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1、2008年高考英语模拟试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷 至 页。第n卷 至 页。共150分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项:.考试前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。.答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。.答非选择题时,必须使用 0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。.所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。.考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(三部分共115分)第一部分听力(共三节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后

2、,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。Where does the conversation take place?A. At a restaurant. B. On a plane. C. On a train.Why is the woman late?A. She didn t take the right bus. B. She d

3、idn t catch the bus. C. It her habit.What did the man think of the chemistry exam?A. It wasn t difficult at all.B. It was rather easy.C. It was very difficult.What are these people going to do?A. Look for the traffic light.B. Wait a little longer.C. Go and stand under the clock.What does the man mea

4、n?A. He knows the way well. B. He often gets lost. C. He doesn t know where the hotel is. 第二节(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。How far is it to the National Arts Center?Just two blocks awa

5、y from the traffic lights.A ten-minute walk from where the two speakers meet.A ten-minute walk from the traffic lights.Where is the National Arts Center?On the west side of Queen Street.Opposite a big hotel in Queen Street.Near a big hotel in Queen Street.What is NOT true according to the dialogue?T

6、he woman is an artist.The woman is a stranger in this area of the city.The man knows the way well.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。Why didn t the man want to buy a necklace?Because he thought it was not useful.Because his wife didn t like to wear a necklace.Because his wife had already got one.Why did the man say t

7、hat his wife was often late for work?Because she always overslept.Because her old watch was always slow.Because she had to take care of her grandmother.How much did the man pay for the gift?A. $2,000.B. $ 2,500.C. $2,250.请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。What is the woman doing?Having an employment interview.Chatti

8、ng with the man.Asking for some information about computer.Which of the following can the woman do?A. Shorthand.B. Writing fast.C. Operating the computer skillfully.Which of the following is true?The woman wants to do full-time work.The woman will be hired.The woman is the mans daughter.请听第9段材料,回答第1

9、5至17题。How did the woman go to her working place?A. By bus.B. By bike.C. By train.What happened to the woman on her way to work?A. A robbery.B. A murder.C. A fight.Who helped the woman when the accident happened?A. Some policemen.B. Other passengers.C. Her husband.第三节(共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)请听下面一段材料,将第1

10、8至20三个小题的信息补充完整,每小题填一个数字或一个词。在听材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。本段材料读两遍。(本题做在答题卷上)The height the air can reachThe air reaches only 18.kilometers.The way that a rocket worksA rocket works like a 19. _.The material a rocket is made ofA rocket is made of 20. _.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小

11、题;每小题1分,满分15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 选项的标号涂黑。一 Is your father still in bed?一 No, he and for you in the dining-room now.A. is already up; waitsB. got up; waitingC. has got up; waitedD. is already up; waitingFootball is sport I love,sport that has given me so much.A. a; the B. a; a C.不

12、填;a D. the; theHer question was so difficult that I could hardly make any of it at all.A. sense B. meaning C. explanation D. idea一 Come on! You are joking with me, right?A. Yes, I am serious B. No, I am not seriousC. Yes, that s true D. No, I am dead seriousanything about the accident, she went to w

13、ork as usual.A. Not knowing B. Not known C. Knowing not D. Known notIf you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.A. should B. would C. could D. mightI was driving my car when I heard a loud bang -I had driven over some glass!A. once in a while B. the soonest C. all at

14、 once D. in no timeNo one this building without the permission of the police.A. is leaving B. is to leave C. has left D. will be leavingNothing else more important than water in the place like a desert.A. we can t find B. can we find C. can t we find D. we can findThey told me it would be cheap but

15、it cost me nearly $500.A. in a word B. at last C. in fact D. as a resultLanguage belongs to each one of us, to the flower seller to the professor.A. as much as B. as well as C. as far as D. as long asWhen different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticingthe similari

16、ties.A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having comparedIs there a post office nearby I can have these parcels posted?A. to which B. that C. where D. which一 What did the young man come to our company for?一 He wanted a job,he has never experienced before.A. what B. the one C. that D. oneWel

17、l, that s just the deal,price will be out of my reach.A. The higher B. A highest C. The highest D. A higher第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Gardening is good for the soul, Grandma always says. She lives in the36and has abig yard with raised fl

18、owerbeds and an organic vegetable patch, but Im her 37 granddaughter and a full-time city dweller. I always 38 about planting a garden in my neighborhood, but I never had the 39 . Last year, the opportunity came by itself. The brownstone across the way was torn down. The lot remained 40 for months l

19、ittered with garbage. When I decided to 41 the empty lot into a community garden, I started a difficult 42 rewarding adventure.At first, the difficulties I had 43 me. I had to make fifteen phone calls to 44 city offices before city would give me45 permission to use the lot. Now with theirpermission,

20、 I put up flyers(传单)in local grocery stores and buildings 46 volunteers to help pull weeds and 47 garbage, glass, rocks, and bricks. Only two people signed up. I 48 doing most of the clearing myself. Not only did I have to clear tons of garbage in the lot, but I also had to use all my persuasive ski

21、ll to convince a gang of kids to do their hanging out 49 .No matter what 50I had, the rewards were far greater. After I had 51 someflowers and trees, the place looked attractive and52 . More and more people in thecommunity 53 me and wanted to help. Students in our local elementary school planted veg

22、etables. A senior citizens group started a small herb garden. Ive gotten to know many 54 people in my community by starting this garden. Grandma was 55 : gardening is good for the soul.A. cityA. onlyB. greenhouseB. lonelyC. hospitalC. singleD. countryD. close38. A. thoughtB. wonderedC. dreamedD. tal

23、ked39. A. timeB. chanceC. desireD. plan40. A. emptyB. thereC. darkD. still41. A. getB. turnC. developD. move42. A. andB. orC. thereforeD. but43. A. discouraged B. stoppedC. frightenedD. troubled44. A. otherB. differentC. variousD. all45. A. printedB. writtenC. oralD. admitted46. A. organizingB. find

24、ing outC. encouragingD. asking for47. A. collectB. removeC. transportD. recycle48. A. endedB. insisted onC. rememberedD. kept on49. A. somewhereB. anywhereC. elsewhereD. everywhere50. A. difficultiesB. problemsC. troublesD. disadvantages51. A. boughtB. wateredC. selectedD. planted52. A. quietB. wild

25、C. cheerfulD. natural53. A. foundB. calledC. questionedD. accepted54. A. moreB. oldC. newD. strange55. A. brightB. wiseC. humorousD. right第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。ATomorrow was his girlfriend s birthday and the young man was having a difficult

26、time deciding on a present for her. She already had more clothes than she knew what to do with them, so he couldnt get any kind of apparel(服装).She never ate sweets, so candy was out of the question. What then? He had a very special reason for wanting to impress her with just the right gift; tomorrow

27、 he was going to make an offer of marriage to her.He finally decided on perfume(香水).All girls like perfume. That raised another problem, however. What kind did she prefer? He couldn t ask her, because that would ruin the surprise.At last the young man hit upon a brilliant idea. That afternoon, prete

28、nding to take his girlfriend s fox terrier, Fritz, for a walk, he went to his girl s house and got the little dog. Together, the young man and the dog went directly to the perfume counter of the town s biggest department store. Good! There was a large array(长歹U) of perfume. He beckoned(招呼)a clerk, i

29、nstructing to open a large number of bottles and wave the stoppers under the dog s nose.Nestled in the young man s arms, the terrier began to be restless and bored as this seemingly pointless game went on. Then Fritz suddenly became frisky, wiggling in the young mans armsand barking excitedly, as th

30、e clerk waved one stopper under his nose.I“ll take that one,“ said the young man to the clerk. The price was exorbitant; but it was worth it, he thought.My favorite perfume!” said the delighted girl the next evening as she unwrapped the package. Howdid you know? ” she asked, dabbing some perfume beh

31、ind each ear.Intuition(直觉),I guess,“ said the young man, deciding that it wasn t exactly wrong to tell a lie under the circumstances. One day, after they were married, he would admit that his intuition had really been a little dog named Fritz.Which of the following words best describes the young man

32、 in the story?A. kind-hearted B. curious C. creative D. meanThe underlined word frisky in Paragraph 4 means.A. lively B. angry C. uneasy D. puzzledAccording to the story, the birthday present for the girl was actually decided on by.the young man B. the store clerk C. the mans intuition D. the dog Fr

33、itz 59. Which of the following statements if NOT true according to the story?A. The young man wanted to give his girlfriend a pleasant surprise.The pet dog Fritz knew what the young man wanted very well.The kind of perfume the young man chose was expensive.The young man told a white lie about his fi

34、nal choice of the perfume.BThere is an old saying: No one thinks hes a bad driver. Heres an updated 21st century version: No one thinks he sends annoying e-mails.But, plenty of us do.A Princeton University research found that 22 percent of Americans say e-mail has added to their work pressures and c

35、aused misunderstandings. Here s a guide on e-mail etiquette( 礼节)to help you avoid being annoying.Experts say there are three types of e-mails with different rules close friends, office and public e-mails.The close friends e-mailYou can send your lover, your closest friends and your siblings(brothers

36、 and sisters) anything from jokes to you gotta see this!. But bear in mind that not everyone shares your sense of humour and you may expose them to viruses.The office e-mailDont add to peoples workload. Keep e-mails short and to the point. Make the subject line factual and brief. Write in clear, con

37、cise(简练的)sentences. Provide your name and phone number at the end.The public e-mailOccasionally we have to send an e-mail to a group of people. If possible, write your public e-mails with a who, what, when, where structure. For example:Who: All members of the soccer teamWhat: Team photoWhen: Saturda

38、y, March 25, at noonWhere: Playing field 2.Finally, before you hit Send”, check the following. Is the e-mail a flame? Never send an e-mail in anger. It could stay around forever and haunt(萦绕心头)your professional and personal life. Check the To“ field. Is this really who you want to send the message t

39、o? Spell-check the message. Does it have an error that can affect you badly?The writer uses the old saying at the beginning of the passage to show that.many people are good at drivingnot everyone can be a good drivermany people can be good at sending non-annoying e-mailsmany people think highly of t

40、hemselvesThe writer may want to tell the reader that.mails online are often sent to wrong placesdifferent e-mails should be written in different wayssending office e-mails is sure to add to people s workloadthe public e-mail is usually sent to a large number of peopleAccording to the writer, .e-mail

41、s with some misspellings may hurt the receiverbefore sending an e-mail, the sender should ask someone to check itjokes sent to a close friend online sometimes may be harmfulabout 80% of Americans like sending and receiving e-mailsIf an e-mail is a flame “the sender of it must be very at the moment.A

42、. angry B. excited C. worried D. disappointedCAcross China, students are sweating as they prepare for the tough June final exams. Many teenagers write to complain that while they do well in their homework, they cannot get high marks in their exams. They are wondering why.In a new study this month, U

43、S psychologist think they have found the answer. Their experiment will be published in the February issue of the magazine Psychological Science. It helps people understand what restricts(限制)intellectual performance.Researchers report that heavy exam pressure is actually more likely to affect the per

44、formance of very good students than average ones. Worried about pleasing others, these students can lose their most valuable intellectual weapon: short-term or working memory. This is their ability to recall numbers and thoughts, while focusing on the problem at hand. According to the study, when ex

45、tra pressure is put on people with good skills, their performance drops off.In recent years, psychologists have learnt more about short-term memory. It was once thought of as a store that could hold one, several or many numbers and words depending on its size. It is now described as more like a ment

46、al food processor僮品力口工机)that helps shape ingredients(配料)while keeping the mind focused on the task at hand.People with strong working memory skills tend to do well in intellectual ability tests. Their analytical(分析的)skills and creative thinking depend on this short-term-focused processor.In the stud

47、y, researchers tested the working memory of 93 students. They were divided into two groups, with a high and a low working memory.The students then took two maths tests, under different conditions. One was called a practice test. In the other, the students were told they were part of a team that was

48、depending on them to improve their score in order to win a reward.The results were striking: the group with high working memory scored about 10 percent higher than the others on the low-pressure practice test. But the groups scores were about equal when the heat was on to perform.The study shows how

49、 memory performance is affected by fear of failure and the ticking clock, according to the scientists.Many gifted students cant get high marks in the exam because.A. they can t concentrateB. they feel great anxiety that they may failC. their memory suddenly becomes blank D. they can t fall asleep be

50、fore examsWhats the function of short-term memory mentioned in the passage?It is a food processor.It helps people memorize a lot of things in a short time.Its size determines one s intellectual performance.It enables people to analyze and think creatively.Which of the following is true?People with l

51、ow working memory do not suffer from high exam pressure.The ticking clock mentioned in the last paragraph shows that whether the time limit is proper is also important in tests.Psychologists used to believe short-term memory let people remember things just as they are.Intellectual ability tests only

52、 show how well ones short-term memory works.What is the main subject of the story?The relationship between heavy pressure and working memory.The reason why heavy exam pressure affects good students more.What is working memory.The recent experiment done on working memory.DAre British people Europeans

53、? This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians, who tend to think of all white people as Europeans. But the British, when they are in Britain, do not regard themselves as Europeans. The Europeans, to them, are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel, w

54、ho have never learnt how to speak English. Europe is known as the Continent”, a place full of interest for British tourists, but also the source of almost all the wars in which Britain has ever been involved. Thus although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe, the fact that it a ssepa

55、rate island has made its people feel very, very insular(孤立的).They feel, and in many ways are, different from the rest of Europe, and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them, or even to understand them, in time of need.Where did British people come from? This is an extraor

56、dinary interesting question, since they are a mixture of many different races, and all these races invaded( 侵略)Britain at different times from Europe. Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century B.C., but there had been at least three invasions before that. T

57、he first of these was by a darkhaired Mediterranean race called the Iberians. The other two were by Celtic tribes: first the Gaels, whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish, some of whom still speak the Gaelic language; and second the Britons, who gave their name to the whole island of Brita

58、in. These were the people whom the Romans conquered. The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilization, but they never settled in Britain in very large numbers, so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the barbarians, i.e. the numerous Germanic tribes which

59、 overran the whole of Western Europe.The purpose of the passage is to.talk about Europeansargue for the superiority of British peoplecompare the Europeans with Africans and Asiansdiscuss the origin of British people 69. It can be known from the passage that.most people think white people are Europea

60、nsthere are many Africans and Asians living in Europewhite men are Europeans in the eyes of Africans and Asiansthe British people think of themselves as E uropeans 70. Why do the British people feel very insular?They are different from those people in the Continent.They sometimes fail to support the


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