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1、aa .0 d . stla ctoro t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of.d i -_on of II p I, H Coory !orl iao a rd I_l 一。,m。 ra do rrgaanv_lcp lo are UHc i rg to Cooryr o heCartlLl or Pay 、orUUo Pay r i r he d i m- a he -一 一 a rd ci _l eaUB rs , CorUl s Le arirg o t - pm,. Coury - bear alr a dep sa rdi rg o te ppatydo

2、bea rrg a_ig. . . . 一urrtLe pu poearrge lu - r ee.L_1 . Lmaata dn -ditubeai,iLi- l eel s t d uir ppr -dt -at - -, Cbea d 1a. membe一.-eiu ers, e arrg e ducaor mae . . . 一一 a - cmor.Lrrg -eol Ulds_lre_ pomooe al membes cosi rlr l _ r r l _ _re o te CPE tieCICs dsced Eosutuaor, teEi -ee1-ues -tembe R|-

3、iIiGerea,eic y Ies imp -s Sr. rare ad o mlaBn sflr spe ee- ame d , ird |u - p tsi pin sa rrdais o lou muil te hu a rdP te -rs,.aa -aiok Ie.able d p membes alus y as o dsn,oarre aor a - paly s i-eII re IGeelb,eay - l o rses spel- o IGeelb Ie ay,sic -i,bar rrgse e- bear rg seie s ot le ra rui r企业简介Hen

4、an HorgLei Heavy mdustry machinery Co., Ltd is a -ea-y machinery productional lactory . As a specific desigrated erterprise by National irdustry departmert ard National construction departmert , HeNar Honglei -eavy irdustry Co.,ltd. irtegrates technology ,designing,manufacture,lixing.We assembbe a g

5、roup of experierced technical stall & prolessional seror engineer,hich bead our compary to be a comprehensive irdustry.It -as storg technology , lire equipmert. It maiMy -as Ja crusber,impact crusher,sand-making machine, vibratirg screer crus-er ,ard sand-making machinery.Moreover,the compary produc

6、es raymord crusher,ball miH, vertica! s-alt impact crus-er ard ot-er mirery ,building mac-irary.T-e compary -as beer satislying t-e customers reed by -ig-quabity ard t-e perlect service. Ard occupy t-e market t-roug- sciertilic tec-nology ard innovation.We iH suppby t-e best service,t-e boest price

7、ard t-e best product it- t-e bebiels t-e lirst quabity ,t-e lire service.AH t-ese make us come up to lirst cbass ol irdustriab compary .-ig- ellect ,good quabity ,timeby service mirrors t-e busiress cubture .We rot orby satisly t-e domestic requiremert ;moreover ,e make our ellort to create market a

8、broad. We armby ebcome customers arourd orbd to visit ard cooperate.河南宏磊重工机械有限公司是集科研,设计,制造,安装为一体的大型综合型企业,拥 有一批经验丰富的专业技术人员,具有实践经验的高级工程师。我公司主要产品有颗式破碎机,反击式破碎机,制砂机等碎石,制砂机械,另外还生产免烧砖机,雷蒙磨粉机,球磨机,直通冲击式破碎机等矿山及建材机械。我公司始终依靠质量及完美的服务来追求客户的满意,以科技和创新占领市场,我们以“质量第一,精益求精”做为我们不变的信念,为您提供最好的质量,最低的价格,最好的产品。一次合作的机会,我们将成为最

9、好的朋友,河南宏磊重工竭诚欢迎国内外宾朋莅临我公司指 导,参观,考察,洽谈业务。1.雷蒙磨粉机Raymord Mibb本机适用于粉碎重晶石、石灰石、陶瓷、矿渣等莫氏硬度不大于9级,湿度在6%以下的非易燃易爆的矿产化工、建材等行业280多余种物料的高细制粉加工,成品粒度在20-425目范围内任意调节(最高细度可达1000目)。3R1510、2115、2615、2715, 4R2715、3015及3216型悬辐雷蒙磨是适应中小型矿山、化工、建材、冶金、耐火材料、制药、水泥等行 业的高效闭路循环的高细制粉设备,使代替球磨机加工粉末的一种新型磨粉机,产量能耗达aa .0 d . stla ctor o

10、 t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of. 1 i - spe on of II p I, H Coory _ormc ato a r. I_l r 。-,-。r a rrg aangme rs _ICp lo lira ll Srr o theCartlLl or Pay 、SU o P r - l r the dap l m-sels a the 一 一 a rd itl _l aqla , CorSI-r. poi1aI Statey layLt s rew o -p r t o _s._ * L ILsoy crdllrs IIapafyLlce ei r Lr

11、ertarg -m pot - toa ey,IiGa,ecrsl ol 一 1oLce-w-lo- a Iedt0k o o o o-e k , 5, Irs Imor,a -LrL一I 1-s Le arlrg o t - palyo leea oCoury - bear as daey o do wa t * . I.a dep Irg o tie palyIcod raBr Ird g r a e rlrd s-aed levIp r s rUt.o bea rrg a_igr rp 。. .s -y1P0Pse F _ _ _ r 0 . , p-.一一ors_El ra dee o

12、pe r giba o o ,ap r* ar Ic - l rg o一:一 tarew _-e - r _rcpt_ _ I-o-t M - r a b I pat-s |: r he, oI s - -l“s-1 11s-ep n odim1-Hl-e, p e, tt-I- i i-as a*dr -dt -at - -, Clea(a -pp-m o :i- - ers, :d pa - membeclea Ird loror.-t ard Chie- taorb -Itearrg e d-caor mae -ceLLarrg-e oi re_ pomooeai scom. rlr l

13、 _r r l _ _-d-slre o teCPE tieClCs dsd EtLiao、teEl reee e fh-hIiGerea,ec y . s Sr. rare ad so o t I _ sd 1apeis-rer (,daa Is。1asi,h o cl - oid-ew, 1rd k 1r be, 1rd-ir spe e - . ame d md, Ie p t_ a rd P oe te -pe sa rrda . o loL mstte o -oilrs t I _ valok bed p membes ans ty pps o dscpay oarre as .,。

14、 d -. s l o d ,a- . ol dem, a rd o deam, s Chn moer -rd e arrg a- remers a rd p-mert porse -ee by maes te II,._ . .一 I -sle s soleLear mers o al paly mem rra dig I ir, atbest o ,y -e pa Cortkt-te lp - orbaor a - palyes ir* -e IIearn es I Gee.,ec y seiseso mpoar 1Pes mpotar spel- o I* Geell Ies_ si,

15、lar- ay,rrgse e- lear + see s o r ._ . ! 一 es Iera ril0t a oi ,e Esais s i”-rat1ra reti1 1Ple 一、 m s Iot s m gr :i re-1 oi y, ed dre - t0 yre1rdslyl-e-_ -| io-a ili到国家标准,居国内陷阱水平,备受各行业用户的好评。该设备具有比球磨机效率高、电耗低、占地面积小、一次性投资小、操作车间清洁、 环境无污染等特点。Raymord mill is suitable lor grinding the non-llammable ard non-

16、explosi-e materials with h-midity below I% ard Moh s hardress less thar s-ch as barite, calcite, potash feldspar, talc-m, marble, limestore, dolomite, acti-e carclazyte, cemert, gyps-m, glass ard heat insulating materials etc. It is widely -sed ir mining chemical ird-stry, buildirg terals, refractor

17、y materials ard so or. The particle size ol lirished produce car be adjusted from 20-425 meshes at rardom ard the particle size ol part materials car reach 1000 meshes at the maximum. The machire features ol little dust pollution, little roise, clear operatior workshop, low consumption, ro en-ironme

18、ntal pollutior.型号最大进料粒度成品粒度班产量轴转速磨辐直径磨环内径磨辐及磨环高度主机电机3R15105-80.125-0.044 -0280 50500 00丫I0M-I-7.53R2115 5 -8 I0210I30 50Y200L-8-53R2I15202-25 702I0780 50Y225L-8-8.53R2715202-28 70270830 40Y225S-8-8.54R2715 5-253-30 70270830 40Y225M-8-224R3015 5-253-30 55300875 50Y250M-8-304R321I253-38 30320970 I0Y22

19、5S-4-375R411920-25I-II 05410 270 90Y280S. 强压悬辐磨粉机 Strorg pressure suspension grirdergas - s 01arzator, a - pay o e, p- pay o dsI re pe dep gap - a -ag-aid o ra e a - ml sr, lute cea li a se- -ol eo mse mm s des s -s o sx I basc croS dI t- coe o - l-d s|mo -e CPEte CPE dsipl ray ars e trs0 t - CPE o

20、cmmttes o -e pary woik ol -e Eiredra e , sL- is I - se ecr ormrt o pay ird。-e r eadig wok o impotrt in ard relars iw-aa .0d . stla ctor o t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of.d i -_on of II p I, H Coory _ormc ato a rd I_l r 。1 lytem。 r a do rrg aairgm._ICp lo are ll 1tr o theCorrtlLl or Pay 、aor, aidy,as

21、 Leto Coryo t- paly. Coury - bear aU kmedtey o do ek b_ lU * aid te lo a dep rdlrg o te paycod -ao- ld gler a id .e rld s-aed leIp U retl-p reea C U -yoL_El ra dee opredo bea rrg a -。sraue , pu .一一p-se do I giba o oe de:r;二-二一二:二e.1y la -ivp ge a-oCidl -I toarrge lu - r eel 1chr: t_-sl a-e-de -me ap

22、t- job Ie - teb I patli oai s I111s -epu-i -ditubeaHlLe, pooeioalttLi- I eel u eedr -dt -at - -, Cleapoem - eiu ers, ir_e ele1s ae, ea o t-ou-t moil aid Ele traloI ted membecite, ld io.arrg educaor mae -Oel0g -e ol -d_mre o teITE tieCICU dUie_ pomooea I membes cosl. rlr l _ r r l _ _Ced E-ltLbaos te

23、El reeembe RI-U Sr. rare ad - o maBI sl+ 1ap re () del alh l(ou1tL一 lh o cl - oid-, 1rd be, 1rd-iLie ee- . amed m, p t_ a rd P oe te -dUl ple Lta rida . o loL .te、 u-olls ratelg valok Ied p membes aILL ty ps o dUCplay o - ie aies .,。 de soal o d.,a- .aool _ a -d o de ” s Ele roe- -id e a rgaemerts a

24、id puI-t pe -ee by -aes te H,._ . .一 I -2 sle L soleLeaI uemets al paly membes to ULiy t he p EorUlttl or a id paly - l ily the IIa rra dig I - Illaidut poery or baUc tetB强压悬辐磨粉机适用于粉碎重晶石,石灰石,陶瓷,矿渣等莫氏硬度不大于9.3级,湿度在6%以下的非易燃易爆的矿山,冶金,化工,建材等行业280多种物料的高细制粉加工,成品粒度在 80-425目范围内调节(最细 1000目)。该机可通过添加特殊装置,生产出 30-

25、80目的粗粉。 当被磨物料进入磨腔后,由铲刀铲起送如磨辐与磨环之间进行碾压,碾压后的粉末随鼓风机的循环风带入分析机,合格细粉随气流入旋风集粉器即为成品,大颗粒物料落回重磨, 循环风返回鼓风机再重复以上过程,余风则进入袋式除尘器净化。The high pressure suspension grinder, hich is developed by the engineers through several years hard ork depending on the production experience, is suitable lor grinding the barite, li-

26、estone, kaollinite, cera- and slags, etc, hich are belo scales 9.3 ol -oth and belo 6% shadness and 280 odd sorts ol noninlla-able and no explosive stuff. It is idely used in the trades ol -ining, -etallurgy, che-ical engineering and building material lor high line poer generating and processing. Th

27、e product size is adjustable in the range ol 80-425 -esh. It is possible to produce 30-80 -esh coarse poer through special device in the -achine.Ll s lie paly s al - l mo espU, t impemepuroie FouL o peop eU icrepio o Loe pay -ebes lak ol seLamr f_ o ey -i1s t- -e sa-.- a eetlca oertai or, -l eal -I

28、a - io o.“IM0-lb1y He l .一iiy.d-l-Ud-I ir -id the luramesActy to the elaLLlotL 01azao, a- paty 0 -de, - paty 0 ds|I re pe te,dep gap to a - gd o aue a - l sir, lut-e cea lui a sei- ol leqUiees maste me-beL ladeL muU -aL o ilx ites bailc clolUdll t-e coe 0 iel -d s|*e o -e ETE te ETE dsipl ay u L egL

29、atL0 the ETE o tes 0 -e pary -oik ol -e Eiree , ll- is I - Le eci apo met o pay ld。re eadig ok o l-pott ls ard leualL t-型号Type磨辐Roller磨坏最大 进料 粒度Max feed size( -l成品粒 度 Final particle size( l主机功率Poer olainachine(KW个 数Eount直径diaeter()高 度Height()内径Inside diaeter( )高 度Height()YGM653210 50650 50v120.613-0

30、.033 5YGM753260 50780 50v150.613-0.033 8.5YGM853270 40830 40200.613-0.03322YGN85I3270 50830 50200.613-0.03322YGM954310170950170250.613-0.03337YGM13054102101280210 I, i- - o - d sio he CPC . CPC - l m regus -g-I-o i- CPC o he -ok of Ie One okomi型磨磨磨主机最大产主机风机分析总外形尺重成品粒号辐辐环转速进料量电机电机机电功寸量度T数直内rotary粒径Ca

31、型号型号机型率OverallWeFinaly量径径speedMaxpacmotorMoto号PodimensiighparticlepNODiInsoffeedity(typer typemotorweron(L*tsize(me.,of rollersam ete r of roll er( m m)ide Dia.of rin g( m m)main machi ne(r/ min)size (mm)t/h)of main frame powe r(kw)of blow er powe r(kw)type ofseper ator(k w)W*H)( mm)(t)m)73160200.2Y

32、225Y160YCT36.4.5*4.23.6500目826785-2S-8-1L-4-1160-45*5.1(0.25)2008.55B-3-12506目83160200.3Y225Y180YCT43.5.3*4.14.5(0.01)32783-3M-8-M-4-160-45*5.2最细2002218.5B-32500 目7(0.00593140- he CPC. CPC - l m regus -g-I o CPC o he -ok of he Oneaa .0 d . stla ctor o t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of. 1 i - spe on of

33、 II p I, H Coory _ormc ato a r. I_l r 。-,-。r a rrg aangme rs _ICp lo lira ll Srr o theCartlLl or Pay 、SU o P r - l r the dap l m-sels a the 一 一 a rd itl _l aqla , CorSILrL一I 1-s Le arlrg o t - palyr ms” a“s- 11s -epL1 -b - HId -to, aL-or, teChl -ee、h II Gerea Ie _ . lo pellttloiL-t a- Che traol vlte

34、ig () d alh IL。 tssI I h o CL e l Rg- s DrU rare o, sd-or 1rd * le, 1rd-ir eeh a m e d m-d, ird p t_ a rd P oe te -pe sta rda . . loL .te、u lloII-s mateg valok bed pay s a- s ty as o dscpay o a-2)。 d 1a. si o d,a aoo ._ -d o dea, s c1a- moe-e ar ga- erts a rd pi-rt porse -ee by aes te H,._ . .一 I -2

35、 s_ s soleLea1 rts textoare discharged fro the loer outlet ol the crushing cavity.Features: It features of siple structure, large crushing ration, high output, even particles, convenient aintenance, lo production cost and so on.5. 锤式破碎机 Haer crusher型号Type进料口尺寸Feed opening最大进 料粒度Max feed size处理量Capac

36、ity配用电 机功率 Motor poer外形尺寸Overall diension()重量Weight(T)PE150*250 50*2501251-35.5896*745*9350.81PE250*400250*4002105-20151430*1310*13402.8PE400*I00400*60034015-50301700*1730*13536.5PE500*750500*75042515-65552035*1921*200010.3PEI00*900600*90050045-11055-752290*2206*237015.5PE750*1060750*1060630105-1959

37、02655*2302*311028PE900*1060900*106075090-2151103075*2580*311035PE900*1200900*120075090-2201103800*3166*304550PE*250*750250*78021015-30221667*1545*10204.9PE*250*1000250*100021015-5030-371550*1964*13806.5PE*250*1200250*120021020-60372192*1900*19508.5本产品经高速转动的锤体与物料碰撞破碎物料,它具有结构简单,破碎比大,生产效率 高等特点。可作干湿两种形式

38、破碎,适用于矿山,水泥,煤炭,冶金,建材,公路,燃化等 行业对中等硬度及脆性物料进行破碎。该设备可根据用户要求调整蔗条间隙,改变出料粒度,以满足不同用户的不同需求。重型锤式破碎机,不需要一级破碎,了直接对物料进行破碎。The PC haer crusher crushes aterials by the collisions between high-speed haer and aterial. It has a siple structure, big reduction ratio, high production efficiency, etc. The PC haer crusher

39、s ere developed for the both dry and et crushing of brittle, ediu-hard aterials in such field as ine, ceent, coal, etallurgy, construction aterial, road building, and petroleu &cheical industries. The device can adjust grate of gap according to user s requireents, change size of outputting, to eet t

40、he different needs of different custoers. Heavyaa .0 d . stla ctor o t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of. 1 i - spe on of II p I, H Coory _ormc ato a r. I_l r 。-,-。r a rrg aangme rs _ICp lo lira ll Srr o theCartlLl or Pay 、SU o P r - l r the dap l m-sels a the 一 一 a rd itl _l aqla , CorSILrLs Leo Cory-r

41、ll - t P-r.eea o Coury 1 ear ao a dep Irg pard c-ito, ar - rp rreea as yp0Pse d o、一 F _ _ _ _ orhpCh ra de-l opre a o oe 1r la mova,a- p rge aro-c l rg toir: .r t_e- - e -me rapt- . I I M1atl a- 1the r teb I pe I oial s u thepuLO p eI 3、a1r o tlo - t moa a- Oe- tralorl -lte+ 1aprer () d ai lLbaoir,

42、te C eee 1 . n-s Sr. rare ad so o t I _ sl eeh spll a m e d mid, 1 p ta rdP - oe te -s CoomuU一 I h o CL - o Id - -,lrd -1rd- l- ate -alok bed p s aILL ty ps o dscplay o - ie a-2,。sraloai o d,a- of _ rd o de” s c. moer -e arrg a- re-ers a e -eepirl-mert p s_ s-as o mpoar 1Pes 0 spel- o I0t a oi e is*

43、kis sraloail”.at .a .eV* 1Ple 1a 0a s10111s s .iecm gt ei ofy,e . d 0 a d -, .t0 r .-1rdspim _ a inhammer crLsher, does rot reqaire a lirst-class broker, the material car be directly broker.型号锤破转速(r/mir )锤破进料粒度(mm)锤破出料粒度(mm)锤破产量(r/mir)锤破重量(kg)锤破 功率(k)锤破外型尺寸(mm)PC-400X500 450工100 03-100.8 812*9827*85

44、PC-500X350 250工100 55-15 .2 8.5 200*4*4PC-I00X400 000220 55-25 .522 055*1022*1122PC-800X600980350 5 0-50355 360*1330*1020PC-800X800980350 5 0-603.575 440*1740*1101PC-1000X800环锤破 000环锤式破碎机 0-e i .一si-ioi -“ a” r m tle Ilames111Vly 0 tl.as 01aakr, a pay o cade,.pay o _L_I pedep gap to a -agd o raue a

45、- ml sir, luecea lur a se- ol e (mst* mmbeL des S laL o I ba- cloluiyig tle co. o - l -d scPIeo -e CPCte CPC dSpl ay u L e t ms0 tle CPC o mites 0 -e pa- ok ol -e C_e,SL- is I le L. ecir aportmrt o pay -。-e r eadig IS-ok o mpotrt ln ard ieulairL -aa .0d . stla ctor o t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of.

46、d i -_on of II p I, H Coory _ormc ato a rd I_l r 。1 lytem。 r a do rrg aairgm._ICp lo are ll 1tr o theCorrtlLl or Pay 、orUU o Pay r l r the d l m- a the -一 一 a rd itl _l eqUeme-s , CorUlc n to loort.s Le arlrg o tie paly. Coury - bear a.a dep rdlrg . tie pal,do bea rrg alargsraue , pu .一一:r;二-二一二:二e.

47、arrge lu r ee-sr| a一. I-: - tee - e l oK U 111s -epun -dlMbeaHlLl- I eel u eedr -dt iat - -, Cleappoem o eiu ers, ir_e ed membecltea ird rlarrg educaor mae -OeL rrg-e oi re _mooeaI membes cosl. rlr l _r r l _ _-d_mre o teITE tieCPs dsCed l-ltLbaor, teEl reeembe FH-U Sr. rare ad o t l _ sdLe, p el lt

48、tioLL-t moll aid Ele- talo-l -lte apes -rer I ) del al- l. loomiu一 lh o CL - o I 1rd *- o Ie, 1rd - Ir Lie ee- . amed m ird p t_ a rd P oe te -ple .a rrda . o loL .te、 lloIIu t i g 1ok Ied p membes aILL y as o dUC play olrie aie. .,。 d -. U l o d ,a- ato ol _ a d o de am, U Ele 1 -id e arr gala -eme

49、-U a id pllI-t p011rse -ee - mae. te ol,._ . .一 I -Ule L soleLeag me-. o al paty mem lla dlg I elsl-l aidILt Lt o-e pan lortkt-te _ s ai-i: Ele - ” :a lel ol y, : d d 10rle, a-tie0y 10rle1rd.i.-le. , a iLlis also applied to ilon ole, sand, gypLLm, blast fLlnace slag, coal lefLLe, hald lamp coal and

50、othel minelal. in the 13.h:匚 It has advantages of big clLshing lation, small poel consumption, lLning smooth, simple .皿疝1:,opelating and maintenant con-enience.规格型号简体直径(mm)生产率给料粒度(mm)出料粒度(mm)主轴 转速电机 功率长x宽X高重 量PFL-750750 0-20v1003-5 60 90%93430-452500 X 00 X 40043PFL-1000 00020-40v1203-5 60 90%769553

51、100 X 750 X 64062PFL-1250 25040-70v1503-5 60 90%530903600 X700 X60085PFL-1500 50070-100v1803-5 60 90%495 323880 X2150 X2115 37PFL-1750 75090-302003-5 60 90%424 604310 X2175 X2150202PFL-20002000 00-H02203-5 60 90%370 854593 X5271 X22005007.圆锥破碎机Cone 12.1:本系列破碎机,适用于破碎中等以上硬度的各种矿石和岩石,广泛应用于冶金,建筑,筑路,化学及硅酸

52、盐行业中原料的破碎。其电动机通过大小圆锥齿轮驱动住轴做旋摆运动,改变破碎腔间隙,破碎物料,其弹簧保险系统是过载保护装置,可使异物铁块通过破碎腔而不危害机器,采用干油或水两种密封形式,使石粉与润滑油隔离,保证可靠工作。破碎腔型是由矿石用途决定, 标准型适用于中碎, 中型适用于细碎,短头型适用于超细碎。该破碎机具有结构可靠,生产效率高,调整方便,使用经济,破碎比高,产品粒度均匀等特点。The clLshel of this selies is applied in clLshing -alioLS oles and locks in mid-haldness olaa .0d . stla cto

53、r o t - pe op. . . Fj_II Ciy . 一 of.d i -_on of II p I, H Coory _ormc ato a rd I_l r 。1 lytem。 r a do rrg aairgm._ICp lo are ll 1tr o theCorrtlLl or Pay 、orUU o Pay r l r the d l m- a the -一 一 a rd itl _l eqUeme-s , CorUly,as Leto Coryo t- paly. Coury - bear ao a dep rdlrg o te paydo bea rrg a -。sra

54、ue , pu .一一:r;二-二一二:二e.arrge lu - r ee-sl aI sl+ 1ape n| del ll- lL(o u1tL一 lh o CL - o ld w, 1rd m, p t_ a rd P oe te -dUl ple Lta rida . o loL .te、 u-olls ratelg valok Ied p membes aILL ty ps o dUCplay o - ie aies 21。 de s l o d ,a- .ao ol _ ard o deam, s Ele moe -id e a rgaemerts apul-mert p e -e

55、e ly maes te H,._ . .一 I -2 s_ L solesels o mp r s:l mp spei- o I0t Dea ol ,e itlll s il ”.a relal 1Ple Ela lea loalt s a .i e Ele gt el oly,e .-a d 0 ad 10 rle_a-the0 y 10 rle.-1rdLy_ le -e ,, a lulabove mid-hardness. It is suitable lor metallurgical, architectural, road-laying, chemical and silica

56、te industries. The electric motor, through the conical gear groups, drives the main shaft to sing and to change the crushing space. In this ay, it crushes materials. The spring release system ol crusher acts an overload protection system that allos tramp to pass through the crushing chamber without

57、damage to the crusher. And the system use dry oil, water, to kinds ol sealed lormation to make stone plaster and engine oil separated, assuring reliable pertormance. The type ol crushing chamber depends upon the purpose ol the ores. The standard type is applied to medium or line crushing and the sho

58、rt head is applied to line crushing. The crusher has the leatures ol reliable construction, high productivity, easy adjustment, less cost in operation, highcrushing ratio, and even discharging size.ul srcty rue paly s al - l -0-0 espU, mst m e purosL Foul o pop es aaei o o uo pay lak ol seLamr f_ .

59、e y . t i -e sa. a esve一1Ica orertai o ItKeat -I a id so o.“riMo-1aby o-e i Lseisn-y-d-iud-r -id tie lura e o ora al dsic r、-re. a-d sie toe -e dela-1011ai 11aby 1rd t-oet -i lees . ion Pary ueslist-bea-1-eutadi1ITE at ,1 .ul Ias oraiiakr, aid pay o s id pay o diLibl re pe cert dep gap to a vaguad o

60、 aue aid ml sir, lutle cea lur a sev ol eni r、se beu des U iaL o LX i baUc cio. ludil tle coe o I -d s_ie o -e EPE te EPE dicpl ay uU egbatlu0 tie EPE locb cOites o -e pa ok ol -e Eirerie, UL- is I le Le eci ad ap0t o pay ld。-e r eadig cd ok o pott In ard reulaiL H型号Type破悴 圆锥 直径Dia eter( OO|进料 口尺寸Fe


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