August 8 2008.奥运会开幕时间是 2008 年 8月 8 日.Unit 2.Does he often play basketball? 经常打篮球吗?Yes, he does./No, he doesHt.是的./不,他不是.He always gets up early in the morning.他总是早上很早起床 .Sometimes he also plays footbal府时他也会去打篮球.The game is between

36、 Class One and Class Twoft一班与二班之间比赛 .Wang Tao is passing the ball to PeterE涛把球传给了彼特.Some girls are cheering for their class team二些女生正为他们班的队员加油呐喊7.Grandma is sitting between Ben and Sally奶奶坐在本和莎丽的中间.Unit 31.Bring me a basket please.请拿一个篮子给我.Take an umbrella with you.随身带把雨伞.It s bad forur teeth.它对你的牙齿

37、不好.They are good for you它们对你有益.They keep your body healthy们维持你的身体健康.What do you usually have fo门unch?0 常午饭吃什么?I usually have rice vegetables and 巾戢通常吃米饭、蔬菜和鱼.Unit 4I.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗? Yes, please. / Nq thank you.是的./不,谢谢.2.My daughter wants a dress我女儿想要一件连衣裙.3.She looks beautiful in her new dre

38、ss她穿裙子看起来很漂亮.4.Girls can wear shorts trousers and T-shirts like boys.女生可以像男生一样穿短 裤、裤子和T恤.5.My son wants a pair of shorts.我儿子想要一条短裤 .6.But boys can wear skirts or dresses like girls但是男孩不能像女孩穿裙子或连衣裙 .Unit 5.Whose dirty socks are those?些脏袜子是谁的? They are Ben 他sil是本的.Whose school bag is this?这是谁的书包?It s

39、Lily 是丽s0的.Whose dog is that?!B条狗是谁的?Sorry, I don tknow.对不起,我不知道. Whose presents are these?些礼物是谁的? They re Ben 它值是本的.Are those your toys?W些是你的玩具吗?Yes, they are.是的,他们是.Put them in the washing machine.巴它们放在洗衣机里. First make the bed. Then pick up the toys on the floor.先整理床.然后捡起地板的玩具.Unit 6.Wang Tao usua

40、lly gets up at half past sixE涛通常六点半起床 .But this morning he took a taxi.但今天早上他坐出租车走.Why were you late today?你今天为什么迟到.I got up late this morning.我早上迟起床了 .What did you do last night?你昨晚做什么了 ?I watched a football game on TV.我在电视上看了一场球赛 .I read a story book.我读故事书.When did you go to bed?你什么时候去睡觉? At half

41、past eleven.在 11 点半.Unit 7I.The fourth Thursday of November. 11月的第四个星期四.(记住感恩节的时间)2We also invite friends to join us.我们也邀请朋友加入我们.Please help yourselves to the food请随便吃些东西.Pass me the corn please.请把玉米递给我.Here you are给你.Would you like some soup?你想要喝一些汤吗? Yes, please好的.Unit 8.Is there a rabbit on the m

42、oon?月亮上有一只兔子吗? Yes, there is ./No, there isnt.是的,有./不,没有.Are there any pupils in the playground 臊场上有一些小学生吗?Yes, there are./Nq there arent.是的,有./不,没有.The sun shines day and night.太阳 日夜发光.The moon doesn t shine.亮不发光.4.It .The earth goes around the su地球绕着太阳转 .The moon goes around the eart明亮绕着地球转动.六年级下册

43、句型Unit 11.Did you go anywhere in winter?冬天你去某个地方了吗? Yes, I went to Shangdong是的,我去了山东.climbed a famous mountain.我爬了一座名山.I traveled along the Yangtze River.我沿着长江游览.We listened to music together.我们一起听了音乐.I went back to my hometown.我回至U了我的家乡.There was a big ice city.(那时)有一个大的冰城.Look at the snowman. Its

44、short and fatU看雪人.它又矮又胖.There were many people.(那时)有彳艮多人 .Ben and I made a snowman我和本一起堆了个雪人 .Show me the dress给我看看这条连衣裙.Which dress?一条裙子 The long one.长的那条.Unit 2. Wang Tao didn . He didn t do well in high jump.跳高不好.He broke his leg.他摔断了腿.I m sorry to hear that.到这个消息我很难过.What can we do to help him?我

45、们能做什么来帮助他?.We can help him with his lessons我们可以帮助他的功课.5.I can help Mom with her housework我能帮助妈妈做家务.6.We can take some fruits with us.我们可以带点水果去.7.I m worried about my lessons. 为我的功课感到担心.8.I can help you with your Chinese我能帮助你语文功课.9.I hope I can go back to school soon我希望我很快就能回到学校.10.The basket is /isn

46、t heavy.篮子是/不是重的.Its light.它是轻的.Unit 3.What s wrong with you孙怎么了 - I have a headache我头疼. ll take yotuo hospital. 我要带你去医院 .Are you thirsty?你渴吗? Yes, I am./No, Im not.是的./不,不渴.You must drink a lot of water. 你必须喝大量的水.ll give you some medicine. 我要给你开点药.You must take the medicine.你必须吃药.You mustn t talk in the library不可以在图书馆里说话.You mustn t cross the street不可以过街.Unit 41.What will you do for Mom? 你打算为妈妈做什么?Ill give her a card, and say,“HappyMother sDay!”我将要给她一张贺卡,并说母亲节快乐! ”2.Sallys mother is in the dining room莎莉的妈妈在餐厅里.3.I ll make a card for her. 要做一


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