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1、Talking about the PaymentWarm-up SpeakingPractical Writing Practical LearningTrainingScene Three车踏痴眺稻祸贰篇申南瓜瓜葡伊囤兜阳乒樟掸卞阁颊妥曙浦仑奄椎仑堂斡外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentTeaching Objectives1. 知识目标: (1)了解合同中价格条款的内容; (2)掌握付款洽谈的内容和技巧; (3)掌握催开信用证及回复函、修改信用证及 回复函、信用证展期及回复

2、函写作; (4)掌握电子邮件的应用方法; (5)了解信用证的风险并掌握修改信用证的方法。2. 能力目标:(1)能够进行付款洽谈; (2)能够写作催开信用证及其回复函、修改信用证及 其回复函、信用证展期及其回复函; (3)能够在国际贸易中,熟练应用电子邮件; (4)能够读懂信用证,并修改信用证。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining郸步良痘仕滦宦贰魏肆辟胃丙讳佑巨诌透蒙得驶寓道价碧焉饲迷混和八阔外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentTea

3、ching Objectives3. 素质目标:(1)熟悉并适应贸易工作; (2)能够进行商务英语交际; (3)具有一丝不苟、严肃认真的工作作风。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining踌炮渗目稻疏绥点蔬嗜跳种繁这哆镜屿湛锈转中寂玩以嗽蚜淆蜡邀了组堤外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentImportances and Difficulties教学重点:催开信用证及其回复函、修改信用证及其回复函、信用证展期及其回复函;信用证。教学难点:信用

4、证风险防范与控制。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining炙因鸯扎收麓茸咽计佰选瘤篱蔑河喘撅良摇舔审说某殴怠地弦声胞娄涧爽外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentBasic Knowledge Payment is one of the most important steps in international trade. Terms of payment is directly related with the benefits of

5、both sides of the buyer and the seller. The method of payment for each transaction is to be agreed upon between the two trading parties at the time of placing an order. Generally, there are three commonly used methods: L/C (letter of credit), collection and remittance. With the development of Intern

6、et and modern E-commerce, modern payment and online payment such as Western Union, Alipay, Paypal, is used widely.Section I. Warm-up DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining晾殃队萍水蛀降看苟斯坑斤赶货胚抛氛媳剧促琉赞七汝聘血旧王住寝哼微外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentBasic Knowledge A

7、s a seller, generally in modern business, T/T before shipment is the first choice of payment, and then L/C at sight, better irrevocable confirmed L/C at sight, if possible, L/C after sight is also a safe consideration. Payment term in a contract is usually adopted payment at different times and with

8、 different types. For example, Payment: 30 percent downpayment of total invoice value by T/T 5 days after contract, 60 percent payment before shipment by L/C at sight, and 10 percent after service period by D/A. DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining扰祥恋椅椽延舍辉有郊咽哥恤妨端借臭帛羽韭苛赘炔壕亭乡剿钒叮钟毖歼外贸交际英语scene3 T

9、alking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentSection II. Speaking Pre-taskTask PracticeDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining艇伶涩胜饵晕满盾沈犬寿凛唆醉禹剪本挠鸵速跨嚷沏潭铱园影隘伸辨惦道外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment常用付款方式介绍NOTE每一次交易时的付款方式由买卖双方在订货时商定。通常有三种常用的支付方

10、式:信用证、托收和汇付。随着互联网和现代电子商务的发展,在线支付已被广泛采用。1. Letter of Credit 信用证最常用的付款方式是用信用证支付,它既可靠又安全。按惯例,信用证须在装运日期前开立并到达卖方。这样,卖方有足够的时间确保信用证中所订条款与合同规定条款完全一致。如果有不同之处,卖方可要求买方修改信用证。同样,买方也可要求修改信用证。每一份信用证和装运日期,都有到期期限。通常情况下,装船期和信用证的有效期至少要相隔两个星期以上。若发生意外事件,卖方将不得不要求买方推迟装船期,延长信用证的有效期。一般来说,卖方应注意如下事项:1)催促买方开立信用证;2)按合同条款审证;3)要求

11、修改信用证。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining盛廉鳞营贰西拽除疯子盈最济御鸣伦裙逃赫细另罪扩吨苔颇凶列闭学贴确外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment尽管在国际贸易活动中信用证有很多种形式,最常用的有以下几种:Sight L/C; 即期信用证;Time or Usance L/C; 远期信用证;Revocable and Irrevocable L/C; 可撤销和不可撤销信用证;Unconfirmed and Confirmed L/

12、C; 不保兑和保兑信用证;Transferable and Non-transferable L/C; 可转让和不可转让信用证;Documentary and Clean L/C; 跟单信用证和光票信用证;Revolving L/C. 循环信用证。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining常用付款方式介绍NOTE挪兼驹誊宙旦丢碌咐谷咯希写你体畔风蕉先钒谨捆亮进驰遗坛烟阑园薄远外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment2. Collection

13、托收另一种支付方式是通过银行以付款交单或承兑交单的方式托收。付款交单有即期、远期两种。承兑交单总是远期的。按付款交单(D/P Documents against Payment)付款方式,卖方指示他的银行,将单证连同汇票送交买方银行或在买方所在地附近的往来银行,同时指示接收单据的银行,向买方银行提示汇票并要求买方付款。在买方支付即期汇票后,指示必须表明授权往来银行将单据交付买方。买方只有在支付了即期汇票后,始能取得单证,即取得可转让提单。付款交单按付款时间可分为三种类型,即期付款交单,远期付款交单和出票后付款交单。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraini

14、ng常用付款方式介绍NOTE杠匀畏陵掸惩输峭易泉赢淆郁邢模蠢安秧瘤恶阀很茨厢耸惶宽晶痒尿砾华外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment 按承兑交单(D/A Documents against Acceptance)付款方式,有时买方要求卖方故意放宽付款期限。请注意,在此情况下,一切手续与上面所述相同,只是卖方不开即期汇票要求买方立即付款,而是开一张譬如见票90天付款的远期汇票。托收银行所收到的指示是,只要买方以书面形式承诺在90天后汇票期满时付款,银行即可将提单和其它单证全部交给买方。

15、 在国际贸易中,从考虑卖方利益出发,信用证优于付款交单。即期付款交单优于远期。而付款交单要优于承兑交单。通过托收的支付有风险,除非进口商的商业信誉卓著或进口商是老客户。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining常用付款方式介绍NOTE甄峦谊丙犁造影已抄惜瓦詹验忠拷练袭寺跃绪览草栽粪薄霞荡净谢嫂行仟外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment 3. Remittance 汇付 有时我们也接受汇付。汇付指的是买方本人通过合约中规定的银行把钱付给卖方。

16、汇付方式有三种:信汇mail transfer (M/T)、电汇telegraphic transfer (T/T)、票汇demand draft (D/D)。一般来说,只有当交易量很小、涉及到的金额也很小的情况下,才可以接受汇付方式支付。样品邮寄费、佣金及小订单付款通常采用电汇支付方式。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining常用付款方式介绍NOTE监版卵乳俭是燃患羌媚寞池锨跑隋傣嘻蕉攀赣俊赘披搜卓男俺前侨枝贮匙外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the

17、Payment4. E-bank payment-Alipay 网上银行付款-支付宝:支付宝()由属于著名的B2B网站阿里巴巴公司的浙江支付宝网络科技有限公司创办,专业提供网上支付服务。致力于为中国电子商务提供各种安全、方便、个性化的在线支付解决方案。支付宝以其在电子商务支付领域先进的技术、风险管理与控制等能力赢得银行的认同。目前已和国内工商银行、农业银行、建设银行、交通银行、招商银行等各大商业银行建立了战略合作。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining常用付款方式介绍NOTE午奢枝萎躇紫讹鳖停衫冠诱堪涩茂迫云秒激霹锹括甫足经鉴借蒋药喉累束外贸交际英

18、语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentPre-task Talking about the Payment 1. Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a ban

19、k acceptable to the sellers.2. For payment, we require 100% value, confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and transshipment allowed clause, available by draft at sight, payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here. DialoguesWr

20、itingPractical learningTraining局乳焦尼免腕缝究鄂温衍朝怖远湘披宋梯碌阔绍凛巴支往尚医存盟烃交早外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentPre-task Talking about the Payment 3. We regret having to inform you that we cannot accept payment by D/P.4.We regret to say that we are unable to consider your

21、request for payment under D/A terms.5.We dont accept payment in US dollars. Please conclude the business in terms of Swiss francs.6.We require payment by L/C to reach us one month prior to the time of shipment.7.Our terms of payment are 30-day credit period, not 60-day credit. Its customary.Dialogue

22、sWritingPractical learningTraining堕封充淫幂统飞底攫蔑常称奎怠那瘟题梅缓郑炽岸泅脓籍晌惜虱岁辑岂哩外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentTask Assign a task by teacher 1. You should talk about the payment about a certain goods that you are interested in. 2. You should search for information and

23、typical expressions about the payment, quantity and quality based on the goods you chose. 3. You make a role-play, one roles as exporters, the other one roles as customers.DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining夷挛挣哗犹闻膀型括寺匣泡绷蒲诛碌瑚境力雌矣瓤己错逐涛定甲杨临借丹外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Tal

24、king about the PaymentPractice check and make conclusionThere are three commonly used payment methods: L/C (letter of credit), collection and remittance. 有三种常用的付款方式:信用证、托收和汇付。L/C 信用证,主要包括:Sight L/C; 即期信用证;Time or Usance L/C; 远期信用证;Revocable and Irrevocable L/C; 可撤销和不可撤销信用证;Unconfirmed and Confirmed

25、L/C; 不保兑和保兑信用证;Transferable and Non-transferable L/C; 可转让和不可转让信用证;Documentary and Clean L/C; 跟单信用证和光票信用证;Revolving L/C. 循环信用证。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining霸旦嫩甭旨梅说介圭偏蝶脖汝沮妊搏乐奸耽祭辛尿千在绵举发豫铭落荷退外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentPractice check and make

26、conclusionCollection 托收,主要包括:D/P (documents against payment) 付款交单D/A (documents against acceptance) 承兑交单Remittance 汇付,主要包括:M/T (mail transfer) 信汇T/T (telegraphic transfer) 电汇D/D (demand draft) 票汇DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining鼓勋灾却炼缄敛钦隅带堤耘屎怀咆材颧纱闺眺舶尔汰冉诀蜒柬奸率淋蝗曙外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the

27、Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentPractice check and make conclusionWe only accept irrevocable Letter of Credit payable against shipping documents. 我们只接受见发货单据付款的不可撤销信用证方式。说明:最常见的信用证形式的理解:Irrevocable: 不可撤销的,不可撤销信用证是指开证行一经开出、在有效期内未经受益人或议付行等有关当事人同意,不得随意修改或撤销的信用证。Confirmed: 保兑的,保兑信用证是指开证银行开出的

28、信用证经另一定银行加以保兑,保证兑付受益人所开具的汇票,保兑银行通常是由通知银行担任。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining而纺泼绩背尹机室数眼握搽务碗建奢每嘘侄威辱矛绽醚西志扦迟遗肉梢望外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentPractice check and make conclusionTransferable: 可转让的,可转让信用证是指经出口商请求,进口商同意, 由开证银行开立可转让信用证,并载明授权受益人(即原信用证受益人)

29、有权将信用证所列金额的全部或部分转让给出口商以外的第三者,即第二受益人有权使用转让后的权力。Divisible:可分割的,可分割信用证是指受益人被允许将信用证的全部或一部分转让给另一个受益人(或同时转让给两个或两个以上的第三者)的信用证。按照国际惯例只要可转让的信用证规定准许分批装运,它就是可分割的。DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining贫命掉巧桂饼躇讶慷吧纯蔡钩哉趣鲸毖沏倚倔接叉蔼坯挪计慕曳发旺注谐外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Paymen

30、t Urging Establishment of L/C Section III. Practical Writing Amendments of L/CDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining Extension of L/C铭种凯乞耶持咕庐数叭帖其示棚仙涌腆害蝶徘人怕讣醉曝箕酌醚糠渊儒成外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentUrging Establishment of L/CDialoguesWritingPractical le

31、arningTrainingSample 1. Urge the Establishment of L/C Dear Sirs,We regret to inform you that we have not received your L/C covering the Sales Contract KTS121 up to now. It is clearly stipulated that the relevant L/C should reach us by the end of September.Although the time limit for the arrival of y

32、our L/C has been exceeded, we are still prepared to ship your order in view of the long-term friendly relations between us. Please do your utmost to expedite its establishment, so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time.鸿衙迸般纶泻赖拿歼徊鄂娇胯缩菜恤粳刺鳞邪侵排谴朝驮硒迈涣裂缀酞漱外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the

33、Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentUrging Establishment of L/CDialoguesWritingPractical learningTrainingSample 1. Urge the Establishment of L/CIn order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.We look

34、forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.Sincerely yoursWang DaweiWeifang Kite PlantTel:86-536-8881234Fax: 86-536-8881235E-mail: kite霄约触葬要茸均筒室缎梭了谚兵梢挛杂青混贬骚陈尖滋坞刹债槛锰侣包笨外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentUrging Establishment of L/CDialoguesWr

35、itingPractical learningTrainingSample 2. Reply to Urging Establishment of L/C Dear Mr. Wang,Sorry for late establishment of the L/C just because of a sudden earthquake influence. We have instructed the Bank of England to open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favor, covering 5,000pcs Weifang b

36、utterfly kites in the amount of USD45,000.00, valid until Sep 25th, 2007. The letter of credit will be confirmed by Bank of England, Hong Kong branch, who will accept your 30 days draft on them for the amount of your invoice. 涩暑溅玉梦役熄动斡恶踊盆灌凤踞兽辫滩隘躲娱怂烩雌冀俏胁烂砌沁姚碾外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际

37、英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentUrging Establishment of L/CDialoguesWritingPractical learningTrainingSample 2. Reply to Urging Establishment of L/CThe shipping documents required for negotiation are:A full set of clean on board Bill of Lading;3 Commercial Invoices;1 Insurance Policy.Please advise

38、us by email when the ordered kites have been delivered.Best regardsMr. SmithGlobal Trade Company, Kite BranchE-mail: KiteSample 2. Reply to Urging Establishment of L/C械扦奎第克脂签糜旗钮床佯搅全莆佯乎搔川袄尔疵辜贤捆揣潘塑炬摔劲蝉外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment1.什么情况下要催开信用证?撰写此类信函时,要注意

39、什么?一般来说,当交易达成时,买方就有义务在合同规定的时间内通过其往来银行开立信用证。在实践中,习惯做法是在装运期前一个月开立信用证并到达卖方,以便给卖方充足的时间办理装运,如准备货物、预定舱位等。如果买方没有能够及时开立信用证,或买方开立的信用证没有能够及时到达卖方,卖方就必须和买方联系,催开信用证或弄清信用证的下落。撰写这类书信时,注意用词要得体,千万不要使用责怪和厌烦的口吻。应该有礼貌地说明所订货物已经备妥,但有关的信用证却没有收到。如果第一封信函没有回音,可以发第二封信函。这次,仍应克制情绪,但可以适当表示失望的心情。DialoguesWritingPractical learning

40、Training Discussing Questions全裔寥镣喜赢惩去飘诵块柬涪寺傀桩源潍联炳溶涣窃契缔碌荚娘啸律艇酬外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment2.Writing skills of urge the establishment of L/C Discussing QuestionsSorry for not received the L/CAsk for reasonsDeclare troubles of shipmentUrge to establishAct

41、ions and declarationResponse with confirmationContact informationDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining稿贵滔忍粹渔命惯码瑰蔫衙锁寂少涸菩叼监奋薄篡赎斤许柱崖菏域逢范蜒外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment3. Writing skills of reply to urging establishment of L/C Discussing QuestionsReceive

42、dSorryReason for late openingEffort and promiseShipment requirementsWishesContact informationDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining量伏雅诫蓉搜蚀缩峭祈删坛光痔们马敦防敲吧卤礁疏厢都枫剩蝇叁铜馏汲外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment4.实用句型 Practical Sentences1) As the goods against your or

43、der No.111 have been ready for shipment for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possible. 由于贵方定单第111号之货已备待运有相当长时间了,贵方必须立即行动尽快开出信用证。2) We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and o

44、pen L/C at once, otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising there from. DialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining刁涧奥嫉卯剿咨盼院怀哥懂抬藤沈渍耶搓冷熟坐剐松蛋鹿赴谦酌滩菌赦勤外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment4.实用句型 Practical Sentences希望贵方认真考虑商业信誉,立即开证,否则,由此产生的一切损失均由贵方

45、负责。3) The shipment time for your order is approaching, but we have not yet received the covering L/C.Pls do your utmost to expedite the same to reach here before the end of this month so that shipment may be effected without delay. 贵方定单的装船期已经临近,但我们尚未收入到有关信用证,请尽最大努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。DialoguesWritin

46、gPractical learningTraining电秋界泊俏付霓潞栽睹娠卒靛捕句痘扣绝揖雁发篇澡姚台豹频志雾粟孙洋外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment阅读并翻译以下信函:Dear Sirs,Re: Urging Establishment of L/C With reference to our Sales Contract No.2012101 covering 1000 dozen of Thermos Flask, we regret to inform you tha

47、t we have not received your relevant L/C, though you promised to establish the L/C immediately after the signing of the contract. According to the contract stipulation, shipment is to be effected before November 10, 2012. Please note that if your L/C cannot reach us within one week, we are afraid th

48、at delivery will have to be postponed. Please give this matter your immediate attention and expedite the covering L/C so that we can effect shipment without any delay. We hope to receive your L/C soon. Yours sincerely,Do it yourself谨氧挥磊趟奋乎遗尧暮甩捅圣钉榷甭夺锡喳尾噬开笨瘪纸瓦阶泛愤狗灸滋外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payme

49、nt外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment敬启者:主题:催开信用证 我们很遗憾地通知你方:尽管你方承诺合同一经签订,立即开立2012101号销售合同项下的1000打保温瓶胆的信用证,但是,至今我方仍未收到相关信用证。 根据合同规定,货物必须在2012年11月10日或以前装运。请注意:如果你方信用证不能在一周内抵达我方,恐怕我方不得不延迟交货。 请密切关注此事,加速开立相关信用证,以便我方毫不延迟地办理交货事宜。 盼望早日收到你方的信用证。 你真诚的XXXKey to this letter李伦大迈箍雀塑道熬晨妹柏眯瞎逃谢刘舜姨通佯愧助钦啮攻贿唉畜弛炒枫外贸

50、交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentAmendments of L/CDialoguesWritingPractical learningTrainingSample 3. Asking amendments of L/C Dear Mr. Mr. Smith, Thanks for your effort. We received your L/C No. KTS-345 against our S/C No. KTS121 just this morning. On perusa

51、l, we find that there are still certain clauses, which do not conform to those of the contract. Hereby we list the discrepancies for your attention.The contract No. is KTS121 instead of KTSI21.As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, we have to ship via Hong Kong more often than not.

52、 Therefore, please amend your L/C by stating “Transshipment allowed.”目嘘柱掠恰密政扔苑晚昏祖盂魁粳佰输霓淀亲菱录赌错赫孙侣梨剑永盼短外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentAmendments of L/CDialoguesWritingPractical learningTrainingSample 3. Asking amendments of L/C We hope you will make the nec

53、essary amendments immediately so that we can ship the goods in time.Your prompt attention to the above will be appreciated.Wang DaweiWeifang Kite PlantTel:86-536-8881234Fax: 86-536-8881235E-mail: kite最侄名开砂抠烩刃弥晚辣毒奸棘怨丙毗唤栗郊敦方组凛琅腰瘟鳖梯凿珊纺外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the

54、 PaymentDear Mr. Wang,Thanks for your e-mail asking for amendments of the L/C. We agree to amend KTSI21 to KTS121. This is caused by careless typing. We will do this to our bank this afternoon. We prefer a direct steamer but if you cant find it you may amend the L/C stating “Transshipment allowed”.W

55、e will fax you a revised L/C copy as soon as possible for a quick shipment.Sample 4. Response to asking amendments of L/C DialoguesWritingPractical learningTrainingAmendments of L/C等步澜迟股暑醉较洁逃力覆痔乳众婶理氛彤躬环涂说佯忌奎戚枝阁进炭邵外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentWaiting for

56、 your early shipment.Best regardsMr. SmithGlobal Trade Company, Kite BranchE-mail: KiteSample 4. Response to asking amendments of L/C DialoguesWritingPractical learningTrainingAmendments of L/C翔辣碎筒邻共紧缅辱掠膏借耀掘辖奎全砒朽对舜批黎途口践药阔赁贾荔凯外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Paymen

57、t1.修改信用证时要注意哪些问题? Discussing QuestionsDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining信用证修改的规则如下:第一,只有买方(开证人)有权决定是否接受修改信用证;第二,只有卖方(受益人)有权决定是否接受信用证修改。修改信用证应注意以下几点:第一,凡是需要修改的内容,应做到一次性向客人提出,避免多次修改信用证的情况。第二,对于不可撤消信用证中任何条款的修改,都必须取得当事人的同意后才能生效。第三,收到信用证修改后,应及时检查修改内容是否符合要求,并分别情况表示接受或重新提出修改。第四,对于修改内容要么全部接受,要么全部拒绝,

58、部分接受修改中的内容是无效的。第五,有关信用证修改必须通过原信用证通知行才具真实,有效;通过客人直接寄送的修改申请书或修改书复印件不是有效的修改。第六,明确修改费用由谁承担。一般按照责任归属来确定修改费用由谁承担。负堑菊争泅尧得京郡帽咨囱躺卯矩淀星铜费诛嗣禁古拽嫉放康电定镍碴恰外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentReceivedSorryReason for late openingEffort and promiseShipment requirementsWishesCont

59、act information2. Writing skills of asking amendments of L/C Discussing QuestionsDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining悉镐鹊则草蜜串嚎寥循梨蕾箕知挨熙狭烦饭篓伎肩萄胜胁幂账趣哨鳞喉遥外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the PaymentThanks Received the L/CDiscrepanciesAsking amendmentsWishesContact in

60、formation3. Writing skills of response to asking amendments of L/C Discussing QuestionsDialoguesWritingPractical learningTraining迂谚支挡珠学吝溢进豁片掷彤浦蓄形录噎唆插奔时纫塞歪焕磨络上邦淖井外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment外贸交际英语scene3 Talking about the Payment4.实用句型 Practical Sentences开头部分 主要是感谢对方开来的信用证并引出信用证的号码。如: 1) We


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